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I'm john, and I'm a altoholic!


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Operative - 14

Sniper - 15

Assassin - 14

Powertech - 19

Merc - 12

Marauder - 14

Sorc - 14


This seems to be a common issue with SWTOR as there are tons of posts about people not being able to choose a class. I've played just about every MMO released state-side (and a few that weren't) and I can't pick one, and I know why: None of them offer me what I am looking for, they're just the same old MMO classes with SW paint, rogue, healer, tank, dps, blah, blah, blah. Don't get me wrong, I love MMOs but I really, REALLY wanted a run and gun class and/or to play a Bounty hunter but hate the way they split them...tank/melee or stationary dps/healer ugh...


So far, I like my Powertech the best; I solo btw, no friends are playing :\

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I'm completely confused. I've never seen myself as an altoholic. I like to have 1 main character and then do everything on that toon.


If I switch to a different character I try to get that up to the same level of unlocks/etc. as the "old main".


But SWTOR changed that. I can't settle for a single character.


Bounty Hunter (Mercenary): 22

Jedi Knight (Guardian): 19

Jedi Consular (Sage): 17

Sith Inquisitor (Sorceror): 18

Sith Inquisitor (Assassin): 12

Smuggler (Gunslinger): 12


And the big problem is, I enjoy playing each and all of them. I can't decide which one shall be "the" main. Leaning to Sage as I have always played a healer in other MMOs I've played and it's quite similar. But Guardian is quite fun. BH seems a bit sluggish though and I didn't get to testing healing on him yet.


I played Earth and Beyond as a Tradesman and the Smuggler is probably what comes closest to that. I probably should have gone Scoundrel with him though ... damn ... new alt inc.

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Glad im not the only one! heres my characters with notes on where im at with them


25 sage--tatooine is quite rough for me as a broke seer spec (broke as in no credits, not performance)

20 marauder--anyone else really hate balmorra?

20 shadow -currently bugged out on taris and unplayable:( computer crashes when i log in as this character!

27 jedi knight guardian-also on tatooine, soloing is fine, but its very difficult to hold aggro in groups


well, thats my little group, i have a couple more ranging from levels 4-11 but only included ones i play regularly.

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i was. my main hit about lvl 36 and i got kinda burnt out. so i tried some different classes (even though i'd rolled them all to at least 10 in beta)


so i got pretty much everything else up to lvl 15ish


then i went back to my main. because i wanted acid blade so badly, and the IA ship is so f'ing cool

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I'm the same way:


Trooper (Commando) - 35

Smuggler (Gunslinger) - 25

Inquisitor (Sorcerer) - 24

Jedi Knight (Sentinel) - 15


Pretty much every other general class at or around level 10. *sighs* So little time... ;-)

Edited by Nahlis
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  • 5 weeks later...

I have major OCD and I had to delete some from advice from my psychiatrist (sticking to one helps getting rid of the OCD) Before I deleted all of them I had:




Sent- 14












Maud- 14

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Just wondering how many other people are juggling multiple toons. I just cannot settle on one.


Operative - 42

Assassin - 35

Commando - 26

Guardian - 22

PowerTech - 20





I am like this and I hate it. I have taken breaks and came back doing the same crap erasing and starting over. I am having a hard time making my mind up because I like them all.

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Lvl 40 Jedi Sage (As of today)

Lvl 3 Smuggler (Gunslinger maybe?)


That's it so far. I think I'm going to ding 50 on sage first but this game makes me want to go crazy on alts. My plan is one of each class (imp and republic) and then do opposite advanced classes on different factions to get all 8 play styles. One day I may have 8 50's. That's going to take a while...


Back to the game

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31 Mercenary

31 Juggernaut

35 Sorcerer

28 Operative

29 Assassin


33 Gunslinger


I can't freakin pick one... they all are missing SOMETHING and I just switch to another toon for a few days and realize why i hated it and switch around again and its so damn frustrating.


Every other day I think "OK, screw it, mercenary to 50!" ... "god damn it i hate this toon!"

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Not trying to rain on your parade -


But since when is a level 11 character an alt? Takes 3 hrs to get a char to level 10...I personally will not consider you an altaholic (meaning, I will deny the validity of your condition, and society's responsibility to provide treatment)...unless you have 5 characters 30+ and none @ 50.


That would be a true altaholic. And yes, it would be brutal to be stuck in such a hell.

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50 Light Side Juggernaut

50 Light Side Assassin

42 Light Side Operative

24 Light Side Mercenary

17 Light Side Vanguard

15 Light Side Gunslinger

13 Light Side Sentinel

12 Dark Side Sage



I am considering playing all 8 stories another time on a different server to experience the Dark Side choices (and Light Side for Sage).

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I've always had horrible alt-itis, and this game feeds it like a yeast in barleybrew. half my alts that are under 15 i wont mention as most of them are crafting-fodder:


1) Shadow Consular - 37

2) Jugg - 33

3) PT BH - 32/19 (different servers)

4) Sage - 26/23 (same server...don't laugh! hard to decide on body styles hehehe)

5) Jedi Knight - 23

6) Maurauder - 28

7) Jedi Sentinel - 18

8) Sith Sorcerer - 19


most the rest of my server slots are filled up with various toons under 10, or mostly crafting-fodder. I tend to set up 1 or 2 mains for leveling and gathering, and the rest sit back and craft for me. I may need my own market or bazaar at some point....


I've even had to delete toons that I don't play to make space when I start new ones.sigh...and when the new race combos kick in with legacy points...gonna have to reroll a few anyways...

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47 shadow

44 mercenary

38 sage

35 scoundrel

26 sniper

24 gunslinger

23 vanguard


For those who want to play an alt for story, I really recommend the smuggler, I would not have made any alts if I could stand smuggler's armor sets.

Since all you do end game is pretty much stare at your character (doesn't matter how good the voice acting or companions are since you are just sitting at the fleet queuing for warzones). You gotta make sure you can stand looking at the end game armor sets.


I practically just decided to abandon my republic characters just because I don't really believe I will be able to stand a hobo in rags (consular 50 pvp gear) or capes (I REALLY hate them and nearly all smuggler armor are capes).


Now that I am empire, oh man IA sniper is awesome, not the biggest fan of the story (prefer humor rather than the 007 stuff) but I lvl mainly through pvp, I'll just sit through it.


I'm already sick of doing any of the quests for planets (I really only do the class quests now, unless I really want one of the planet commendation items).


The sad part is I know I'm not going to be able to gear out anymore than 2 before guild wars 2 or tera comes out.

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Smuggler/Scoundrel - 40

Jedi Consular/Sage - 41

Trooper/Shield Tech - 42

Jedi Knight/Sentinel - 26

Trooper/Commando - 20



Bounty Huner/Power Tech - 28

Sith Warrior/Jugg - 25

Sith Inquisitor/Sorc - 28

Imperial Agent/Operative - 28


For now, I am pretty much strictly concentrating on playing my Republic characters first and getting them to 50. Once that is done, I will switch back to the Empire side and finish those classes up. Really want to experience all the class stories for both sides.


It is so hard to play just one. I also do alot of crafting so I am self sufficiant and am not really needing to spend money on the GTN.

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