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Nerf Sentinel/Marauder RIGHT NOW


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Haha, got your attention AND a forum first. Nobody EVER writes those words. Why? Cause we suck. Medium armor is squishy, plus we got no stealth. Well what about knockbacks for Void Star and Hutt ball? None. A pull towards since we're melee dps? None. How about some hard CC? Oh we have a 3 second channel and...that's it. Surely you have some AOE cc right? Sure! It doesn't knockback and slow/root and it's only 6 seconds and its a MEZ not a stun, but yeah we have ONE. Well you guys must do sick DPS right? I mean you don't have operatives that are hitting for 5 times your max crit or anything right? Oh wait yes we do, our DPS blows! Ops, Sniper, Merc, powertech, commando, scoundrel, gunslinger all FACEROLL their way to far more damage either from stealth (time on target...) or from range...time on target.


So what exactly is the point of these classes? I hit 50 a couple of days ago and am not geared up, but let me say when I posted this same thing back at 25 I was ASSURED that once I hit 50 all would be well.


Well it ain't well, not even close. I have ONE ability that can crit over 2k AND it is NOT instant. My stupid toon starts to pull her sabers back and if they move behind me or too far forward or I move or do anything else it stops the action. ***? Seriously? Are you kidding me in a game with all these instant casts and AOE's that do as much or MORE damage on multiple targets out of heavy armor I can't even swing my two gosh darned sabers to do my best hit?


If you are going to say get geared up first well GT FO!!! People who aren't even 50 do EPIC damage and you're saying I have to be geared to the 9's to be competitive with sub-50's of some of the OP classes wth?


Gunslingers and Commando's can easily top damage charts at level 15 and I had to wait until 40 - 50 to BEGIN to break into the top 3? OFC, level 50 gunslingers routinely hit 300k+ (most I've ever hit was 185k). Seriously, people will say oh you need to pick and choose situations. Well ***? I see all these other classes just faceroll their way to victory. So if you are going to write a L2P post you need to get out UNLESS you yourself show that you have a sent/marauder with screenshots proving you REGULARLY dominate. If not you are just a troll and need to go back to playing your operative, sorceror, mercenary or whatever faceroll class.


Also I'm COMPLETELY backloaded. You know how everyone complains about how sick it is that ops/scoundrels OPEN with a monster crit (10k? ***?!!!!) and knockdown (more cc **** I'm lol my class sucks so bad). Yeah, well my class has to be beating on people for a bit before the big damage comes up. I've learned my sole way to play, is to hit a ton with my instant little hits that build focus and wait until some kindly teamate uses a stun so I can unload. I generally save my aoe mez to get out of nasty situations and I have to think about it as I only have that and force camoflauge to save my squishy as hell behind.


Meanwhile I'm getting focused down from range by massive DPS slow COMBO's, massive AOE's that out damage me coming from a HEAVY ARMOR at RANGE, guys popping from STEALTH and knocking me on my face and juicing me for easily 8k before I get up because of course my ONE CC breaker is on cooldown from the approximately 5,000,000,000 CC's in this game.


I'm seriously considering re-rolling a scoundrel at this point because this is just ridiculous. I fight guys in warzones who are a good 7 levels below me and can kill me by kiting and CC use and there's nothing I can do because I have ONE, count it ONE way to change my or my enemies position. LOL, meanwhile the face roll commando and every other class has pull towards or knockbacks etc. I can't believe how incredibly bad my class sucks. Yes, I can beat people but only if I catch them alone and they are a channel class and/or they don't understand proper use of CC or have it on CD.


Give us a boost FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. We either need more CC, more cc breakers, or way WAY more DPS. We are most definitely not the best single target DPS in the game unless you know everyone ignores us and lets us just go to town. In those RARE instances where I'm not focused or AOE'd to death I do well. Same if I have a pocket healer, then again don't ALL classes do well if other classes ignore them or they have pocket heals? Seriously Sents/Marauders need a boost asap.



As a fellow Sentinel, you sir, need to learn to play. I do just fine in Warzones, often being in the top 3 (if not top) DPS, topping killing blows, and doing objectives.

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You are a gear dependant class, and expertise is an extremely important stat for PvP, as it both boosts your damage against targets, and lowers their damage against you. Once you struggle through the no-gear period, which hopefully won't take too long, you should start noticing some big changes. Just having the larger health pool plays a big role.
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Marauder scales with gear best of the other classes. You are right that most of the other classes done tons of dps on low/mid lvl. The reason why none of marauders were doing good dps on low/mid is because all of the char's and including marauders are downgeared from their lvl when they lvlup. I was only able to get decent items/mods for my level-1/2 when I was leaving the planet (buying it for comms).


When you hit 50 and get couple of pvp items, you will see significant increase in your total dmg.

Also you have to choose your enemies wisely. Sitting and hitting 'hard' heavy armor guys, who's armor is actually made against marauders (oh well, and also against snipers and that's actually it in pvp). Marauders actualy do have yet another stuns:


when you leap on some1, you do interupt enemy from casting/moving. You can increase that effect up to 1 more sec from rage talant.

In carnage there are 2 mroe stuns (1 of them is also channeling but huh... at least you do proper dmg and don't get dmg back for that duration) - from ravage channeling and from throwing your saber into the enemy.


In your case you are either anni. build marauder who has is semi-support/dps role - you heal your team with your dots, and also you have to put those dots not only on 1 target. if you want to increase your potential in pvp with anni. you actually not necessary have to stay on 1 target until it dies.


Lastly, Opers... Those rats are nothing if you have proper reaction, all the skills you need binded to the convenient keys and a brain(pvp skill).

I can give you 1(two in one actually) anti-Oper tactic:

1. if he starts to hit you from invis (here comes reaction skill of your pvp) instantly pop out cc-breaker (unleashe) and use fear/go invis. if you have 2rage - debuff accuracy(he still will have a chance to hit, but less.. at least something). get rage/start your heavy dmg skills depending on the talent build.if you'r anni, pop out 2 dots on him and start choke = 3dot skills at once will bring him to less then 50%. repeat until dead(no choke though...).

when it is needed pop out shield (i'd suggest to pop them out after the debuff is ended).

if you go low - pop out undying. dont forget about frenzy(or what was the skills name..) pop out +dmg buff or +def buff or +permanent dot crits.


2. if cc-breaker is in cd. well if you'r at least geared to your level (pve items with 49/50lvl blue/purple mods). he will not kill you in 1 combo. pop out hp pot (you can use 2 - pvp one and the one you can buy from vendors/people or craft). do the same stuff as i described above.


Ofc. if you are in carnage then you will not have dots, but you will have more cc-like skills and a bit more burst. also you can still pop out dot so the oper doesnt go invis. you on the other hand can go to invis, which will deselect your char from his target, then he will need to click tab(i know it's just 1 click.. but hey - time matters).


I believe you can do similar stuff in rage build, but I never tried it out myself.



The only situation that really 'hurts' is when you'r cc-breaker is down and you REALLY DIE IN 3SEC'S (which is way too impossible in your lvl blue/purple gear). but in 1v1 fight, meh.



Lastly, the only disadvantage marauder has is the amount of medals we can earn. we are pretty much limited to dps-only medals, wherease every other class can earn those dps-medals +heal/protect medals.

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Sent/Marauders are one of the truly scary classes on my Trooper and Scoundrel.


Not even Operatives/Scoundrels that get the jump on me make me nervous like a Marauder.

Once I jump them, I'll start running and when they get up I'll time my Dodge cooldown for when they leap to me, then I'll use my talented snare to root them for 2s and hope I get enough range to start kiting, or they'll tear me a new ******e in melee range.

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Marauders get good dps, but it doesn't seem like they gave us enough with our lack of cc, it's getting to the point where it seems pointless to try to kill their healers as every time I go after them, I get stunned, they run away, I charge, pop all cd and get 1/3 of their health if I'm lucky, then they heal it all and the cycle starts again. By the time they run out of energy their team is all over me.


Also for whoever would suggest that I interrupt their heal, I am, the cd on our interrupt is 1 sec longer than the basic heal, so they get it off no matter what.

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You are a gear dependant class, and expertise is an extremely important stat for PvP, as it both boosts your damage against targets, and lowers their damage against you. Once you struggle through the no-gear period, which hopefully won't take too long, you should start noticing some big changes. Just having the larger health pool plays a big role.


The more I read the more that makes sense. Since we are a damage only class with very few extra skills our stats are even more important. You can have low stats and CC like a champ, pushback, wear heavy armor etc. But if you want to dish out damage stats are a must. Oh well back to the grind. Been hosed on my first 13 bags having jack and squat in them. Thanks for your reply.

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As a fellow Sentinel, you sir, need to learn to play. I do just fine in Warzones, often being in the top 3 (if not top) DPS, topping killing blows, and doing objectives.


LOL, I loved the gentleman's L2P post. Hilarious. Oh I often get top 3 (rarely higher), but only if I have buddies working with me or I'm playing against nubs. It sounds to me like gear is my biggest issue and perhaps a sub-par machine. I came from another game where I absolutely dominated so it has sucked royally to play a finesse class and have a sub-par machine. Getting geared seems key. Thanks for the funny reply.

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I havn't seen many Sentinel or Marauder in PvP, and I am battlemaster rank well geared. However, I know one Marauder who I run into often. I know what they can do in melee range. It just feels like their attacks are very quick and can bring my health down without my defensive coold down.


My reaction to a Marauder coming at me is force push buff up and leap in to burst him down first before he could do too much. If I give him time to do his attack, I can get hit double 3k crit and hell of a lot of dot damage. It seems to me when you face a calss that can burst fast, you have to control the fight and allow yourself time to setup your attack. Same thing with operative and other stealth class.


I have to agree that sentinel and marauder don't suck. They can play a good dps role in pvp.

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Marauder scales with gear best of the other classes. You are right that most of the other classes done tons of dps on low/mid lvl. The reason why none of marauders were doing good dps on low/mid is because all of the char's and including marauders are downgeared from their lvl when they lvlup. I was only able to get decent items/mods for my level-1/2 when I was leaving the planet (buying it for comms).


When you hit 50 and get couple of pvp items, you will see significant increase in your total dmg.

Also you have to choose your enemies wisely. Sitting and hitting 'hard' heavy armor guys, who's armor is actually made against marauders (oh well, and also against snipers and that's actually it in pvp). Marauders actualy do have yet another stuns:


when you leap on some1, you do interupt enemy from casting/moving. You can increase that effect up to 1 more sec from rage talant.

In carnage there are 2 mroe stuns (1 of them is also channeling but huh... at least you do proper dmg and don't get dmg back for that duration) - from ravage channeling and from throwing your saber into the enemy.


In your case you are either anni. build marauder who has is semi-support/dps role - you heal your team with your dots, and also you have to put those dots not only on 1 target. if you want to increase your potential in pvp with anni. you actually not necessary have to stay on 1 target until it dies.





Lastly, the only disadvantage marauder has is the amount of medals we can earn. we are pretty much limited to dps-only medals, wherease every other class can earn those dps-medals +heal/protect medals.

A root is not a stun. We have 1 stun that stuns us as well. A few weak roots and a weak mez. Id kill for a stun, force push/pull like in beta, or a long term mez like many of the other classes have.


Op if you like the way the class plays, stick with it. Gear and the upcoming melee/stealth class changes will make things better.

Edited by Moosestick
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A root is not a stun. We have 1 stun that stuns us as well. A few weak roots and a weak mez. Id kill for a stun, force pull like in beta, or a long term mez like many of the other classes have.


Op if you like the way the class plays, stick with it. Gear and the upcoming melee/stealth class changes will make things better.


Thanks for the reply. I hope most realize that was some heavy venting in the OP. What melee/stealth changes are your referring to? Thanks in advance.

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Only way to effectively play a Sent past Glad rank vs anyone with decent gear is force spec and completely ignore any sense of objectives and go for huge burst crits. Watchman does do crazy SUSTAINED dps which u will never achieve versus CC and combat is the worst dps in the game. Which is funny becuz combat is clearly supposed to be our pvp spec, but thats what u get when Ataru form hits like a pillow. SMH Bioware
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Thanks for the reply. I hope most realize that was some heavy venting in the OP. What melee/stealth changes are your referring to? Thanks in advance.


According to dev blog, 25% buff to melee classes and 50% nerf to stealth class damage

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I think Sents just need a slight DPS increase in single target, a slight DPS decrease or crit chance with the AOE and more Anti CC buffs like a temp one for force charge making you immune to CC for like 8 sec and immune to push back for 4 and lower timers on the CC breaker.


Just using Force charge and spamming smash is not skill or fun.


But then again imo all melee classes should have a purchased skill for a slight speed increase that is passive at a certain level. In open world i have had too many Benny Hill episodes of chasing down a ranged class while waiting for force charge to cool.. too much CC in this game.

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Difference with Sent/Mara if you dont know what your doing or just randomly hit things you won't do much


A good Marauder/Sent will tear through most. Probably the class with the biggest difference between good and bad based on skill level.

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Ye u suck.


99 % damage reduction, 50 % miss chance and 25 % damage reduction, 20 % damage reduction, 90 % miss chance debuff, combat stealth.


I, as a sniper, can kill mara only if he is pounding something else, not me.


If he is on me and I can't knockback him from the ledge it is auto GG.

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sentinel feels so gimped in pp it isnt even funny.


take one of those worthless melee trees and turn it into a ranged tree, something -anything.


Ive frankly just canned my 50 sentinel and levelled a sage and now pvp's a breeze.


why not make every class viable, instead of just some?

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Sentinels are more then fine if played correctly.

Most probably the best class overall at the moment, without being extremely OP.


oh the high and mighty "if played correctly" egotism. I dont buy it for a second. Maybe you just dont fight any opponents who play their class correctly. You can be kept out of range and facing in a snap. Then your correct playing is worthless.

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Haha, got your attention AND a forum first. Nobody EVER writes those words. Why? Cause we suck. Medium armor is squishy, plus we got no stealth.

The PVP spec for Sentinels is the Focus tree... between Enduring and Defensive Forms, your Shii-Cho Form gives you HEAVY ARMOR. You're sitting on as much defense as a DPS Guardian or Vanguard and without even considering the NUMEROUS defensive cooldowns you get in addition to it. This is on top of being an AMMO-LESS FORCE-LESS CLASS that can just throw out the damage nonstop. Sentinels are scary beyond all reason!



A root is not a stun. We have 1 stun that stuns us as well. A few weak roots and a weak mez. Id kill for a stun, force push/pull like in beta, or a long term mez like many of the other classes have.

You're right, Roots aren't stuns. They're BETTER than stuns in some ways. Every other class can stun and then gets hit by the Resolve bar. Roots and Snares are NOT affected by Resolve bars. When all the ranged dps classes have blown their stuns on the healers, you can still root them. When the Huttball carrier has been made immune to CC and is running towards the goal, YOU CAN STILL ROOT HIM! You might want a stun of your own, but a root is nothing to snort at.

Edited by LordSemaj
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oh the high and mighty "if played correctly" egotism. I dont buy it for a second. Maybe you just dont fight any opponents who play their class correctly. You can be kept out of range and facing in a snap. Then your correct playing is worthless.


I am playing my Sentinel better then anyone else I've seen so far, and I dominate every other class in a 1v1.


Maybe you just need to get over the fact that you aren't as good as you think you are, and get practicing. Instead of just sitting about whining, when the class is doing more then fine if played well.

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I am playing my Sentinel better then anyone else I've seen so far, and I dominate every other class in a 1v1.


Maybe you just need to get over the fact that you aren't as good as you think you are, and get practicing. Instead of just sitting about whining, when the class is doing more then fine if played well.


Its clearly a gear thing. Without more than a tiny amount of built in effects (like knockback + slow/root, range, assorted CC,) compared to other classes the Sent/Marauder more than any other class is gear dependent to be effective. Someone said that above and that makes sense.


Also responses like you suck, learn to play, are juvenile trollsturbation grow up. Saying, l2p, here's how spec rage tree and spam smash or something like that is actually helpful. Just spewing L2P is merely rehashing something some leet 17yr old playing a computer mom bought him for x-mas made up one year and became the insult du jour circa 2002. Seriously, L2P folks get the **** over yourselves. Be helpful or gt fo. If you guys are so leet post screenshots or youtube video otherwise its just so much hot air. Btw, if dev's are increasing melee damage as suggested above that tells me that I and others saying we knights/warriors are gimped is CONFIRMED BY BIOWARE.

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Ye u suck.


99 % damage reduction, 50 % miss chance and 25 % damage reduction, 20 % damage reduction, 90 % miss chance debuff, combat stealth.


I, as a sniper, can kill mara only if he is pounding something else, not me.


If he is on me and I can't knockback him from the ledge it is auto GG.


You talking about if you pop guarded by the force (95% damage reduction for SIX seconds and lose 1/2 life...), 25% damage reduction has a longish cool down and is used constantly so is on CD more often than not. 20% damage reduction isn't as amazing as it sounds and is on CD very often. Seeing as melee is constantly AOE'd that 20% is off the top out of the gate in most fights as rarely if ever on Voidstar or Alderaan am I not damaged quite a bit BEFORE I get to my target. As to the debuff, well I find that is resisted alot, its dang helpful 1v1 but that's not where my problem lies. Its with all the AOE CC and AOE damage.


Without heals like seemingly every class has(except shadows/assassins?) and medium armor all that AOE is insanity. 1v1 I do well unless its vs a geared sorc or sniper, snipers own 1v1 so I would submit that if you can't beat a marauder or sent 1v1 you got unlucky (their CC breaker was up) or you don't know how to play YOUR class.


Almost every time I fight a sniper I lose. They do the knock back slow from behind cover, drop the big cover (no interrupts) and...it's over, pew pew and that's it. So, I suggest you use a CC you don't care about to trigger the CC breaker then do the knockback slow from behind cover, drop your big cover and win. If you don't win you aren't playing the sniper right. Seriously, snipers are death to sentinels easily the worst thing to fight against unless by some miracle my CC breaker isn't on CD and I'm at full health when I fight one (maybe 1/20 WZ encounters).

Edited by Renlotho
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