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Scoundrel lvl 50 are Brutally OverPowered


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"Nerf rock it's overpowered, but paper is fine. -Scissors"


Come on guys must we go through all this again?


MMOs have always worked in a way of rock/paper/scissors, some classe own other classes (or rather have advantages against) and some other classes get rocked by other classes.


You think operatives are OP because they kill you? Let me tell you something, the same operative who opened on you to kill you in 3-4 shots (even if we exagerate) most likely let 5 people pass next to him without opening because that's what operatives DO!


Operatives/Scoundrels CHOOSE their fights, thats the advantage of stealth! You will never see an operative open alone on a Juggernaut with 3 healers on him! But why not open on one of the healers who has it's attention some place else healing that juggernaut and not himself!


Also if you look at the damage/kills/deaths charts at the end of matches, VERY RARELY the operatives/scoundrels are at the top. Other classes top the damage charts, other classes top the kill charts.


The part where you are right tho is that usually an operative will have a very low DEATH count! Again that is because he CHOOSES his battles.


Let me tell you that as an operative if I get caught out of stealth by a Consular/Sorceror, there is NO WAY I am gonna get out of this alive. Too much dots to blow up my Vanish, too much slow and ranged damage, no way. Am I crying that they are overpowered? NO!


So stop the QQ.

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[quote name='Moonias']"Nerf rock it's overpowered, but paper is fine. -Scissors" Come on guys must we go through all this again? MMOs have always worked in a way of rock/paper/scissors, some classe own other classes (or rather have advantages against) and some other classes get rocked by other classes. You think operatives are OP because they kill you? Let me tell you something, the same operative who opened on you to kill you in 3-4 shots (even if we exagerate) most likely let 5 people pass next to him without opening because that's what operatives DO! Operatives/Scoundrels CHOOSE their fights, thats the advantage of stealth! You will never see an operative open alone on a Juggernaut with 3 healers on him! But why not open on one of the healers who has it's attention some place else healing that juggernaut and not himself! Also if you look at the damage/kills/deaths charts at the end of matches, VERY RARELY the operatives/scoundrels are at the top. Other classes top the damage charts, other classes top the kill charts. The part where you are right tho is that usually an operative will have a very low DEATH count! Again that is because he CHOOSES his battles. Let me tell you that as an operative if I get caught out of stealth by a Consular/Sorceror, there is NO WAY I am gonna get out of this alive. Too much dots to blow up my Vanish, too much slow and ranged damage, no way. Am I crying that they are overpowered? NO! So stop the QQ.[/QUOTE] If you're having trouble with Sage/Sorcs, use Dodge. [url]http://www.torhead.com/ability/4fyfCO6/lucky-dodge[/url] That will clear any negative effects off you so your vanish works. Once I got 400+ expertise I switched back to Scrapper spec from Sawbones on my Scoundrel and have no problem crapping all over Sorcs with liberal use of cooldowns and interrupts. Also, I'm usually near the top for damage and kills, but that will change once the level 50s bracket goes in and I can't run over level 15s with my expertise. I've said in other threads that the buff stacking is why so many classes are getting whined about, especially Scoundrel/Operative. Most of the posts on these boards are pure hyperbole and bullcrap. Someone watches a video on youtube, like Envii, and then gets killed by a Scoundrel/Operative (not in 2 hits, either) and goes to the board and says **** I GOT 2 SHOT AND I'M IN FULL BATTLEMASTER!!11!.
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I find it funny that everytime i escape from a scoundrel/ op and kill them they go after me for the rest of the game. What does that tell me? It tells me they arent used to being killed 1v1 and are butthurt. Anyone else have this happen?
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I find it funny that everytime i escape from a scoundrel/ op and kill them they go after me for the rest of the game. What does that tell me? It tells me they arent used to being killed 1v1 and are butthurt. Anyone else have this happen?


Yep. And unfortunately, once they are stalking me, I'm usually on the losing end.


~500 expertise

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I find it funny that everytime i escape from a scoundrel/ op and kill them they go after me for the rest of the game. What does that tell me? It tells me they arent used to being killed 1v1 and are butthurt. Anyone else have this happen?


As a medic-operative....every time someone kills me I go after them for the rest of the match. How else am I to get better at beating the few people capable of killing me? I suppose the best players lose once and run forever....

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I was getting hit by one for 7k. Then he turned around with 4 people on him and was out healing all our damage. I do not mind a class doing good damage, but make it a trade off. Make his heals so not worth the energy if he is that spec. Between expertise and stims he couldnt be killed. I am a tank so me getting hit for 7k is another problem all together. NO TANK SHOULD EVER BE HIT FOR 7K Ever.


So out of the 4 people, including you, NONE CC'd or Interrupted his heal?


Sorry, but being such bad players that you all are, there's no sympathy.

Edited by Lazorous
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I find it funny that everytime i escape from a scoundrel/ op and kill them they go after me for the rest of the game. What does that tell me? It tells me they arent used to being killed 1v1 and are butthurt. Anyone else have this happen?


LOL, so true. Same here.


What becomes funny is that once you've established they are looking for you, you can then save all your CD's just for him. Then they get butthurt again, come on the forums and call for NERF VANGUARDS, or (enter your class here)

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Ummm....sorry man, but u do suck. 50 Scoundrel should be able to 3 hit anyone from stealth. I've seen a 50 Scoundrel on my server, name is Starsky......he single handedly won a WZ because he could kill in about 5 secs, any target. Including a 50 Marauder I was with. So to the OP, yep get the stick out cause Scoundrel is sick.


Damn that Starsky

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AH! There you go. There is no point specing that way because, as you know, mitigation in PvP does nothing. It's completely broken. This is true for EVERYONE save for JC/SIs and their bubbles.


This is what happens when a company relies on fanboys to test their products.


I don't know, i beta'd for 6 months and all of my feedback got ignored, I think it is who is reading the testing, not the tester that failed :)

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lol, operatives hit just as hard.


Also its a knockdown, which will basically max out your resolve bar, **** I get jumped all the time and survive by merely knowing which buttons to hit when.


take an l2p pill.


IF your resolve bar actually notes the hit etc.



Resolve is meaningless 70% of the time. I'll be at max and then still get stunned and knocked back several times.

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I was getting hit by one for 7k. Then he turned around with 4 people on him and was out healing all our damage. I do not mind a class doing good damage, but make it a trade off. Make his heals so not worth the energy if he is that spec. Between expertise and stims he couldnt be killed. I am a tank so me getting hit for 7k is another problem all together. NO TANK SHOULD EVER BE HIT FOR 7K Ever.


If 1 scoundrel was outhealing the damage from 4 people then those 4 people are VERY VERY bad. Heals are simply not that big and there's also this thing called an interrupt.



I'm calling troll on this one.

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Concealment operatives need to be in melee range to do their worthwhile DPS.


Aoe where you know they will be, they have to come to you.


Know that knockbacks screw over operatives immensely.


Know that channeling autofaces your target and a positional attack class will have difficuly getting to your back. But alas there are counters to everything, always possibly on CD.


Keep dots on op/scoun and you will negate their ability to go back into cloak often, which is the only thing that makes them strong. An operative kept in combat will be outperformed by a warrior or assassin, but that's what defines the difference between melee classes: dependency on stealth for burst damage vs sustained dps at all times with reoccuring bursts (assassins, marauders... basically all other DPS).


Operative/scoun is all about jumping out of combat after each fight to burst down a target; if deprived of that ability (or if prevented from downing their first target) they become sub-par in dps.


The good PvPers have already figured all that out and more.

Edited by Campaigner
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Concealment operatives need to be in melee range to do their worthwhile DPS.


Aoe where you know they will be, they have to come to you.


Know that knockbacks screw over operatives immensely.


Know that channeling autofaces your target and a positional attack class will have difficuly getting to your back. But alas there are counters to everything, always possibly on CD.


Keep dots on op/scoun and you will negate their ability to go back into cloak often, which is the only thing that makes them strong. An operative kept in combat will be outperformed by a warrior or assassin, but that's what defines the difference between melee classes: dependency on stealth for burst damage vs sustained dps at all times with reoccuring bursts (assassins, marauders... basically all other DPS).


Operative/scoun is all about jumping out of combat after each fight to burst down a target; if depreived of that ability (or if prevented from downing their first target) they become sub-par in dps.


The good PvPers have already figured all that out and more.


This is all true, but operatives still have ranged attacks, they can dispel tech dots, they can vanish after knockbacks, they can backstab from the side and they arent all that squishy, to the person who said they saw 4 ppl on a OP and he didnt drop i believe it cuz iv seen it.

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Discussed many times, class is designed this way and most huge damage numbers are from buff stacking which any class can do.


Wait till you get owned by the 10k crit Jedi/Sith AoE builds or Sorcs/Sages blasting you for consistant 2-3k hits on their channel.


Theres also guys like me who hit you with dots that are ticking for 800-2k damage each tick and run away whiel placing those dots on as many people as possible.




This indeed


Other classes do it from 30m away.... to multiple people.....

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Almost full champion gear, I have 16k health selfbuffed, i was killed by an operative before I was able to get off the ground (my cc break was on cooldown). In what realm is that supposed to be fun.


This... sir... I am afraid is a lie.

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Any class can accomplish this.


How much Expertise do you have and what level are you?



As it stands IMHO Expertise is the OP issue. With enough Expertise you can get hit by Force lightening for 3500 a tick, 4k rocket punches from a tank spec'd Powertech, etc....


There is a thread for every single class and how OP they are, right now, because people have been iced by some of the good/spend way to much time playing, players on there server and think that is indicative of the class instead of understanding that if you put enough top gear/expertise on a Ham Sandwich being wielded by a monkey, it would 2 shot you.


10-15% more damage does not do that, sorry. the problem are consumables and raw stats from higher tiered gear.

Edited by zeroburrito
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Marauders and Juggies (as well as their respective republic counterparts) can do an area attack that is a guaranteed crit and deals 6k to anyone unfortunate enough to be close...


People should learn how to do better on their own characters by trying new specs.


*hint* *hint*


You my friend, are an idiot....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHROp...b0AHTw69hQAAAA


Nuff said. L2P is a cop out. What spec on what class can offset this? You think skill has anything to do with this? Are you mentally challenged? LOL.

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I have 16k HP, 8% Expertise. I've yet to be insta-gibbed. Then again my server could be the exception to the rule--even with the tandem Scoundrel groups with spot tank/heals they bring. I can survive an initial burst/disable just fine, and if it isn't world pvp you should have a pretty good idea who the stealthers like to pick on and where they are. Make buddies with a tank (healer if DPS even) if you feel you're too fragile.


There are several issues compounding the perceived problems with a lot of classes right now. PvP pots (15% Expertise), Expertise items (~10%), Expertise ground buffs (15%), Adrenals (15 sec super buff), and Relics can be combined to push abilities to clearly powerful levels. Any class can use these and have some potential to wreck face. If you tone those down, you can make damage less spiky without tweaking class ratios at all. This is the same issue WoW ran into with its trinkets. They were being combined to exploit nice ratios past their intended ranges.

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