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Legacy Rewards: What would you want?


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Visual fluff, like for example, synth could craft special legacy armor where you can choose the color of the armor, same for armoring, etc ...


Some legacy only skill:


there could be several type of legacy skill tree, and you could be able to choose only one of them. I don't want that those skill tree to be dps/heal related, but more for buff for example.


Be able to use the companion of any member of the legacy . ("You're in love with Mako ? no problem, a couple of mind trick and she will be in love with me Nyahahaha!")


Indeed shared cargo hold, a must have.


Being able to use the ship of another member of the legacy. ("I am the boss of that legacy, you give me your ship or i make you suffer with my lightning Nyahahaha !")


Being able to have all sort of relation between character and having title related to them (everything from slave to grandmother, including concubine )

Edited by Elepole
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Something that would really improve quality of life is shared mount training. All characters on a legacy can use mounts at the level of the highest trained character.


Actually, just having access to the level 25 mount starting at 10 would be good enough. Nothing game breaking, but it would make leveling your alt faster and more fun. One of my favorite things about SWG was that a new friend would join up and I could greet them with a factory crate of swoops.


Also, shared bank account/cargo hold would also be great.

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- Sprint at level 1.


- Bonus to companion affection gains.


- Some family tree based ability, eg all your characters get to do a unique force lightning.


- Acquiring other characters regen abilities (your LS sith warrior can now do the knights meditate as well as channel hatred for instance).


- Actual story paths where appropriate if they go ahead with the 'your family members can have skywalker-esque duels' route. With reflections on their class stories, not just 'oh we've met in a room now we fight father/mother/brother/sister Boom fight over thats it'.


- Being able to use alts as companion characters based on their AC archetype. Eg Juggernaut would be a broonmark companion in abilities.


- Cost reduction in learning abilities/speeder ranks at the trainer.


- Being able to unlock fully moddable gear used on one character to be bought off a fleet vendor. For instance having equipped all the pve columi tier on the warrior I could 'unlock' that set on the vendor and use its looks on a new character.


- Not so much legacy related... but 16 characgter slots so i can eventually, down the long long road, have one of every AC to my legacy.


- And the big one... I want to make a voss!!!!!

Edited by silverprovidence
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to be able to use more than 1 companion per character


shared vault that is xfaction


speeder training based on highest level character for all characters


exp/damage/healing boost for alts


companion gear gift boxes (essentially a box of goodies for all of your companions on all characters)

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1. togruta


2. nautolan


3. shared cargo hold


4. togruta


5. new hairstyles


6. togruta




Agreed on all six points. Though I would add:


7. nautolan


8. nautolan


9. togruta


10. ortolan legacy companion


11. legacy ship droid companion (alternate version to the steward droid we have now)


12. legacy ship interiors including trophies, loot etc.


13. trandoshan


14. togruta


15. assassin droid as playable species

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The ability to skip quests on the planet, every subsequent time you create an alt, with the exception of the main story quest, you will be doing the same quests over and over again. Can we get an option to just instant-do those quests and get the rewards/xp, I just wanna see the main story quests.
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1. Speeder rank 1 trainable and speeders usable at level 1.

2. Sprint trainable and usable at level 1.

3. Access to shared cargohold.

4. Alts can be used as combat companions. I dont need to send them on missions, see them on my ship or even hear them just want to use them in combat.

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1. Allow players to use legecy points (Not sure if we get any) to purchase cargo hold upgrade, speeder training, and even inventory slots.


2. Allow more titles to be gotten through the legecy system


3. Allow the legecy system to be able to purcahse a legecy bank vault for all characters per server to use it, republic and empire alike to take out stuff and place stuff in it INCLUDING CREDITS. This will allow for everyone to be able to transfer stuff to alts efficiantly and make sence as all toons on one server share the same legecy.


4. Allow ONE OTHER PERSON to join a persons legecy system. My wife and I currently have two different last names in a game where we would like to share one. Allowing two people maximum per legecy wouldnt harm the system. Also if BW wanted they could make each person go through a series of HEROIC +4 quests and missions just to get the chance to do this.


5. If you allow more then one person per legecy, allow players to be able to at LEAST purchase some cosmetic wedding stuff. My wife and I got married in FFXI and Ultima Online by a GM. Im not expecing this from BW. BW could allow me and my wife for example to purcahse (with legecy points) rings for me and her and allow us to customize the name, OR allow us to choose from a list of pre-writen sayings to engrave upon each ring.


5. Allow our companions to join our legecy as well if they wanted, either through some long quest storyline thing or, just allow us to give them our legecy. My crew isnt just my crew, I have grown attached to them and I believe it would be appropriate to allow them to use my legecy name after their name as afterall, we are all one big family ship crew now :). They dont have to add exp gains or anything to the system, the name would be purely cosmetic.


6. Allow for different legecy outfits. Wether it be wedding outfits for marriage or some cool looking cosmetic pieces you like the looks of the best. It would do nothing but give us players more choices on what we wear in the very end.


7. Allow at LEAST legecy armor color options. What this is, is a sort of dye system where you can color your gear to YOUR LIKING. Ultima Online had an awesome dye system and I used it daily as a sorce of in game imcome, and a fun tool to use when making clothing and house decorations.


8. Allow our legecy to be able to purchase internal ship upgrade. My wife for example HATES the inside of her ship. She doesnt like the colors and wants to change it all. She would love the ability to purchase and mod her ship to her liking. New chairs, tables, and even decorations. Some should be able to be made by crafters, some should drop as rare items in flashpoints and raids, and some, should be able to be gotten through the legecy system if this was allowed.


9. Allow different uniquie color crystal legecy opitions. Maybe a pink with purple outline color? My wife asked lol.


10. Allow for maybe a legecy ship or ships to choose from, different stuff :).


((This is all I can think of for now but if this thread seems to keep going, I will update it more with whatever comes to my mind.))


Love it!

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1. Galatctic trade drone.

drops a drone that links up with GTN and lasts for 15 min 4 hour cooldown.

purchased items can be fetched by companions.


2. The ability to select to have your companions dump to cargo and also run items to your cargo.

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  • 1 month later...
1. character slots


2. character slots


3. character slots


4. character slots


5. see a pattern here?


like 1 slot per 5 or 10 legacy levels...



also more Cyborg race options


Until I read someone's earlier post did I not realise that extra race/customisation options for new toons means I will have to delete and re-roll some of the toons I have on a server which I max'ed out the character slots for in order to actually use these rewards.

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