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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sad to see some people quiting already....


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I wish Bioware would lock these threads, lies and more lies.


Yes some people left and those that did no longer/can no longer post because they don't have an "active sub"


No active sub = no posting on the forums, so those of you claiming to be posting despite being past your subbed time, stop telling porkie pies.


I am unsubbed but didn't claim that it was over yet... Who has?


I have 20 days left and I don't think I am going to use them all. I just want to see HK-47 and I think I'll be out! :p

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I am unsubbed but didn't claim that it was over yet... Who has?


I have 20 days left and I don't think I am going to use them all. I just want to see HK-47 and I think I'll be out! :p


20 days left therefore you paid for another sub cycle and are still playing, in that 20 days you may even change your mind about how the game is going and resub, until your last day don't call out "unsubbed" because some people unsub every month on purpose as a form of money management.


I wont deny it, I've felt apathy at times towards PvP, but then I realise how much fun I can have in the 10-49 bracket and play without being serious which quickly changes my mind.


The level 50 PvP bracket, noone denies it at the moment of writing this, is absolute trash that's why I'd urge anyone that is feeling Apathy at the state of level 50 PvP to play some 10-49, you'll quickly change your mind.

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Then quit QQing about lack of end game content if you don't want to do it. The fights are fun if you have a good group. If you can only find PUGs maybe it's not the game's issue but a lack of ability on your end. Just saying. I enjoy PvP as well as PvE, but the PvP gear is really not as good for PvE as the PvE sets. And that is just comparing stats on my Champion gear to the T2 set. From what I've read, the Rakata raid set is broken atm.


tl;dr Not wanting to do end game content =/= lack of end game content


Yea people should totally spend time doing something that offers no rewards. That’s how you design content. Make raid bosses that drop no loot. Or rather, create difficult encounters that drop inferior loot to their easier counterparts.



You’re right. Good game design. I should totally play.


Here’s what you do at level 50 once you hit rank 60 valor.

2 daily PvP quests

2 weekly raids on normal mode, as hard mode drops inferior gear.



Just because you create end-game content doesn't mean people will play it. You have to give them incentive to do so, otherwise people will just skip over it.


Why spend hours doing something to have no reward? I can think of 100 different things to do with my time.

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Yea people should totally spend time doing something that offers no rewards. That’s how you design content. Make raid bosses that drop no loot. Or rather, create difficult encounters that drop inferior loot to their easier counterparts.



You’re right. Good game design. I should totally play.


Here’s what you do at level 50 once you hit rank 60 valor.

2 daily PvP quests

2 weekly raids on normal mode, as hard mode drops inferior gear.



Just because you create end-game content doesn't mean people will play it. You have to give them incentive to do so, otherwise people will just skip over it.


Why spend hours doing something to have no reward? I can think of 100 different things to do with my time.


For fun. You know, like, games.

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I think the main problem is people are impatient anymore. Expectations are way too high anymore for MMOs because of WoWs longevity & console gaming ( yes it is a factor ).


Does the game need fixing & more content? Sure, what game doesn't but the game was just released. It takes time to fix things, put out new items. You have to stick to a schedule.


You can't just flood the game with content after content right away because with todays gamers' attitude, that would get stale & there would be complaints about boredom, not enough content, etc.



Ill be sticking around for a while because there is alot of potential with this game if you look at the overall picture. They are already putting out fixes for things and addng content so soon after release. If anything that should show PROMISE & incentive to stick around.



Edit: Also with the amount of time people are putting into the game right away, hell if you do that with anything period, it is going to get stale ( aka burn out ).

Edited by Delease
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20 days left therefore you paid for another sub cycle and are still playing, in that 20 days you may even change your mind about how the game is going and resub, until your last day don't call out "unsubbed" because some people unsub every month on purpose as a form of money management.


I wont deny it, I've felt apathy at times towards PvP, but then I realise how much fun I can have in the 10-49 bracket and play without being serious which quickly changes my mind.


The level 50 PvP bracket, noone denies it at the moment of writing this, is absolute trash that's why I'd urge anyone that is feeling Apathy at the state of level 50 PvP to play some 10-49, you'll quickly change your mind.


Yup, I paid for another cycle because I wanted to complete the class story.


Also I am a sucker for special things, I wanted my founder title. :p


You're right though, the 1-49 pvp is a blast - not enough to make up for how boring my 50 is to play though. I really hope they change my mind! :D

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If you think that's bad, wait till you get the gear and are just trying to get to Valor 60. It's one hell of a grind..


That being said, I'm not quitting.


Couldnt disagree with this more -- valor rank last checked was 57 and that was awhile ago. Having too much fun playing and pvping to care.

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The game is not for everyone to like(its not WoW herp derp, devs wont BJ you as soon as you post "i quit" thread) and you simply don't have to play it.


But for the love of... DO NOT SHARE WITH US THAT YOU GO.

We don't care and stream of new players more then makes up for loosing of few crybabies who thought its going to be WoW with glowsticks.




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Yea people should totally spend time doing something that offers no rewards. That’s how you design content. Make raid bosses that drop no loot. Or rather, create difficult encounters that drop inferior loot to their easier counterparts.



You’re right. Good game design. I should totally play.


Here’s what you do at level 50 once you hit rank 60 valor.

2 daily PvP quests

2 weekly raids on normal mode, as hard mode drops inferior gear.



Just because you create end-game content doesn't mean people will play it. You have to give them incentive to do so, otherwise people will just skip over it.


Why spend hours doing something to have no reward? I can think of 100 different things to do with my time.


The playing video games is not for you

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I wish Bioware would lock these threads, lies and more lies.


Yes some people left and those that did no longer/can no longer post because they don't have an "active sub"


No active sub = no posting on the forums, so those of you claiming to be posting despite being past your subbed time, stop telling porkie pies.


i've canceled my subscription and explained in the cancel form with many details why i canceled.


now bioware has 1 month to show me that cares about me starting to change and fix, otherwise we'll see again on spring , maybe rerolling a new toon , i paid 50 euros to see just one questline, next time i'll pay only 13 to see one more

Edited by Vaccaboia
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The game is not for everyone to like(its not WoW herp derp, devs wont BJ you as soon as you post "i quit" thread) and you simply don't have to play it.


But for the love of... DO NOT SHARE WITH US THAT YOU GO.

We don't care and stream of new players more then makes up for loosing of few crybabies who thought its going to be WoW with glowsticks.


You couldn't be more wrong about the influx of new players.


In fact SWTOR has dropped out of top 50 selling MMO's and has fallen from the top rated MMO.


The influx of new players isn't as drastic as you think and it is certainly not making up for the crowd leaving in droves.


If you don't believe me just watch how during peak times servers are struggling to break Standard and Make it to Heavy.

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I was really excited for this game and have put in more than my share of time into it over the last month. It was not until recently that I started thinking about playing something else later in the year. Since we hear so little back from BW, I really do not know what to expect in the future and wonder about this game's long term viability. I want it to succeed, but just don't know.
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Most of my friends quit halfway through leveling. Couldn't get past the load screen spam, stupid travel times and 9 boring quests for 1 average quest.


Those of us who made it to 50 enjoyed warzones somewhat for about a week. But knowing that it'll be least 3 months before theres any pvp content added, we're not gonna subscribe.


Bugs/responsiveness/boring classes zzz.


Really think they underestimated how much pvp means for an mmo's success.


PvP is only for the people that have no ability to Role Play. and SWToR is still a MMORPG most people tend to forget after the pvp happy games like wow that have zero rp on their servers that there are groups that play MMORPGs for a reason other then to get the best gear, to run around like idiots killing other players or to grind every inch of every map for pve. the game was designed initialy as a Role Playing Game to interact SWTOR has it right in many aspects. there is finally a reward for working together. Social points system which is still being forged is one of the best ive seen. for the people leaving the game now they are as foolish as the ones that bailed in the first weeks of wow, and every other Major MMO on the market since EQ.

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You couldn't be more wrong about the influx of new players.


In fact SWTOR has dropped out of top 50 selling MMO's and has fallen from the top rated MMO.


The influx of new players isn't as drastic as you think and it is certainly not making up for the crowd leaving in droves.


If you don't believe me just watch how during peak times servers are struggling to break Standard and Make it to Heavy.


I'm seeing last week sales of swtor at 11 for all titles and the highest MMO.




It's #3 on amazon and the only MMO in the top 20



if you don't like this data then fine, present your own.

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Same comments on boards of all MMOs I've played in the past 13 years. Endless variations on the 'I quit' theme ... people are so self-important :)


- No-one cares if you leave, so why bother posting it?

- Rushing to 50 / 60 to find out once you are there that indeed you have reached the end (*surprise!) ... enjoy the journey, not the destination

- Complex Software systems (including patches and expansions) take time to design, code, QA and release ... patience is a virtue


Oh dear, I just realized, I'm being far too reasonable here, that is never going to fly :(

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I don't know about other peeps, but there is nothing in the game currently that will keep me interested beyond six months. I'm still subbed, still enjoying the game, but I definitely see its limitations.


Right now the game is just all about rolling Alts. Since I prefer to immerse myself into one toon and am not an altaholic, I'm not sure how much staying power this game possesses for me. Even if they add more FPs, more WZs...it's just the same basic mechanics with different virtual surroundings.


BW has a unique opportunity to set themselves apart. I think they did this successfully with the leveling process. My toon's class quest, and questing in general, definitely felt more immersive than other games. In fact, I was spoiled by its effectiveness as I have no desire to really level a toon in the other MMOs I play anymore.


However, beyond that uniqueness, there is nothing special about it. Aside from my guild, there is no sense of community at all. BW could do so much, but most of what they've done is already passe. Just seems to me that if they really want SWTOR to be a sustained hit, they need to do something more dynamic, not just in PvE, but in PvP as well.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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Same comments on boards of all MMOs I've played in the past 13 years. Endless variations on the 'I quit' theme ... people are so self-important :)


- No-one cares if you leave, so why bother posting it?

- Rushing to 50 / 60 to find out once you are there that indeed you have reached the end (*surprise!) ... enjoy the journey, not the destination

- Complex Software systems (including patches and expansions) take time to design, code, QA and release ... patience is a virtue


Oh dear, I just realized, I'm being far too reasonable here, that is never going to fly :(


-Plenty of people care if I leave. Just look at all the posts in the general forums crying about "population" and "no one on" and "peak hours no one to play with".


-I never rushed to 50. I took my time, did the side quests, followed my class quest. I enjoyed the journy. Now what? Time to leave the game I guess because there is nothing to keep me going? Or should I just redo the exact same journy all over again?


-Patches do take time. Unfortunately time is not on BW side. Right now at level 50 you have 2 daily quests for PvP. You have 2 raids that only benefit you on normal mode. Currently Rakata gear is not worth it. It's a downgrade. There is no point in doing more difficult content for downgrades in gear.


Your logic is awful.

Edited by daays
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No MMO retains all its customers and when the first free month ends there will always be people who leave because the game is not right for them.


I'm not saying the game is perfect and no one has left because of it, but a lot of people will have left simply because they were bought the game and decided it's not their kind of game or people who bought it expecting SWG2 because they didn't look into the game before buying, etc.



The same will happen in the future but as there's no rush like there was on pre order / release day there are less subs expiring per day and it's less noticeable. It's only because so many people got to the 1 month period that you can see it.

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I'm seeing last week sales of swtor at 11 for all titles and the highest MMO.




It's #3 on amazon and the only MMO in the top 20



if you don't like this data then fine, present your own.


Yeah we get it your a fanboy...


But here is the thing:


Its a fun, multiplayer/singelplayer story game, and at least an okay mmo...

But thanks to its story telling talent, it also targets a lot of people that won't usually like mmos, so they Level up, see the story and get bored after hitting L50

Edited by Nryrony
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it's a shame what is slowly happening to the game, Tor was a great idea, an a fun game (still is) but retailing the game with no content is a BAD THING!.... I talk to alot of 50s on my server, (swiftsure) an many of em are saying already they are probably not gonna make it past free month.

Understandable when you consider theres no pvp, no reason to world pvp, botting/farming BG's wears out in a day...

The raids if your into that, are always full but even if they wernt, what are you doing it for ? just to get a shiny so you can do it all again....


pointless, I dont know how to fix it, other than to start fixing pvp an stop trying to instance everything. World pvp doesn't belong in an instance, its world pvp for a reason....


I know for me, my chars are only in high 30s, an I am already feeling like I cant be bothered logging in till evening most days for as few hours.


Now I know the fanboys will call me silly names, an put down my comments, but that doesn't change anything, alot of people are getting bored already, an with GW2 coming out in 3 months, tor really needs to pick up its pace. I know I wont be subbing for another three months with the state of pvp an game in general as it stands.


my two mates quit the game last week after hitting 50 cos it was just mind numbing apparently....I am not far off, an i know of at least 3 guys who have had enough.



Welcome to 80% of mmos

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