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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

You blew it BioWare


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This is a rant but everything I am about to share with you all is absolutely true.


PVP stats are the DUMBEST thing created ever in a MMO. The idea is to have balance. Having PVP stats discourages new players from ever PVPing because no one enjoys getting destroyed over and over. The 50 bracket does not solve this whatsoever since you already have people decked out in PVP gear who will roll a new 50.


PVP is supposed to be about skill. If you are skillful you don't need pvp stats or any gear advantage period. I do not resent people who have this gear whatsoever however I do believe said gear is bad for the game.


How can BW possibly fix the mess they created going forward? I have no idea. They could start by scrapping pvp stats but that would mean BW would have to admit they were wrong and I don't see that happening.


Flame all you like, but I play this game and read the boards from time to time. I come across more people who agree with me on this one than those who don't.

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This is a rant but everything I am about to share with you all is absolutely true.


PVP stats are the DUMBEST thing created ever in a MMO. The idea is to have balance. Having PVP stats discourages new players from ever PVPing because no one enjoys getting destroyed over and over. The 50 bracket does not solve this whatsoever since you already have people decked out in PVP gear who will roll a new 50.


PVP is supposed to be about skill. If you are skillful you don't need pvp stats or any gear advantage period. I do not resent people who have this gear whatsoever however I do believe said gear is bad for the game.


How can BW possibly fix the mess they created going forward? I have no idea. They could start by scrapping pvp stats but that would mean BW would have to admit they were wrong and I don't see that happening.


Flame all you like, but I play this game and read the boards from time to time. I come across more people who agree with me on this one than those who don't.


+1 ! Totaly Agree

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This is a rant but everything I am about to share with you all is absolutely true.


PVP stats are the DUMBEST thing created ever in a MMO. The idea is to have balance. Having PVP stats discourages new players from ever PVPing because no one enjoys getting destroyed over and over. The 50 bracket does not solve this whatsoever since you already have people decked out in PVP gear who will roll a new 50.


PVP is supposed to be about skill. If you are skillful you don't need pvp stats or any gear advantage period. I do not resent people who have this gear whatsoever however I do believe said gear is bad for the game.


How can BW possibly fix the mess they created going forward? I have no idea. They could start by scrapping pvp stats but that would mean BW would have to admit they were wrong and I don't see that happening.


Flame all you like, but I play this game and read the boards from time to time. I come across more people who agree with me on this one than those who don't.



Do you have the statistics on how many players are discouraged vs how many players are encouraged to continue to get the gear? Oh, wait, you don't even have statistics for what you stated as fact.


Since we get to make up our own facts here and I'd like to state that the Imp's do WAY to much damage. There is no way that I should ever be killed in any situation. FACT!

Edited by Dubage
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PvP Stats are put into the game so you HAVE to PvP in order to get the gear. Otherwise people could just do Operations and then roll PvP with PvE gear.


Also, you raging during a PvP match and having someone agree with you doesn't mean everyone you come across agrees. Most people ignore ragers and just let them rant. I have 14 people in my guild online right now that just agreed that PvP stats should stay.


Quit complaining and just play the damn game.

Edited by Rehsals
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you forgot how empire classes outdo republic classes on almost every front, look around for some of the other threads for that little bit of info.


ps. i play empire :)


This is much more important, despite doing good with it my commando has died so many times due to stupid delays, not to mention full auto doing 66% of the damage it is supposed to do if someone sneezes your way, while unload is unaffected.

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PvP stats are fine.


Perhaps a better way to go about it would be to make expertise more easily accessible to lower levels. For example, put expertise on the level 40 pvp gear or make Expertise mods that can be bought with warzone or mercenary commendations.


Just my opinion.

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I want some stats.. Like how many people like you ive gotten to kill so far...




BTW there is a specific reason for "pvp stats" its soo PVE raiders dont do exactly what your complaining about.










Of course PvE raiders will still destroy others with low to non-existent expertise (which is generally people below level 40 that ***** about 50s).

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This is much more important, despite doing good with it my commando has died so many times due to stupid delays, not to mention full auto doing 66% of the damage it is supposed to do if someone sneezes your way, while unload is unaffected.



There is only 1 solution...naked warzones with training weapons. Patch ASAP, no need to thank me for this.

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If people really didn't like to get rolled consistently they'd stop dragging their level 11 smuggler into my voidstar matches.


And it's not like the bags, and therefor the PVP stats, are hard to get. I mean, anybody who cares can have 6 bags the instant they hit 50, plus what.... 4 for Illum dailies and another 4 for the weekly PVP (Assuming you can win 9 matches, tough I know). Potentially 14 pieces of gear a couple hours after you ding.


Stop crying.

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I really don't see the issue with allowing PvE to PvP as is. It's their character and it's who their character is...all the experience and gear they have obtained throughout the game. Why can't they decide to PvP when they wish? PvE is "the" game. PvP is a fun little side gameplay much like space combat. The game doesn't revolve around it. MMOs rarely do unless it's designed FOR PvP such as DAoC and WAR.


Still, I'd be satisfied if gear had no effect on PVP...IF...there was some interesting progression in PVP. Right now it's fun to PVP because of what I have obtained to enhance myself in PVP combat.


Personally I would PREFER a new tab in your equipment...PVP. When you enter a warzone, whatever PVP equipment you have is used. In Warzones, you progress by upgrading your gear (you start with a standard set of PVP gear). No PvE gear carries over. You have two separate careers...PvE and PvP. What about new player fairness? Well, just as you will be out DPSed by experienced raiders in PvE with good gear, expect to be out DPSed by experienced PvPs in PvP. If everyone was equal, then we'd have a very boring game.

Edited by RpTheHotrod
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Its what we got and your right, BW is not going to go backwards... in all my MMO days I can only recall ONE developer that ever removed a stat they decided was a bad idea down the road. So I guess we live with it and play it out right.


I agree 100% it is a terrible stat that kills PvP in a game by attrition.

What I mean by that is simple.... The PvP pop will pretty much lock in over the next 6 months and slowly die off. Everyone that got in early (US) will slug away and get our gear... 4-6 months from now the first round of New and Improved Gear Sets will come along so Bio can keep us grinding and not wining about real balance, and PvP Content updates.

At this point.... new players will be looking at a massive difference between geared and ungeared.... they will play sure... in the 1-49 bracket... and they will say this is awsome. I am having tons of fun, I think I'm a PvPer... then they will hit 50 and unsub 3 days later after playing 50 or so warzones... and being utterly destroyed in every single match... and have people wining that there on their team with no gear ect.


Slowly people will leave the game as is natural... and the population drain will exceed the population input... and slowly PvP will die off... Bio will slow the rate of development. 6 months after that first big new shiney more PvP stated gear hits... No ones left but the small hardcore group. (I'll be here and so will many of my friends and we will spend more time wining on Vent about how dead PvP is... and how Bio sucks because we haven't seen new content in months...) ;)


PvE Stats would have been the fix... too late now though. :)

Edited by Husanak
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Id be happy with the gw model.


People can roll a max-level pvp only toon with all the skills.


Then may battle commence.


People who whine about having earnt the right to outgear someone else dont pay a penny more to play the game.


Good players will be good whatever situation you throw at them. Im not but would like the chance to play and learn on an even footing.

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This is just about a gap in mmo generations..pre wow dudes who used to camp mobs for days..and wow dudes who were handed thier welfare epics with little to no work.. I turned 50 on 8th of jan valor rank 54 in 3 days thourgh the combonation of tokens and bag drop I have pvp gear except for 3 items pants,focus and earpiece is what im missing..I play 3 to 4 hours a night..it is stupid easy to get pvp gear in this game
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PvP Stats are put into the game so you HAVE to PvP in order to get the gear.


Yeah that's obvious but what if I just want to play the way I want to? What happened to that idea as a design concept?


If there are 10 gear slots and the top gear in either PvE or PvP is ilevel 100 (for lack of a comparable metric in swtor that I know of), then who cares if I get 4 of them from warzones and 6 of them from raiding?


Maybe the PvP gear has more burst stats on it and PvE has more sustained damage. You'd have a situation where they both have the same item budget. A person with some PvP gear could reasonably raid with that gear, even if it might not be ideal, and vice versa.


If designers made their PvE encounters match a reasonable level of gear inflation, rather than being obsessed with gating content, you wouldn't need to worry about PvE damage requirements unbalancing PvP.


If, in a patch or two, the top item level is 120, then design the gear inflation to be linear, and make the boss health scale likewise. Yes, this means some skilled players won't be gated out of the next "tier" of content. It also means that ilevel 120 raid gear won't unbalance pvp without some artificial asinine stat trying to correct everything.

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What I'll never grasp is how it can be so difficult to at least include a routine that adds up the levels in bothe teams and tries to somewhat match it...


More often than not you end up with one team of 6 50s and 2 30+ and one team that has one 50 and 7 sub 30s. The outcome is boringly predictable.

In a 50 only bracket expertise could be added up to match that if possible. You want competitive matches, not ROFLSTOMPs, right? RIGHT? I do -_-

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Then what about PvE gear from Raids.How will those players not faceroll skilled PvP players just because they got better gear, same thing.


PvE Only Stat lines. You have the base stats where the gear is balanced with the rest of 50 gear and any excess stats go under the PvE Only Column. You then make crafting 50 gear viable and also provide tokens for people who solely PvP. And you make all that gear balanced, you're just providing different avenues for players to gear up. The problem with that system is you need meaningful PvP because you lose the gear incentive to drive people. And SWTOR's PvP is among the worst in the genre right now.

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This is just about a gap in mmo generations..pre wow dudes who used to camp mobs for days..and wow dudes who were handed thier welfare epics with little to no work.. I turned 50 on 8th of jan valor rank 54 in 3 days thourgh the combonation of tokens and bag drop I have pvp gear except for 3 items pants,focus and earpiece is what im missing..I play 3 to 4 hours a night..it is stupid easy to get pvp gear in this game


This takes the cake. Almost the as me way for me although im in full pvp gear. When kids were rolling me on my way to 50 I wasnt QQing i got to 50 and started grinding valor ranks. Now I return the favor.

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