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Sad to see some people quiting already....


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Dear people who are quitting,


You are what is known as a "vocal minority".


I am very sorry that you didn't enjoy the game, or it didn't live up to your expectations, or that you think you are protesting something. But the fact of the matter is, many other people love it and enjoy it, and to be honest, don't care if you are quitting.


That is all.





The Silent Majority.

You're no longer the silent majority if half the communities replies are L2P and "sw forever, if you dont like it bai bai"

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One month ago we were 40+ players in my guild. Today we are only 5 players. There is not any reason to keep on paying this game because the PvP has no sense at all. There is not any reason to go to Ilum, there is not any reason to kill players or get valor ranks. PvP is not amusing at all, and every body who have played Daoc or WAR can agree with me. This game will fail because of the PvP, believe me.
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People are quitting because this pvp system just isn't amazingly fun to the majority.


The bugs or quickly overshadowing what fun there is.


Struggling to win and then having it not count, then they tell you it's fixed when it's not, spending most of your time CC'd (Yes I know I have a CC breaker but when every class has so much CC you just get full DR stunned again), Ability delay, and just to much to name here.


It adds up to a very frustrating experience, I know you are upset people are leaving but they have good cause to.


If it's not fun, why pay for it?

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One month ago we were 40+ players in my guild. Today we are only 5 players. There is not any reason to keep on paying this game because the PvP has no sense at all. There is not any reason to go to Ilum, there is not any reason to kill players or get valor ranks. PvP is not amusing at all, and every body who have played Daoc or WAR can agree with me. This game will fail because of the PvP, believe me.


This game will fail because of one thing and one thing only....FACTION BALANCE.


Republics get fed up of being farmed at there spawn in Ilum, get bored and quit. Imperials get bored of farming the spawn and quit. Ilum will also never work, no matter how they change it, if one side massive outnumbers the other. On my sever the ratio is about 5/6 to 1, at least.


Republics get fed up of losing warzone's due to the Imperials having more players and a larger pool of better geared players because of the advantage they get from dominating Ilum, they get fed up and quit.


Imperials get fed up of playing hutball against other Imperials, get bored and quit.


The biggest mistake that Bioware made upon release of this game is not putting some kind of capping / balancing system in place to control the number of Imperial Players or at the very least incentivise the Republic side to attract players and redress the balance.

Edited by Archaar
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what we got for now in this game....


first of all most expensive mmo ever made? it was almost 100 dolars CE? and normal 40? looking whats inside game is worth no more than 20 bucks... but developer know that every kid will buy the game for any money only because the title...Star Wars.... no matter how ****** it will be preorder will hit the records...


so in game.... actually the only one intresting thing are class carrier chain quests...but around 46-47 lev when you finish it there is... nothing....


farmers have choice.... farm pvp gear or farm pve gear.... or both.... both methods relay not on skills and knowledge like it was in old wow... but on time you have available.... doing over and over warzones or trivial flashpoints.... where hardly you can find any challenges... thats why people quit... no challenges... apart from that mass of bugs, really silly solutions of some features... everything in this gaem seems to be simplified... done only to work but not for players fun...some basic features dosnt work or even do not exists... where are macros? lfg system? addons support? open pvp(without lags) end game chain quests leading players to raids....where are raids? serious ones?why even party chat doesnt work, warzones sometimes giving rewards sometimes not.... quests do not update.......and so on so on.... I think game was made by young team of exited people with topic who had big hearts but small knowledge about mmorpg games...


mmo which relay only on brainless grinding cannot succed.... WoW got place nr one in mmo history because was chellenging at the beginning and had amazing pve content which kept best players long time busy... 10% only finished content and those 10% made the best raiding guilds ever and they made WoW success and brought mass of new players to the game...WoW requied skills , understanding of game mechanics... going deep into theory crafting about classes you played... in Star Wars this all dosnt exists....


Just wonder why developers doing nowdays such "noob friendly" games thinking that trivial ways to obtain epics will bring them mass of players and success.......

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I was happy untill they nerfed my class into nothing.


Yes i play a Scoundrel, I'm valor 68 and it took me 23 BM bags to get my first token, didn't even make me mad, thought I do not want my armor too quick then there will be nothing to do.


When a stealther gets a jump on a caster, has all his CDs up, uses the best Biochem and still looses I just don't see a point in playing.


I really looked forward to this game, even with it's bugs thought you know it migth take a while to fix all this.


But instead of fixing problems they are ruining classes, I'm out in 12 days if they do not fix my class.


What are the chances in that?

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People are quitting because this pvp system just isn't amazingly fun to the majority.


The bugs or quickly overshadowing what fun there is.


Struggling to win and then having it not count, then they tell you it's fixed when it's not, spending most of your time CC'd (Yes I know I have a CC breaker but when every class has so much CC you just get full DR stunned again), Ability delay, and just to much to name here.


It adds up to a very frustrating experience, I know you are upset people are leaving but they have good cause to.


If it's not fun, why pay for it?


100% agree.


What bothers me are those who strongly defend this game and seem almost offended to those who are quitting. I find that very odd. Are they kids? Those with immature egos? From my observation, every person that I know has quit or is quitting. We are all adults and have varying reasons for doing so. One of my friends canceled because of the lag he experiences, two because they feel there is nothing to do at end game, several of are tired of being frustrated over the random bag nonsense and pointless pvp. So many reasons.


Here is the most intriguing part to me. Two months ago this forum was booming with excitement. People were begging for beta invites and extremely motivated to play. Now every single person I know has canceled including me. A few that did before me and I was disappointed because I wanted to pvp with them but when I came to the same conclusion that was it. Although I never lashed out at them or anyone on this forum.


I just never found a reason to bash my friends that cancelled before me or those who got to pvp first and started to hate it. I've played many mmos and canceled. Some of them completely failed and some are still going well. Games like Aion. I didn't care for it but its still doing fairly good. Did I wish gloom and doom for it? Did I stress it would fail? Hell no. So why do people get aggressively defensive after they have went out o their way to participate in a thread about people quitting this game so quick? I don't get it. Makes me wonder if they feel like people quitting will ruin the game or them or that they feel the same way but are lying to themselves. Then again.. could just be kids, teens, or someone still living at home with that younger mentality.


I know I'm shocked but it almost reminds me star trek online. How sensible people left but those who felt almost emotionally attached had to reach and and attack anyone who felt otherwise.


:pHa I just don't get it. This game had great pve but the end game was a flop for so many reasons. Which is why people are leaving.


One thing is for sure, I won't be buying guild wars 2 at launch. I've been burned too many times now. SWTOR's end game was a huge letdown for me. I'm still in denial.

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Well first let me state the game by itself is fine when it comes to pve. I really think the nailed it and it provides an interesting story from the get go to when you hit cap. On the flips side *pvp* it suffers some serious handicaps. Aside from the lack of interesting warzones, illium being a big bleh, resolve being utter junk thanks to abilities being exceptions. *that list can go on and on* In short, i think they really need to try and focus a bit on pvp to iron out some obvious issues. Sad part is one of the biggest issue can be easily addressed, Resolve. Is it really so hard to make every ability in game with a secondary effect add some resolve and be effected by it? Instead of completely bypassing it like roots/snares? Or adding a simple 5 second immunity after hitting your breakout so you arent chain stunned to oblivion?
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I am a wealthy man I do as I please i live on my royalties from the DVDs and books I have written i play games for leisure.

I have done most of these things I have 4 chars and to be honest its tedius its the same quests for all chars. I PVP i find little accomplshment in raids trying to beat a computer programme. The thread is why have people given up and I put my view of why I have quit. Quite simply there are better games to play PVP in


Lol, you looking for a hook up or something? Ain't gonna happen bro, just 3 legged nerds around these parts. Or maybe that's what you're into...

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To me this feels like a WoW clone, sadly even the changes being made now feel wrong, as if they take direction from profit/loss statements rather then game designers. Most of my friends went back to WoW, not because it's better, but rather because if you're going to play WoW you may as well play the best version of WoW out there, and that happens to be the original.


My turn is coming, I've been mulling it over for days, but I feel putting in so much time into this game that has let me down is pointless.

Edited by Panzerbase
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This game will fail because of one thing and one thing only....FACTION BALANCE.


Republics get fed up of being farmed at there spawn in Ilum, get bored and quit. Imperials get bored of farming the spawn and quit. Ilum will also never work, no matter how they change it, if one side massive outnumbers the other. On my sever the ratio is about 5/6 to 1, at least.


Republics get fed up of losing warzone's due to the Imperials having more players and a larger pool of better geared players because of the advantage they get from dominating Ilum, they get fed up and quit.


Imperials get fed up of playing hutball against other Imperials, get bored and quit.


The biggest mistake that Bioware made upon release of this game is not putting some kind of capping / balancing system in place to control the number of Imperial Players or at the very least incentivise the Republic side to attract players and redress the balance.


100% Agree as well


This post pretty much sums up EXACTLY what is happening at least on my server. (Naddist Rebels PVP).


I play republic and this poster pretty much hit it on the nail as to what is occurring with the population on my server. A lot of folks have just given up and quit. If they haven't already a lot of them just rerolled Empire on the server or on a higher population server. The server is dead plain and simple. I understand people defending the game but those whom are, are probably on a higher population server. OF COURSE the game will be fun and enjoyable to you. Those folks whom are stuck on low population servers are getting bored and frustrated. A server merge is required! Not everyone likes to have to waste their time and reroll again. They shouldn't have to be forced to and they shouldn't be punished because of the server they are on.


I logged into the game last night and Voss had one person... me. The other planets had around 3-15 people. That's about it. Yes something is wrong and it needs to be fixed.

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Yeah it does seem pretty dead now. I am going to stick with it a bit as it's not been out for long.


There are loads of things that should have been in the game from day one, but we are havng to wait for them, not sure how long I want to wait tbh.


I'm not just going to give up just yet as I am not one of these people that doesn't give people a chance to make improvements.

Edited by Sumire
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I'm not just going to give up just yet as I am not one of these people that doesn't give people a chance to make improvements.


I don't mind improvements in fact I applaud them. However, I don't think the population decrease (at least for Republic) is an improvement. In fact they would have to merge servers to correct these issues. I don't see that happening anytime soon. So those folks whom are on really REALLY crappy servers with low populations will probably get bored/frustrated and just cancel. I don't blame them.

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I'm also on a Light/Standard server, and yeah, the population is becoming a big problem. Warzones queues were especially bad this last weekend - something all my guildies noticed too.


But just a word of advice to anyone waiting for merges - don't hold your breath.


Regardless of how much sense it makes, EA/Bioware will not risk servers merges at such an early stage for fear of the negative press headlines it would generate.


If your server feels like a bit of a graveyard, re-roll to another one before you become any further invested in your character.

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What BioWare failed to realize is that you cannot make a multiplayer game with virtually no PvP. As much as you stress a "story driven mmo," the simple fact is that people that want "story driven games" will play single player console games. PvP will always be a huge part of ANY MMO, and ignoring it won't make the problem go away.
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As if balance was the only issue. There's more and much much more. Honestly I want this game to do great but it won't. Everything's flawed. The engine is **** and very limited, the bugs... well, where do I start, but PVP is the worse because it's the biggest source of furstration and rage.


I cancelled a while ago because I wasn't having any more fun and the point of paying to play an MMO is fun. I'm waiting for a reason to reactivate my account, sadly day by day, I think that reason is not coming.

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I think that the game has a healthy population now with 1.7 million subscribers, but I can almost guarentee that we will start to see server mergers by the end of the year due to subscription drops. It's unfortunate.

Don't pay too much attention to that 1.7 million number, it was very misleading.


To play SWTOR you have to subscribe or buy a time card - so the only people not included in that number were those who a) Bought and activated the game on release, added a subscription to play, then immediately removed it or b) haven't opened the game yet.


To give you an example: I unsubscribed, but because I bought 1 extra month, I was included in that 1.7m number.


Next quarter's earnings call will give a much more accurate picture of the real subscriber numbers.

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