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Comparing Tier 11 WoW gear "graphics" to a lvl 11 Inquisitor is not being honest


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even though i am just as big of a swtor and star wars fan as you are, you are fueling your arguments on anger at an individual, and you aren't making intelligent or constructive arguments.


What constructive arguments are there to make? Its all opinion-based banter. Who likes chocolate more than vanilla is essentially the basis of this whole thread.

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To be fair, WoW didn't look anything like it does now when it first launched. They've updated the client capabilities many, many times to add dynamic shaders, bloom etc.


In all honesty though, TOR looks like ****. I love the game but I'm having a really hard time switching to it from say, Skyrim. I realize that Skyrim is not an MMO and I fully understand the limitations placed on MMO's, I'm just using it as an example.


To clarify, I like many others have a high-end PC built to handle high fidelity graphics. Why? Because I like high fidelity graphics. It's really difficult for me to stomach the dated, medium-quality textures that TOR offers and I think Bioware did a large portion of the community a disservice in their decision to not render high-res in-game.


I feel the same way, but there is something being done about it, again quoting the dev tracker forum, and it is only a matter of some patience till they get the game and player base running smooth.

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I feel the same way, but there is something being done about it, again quoting the dev tracker forum, and it is only a matter of some patience till they get the game and player base running smooth.


Issue is though you have to trust the developer in an MMO to keep paying. The way BW has handled the whole texture issue has impacted that trust for quite a lot of people, thus the outrage you see posted on these boards. Maybe BW will do as they say and maybe they will do it 'right.' Right now, a lot of people are very skeptical.

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What constructive arguments are there to make? Its all opinion-based banter. Who likes chocolate more than vanilla is essentially the basis of this whole thread.


your bashing him instead of talking about the actual discussion that he clarified that he is trying to have, though i dont agree with his earlier posts on opinions on wow vs swtor, i do agree that the graphics in swtor need some improvement. though something is already being done about this so he has his answer.

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In all honesty some of the PvP sets look better than some of the T10-13 sets in WoW.


The sets for Sith Sorc and Assassin are what come to mind (Don't know how the Rep gear looks).


But, really, if you took out the hi-res textures to WoW endgame armor you'd have the same, dull looking armor that many of you are bashing TOR for.


I really, really, really love the hi-res effects that Blizzard puts on the end game armor and a lot of other purples. Fire, glowing, lightning, etc - that stuff is super cool. I was thinking why TOR didn't have any of that, I was really looking forward to when I got 50 and could start buying PvP armor that I'd see some of those textures. I was disappointed when I did get 50 and got my Champ set for my Sith Juggernaut that it didn't have any of those effects.


But that's okay. I mean, WoW certainly didn't have those effects in most of their early Tier'd sets, and I doubted that BW would put that stuff in early as well. Not because of a lack of technology to do so, I'm guessing they just didn't want to. They definitely have the ability to add textures like that since some potential ones pop up around your character during abilities.


So I wouldn't knock BW on the lack of flashy armor - it's definetely coming. There are only T1-3 sets out so far, and no doubt more coming.

Edited by LrdStryfe
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wow is better thats why it has 10 mil subs and SWtor only has 1 million


after this month SWtor will have half that


one more month, free to play and all the babies will be playin their pandas like they should be


You know that TOR has been credited as the fastest selling MMO in history, right? Why are you comparing WoW's 10mill subs to TOR's 1Mill after not even a month?


Need I remind you that WoW dropped basically 3 million subscribers last year?


Why am I responding to someone with a December 2011 join date?

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Issue is though you have to trust the developer in an MMO to keep paying. The way BW has handled the whole texture issue has impacted that trust for quite a lot of people, thus the outrage you see posted on these boards. Maybe BW will do as they say and maybe they will do it 'right.' Right now, a lot of people are very skeptical.


we still can't ignore the fact that the game has only been out for barely a month and bw is focusing its efforts to get the game running smooth, i agree that trusting in a dev is important but bw has had barely any time to show that it is following up on promises, so i definitely think there is no reason why we should worry this early, its part of playing an mmo when it first releases

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You know that TOR has been credited as the fastest selling MMO in history, right? Why are you comparing WoW's 10mill subs to TOR's 1Mill after not even a month?


Need I remind you that WoW dropped basically 3 million subscribers last year?


Why am I responding to someone with a December 2011 join date?


he is completely right and you are comparing a game that has 1/10 of wows sub base in barely a month, versus the 8 years it took wow to get 10 mil. Basic math dude.

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we still can't ignore the fact that the game has only been out for barely a month and bw is focusing its efforts to get the game running smooth, i agree that trusting in a dev is important but bw has had barely any time to show that it is following up on promises, so i definitely think there is no reason why we should worry this early, its part of playing an mmo when it first releases


Not an acceptable excuse for a basic feature that was taken out of the game for players but is still being used as one of the main marketing standards. It's It's 2012, we need hi-rez textures and this is one issue that won't be swept under the rug.

Edited by Tenceriker
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Hello everyone,


We'd like to post a reminder of our Rules of Conduct. Please be sure that when replying to threads, replies are on-topic, constructive and respectful of one another. Please also remember that the topic of this thread is gear appearance between World of Warcraft endgame tier sets and low level items found in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.


Replies should be about this topic, not ones which attack and insult each other, or are rude to one another.


We appreciate your understanding and thank everyone for helping this thread stay on track, rather than having it closed.

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Everyone else is posting images!




This is with both graphic settings maxed out and the jpeg is at 100% quality.


Both were zoomed all the way in, then out one "click" in swtor and 2 in wow (going out 1 shows your char at 50% opacity, so i had to go out 2).


I hate blood elfs! God why did they even bring them in. There needs to be a mass massacre of these blood elfs.

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I hate blood elfs! God why did they even bring them in. There needs to be a mass massacre of these blood elfs.


your just jealous you can't be as hot as my blood elf. 6 of the 9 of my characters are blood elves, and they're all identical. two other guys in our guild and myself all created a master race of blood elf.

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he is completely right and you are comparing a game that has 1/10 of wows sub base in barely a month, versus the 8 years it took wow to get 10 mil. Basic math dude.


He is right in what sense? That WoW is a better game because after 8 years it has accumulated 10 million subscriptions? I'm not arguing the numbers, but what I am arguing is that it's a stupid way to compare the two games.


How does it make sense to compare the subscription numbers of a game, which is doing phenomenally well, that was launched less than a month ago, to a game which has been around for 8 years?


That just does not make sense.


It would be a valid argument if similar subscription statistics were showed for WoW, such as how many subscriptions it had after less than a month.

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your just jealous you can't be as hot as my blood elf. 6 of the 9 of my characters are blood elves, and they're all identical. two other guys in our guild and myself all created a master race of blood elf.


haha lets keep this on topic guys, which i already think this thread has lived out its purpose.

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He is right in what sense? That WoW is a better game because after 8 years it has accumulated 10 million subscriptions? I'm not arguing the numbers, but what I am arguing is that it's a stupid way to compare the two games.


How does it make sense to compare the subscription numbers of a game, which is doing phenomenally well, that was launched less than a month ago, to a game which has been around for 8 years?


That just does not make sense.


It would be a valid argument if similar subscription statistics were showed for WoW, such as how many subscriptions it had after less than a month.


you are right but i was replying to a earlier thread which implied that wow was better because it had 10 mil and swtor only had 1 mil, it is a fact that swtor is doing better in terms of subs than wow did in the same amount of time

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But it is also a fact, that MMOS weren´t that popular as today. Really hard to say if the SWTOR subs are a success as big as Blizzards was at the time where WoW was released, so we shouldn´t even bother to compare those numbers.... it´s different times. Edited by Kserberus
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So show us an 'honest' SS of your TOR toon.


Also, why is this worthy of a new thread?



You're comparing the best levelling armor you can find in WoW to some of the worst you can find in ToR.


Half the level 15-30 Troopers look like wrecking machines. Have you seen the gear from flashpoints? And Sith characters? Don't even get me started. Most of them can - if they want - look absurdly cool all the way from 10-50.


There is incredibly ugly gear in wow. *Hideously* ugly. But that's not the comparison you've made. That's not what you're doing. You're taking the best of one game, the worst of another, and pretending it's apples and apples. It's not. This is dishonest and you know it.

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WOW looked bad back in 2004 because that was what was technologically possible. They have come a long way with a very old game engine. Seeing new MMOs lacking in some categories at launch is to be expected. Seeing an MMO lacking in all categories and the ones they bragged about not being that interesting (sage storyline and LS/DS choices) is a bit disheartening.


No actually, WoW always had pretty avg graphics, and still does. It was never cutting edge and never will be... not even close. TOR as it stands leaves it for dead, WoW certainly manages what it has better....but its coming from a low standard....

Edited by Hanscholo
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