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In case you missed it: Combat logs are coming, but only for yourself


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You know what's a real joke sport? Soccer.


Regardless, how about a different example: Golf.


Even people outside of America play that.


For the record, I don't like sport, but the very idea that a yank can call the most popular sport in the world a joke when their preferences are the World Series That Only One Country Takes Part In, How Few Minutes of Game Can We Play In an Hour, and bowling, is hilarious.


You can change the sport or the game to anything you'd like, and the analogy still holds. You can't play a team based game without everyone on the team knowing what you're doing.


Except that the analogy doesn't hold, because the fundamental part of it is incorrect. You're equating TOR with a team-based competitive sport being played in a structured league scenario, which is nonsense, it's far more equivalent with playing any game in a friendly and unstructured manner with friends. If you meter-maids are so anal retentive about rules and score when you're kicking/throwing a ball around with your mates, you need to relax.

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Everyone should read this post. You are 100 percent spot on. I have healed in MMOs for the last 8 years and can empathize. I like the idea. I like the idea of knowing who auto-attacks.



I healed for 6 and i'm healing as a Scoundrel right now. I dunno why everyone assumes the meter is just something DPSers want. Healers need this too. I want concrete proof that it's DPSers screwing up my group. The majority against are definitely DPSers who are soooo busy drooling over big numbers scrolling over a boss' head(scrolling text is the real enemy lol"dude I just got a 20k crit herp derp can someone interrupt the next fireballl of death i missed it and now i'm on CD") that they aren't doing the utilitarian things..


I hate them! They ruin my groups! But they are a necessary evil lol

Edited by Chosenxeno
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Except that the analogy doesn't hold, because the fundamental part of it is incorrect. You're equating TOR with a team-based competitive sport being played in a structured league scenario, which is nonsense, it's far more equivalent with playing any game in a friendly and unstructured manner with friends. If you meter-maids are so anal retentive about rules and score when you're kicking/throwing a ball around with your mates, you need to relax.
People aren't blocked from keeping score in a pickup basketball game, or a backyard football game with the family either. Hell, people keep score in miniature golf. Feel free to keep trying though.
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Anyone who has any real interest in performing decently would like a log, one would believe.


Inc thread full of bottomfeeders that are happy their incompetence is not at display.


They can hapily drag groups down with them and then tell themselfes they did good but the group was just trash:D

Edited by Anelitt
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No it is personal data. This is a game you don't need to check my stats. This isn't the Super Bowl here. If I don't want to show you I don't have to show you.


ahh you are exactly one of those who battled against 1 handed dps spec for a guardian back in the days, i remember you. life didnt change you much, as i see.


btw you've lost once already. i wonder how does it feel, if in the end there going to be combat logs in this game.

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For the record, I don't like sport, but the very idea that a yank can call the most popular sport in the world a joke when their preferences are the World Series That Only One Country Takes Part In, How Few Minutes of Game Can We Play In an Hour, and bowling, is hilarious.


It's the most boring sport in the world and painfully unwatchable. Well, except for golf. Are you going to address that part about golf, by the way? Go out on the course and tell everyone in your party that your score is your own personal information and should never be shared?


Except that the analogy doesn't hold, because the fundamental part of it is incorrect. You're equating TOR with a team-based competitive sport being played in a structured league scenario, which is nonsense,


It is, in PvP. Again, we're not talking about meters - we are talking about a combat log.

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Anyone who has any real interest in performing decently would like a log, one would believe.


Inc thread full of bottomfeeders that are happy their incompetence is not at display.


They can hapily drag groups down with them and then tell themselfes they did good but the group was just trash:D



I remember playing EQ and needing elephant hide to raid. You needed six inch thick skin just to start because everything you did was going to be scrutinised down to the most minute detail and we got better or got run out. I'm not saying we need to return to a community as vicious as EQ, but it seems to me that there is a depressing undercurrent of designing a game for those too delicate to play games with other players.

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I think this is one of those "fixes" that will take a while to implement, because whatever they do, there will be a flood of whining and bawwwwing and threats of quitting and "unsubbing me and my 49 alts and my 100 person guild if you don't make it like I want" posts. If the combat log is only available to one person, its not going to be good enough for some people, if it allows damage meters for everyone to see or to be shareable, its going to be too much for some people, etc. They are literally dammed if they do, and dammed if they don't. So delaying its implementation for as long as possible seems to be the best business decision right now.
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I think this is one of those "fixes" that will take a while to implement, because whatever they do, there will be a flood of whining and bawwwwing and threats of quitting and "unsubbing me and my 49 alts and my 100 person guild if you don't make it like I want" posts. If the combat log is only available to one person, its not going to be good enough for some people, if it allows damage meters for everyone to see or to be shareable, its going to be too much for some people, etc. They are literally dammed if they do, and dammed if they don't. So delaying its implementation for as long as possible seems to be the best business decision right now.


You're missing the point. Damage meters are a completely separate entity than combat logs. Stop talking about combat logs and damage meters as being the same thing. You can have one without the other.

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Why the hell would I need to know my own DPS without someone else's to compare it to? That makes the information useless ...


Maybe it is BW's way of "balancing"... if nobody really knows with any realy accuracy what each other is doing for DPS they can always claim that the game is balanced perfectly and never have to really spend time with each AC. ;)

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.... and the rabid masses who are completely fearful of being called nubs because they hit buttons at random are going to be honest with their answers... :rolleyes:


Of course there has to be an element of trust.


If people are so untrustful, they really should just give up playing games with online people.

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Why the hell would I need to know my own DPS without someone else's to compare it to? That makes the information useless ...


Because if you have a way to see your own dps, you can improve your dps by analyzing it in different situation: to see what parameter influences your dps in what way.


Why do you want to compare your dps to that of other people?

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Why the hell would I need to know my own DPS without someone else's to compare it to? That makes the information useless ...


I have been following this silly thread since it started, and the one thing that those who wanted damage meters in for was to see what type of damage they were doing so THEY could improve themselves. Now the pro meter crowd are saying we want them to monitor everyone else's damage so we have something to hold over another persons head? Which is it? for self improvement or so that someone can control what other people are doing? Sounds pretty selfish to me. Damage meters for yourself only should be suffient enough so that you can improve your own performance.


Those who want to see everyones number are the ones who spam chat with their numbers and wave the epeen around for all to see. So they can berate another person for failure. Those who claim that its the right of the group also need to accept that if you FAIL then it's the GROUPS failure and no finger pointing should ensue, you healers asking for a combat log well if its a group thing then the whole group should be held accountable. Can't have it both ways, either its a group failure and the responsiblity should be shared as such or is it intended to blame one person?

So Bioware tells us they are working on it and it's still not good enough. This thread is useless. I hope they never ever make it so other people can see another person's damage just to see all the eleetists cry...love those tears.

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Because if you have a way to see your own dps, you can improve your dps by analyzing it in different situation: to see what parameter influences your dps in what way.


Why do you want to compare your dps to that of other people?



Why do you seem to think only DPSers want Parsers/Meters. You should go back a few pages and read a healers perspective on Why these things are neccessary for a healer.


They do more than show DPS output. Did you come from Monster Hunter or PSO something?(not bashing MHunter or PSO500 hours back in the day on PS2 lol)



Edit to save you time:This is so true. You know what's even more funny? I'm not even a DPSers. I Heal and i've pretty much been in here fighting for a meter.


As a healer I am a blame target with or without a Parser. A Parser/ Meter would lessen the chances of people automatically assuming" i'm not doing my job" after multiple wipes now that you can better see:


Who died standing in what.


Who continued to DPS when they should have been interupting.


Who's not Dispelling that mark of doom.


Who's AFK for burrito and not attacking.


This thing is just as important for lessening the amount of blame for tanks and healers, as it is for Damage output.


So I will keep fighting for it. People think that they get blamed too much and removed from groups? Try healing for a while. The level of Blame is on a whole different level lol



Originally Posted by me. The more stuff to help me avoid blame I shouldn't be getting the better.

Edited by Chosenxeno
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Any of you played WoW without any addons? Please do. Where the hell is the damage meter, exactly.


Why do you think BW would add a damage meter to their game, nobody else does it. It's all *mods/addons* made by players.


^^^ this, and I hope they never ever open up their doors for 3rd party applications. Ever period end of sentence.

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Of course there has to be an element of trust.


If people are so untrustful, they really should just give up playing games with online people.


Yeah. People who think everyone just lies are either liars themselves or lacking basic social tools. It is a teamwork environment where people are supposed to work together.


Some people want to fill their social skill void with a dps meter.

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Why do you seem to think only DPSers want Parsers/Meters. You should go back a few pages and read a healers perspective on Why these things are neccessary for a healer.


They do more than show DPS output. Did you come from Monster Hunter or PSO something?(not bashing MHunter or PSO500 hours back in the day on PS2 lol)



Edit to save you time:This is so true. You know what's even more funny? I'm not even a DPSers. I Heal and i've pretty much been in here fighting for a meter.


As a healer I am a blame target with or without a Parser. A Parser/ Meter would lessen the chances of people automatically assuming" i'm not doing my job" after multiple wipes now that you can better see:


Who died standing in what.


Who continued to DPS when they should have been interupting.


Who's not Dispelling that mark of doom.


Who's AFK for burrito and not attacking.


This thing is just as important for lessening the amount of blame for tanks and healers, as it is for Damage output.


So I will keep fighting for it. People think that they get blamed too much and removed from groups? Try healing for a while. The level of Blame is on a whole different level lol



Originally Posted by me. The more stuff to help me avoid blame I shouldn't be getting the better.


I was replying to someone who asked why he would want a meter to see his own dps. So your rant is totally irrelevant in relation to that question and my response to it.



FYI I do not have a dps character in swtor. I play as a healer.

Edited by hushia
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I'm not even a DPSers. I Heal and i've pretty much been in here fighting for a meter.


As a healer I am a blame target with or without a Parser. A Parser/ Meter would lessen the chances of people automatically assuming" i'm not doing my job" after multiple wipes now that you can better see:


Who died standing in what.


Who continued to DPS when they should have been interupting.


Who's not Dispelling that mark of doom.

Who's AFK for burrito and not attacking.

This thing is just as important for lessening the amount of blame for tanks and healers, as it is for monitoring Damage output.


So I will keep fighting for it. People think that they get blamed too much and removed from groups? Try healing for a while. The level of Blame is on a whole different level lol



Originally Posted by me. The more stuff to help me avoid blame I shouldn't be getting the better.



Stop pretending this is not here anti-parser meter people. Let's see some counterpointing. Or, just admit that you don't have an argument.

Edited by Chosenxeno
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