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Lets face it WOW pvp > SWTOR pvp


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WoW- WSG for years has been won by druids, sometimes shammies and recently mages- the point of the game is to avoid pvp and run.

Twin Peaks- is WSG

AB- basically Alderaan with more points... meaning if you defend a point chances are you won't see pvp that game unless you're at Blacksmith and Lumber Mill

Gilneas- AB clone, but with 3 points you do get pvp so it's actually decent

AV- at one point AV was the crown jewel of pvp- it could last days, there were things you could summon if you took enough resources- it felt almost like playing an RTS game where you were a minion.... unfortunately, that's a distant past. It is now the worst pvp- a game of running away from pvp and racing to the boss.

IoC- I actually like IoC cuz you can get a good game in it... unfortunately, most of the time people do it wrong and it ends up not being so good. Also, due to one zerg going one way and another the other- it again became a joke where pvp was discouraged

SoA- another match that is about running and crowd control over pvp

EotS- WSG mixed with AB, actually one of the few decent ones


At this point, only two of the BGs actually encourage pvp.


SWTOR- Alderaan- 3 nodes, pretty easy to reach from each other, makes for fighting almost all the time

Voidstar- rush mode, but in a small enough space that it's only a couple seconds from one objective to the other- again, makes for fighting the whole time

Huttball- it's about running the ball, or in many cases, passing/jumping- but requires very good team work in passes, and is in a small area so fighting always occurs.



Now- mechanics.


WoW- almost no gain for even being near combat, zero gain for actually doing anything

TOR- medals that give considerable bonuses for healing, damage and tanking


I haven't done Ilum yet

World PvP for WoW- Wintergrasp- was awesome, best thing in Wrath

TB- was terrible, was basically just AB with a bigger group, was pretty much nothing other than zerg zerg zerg. After WG, was a simple game with nothing to it, and a huge step back.



That doesn't even get into WoW imbalances and how OP resistance gear was and how out of reach it was for average players- at least expertise gear is in reach.


I also hate WoW for nerfing certain classes into uselessness, and for having year old game breaking bugs like the hunter pet getting one shot when spawned, or, having hunter CC break being the only CC ever that you can CC them into not being able to use it with the exact CC that it breaks.

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ive just watched level 50's get utterly destroyed in pvp in less than 5 seconds...so much for balanced and "skillful" pvp. Makes sense as to how i ended up unsubbing after two days of playing...but i dont plan on going to wow either cos the pvp there is pretty sh@! As well due to the class imbalances and i for one will not pay for swtor's incomplete game cos this game has a shizz load of bugs and the ability delays just wreck pvp


(http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/585/swtorabilitydelay.png/) - ability delay example f you dont know what everyone is talking about concerning ability delays


Frost Shock Frost Shock Quadruple Crit Windfurry! Mad skillz!

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Again gear doesnt make PvP the gameplay/combat in WoW was better even in vanila cause of responsiveness and not having EVERYTHING tied in with animation



Did i ever say it was better in combat/gameplay?

All i said was that atleast you could look forward to some gear. Geez.

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Sorry, musical FOTM classes every few months does not a good pvp system make.


Have you seen the latest patch notes? What do you think is going to happen to this game? Heck at this rate Swtor will have FOTM classes every MONTH

Edited by Torn
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-I find the combat graphics in Swtor to be far superior than Wow

-Swtor has to many combat keys making pvp more difficult/challenging

-Characters die equally as fast as they did in Wow if not faster in some cases

-Swtor WZ's are far superior to Wow's battlegrounds


Overall which is better comes down to personal preference, but given that Wow's had 7 years to try and perfect their pvp and BW have been at it for only 5 weeks i'd say that places Swtor in the drivers seat at the moment.

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Neither game has PvP. They have PvE against other players (Character versus Character) which is really not that enjoyable since it rewards grinding and gives an advantage to those who sink the most time, not those who use the most skill.


In the strictest definition of what is PvP (Player vs Player), WoW and SWTOR has PvP. You may not like it, but you can't change the definition of it just because of your dissatisfaction.

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-I find the combat graphics in Swtor to be far superior than Wow

-Swtor has to many combat keys making pvp more difficult/challenging

-Characters die equally as fast as they did in Wow if not faster in some cases

-Swtor WZ's are far superior to Wow's battlegrounds


Overall which is better comes down to personal preference, but given that Wow's had 7 years to try and perfect their pvp and BW have been at it for only 5 weeks i'd say that places Swtor in the drivers seat at the moment.



Your on crack if you think any of these WZ's are better than any of Wow's BGs...I wish BW would just copy every wow BG and add them in.


Huttball = easy farming

Voidstar = the only entertaining one of the bunch

Civil War = yawn....


I won't even mention Ilum...They should just delete that one...

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-I find the combat graphics in Swtor to be far superior than Wow

-Swtor has to many combat keys making pvp more difficult/challenging

-Characters die equally as fast as they did in Wow if not faster in some cases

-Swtor WZ's are far superior to Wow's battlegrounds


Overall which is better comes down to personal preference, but given that Wow's had 7 years to try and perfect their pvp and BW have been at it for only 5 weeks i'd say that places Swtor in the drivers seat at the moment.


I cant agree with any of this besides the combat graphics (im guessing you mean animations)but even at that everything is tied in with the animations making it feel slow and sluggish


Making PvP more challenging its about the same as far as that goes


And for the warzones i find all 3 of them pretty bad zerg zerg zerg


Huttball require 2 people in sync to win all the warzones you can just be in a mass mob and zerg around atleast in WoW you had to split up in groups

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Your on crack if you think any of these WZ's are better than any of Wow's BGs...I wish BW would just copy every wow BG and add them in.


Huttball = easy farming

Voidstar = the only entertaining one of the bunch

Civil War = yawn....


I won't even mention Ilum...They should just delete that one...


I think the people that are saying the WZ are better than WoWs BGs are just trying to show how much against WoW they are

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I never thought i would be posting that title... and i really didn't enjoy wow pvp all that much.


Give me a ^^ if you agree or a @@ if you disagree


I understand it is only a month in... but learn from other MMO mistakes and corrections and don't release a pvp system that is not fully developed.



Vanilla WoW world PvP > 10-49 SWTOR PvP > non-resilience WoW PvP (leveling and pre-arena BG's) > the rest of WoW PvP > SWTOR PvP*



*SWTOR PvP does not include Ilum. Ilum was not good enough to even make the list.

Edited by MatchpointServe
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So we shouldn't expect a game that came out now to compete with existing games? I should wait 7 years for this game to be better? Please go.


The game was released with PVP so i dont expect you to wait at all... If your bored with it or dont like the style maybe SWTOR isnt the game for you? I grabbed SWTOR because it was "different" than WoW - Im not shocked, awed, and pissed it isnt the same game with a different wrapping.

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Wow had much better pvp responsive and game design/animations. I really cant stand pvp in tor, feels so junky and unresponsive.


Also I dont like that the gear in this game can be obtained by anyone, this game feels way to casual for me and me being casual myself.


In wow there was always someone that stood out, here everyone has the same gear and and looks the same. Its way too easy to obtain the best gear in this game, WAY TOO EASY. And if i didnt say it already im a casual player myself but I like when u actually have to work for your items.


Its very stupid that everyone can acess the best gear so easily and FAST. Everything in this game is so stupidly casual and noob friendly. You really dont have to put any effort into this game and still you can get the gear just like that.


And really the operations are also way too easy and get boring very fast, my second time in EV we cleared the whole instance in less than 3 hours, yes it was normal but so what ? there is no differnce in hardmode and nightmare, only harder. SO COOL. Not in my opinion.


My thoughts about this game is that it is way too casual and easy and poorly done. There no epicness in this game at all.


So waste of money buying this game, was not worth it at all. And really I cant see bioware making this game a better mmo than wow. Even though wow is not the same anymore. I played Wow for the first 3 years, and yes i got bored of it. But rly now when looking back, i have these epic memories, ragnaros, onyxia, nefarian, forhoursmen, zul gurub, cthun, stv, scholomance, undercity, orgrimmar, ashtonvale, fck there is so much and it was so epic, the world bosses, the emerald dragons.


It was truly epic to play back then. Tor will never be epic in that way. I have no memories so far in tor ?!? lvling from 1-50 was nothing special, the planets were boring, i have no epic memories at all. Was playing a single player game.


Sorry Wow was the greatest mmo made back then. And because the hype of this game cant live up to oldschool wow, this game is a big fail. atleast in my eyes.


Blizzard truly epic game makers and no other company compare or even make game in the same class as they did with wow.

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oh you enjoy playing 80% hutball games? because your server ratio is wacked out?


You asked for opinions, don't get mad when opinions differ from yours. Don't get all huffy cause someone disagrees with you, you opened yourself up to it, buddy.


WoW PvP is old and stale.


WoW FOTM classes are old and stale.


TOR is new and will be improving.


Out with the old, in with the new!

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I never thought i would be posting that title... and i really didn't enjoy wow pvp all that much.


Give me a ^^ if you agree or a @@ if you disagree


I understand it is only a month in... but learn from other MMO mistakes and corrections and don't release a pvp system that is not fully developed.


Play WoW then.

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WoW PvP is FOTM so they can keep people rerolling, so they keep people subscribing.


The only people saying SWTOR is the same are ones that are mad they can't two-shot people on their Operative anymore.


And a month from now when Sorcs get nerfed, or Shadows get buffed, or Gunslinger gets buffed, and everyone rerolls again?

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And a month from now when Sorcs get nerfed, or Shadows get buffed, or Gunslinger gets buffed, and everyone rerolls again?


Assuming that will be the course BW takes, then ya.


But until we see how they choose to fix it, I am giving them the benefit of the doubt.


Maybe they did learn a few lessons from WoW's mistakes? One can hope.

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In the strictest definition of what is PvP (Player vs Player), WoW and SWTOR has PvP. You may not like it, but you can't change the definition of it just because of your dissatisfaction.


You are incorrect. By the strict definition neither game has any PvP because at no point are players fighting other players. Take it a step further into the connotative realm and you are still incorrect as neither game has a competitive mode where the player's skill is the primary determinator of the outcome.


I'm not changing any definitions... lazy developers are trying to call their poorly implemented Character versus Character PvP.

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What's really funny about PvP in MMOs over the last 8 years or so, is that as soon as devs start trying to add instances/gear/quests/etc. to encourage PvP, PvP is officially ruined.


That's because PvP has never been about instances/gear/quests. It's about 1 team fighting against another team. PvP is about bragging rights. it's about taking control/destroying what your enemy has worked hard to create/maintain. It's about building rivalries.


And as soon as you try to make it about something else, people will find the easiest way to grind/cheese/exploit the system. Then it's not about real PvP, it's Player vs. Mechanics on how to cheese the system so they get geared the fastest. This has happened in every single game.


STOP giving gear rewards for PvP. STOP mini-game PvP. STOP E-sports PvP. Let us fight in the open world for the sake of fighting. Not to finish dailies or to get gear. Real PvPers will still PvP. And I guarantee they'll have more fun than they've ever had in your game.

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WoW had better world pvp (till flying mounts) but when it comes to balance its far behind

swtor tol barad was cool the daily quest (not the one in controled zone) were same for both factions and we had to fight which is fun


here in swtor we are limited to ilum and warzones which is not fun at all


both games have its good and bad side but i choose swtor cause of balance



STOP giving gear rewards for PvP. STOP mini-game PvP. STOP E-sports PvP. Let us fight in the open world for the sake of fighting. Not to finish dailies or to get gear. Real PvPers will still PvP. And I guarantee they'll have more fun than they've ever had in your game.


+1 and +1 for this and again +1

Edited by Batslav
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