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Companions are a part of you , you should roll for gears for them.


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I personally would be rather annoyed with someone needing something from a FP that I would have a use (as in needing it cause it's a great upgrade for me in comparison of my current equipment) for, if that person is just going to put it on his/her companion. Sure they need gear, but I tend to prioritise actual players before NPCs. Otherwise I might start needing everything, cause in the end I've got companions that use everything from light to heavy armor. Ranged, melee or spells. The only time I would actually consider it being okay to need an item is if the companion in question has been used for the duration of the fight or longer (the entire FP run).


Then again the whole "I need gear/my companion needs gear" is kind of bull anyway.

You're given commendations from bosses, quests and the like. These can be used to buy gear for both you and your companion. They can be used to buy mods for you and your companion. Orange gear is just for show anyway (since they're dependable on your mods that you once again can buy). Blue gear can once again be bought for credits or commendations. Commendations are not even difficult to come across, a few FPs and some heroics, some other quests, some drops and you've got plenty of commendations for that particular planet.

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Just about everyone can use gear for their companions. Here is the solution: If you need something for yourself, roll need. If you need something for your companion roll greed. If you get it, congratulations! If not, too bad.


I have yet to have the displeasure of running a group with someone who just needs on items for their companions, but I've seen a lot of people who try to prey on peoples good nature by letting everyone else hit "Greed", then asking if it is okay if they roll need for their companion.


I haven't either yet. Thankfully everyone I've grouped with has been rolling greed unless they can use it themselves.


May as well say everyone should be rolling need on everything with the mentality some folks have in this thread. Just about anyways considering the number of companions we get.

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Let me clarify, if it's gonna be greeded or sold for credits or disassembled...then I have no problem with someone rolling on it for their companion.


But when there's an actual player that actively helped in the encounter and they need that upgrade...it's a bad call to roll NEED for your companion against them.


That's all I'm saying.

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I guarantee that once the masses start raiding, rolling on gear for a companion is going to be the fastest way to get booted.


I'm with the other poster though. Needs to get recorded and put online somewhere so we can all watch the hilarity of the guild going into full on rage mode if some try justifying that the gear should go to an companion.

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If you are a healer and someone rolls on healing gear for their companion then let their companion heal them.....


Whats that? Their companion cant be summoned and they are going to die?


Oh well.



Notice how non of the greedy people post their character name, guild, and server when asked?


Because they aren't willing to stand by their convictions because they know they are being greedy.

Edited by Amiracle
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Sure they need gear, but I tend to prioritise actual players before NPCs.
So do they; they're not giving the gear to NPC;s


I think if you're honest with yourself, you'll find that the reality is that you tend to prioritize yourself over other people. It has nothing to do with companions, you'd just be upset that you didn't win the gear.

Edited by ferroz
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If you are a healer and someone rolls on healing gear for their companion then let their companion heal them.....


Whats that? Their companion cant be summoned and they are going to die?


Oh well.


Much as I would love to do that it hurts the group as a whole plus doesn't say much about my own character. I would keep healing them and ensure afterwards they were on ignore and I was never in a group with them again.


...or they weren't invited to a group I was healing for or I created.

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This is the most convoluted, the dumbest, the most absurd thing I've ever read on a MMORPG forum. I played WoW and trolled the General forums there, and I NEVER saw anything that made me this dismayed for the world's future.


Your companion is not in the FP. Do not roll on gear for your companion. Gear your companion on your own time, not mine, or get guildies/friends to help you gear him. I can assure you that you will level superbly without taking gear from other players for your companion.


Stop being greedy. Don't be a douche.

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It is, indeed, that simple.


Does anyone disagree that a companion is less effective than an average player? Because of that, the same amount of improvement in stats does more for a player than it does for a companion.


Therefore, in terms of net effectiveness, it's better for a player character to be upgraded than a companion. Since the whole premise of Need/Greed is that the entity that gets the most utility out of something should get it, player characters deserve higher priority than companions.

No, it is not that simple. And getting into discussions about who is going to use the gear more effectively can just as easily be applied to players and that's called a loot council system. Unless you're going by the assumption that every player out there is a pro gamer, the truth is a companion can be more effective than a player.


Here is a not-so-simple scenario for you. You and I group for a flashpoint. After an hour of searching and not being able to get anyone else to join our group, I suggest to you that we just use our companions to fill out the other two group spots. I point out that I've had success doing this flashipoint with two characters + two companion characters before. My companion will be playing the role of healer for our group.


Encouraged, you agree and we head into the flashpoint. Upon realizing that my companion character and your character both depend on the same gear with the same stat bonuses, you make it clear to me that I should not be rolling "need" on any gear for my current companion.


So, I put my companion away and tell you that I hope we can three-man this flashpoint without a healer. We wipe on the next pull and you insist I bring my companion back.


Now, this can go one of the following ways: either you suck up the fact that my companion (who is actively participating in and vital to our upcoming victories) is going to be rolling against you on loot (where you at least have a 50/50 shot at getting a drop you need), or you can drop group and spend another hour looking for a team to do this flashpoint with. Because if you're not going to let my companion (who, again, is actively participating in and vital to our success) have a fair shot at the loot then s/he doesn't need to be there and we can see just how far we get without them.



There's also a practical argument to be made - each player character has 5 companions. This means that at an abstract level, saying that companions should get need rolls means that it will take 6 times as long, on average, for a player character to gain gear than otherwise. That's a pretty dumb way of creating grind for yourself.


This is, sadly, the huge disconnect that always occurs in this particular gear discussion. There are actually multiple camps here:


There are people who feel "need" rolls shouldn't be used for companions under any circumstances.


There are people who feel it's right to roll need on loot for any of their companions regardless of whether or not their companions participated in the fight.


There are people who feel it's right to roll need on loot for ONLY companions that participated in the fight, but NOT for companions who are running slicing missions back on the ship.


I belong to the latter group, and disagree with the first two groups.

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The the person who says they `need`gear that they will dissassemble for mods... that is what the dissassemble choice is for.


/group kick


Uhh, actually, the best looking set of gear I got was on hammer station. I still use the same set, just mods from higher level flashpoints. Are you telling me I can't roll need when I really do _need_ the upgrade in performance, but don't want or need the "upgrade" in the looks?

Edited by Truga
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OP get a grip.

If we have to roll NEED for every Companion we have (5 of them), then everyone will NEED on everything.

In which case YOUR main character will never be able to have a decent equipment to enjoy the end game content (Raids)

This is an awful design from Bioware which should have thought protecting decent players from selfish players like you, who really should play single player games rather than MMORPGs.

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Your companion is not in the FP.
irrelevant. My character is in the flashpoint. My companion is part of my character.


Gear your companion on your own time, not mine, or get guildies/friends to help you gear him.
Running flash points is my time.


You might as well say "Gear your self on your own time, not mine, or get guildies/friends to help you gear yourself."


I can assure you that you will level superbly without taking gear from other players for your companion.
Likewise, you'll level superbly without taking gear from other player's companion's for yourself. Stop being greedy. Don't be a douche.
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I would agree, but I have a strict "Don't be a jerk" policy when running instances. So if an actual human being can use a piece of gear, I'm not going to be a jerk and take it for my NPC.


Exactly the way to play well with others. I agree completely.

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Well..In PUGS I just roll greed on anything, I simply don't want discussions about a game with strangers. That said I only very seldom PUG, say once p/year about in MMO's. When I play with people I know, I know what they need and I know what I need, so yes at times I just roll need for my companion. I don't hope they restrict rolling options or at least give a choice to keep it as it is now.
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irrelevant. My character is in the flashpoint. My companion is part of my character.


Running flash points is my time.


You might as well say "Gear your self on your own time, not mine, or get guildies/friends to help you gear yourself."


Likewise, you'll level superbly without taking gear from other player's companion's for yourself. Stop being greedy. Don't be a douche.


You'll be able to handle solo content without a flashpoint geared companion...so how about you stop being a greedy troll? =)

Edited by laparkuh
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OP get a grip.

If we have to roll NEED for every Companion we have (5 of them), then everyone will NEED on everything.

In which case YOUR main character will never be able to have a decent equipment to enjoy the end game content (Raids)

This is an awful design from Bioware which should have thought protecting decent players from selfish players like you, who really should play single player games rather than MMORPGs.


You'll notice that almost all the people ehre who support needing for all your companions, also want a cross server WoW clone LFD in place.


They want to play the game selfishly, with no accountability for their actions.

Edited by Khoranth
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You'll notice that almost all the people ehre who support needing for all your companions, also want a cross server WoW clone LFD in place.


They want to play the game selfishly, with no accountability for their actions.


Ding-Ding-Ding! We have a winner!

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Was completely for cross server dungeon finder til these threads started showing up all over the place. Honestly I'd rather wait 10-20mins extra for a group than to keep getting every piece of gear needed on for NPC's that aren't even helping with the content...
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You'll notice that almost all the people ehre who support needing for all your companions, also want a cross server WoW clone LFD in place.


They want to play the game selfishly, with no accountability for their actions.


Well, I for one don't. Just saying. I have zero problem with rolling need for companions and think cross server LFD are one of the worst things that can be implemented in an MMO.

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Well, I for one don't. Just saying. I have zero problem with rolling need for companions and think cross server LFD are one of the worst things that can be implemented in an MMO.


Yeah, but if I recall correctly from the other thread, you were also one of the few that would honestly convey your intentions to the group about NEEDing for companions.


I have no problem with others rolling NEED for companions, as long as it's discussed, upfront.

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You'll notice that almost all the people ehre who support needing for all your companions, also want a cross server WoW clone LFD in place.


They want to play the game selfishly, with no accountability for their actions.


Nice theory, but unlikely. I support rolling need on gear for companions who are a part of the current group. I am not a fan of cross-server dungeon groups for a variety of reasons.


People keep saying "it's this simple" and then stating no need rolls for companions. They're wrong. It's actually this simple: If your companion participated in fight and the item drop is an upgrade for them, roll need to upgrade their gear. To expect to get priority over a companion despite the fact that they participated in the same fight as you is ridiculously selfish.

Edited by Apax
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