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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sad to see some people quiting already....


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Try HM and Nightmare Mode. If the FP was a walk in the park you were obviously on Normal Mode. And there are raids to do as well. Karagga's Palace and EV


Also, every HM or Nightmare Mode FP is lvl 50. If you do HM Esseles/Black Talon it is lvl 50.


There is absolutely no reason to do HM flash points.


PvP gear is easier to obtain and is 136 compared to the 126 of Tionese gear.



There is absolutely no reason to do HM raids as well. Not only is the gear only 140, compared to 136, but it's completely re-itemized, and a down grade is most situations.


The 140 tanking sets for example sacrifice defensive stats for Surge rating.


The 140 offensive sets sacrifice power for accuracy.


The 140 healing sets sacrifice power for alacracity.

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PvP in WoW now is a complete joke. Battlegrounds is a killfest, no one could give a rats-a55 about objectives.. Its just being nr 1 on the scoreboard that counts and don't even get me started on arena...


You can be the most skilled pvp'er in the world, set up a team and jump into arena with good gear and get completely facerolled because you don't have the FOTM setup.


Part of the skill in any rock-paper-scissor team pvp game is being able to understand and navigate the metagame. If it's so skill-less then why aren't you earning sponsorships and making huge bank? Or perhaps whining about it on some internet forum is a better use of your endless talents?

Edited by DannyInternets
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Holy crap..so much QQing by whiny little girls it makes me so sick. If you dislike the game so bad then leave seriously no one gives a crap when you complain about stuff that pretty much every other person has complained about. Bioware and the community are well aware of the issues. Here's the thing some of your small minded brains cant comprehend..fixing bugs and revamping parts of the game takes time..huge concept I know. Let your brains wrap around that for a few minutes.


Now lets see how long has the game been out? What??? a little over a month? No way I could have sworn this game was incredibly polished and old by now. Man my timing must be way off.


For real tho reading some of this is making me sick. There are so many people who still play and enjoy this game, I have a level 50 which i did get bored of because of pvp farming but guess what? Im not going to say the whole game is garbage because of a few things I don't like. And OMG like these problems will never get fixed. If you guys want to leave and give bioware time to implement more stuff knock yourselves out. More and more people will get the game and tons of people will stay.


Here is a couple misinformation tips for people who are actually coming here for real knowledge about the game. It does have a great storyline. Sure there are a lot of repeatable quests but Ive played so many alts now and even with the repeatable the main story quest as well as computers regarding me by what my class is makes the story's feel even much better than any other MMO out there.


The pvp system is great, most of the classes fight it out fine and the classes aren't TOO imbalanced other then a couple tough classes, and yes they definitely need to add more PVP arenas and better incentive for world PVP. But hey, it will be fixed in a couple months and there are so many other things to do. Like I said before if you don't like the current game then leave for a bit and come back later. You probably won't be missed and the community will go on just fine.


Any other issue with the game will easily be solved with time. Bioware is listening to our problems and they are not giving blowies to all the babies threatening to leave. So stop making this out to be a horrible game because tons of people love it and more and more people are continuing to buy it.

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Once ppl hit 50 they quit, I am afraid I wont be playing after free month as well, it was a nice single player experience, I spent lotsa time on it, but I dont plan to pay for no-end game and spamming 3 warzones and getting owned by full geared 50 premades over and over again...I cant do pvp atm, i have a level 40 char and i get 3-4 shotted when i step on warzones, even if they bring level 50 bracket i ll get farmed at level 50 by those premades/full geared opponents over and over again.


Once they removed the 50s from the 1-49 bracket, the limited Warzones available were actually fun. They were competitive and I actually enjoyed PVP. As a new 50, Warzones are just aggravating against pre-made teams and Battlemasters that not only have twice your hit points but also a ridiculous amount of expertise that is pretty difficult to overcome to have a fair match.



I need competition, I need to blow off some steam after work, not to get frustrated by losing every single match unless you are lucky enough to have a premade on your side.


They should add expertise rating 2-3 months after level 50 population grows, but adding it from the beginning was a bad choice, this game is far too young to be a wow clone, or at least they should make getting high-end pvp items far harder, every level 50 on warzones have many pieces collected already.


Couldn't agree more. Expertise is a terrible stat and makes the 50 bracket only worse for alts or casual gamers that didn't spend hours of played time blowing through content to have over 500 expertise in a few weeks. And how is it competitive for the Battlemaster player? They already have much better gear than a new 50 in PVE questing epics. They don't need another stat to give them even more advantages against another player.


And now the costs for gear with expertise are even higher and we still have to deal with the randomness of whether or not we actually get an upgrade in our bags. That gear disparity isn't going to be quickly overcome by a new 50 into the bracket meaning quite a bit of playing before their gear allows them to be competitive again. And there's only a few Warzones to run over and over and over again to do it. That doesn't seem like a very fun or competitive prospect to blow off steam to me.

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I had the same thing as many of you have stated here. I got to 50 quick. Got a full set of champion gear from boring wz's farm and then got bored. The end game content is not good enough in my opinion and the PvP system lacks the depth required to keep me interested. I cancelled but I plan to come back if the PvP is sorted out.
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I'm level 50. Full pvp t2 gear. Full t2 pve gear.


I raid 10 hours or so a week.


I'm likely not subscribing after this paid month.


I'd keep playing if the game ran better on my computer..


I have a youtube channel and I wanted to make montage videos of SWTOr, however because of the terrible performance and ability lag I just can't make the quality of videos I wish to create.


It's really sad. I had quite a good time 1-50 and even at 50 for several weeks.


Right now I have nearly 350 hours played but I can't get past the performance issues.

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There is absolutely no reason to do HM flash points.


PvP gear is easier to obtain and is 136 compared to the 126 of Tionese gear.



There is absolutely no reason to do HM raids as well. Not only is the gear only 140, compared to 136, but it's completely re-itemized, and a down grade is most situations.


The 140 tanking sets for example sacrifice defensive stats for Surge rating.


The 140 offensive sets sacrifice power for accuracy.


The 140 healing sets sacrifice power for alacracity.

Then quit QQing about lack of end game content if you don't want to do it. The fights are fun if you have a good group. If you can only find PUGs maybe it's not the game's issue but a lack of ability on your end. Just saying. I enjoy PvP as well as PvE, but the PvP gear is really not as good for PvE as the PvE sets. And that is just comparing stats on my Champion gear to the T2 set. From what I've read, the Rakata raid set is broken atm.


tl;dr Not wanting to do end game content =/= lack of end game content

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i though the op was describeing wow there for a sec. not sure if hes trolling or a payed goon to flame boards with bs no pvp? then *** have i been doing for the last 2 weeks to get battlemaster? no content what *** have i been going into dungeons for i thought that was content? what do you want a game from 15 years in the future where comps can handle the ****in rediculous pipe dream things people like you want from a game? get real
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I am nerd raging over the people nerd raging about pvp and game mechanics. If you really think that the new GW mmo will be any better then this then you are a fool. If you dont like the game quit playing so the rest of us can enjoy the forums and not have to listen to your crying day in and day out.
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I am nerd raging over the people nerd raging about pvp and game mechanics. If you really think that the new GW mmo will be any better then this then you are a fool. If you dont like the game quit playing so the rest of us can enjoy the forums and not have to listen to your crying day in and day out.



I am gonna laugh when GW2 starts introducing micro transactions for PvP related things. My friends said, "Oh no! They said that will not happen!" Then I reply, "Remember when Lotro devs said that the Store would not give people advantages in PvP? Then they started selling Pots that were better than anything in game on the store and eventually started letting Creeps buy all their skills and maps? They also started selling short R15 brands that you can pop in-combat. Yeah, GW2 devs definitely will keep their word and not try to milk you with micro transactions."

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I really think you over estimate how much PVP means to an MMOs success. Good luck moving on to next game, "beating it" getting bored and moving on to the next one that will be the big one LOL. You people make me laugh. Damn I went out of my way to power through an MMO in a month, then I act shocked there's nothing to do. Oh well the next game will keep you occupied for a month. Thanks for the $60, move along.


I think you underestimate how important PVP is on a PVP server.


I can even give you an example.


I joined a hard core PVP guild when Age of Conan came out. Most of my guild mates didn't even sleep during early access. They played because the guild had but one objective. To PVP. By the time the game went full release, we had guildies already knocking on the door of max level.


And for a solid month, that is exactly what my guild did. We PVP every day. The fact that many of the game's endgame instances were broken, only pushed us to PVP more. We controlled the one zone where people could level to max level. They had to go through us if they wanted to do anything. And if they brought friends to kick us off the terf ... well let's just say that fit our objective perfectly. More people to kill and more PVP experience gained.


But after about a month people started to drop out of the guild. The same PVP fights had gotten old. With no new content, bugs still present in the end game instances, and crafting pvp forts a pain ... people just lost interest.


Most of my guildmates were done with the game by month two. I was about the only one left and even I was gone before the end of the third month.


There are quite a few similarities between AoC and SWTOR.


Both have one area for the max levels to PVP in and accomplish missions that give them something worth completing.


Both also have bugged end game instances.


Both released with issues with class balances in PVP.


And if Bioware isn't careful, this game may share the same fate as AoC.

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I think you underestimate how important PVP is on a PVP server.


I can even give you an example.


I joined a hard core PVP guild when Age of Conan came out. Most of my guild mates didn't even sleep during early access. They played because the guild had but one objective. To PVP. By the time the game went full release, we had guildies already knocking on the door of max level.


And for a solid month, that is exactly what my guild did. We PVP every day. The fact that many of the game's endgame instances were broken, only pushed us to PVP more. We controlled the one zone where people could level to max level. They had to go through us if they wanted to do anything. And if they brought friends to kick us off the terf ... well let's just say that fit our objective perfectly. More people to kill and more PVP experience gained.


But after about a month people started to drop out of the guild. The same PVP fights had gotten old. With no new content, bugs still present in the end game instances, and crafting pvp forts a pain ... people just lost interest.


Most of my guildmates were done with the game by month two. I was about the only one left and even I was gone before the end of the third month.


There are quite a few similarities between AoC and SWTOR.


Both have one area for the max levels to PVP in and accomplish missions that give them something worth completing.


Both also have bugged end game instances.


Both released with issues with class balances in PVP.


And if Bioware isn't careful, this game may share the same fate as AoC.


Lotro has only ever had ONE zone for PvP. Period.

Lotro had bugged end game instances and still does.

Lotro had class imbalances in PvP, wait, it still does...

Lotro is about to hit its 5 year mark.


We should definitely use AoC to describe the recipe for failure because it's 100% accurate for determining every MMO's success chance. Even if the PvP servers die down, the PvE people will probly stay and this game will thrive. In time they will fix most of the issues like Rift did. I would still be playing Rift, but most of my friends that played it left and lotro was free for me (still is thanks to making a smart choice with the Lifetime Sub).

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Yeah 6 of my friends I use to raid and run premades with have quit, and a'lot of the people I know on my server who ran really solid premades are solo queing. Seems like pvp'ers are unsubing until more content rolls out. Edited by Vincedaddy
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My whole guild has unsubbed, including myself.


The poorly designed pvp is what drove us to do so... Well that and the fact the devs don't really communicate with us even though they claim to have enough people to create new content AND fix the current game.


I hate pvp, but that may just be because I am an underwhelming gunslinger, but the poor customer service is what really tossed me over that line.


Please don't get me wrong, I -really- want to enjoy this game but it's just not happening.:rolleyes:

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In all honesty, AoC was far more buggy than SWTOR ever was. Most people here are just impatient and don't see the fixes that are being done but only the fixes that the devs have already recognized and working on. No game on release is perfect and this includes popular ones like WoW.


Some people will choose to be patient and some people will quit. Every game without exception loses some of its playerbase after the first month as significant amount of people buy the game on a whim and then decide it's not really for them. It happens. In a few months the game's population will double. and in a year even triple, perhaps.

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Most of my guild has quit and they didn't even hit 50 yet.


I have a 50, don't play as much as when I was leveling. The 50 game is boring. I have a 6 month sub, probably get bored before then but none of the other mmos out interest me. Playing alts and casually.


Really just waiting for GW2.

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dunno what everybody is crying about.


all mmo's have same endgame. when u max out you can either pve to keep getting better gear and keep repeating this over over just like in wow


and theirs pvp just like in wow theirs warfronts (battlegrounds) and world pvp.


so far only difference i see between swtor endgame and wow endgame are arenas and less battlegrounds, but only because this is a 2 month old game vs a 6 year game

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dunno what everybody is crying about.


all mmo's have same endgame. when u max out you can either pve to keep getting better gear and keep repeating this over over just like in wow


and theirs pvp just like in wow theirs warfronts (battlegrounds) and world pvp.


so far only difference i see between swtor endgame and wow endgame are arenas and less battlegrounds, but only because this is a 2 month old game vs a 6 year game



Correction, all MODERN mmos have cloned WoW's endgame. And that is the problem. If you like WoW then you play it already. Those of us who don't like WoW came here looking for something different.


SWTOR's leveling game is fun, different and better than WoW's. But the endgame is exactly the same and it sucks.

Edited by --Grim--
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dunno what everybody is crying about.


all mmo's have same endgame. when u max out you can either pve to keep getting better gear and keep repeating this over over just like in wow


and theirs pvp just like in wow theirs warfronts (battlegrounds) and world pvp.


so far only difference i see between swtor endgame and wow endgame are arenas and less battlegrounds, but only because this is a 2 month old game vs a 6 year game




Some people rushed to 50 in 3days, and understandably just need a break, and should take one. They've got their Battlemaster gear, and they'll probably be back in March when the next major patch hits.


The rest of us will probably take till March to do what some of these players did in 1 month. So it kind of all balances out.


Let them leave. Let them rant. They'll be back. There's no where else to go...

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Hmm funny, my guild as dozens and dozens of 50s on during prime time -- so many that we end up playing huttball against each other for quite awhile just because its so entertaining. HM flashpoints, several raid zones, no farming on Ilum, dailies for coms, etcetera etcetera etcetera....there just isnt enough time in the day.


Pvp with good, competitive players on both sides is outstanding -- an adrenaline rush, with new situations to evaluate and react to on a rapid basis. Competitive huttball is -- beyond any doubt -- the most dynamic pvp environment I have ever seen. So much better than staic, open warfronts with regroup and capture the hill/flag/point/bomb objectives.


IMO, BW just needs to improve the matchmaking system so that pvp is competitive -- probably by prioritizing premades versus premades first, then some sort of gear equalization/comparison.

Edited by Bluetickone
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I wish Bioware would lock these threads, lies and more lies.


Yes some people left and those that did no longer/can no longer post because they don't have an "active sub"


No active sub = no posting on the forums, so those of you claiming to be posting despite being past your subbed time, stop telling porkie pies.

Edited by Zarthorn
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this is happening with alot of players i know. once they hit 50 they are bored and get tired of grinding 3 warzones all the time for pvp gear just to do the same 3 warzones all over again.


If you think that's bad, wait till you get the gear and are just trying to get to Valor 60. It's one hell of a grind..


That being said, I'm not quitting.

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