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What's my bottleneck?


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Your home computer needs a GPU upgrade and some more RAM. I'm sorry, but that 8800 isn't going to cut it like you want it to.


Your home computer will NEVER get to the performance your work computer has. Why? Because your work computer has a much better GPU, a much better CPU and DDR3 RAM.


You will get a slight performance boost with the RAM purchase for your home computer. But I wouldn't get too excited as you will still have low FPS.


You seem to have missed that his work PC has the 8800GT and his home PC has the 560 Ti.

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Hey guys, I just had a quick question about my computer setup at home. I have had the opportunity to play SWTOR on my home and work computer. For some reason the game runs a lot faster on my work computer even though my home computer has a better graphics card. However, everything else is slightly worse than my work computer. I'm just curious what you guys think my bottleneck would be.


Here are my specs for both computers:


Work computer


Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT

Intel Core i7 CPU 950 @ 3.07GHz

8gb RAM


Home computer


Windows 7 Professional 64-bit


AMD Phenom 9600 Quad-Core Processor

3gb RAM


My home computer really struggles when there are a lot of NPCs in the area. Particularly in the black sun taxi area on Coruscant. I chug so hard there when I'm at home because of all the NPCs fighting below the taxi platform, but that area runs fine at work.


Would my processor be the culprit or would it be my RAM? Or is there something else you think is holding me up?


Thanks for the help!


The only way to know is to profile your cpu usage per core and gpu activity while the game is playing.


You'll need these applications:


GPU-Z will show your gpu usage free video memory

Windows Task Manager>Performance will show cpu activity per core




Good luck.

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So what are you saying - SWTOR uses over 4gb on your PC but only 2.5gb on mine? I really don't think so.


No, that's not what I said.


Just to placate you, when I get home, I'll look at my memory consumption and tell you what I find.

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Enough can mean lots of things. Launch Tor, open resource monitor and check how many hard faults you get on memory per sec. Thats when the mem doesn't have the data needed and needs it fed from HDD. Then put in 6 again and compare hard faults.

Remember Win 7 preloads.


When you check mem with 4GB it says something like : Used 2.2, standby 1, free 0.8

When you get 6 you will se used 2.2, standby: 3, free: 0.9


Standby is preloaded data expected to be needed soon.


Hard faults are at 0% for both with the very rare spike.


Neither 4GB or 6GB changes ingame performance. RAM will not stop the issues ingame - even 100GB of the fastest RAM won't change a thing.

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Hard faults are at 0% for both with the very rare spike.


Neither 4GB or 6GB changes ingame performance. RAM will not stop the issues ingame - even 100GB of the fastest RAM won't change a thing.


What about the fact that he's running dual-channel RAM in a single DIMM configuration in his second slot pair?

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The only way to know is to profile your cpu usage per core and gpu activity while the game is playing.


You'll need these applications:


GPU-Z will show your gpu usage free video memory

Windows Task Manager>Performance will show cpu activity per core




Good luck.


Just to expand on this a bit... You may need logging software or a second monitor to really make use of this suggestion.


When you tab out of the game and have it minimized to the task bar you are rendering less graphics and will not get any kind of consistent readings from GPU-Z unless you have something logging the performance.

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You seem to have missed that his work PC has the 8800GT and his home PC has the 560 Ti.


whoops, I got them backwards. My apologies. Thanks for the correction ...


I retract my previous statement.


Seems to me that RAM may be the issue here. However, I'm not sure if he will see much gain from RAM.


Update your drivers for the GPU (beta drivers seem to work well). Try running the game in XP SP3 mode. Make sure that your card is set to performance.

Edited by Alkiii
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This game is not optimized for multiple cores over two. This is especially true if you're running with a AMD cpu. For the short term, until you get more ram, let swtor only have access to two of your cores. You should notice a performance boost.
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Hard faults are at 0% for both with the very rare spike.


Neither 4GB or 6GB changes ingame performance. RAM will not stop the issues ingame - even 100GB of the fastest RAM won't change a thing.


That I find hard to belive, screenshot or it didn't happen. When I had 4GB I had up to 100 HF almost constantly. BTW, I added a SS of my RM in the previous post after you replied. Gimme one of those on your 4GB system with Tor running.


I bet you it will have a bunch of hard faults. open RM, then launch Tor , play for a minute or 2 alt tab and SS the RM, I'd better se swtor.exe at the top of the mem list :D


I'll add my pic again, since I was too slow in the last post.




I can start it too if you want and we can compare ;)

And btw, its not %, its how many times during the last second the CPU requested data not available in memory.

Edited by DeeckTator
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Ok, so I bought two 2gb DDR2 800 Crucial sticks on best buy's website and picked them up in store on my way home.


Plugging them in now. Will update after I try the game. My character should already be in black sun taxi area.

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Ok, so I bought two 2gb DDR2 800 Crucial sticks on best buy's website and picked them up in store on my way home.


Plugging them in now. Will update after I try the game. My character should already be in black sun taxi area.


Please do let us know. I'm curious to see if it improves things.

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Ok, so I bought two 2gb DDR2 800 Crucial sticks on best buy's website and picked them up in store on my way home.


Plugging them in now. Will update after I try the game. My character should already be in black sun taxi area.


Hope its not Crucial ballistiX sticks, those are kinda tricky and only like certain chipsets. But you might be lucky.

Oh and make sure the new sticks require the same voltage as the old ones.


DDR2 has default voltage of 1.8 (ur old sticks probably run on 1.8, if you got BallistiX they require 2.0V.

If you got the 2V BallistiX try at 1.9 first, if not stabe you have to increase it to 2V (try 1.95 first, if 1.9 fail).

Edited by DeeckTator
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Hope its not Crucial ballistiX sticks, those are kinda tricky and only like certain chipsets. But you might be lucky.


Nope. Same ones I found on Newegg. They snapped right in and game is running wayyyyy better! My overall OS is even running faster. You guys weren't kidding. RAM is a big factor. Next step will be to upgrade my mobo but that can wait a while.

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Hey guys, I just had a quick question about my computer setup at home. I have had the opportunity to play SWTOR on my home and work computer. For some reason the game runs a lot faster on my work computer even though my home computer has a better graphics card. However, everything else is slightly worse than my work computer. I'm just curious what you guys think my bottleneck would be.


Here are my specs for both computers:


Work computer


Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT

Intel Core i7 CPU 950 @ 3.07GHz

8gb RAM


Home computer


Windows 7 Professional 64-bit


AMD Phenom 9600 Quad-Core Processor

3gb RAM


My home computer really struggles when there are a lot of NPCs in the area. Particularly in the black sun taxi area on Coruscant. I chug so hard there when I'm at home because of all the NPCs fighting below the taxi platform, but that area runs fine at work.


Would my processor be the culprit or would it be my RAM? Or is there something else you think is holding me up?


Thanks for the help!


Your first gen Phenom is the bottlneck. A bad one.

And you want more ram.

3gb? You're probably running ni single channel.....why?

And TOR is large address aware.

pick up a used x4 965, and a new pair of 2x4gb for like $40.

Edited by Your_dominus
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That I find hard to belive, screenshot or it didn't happen. When I had 4GB I had up to 100 HF almost constantly. BTW, I added a SS of my RM in the previous post after you replied. Gimme one of those on your 4GB system with Tor running.


I bet you it will have a bunch of hard faults. open RM, then launch Tor , play for a minute or 2 alt tab and SS the RM, I'd better se swtor.exe at the top of the mem list :D


I'll add my pic again, since I was too slow in the last post.




I can start it too if you want and we can compare ;)

And btw, its not %, its how many times during the last second the CPU requested data not available in memory.


I'm guessing you had something else wrong.


Here is my current with 6 GB - I really can't be bothered switching out my RAM again right now but I'm very certain that 4 GB won't make any difference.




No hard faults on that, and hardly any overall on this or with 4 GB. Maybe a little spike every so often but nothing that registers even as a percent over time.

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You guys were tremendously helpful. Smooth as glass. Crazy how just a little more memory made all the difference. Thanks everyone! Except LionArmpit.


I'm sure it's also helped a lot that you're running in dual channel mode now.


Glad it's helped you out!

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Well it seems to be doing fine now so I am happy with my hunk of crap!


I'm not suprised.

Lots of posters round here are " fine" with crap.

Whats fine to you is not fine to me.

Huge bottleneck for your 560 ti. Huge. Slow, awfull architecture.

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its the game, not your machine. don't waste your money upgrading for this game.


i've got a


i7 3970k

32gb ram

ati 6970

256 gb ssd agility 3.


i get stutter and 30 fps.


Pretty much this.

The game has coding issues and the engine has problems. I know people with higher end machines than mine who cant play it properly without a great deal of frustration. Mine will run ANY game, MMO or otherwise, at ultra settings - except this game, which it runs on low with STILL having FPS issues about half the time.


Bioware has a problem to fix - you probably don't. Though more RAM will help once they get their system in order.

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