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  • Location
    Hinsdale NY
  • Interests
    Video and Gaming, Family
  • Occupation
    Printing Press Operator (Newspapers) untill Sept 2011
  1. I have been playing since Beta, never let my account lapse but have deleted multiple characters and played around on different servers with friends etc... resulting in no lvl 50's, so I don't get a free month I have played just as much if not more than most people with a 50 I just never got a toon to 50 I have a bunch of 10-30+'s on multiple servers
  2. yeah I didn't realize that at the time of the post, its for a Sith Inquisitor. and she has a lot of marking on her face from the pattern. but if it still looks like crap ill bring it back up to dark 4 or something
  3. so no one knows for sure which color is better to use, yellowish or pink? I just seen the one say pink but I was hoping for a couple definite answers
  4. no i wouldn't want it to dissapear ill just hide the head slot if it clips to bad
  5. Has anyone made a Miriluka Jugg that can confirm how some of the rebreather type masks work with the miriluka mask, namely the purple one. Does one or the other get hidden, do they clip through each other? If they clip is it tolerable or horrible? anyother information would be great thanks.
  6. the last one from left to right is a yellowish, and i thought about doing the pink after realizing the red would just turn very pink
  7. I would prefer a one handed lightning shot, or a 2 handed saber away while channeling animations I would be content with pointing the saber in the direction or turning it on its side, I just don't care for it sticking up in the middle.
  8. Zelosians added in a future expansion would be awesome
  9. 1. character slots 2. character slots 3. character slots 4. character slots 5. see a pattern here? like 1 slot per 5 or 10 legacy levels... also more Cyborg race options
  10. I have several character I am extremely happy with their looks and names but will be sad when i have to delete some to make room for new races and stuff when legacy hits they should give us an extra character slot every 5 or 10 legacy levels, i would suggest a micro transaction but we all know what happens then (though if the only transactions they did were rename tokens and char slots , i would be down for that)
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