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Vehicles on Fleet Station... seriously? Such logic!


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Actually, all those people running around from shop to shop is ruining my immersion! I mean how often do you go to the mall or store and see people "running" from shop to shop?


We should enforce a SLOW WALKING speed while at the station. Furthermore, all female characters should be forced to stop at every store along the way to their destination.


These two changes will bring a realistic feel to the game and increase immersion for everyone!

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its a game, makes the boring "content" go faster. stop trying to make video games 100% "realistic" we might as well take out force lightning, blaster guns, personal space ships, pretty much all the star wars technology. make it like IRL and we can all log into our chars and watch tv all day on a couch.


grow up and buy a better computer. i have 0 lag issues on the imperial fleet even when there is 500 people there.


buy better computer, get better ISP, and stop crying LOL

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Gameplay > Immersion


The answer is no. Vehicles stay.




@OP, I agree, vehicles need to go. However, the fleet IMO needs a redesign, the running time between different areas is way too long, even with vehicles. They should have clustered everything around the inner circle and remove the outer circle altogether. Yes, the huge space looks cool, and yes it's awesome the first couple times, but fleet is basically just a place to find flashpoints on as soon as you're level 11.

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I see the word "Immersion breaking" tossed around a lot... so I may as well toss it out too. Seeing a bunch of vehicles racing around on a tiny confined station, is breaking immersion of it being a space station. Whats the point of stairs? Why have a cantina? Did anyone at bioware even think that through?


Bioware: Turn this ridiculous ability off on fleet station!


They don't allow you to ride a speeder through the dune sea tunnel (yet taxi's fly through), but they allow speeders on a fricken tiny space station? Who in their bright mind came up with that one.




thx for trying to trash the game for others. Its people like you i a hoping like hell are gone on the 20th

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Functionally Convenient > Immersion...


Gamers outnumber roleplayers. Most people on PvE and PvP servers couldn't care less about hardcore RP immersion (even some of us on RP servers couldn't care less). Get over it.


If you look at most games, travel becomes easier as the game matures. This game will be no different. Sooner or later they will open up the travel floodgates and more people will be happy than not.


I bet you love traveling through 4 different time sink maps to get from the fleet to your spaceport destination. The immersion on that is amazing if you remove all the loading and black paused screens. Oh wait. You can't.

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It's definitely a very minor issue to me, almost all speeders aren't very big. I can see the point - it's indoors and a pretty awkward place to use a speeder. But personally I don't mind if people want to hop on their speeder just to save a couple of extra seconds, it's their choice.

At least for now; if they were to introduce Banthas as a mount, then it'd be a different story.

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As someone very concerned about immersion aspects in MMOs myself I must say that I am bothered less by people driving around on their vehicles, but by people standing around objectives sitting on speeder bikes or larger landspeeders. Like, you have 20 people gathered around a GTN node, but 5 of them insist on sitting there on speeder bikes (which stick through each other and a dozen people, of course) and one sits on a huge landspeeder.


It looks really stupid and on top of that, I find it rude to stand into other peoples characters - and with the medium-sized and large vehicles that is almost inevitable when people crowd around certain NPcs or objectives.


So, how about a compromise: disabling vehicles in the alcoves and chambers containing the various NPC vendors, GTN, class trainers, cargo vaults and, of course, the central cantina - and vehicles usable in all space connecting these places.

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I agree.


No speeders on the station.


It gets cluttered enough around mailboxes and the GTN terminals without people in their speeders covering up even more of what you are trying to click on.


No, it's not like someone parked their elephant on a mailbox, but it's not a lot better if it's 'only' two or three guys in their giant speeders.

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I agree with getting rid of speeders on the fleet. It isn't that big, and it is annoying as hell when there is that one douchebaaag that has the full sized Corellia speeder covering up all of the PvP boards and vendors. I should not have to scroll my view to be looking directly down on my toon to be able to click on a NPC vendor just because someone out there is compensating for a small *****. You aren't that special, as you are just a jerk.
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Actually, all those people running around from shop to shop is ruining my immersion! I mean how often do you go to the mall or store and see people "running" from shop to shop?


We should enforce a SLOW WALKING speed while at the station. Furthermore, all female characters should be forced to stop at every store along the way to their destination.


These two changes will bring a realistic feel to the game and increase immersion for everyone!


This kind of thinking is basically asserting that simply because, due to the nature of online games, there are some immersion breaking things that you cannot change, there should be no attempt at all to make the game as immersive as possible.


I know this is an attempt to appear clever, but it really isn't.

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+1 disable mount at the fleet.


If you take the RP aspect it don't fit well. There is a group of ppl covered by a big vehicle. No way!


Only if they would activate collision between each mount, that would be fun. You could bump other player with your mount away. Yeah that would be great :)

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Speeders arent allowed in the various space ports or hangers on any of the planets, I dont see why they should be on the fleet.
The spaceports and hangars are disguised load screens. You're forced to run slowly through them while your computer loads and caches all the art assets that you'll see the moment you exit the spaceport/hangar, otherwise you'd get some pretty nutzo pop-in.


If you actually manage to run faster than your load, you can get stuck on an invisible wall that will root you until enough assets load that going further wouldn't cause entire buildings to materialize before your eyes.

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