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[Petition] Scrap F.Leap reset tweak and give us Force Pull


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Please people stop with these threads that will DEFINITELY ruin a game.

PLEASE DO NOT give Jedi Knights Force Pull, END OF STORY.

Do we need something? absolutely. Enhance our current unique abilities. Give us counters, not similar skills.

examples: force sweep gives 6sec immunity to knockbacks/pulls, activating saber ward reflects back the next ranged attack, taunt slows target 40% for 5sec, etc...

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The devs has already tested Force Pull (it was in beta) and it means you can't kite at all against the class.


Loosing Pull meant that the class couldn't close at all against a player that kept in the dead zone of leap.


Push+Leap combo is a way to balance it, so you can break a good kiter when Push is available.


So Force Pull = broken game, don't ask for it.

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All I'm saying is that if they want things to be fair put a dead zone on all ranged. THEN we'll see how /rage these forums can get. But since that's not a viable option (and a dumb idea I'd say) then what's the difference of a Knight being unkiteable with high uptime (90% or so) vs say a Smuggler who has 100% uptime? Sorry, but when you actually think logically? Punishing only 1 playstyle is not a way to go if they want that playstyle to represent it's self properly. And if you need confirmation on that look at the amount of Sith Inquisitors in Warzones.
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Vanguards (and bh) get a charge and grapple.


Why don't we? Oh yeah I forgot, we're the red headed stepchild.





Because ranged tanks need an even easier job compared to what they have already they need to bring a mob into their face right?


Come on, we have short ranged aoe's and sooo many packs have that odd one out of range, give.us.force.pull.




In one tree, the tanking one, and it's fairly down the line. No way a DPS Powertech or Vanguard is gonna grab it without gimping themselves.

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I don't get why being "unkiteable" was ever a bad thing. Ranged characters can be attacking their target basically 100% of the time, why shouldn't melee characters be able to do the same? It doesn't seem like melee gets any particular bonus to make up for being kiteable to begin with, so doesn't being unkiteable just make things... fair?


I say this as someone who knows nothing about PvP, so I might not understand the issue, but it doesn't track with me, logic-wise.

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I don't get why being "unkiteable" was ever a bad thing. Ranged characters can be attacking their target basically 100% of the time, why shouldn't melee characters be able to do the same? It doesn't seem like melee gets any particular bonus to make up for being kiteable to begin with, so doesn't being unkiteable just make things... fair?


I say this as someone who knows nothing about PvP, so I might not understand the issue, but it doesn't track with me, logic-wise.


Ranged dudes tend to be much squishier. This is the "bonus" the melee class has.


If they're as squishy as the ranged class, they have much more damage... If they can close up on the ranged guy. See Operatives doing 10k damage from stealth opener with knockdown.

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So Guardian has an upcoming tweak whereby using F.Push will reset F.Leap, here is the quote:



Source: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1435443#edit1435443


I don't think this will benefit us and here's why:


- F.Leap is on a relatively short cooldown so a lot of the time it is available anyway.


Only occasions I really wanted F.Leap off CD has been chasing ball carriers and keeping people off doors on Voidstar but then we also have S.Throw for that and having it available at critical times amounts to smart management anyway.


-Having F.Leap available does not mean it is usable.


I think most Guardians will find the situation familiar where someone sets up cover denying us an opener with F.Leap or we are trying to pursue but we are slowed or the opponent uses a speed boost and LoSs us. Classes are a bit more mobile than us and to close the distance making F.Leap more available does not make a difference.


-F.Push is not worth burning to reset F.Leap.


F.push is so integral at the moment in pvp as an interrupt, quick kill technique and as an easy way to setup another opener. If people really need a short breather they will use F.Push and then F.Leap after anyway, there is no F.Leap availability problem. This will only benefit us in Huttball to catch up to a ball carrier on the odd occasion.


-In a 1 vs 1 kiting situation or pursuing a fleeing target a F.Push + F.Leap reset is not viable.


Say I am being kited 1 vs 1, this means I have nothing to F.Push to reset anyway. As another example say it is just me on the ball carrier with F.Leap on CD not only do I have nothing to F.Push but due the problematic delay of F.Push with lag I might push the enemy toward the goal line instead of off the platform.


Tweaking F.Leap changes relatively little for Guardians in my opinion, but F.Pull instead of Push would benefit us greatly:


-F.Pull is better for closing distance.


Pulling people out of cover and closing the gap on kiters and fleeing enemies. Imagine you are pursuing, you have about a second before the enemy LoS you and speed boosts away (think objectives on Alderaan where you have a lot of ways to block LoS) why would you want to push them away? even if it does setup for an F.Leap. I have to agree with the caster Taugrim creating distance is not what you want as a melee char.


So F.Pull essentially solves the distance problem and is still viable as an interrupt.


-We could kill more safely and more efficiently in PvE.


Quite a few Guardians tank so pulling an enemy to a safe position is better than moving to the enemies position and then F.Pushing them to where you want them.


-A pull does not suffer the same lag delay problems as a push.


I think I've seen it quite a few times and had it happen to me in a few situations. You have an enemy on a platform, you want to F.Push them off so you F.Leap to them, position and then F.Push ... and then they go flying towards the goal line or to a safe part of the bridge. This is pretty much lag where the enemies position is not the same as on your screen. Now with an F.Pull your positioning will always be correct and the enemy will always be pulled to the spot you want them to be.


If you agree please sign and leave a comment. Feel free to comment anyway I'm just trying to avoid where people just put only /signed with nothing to expand upon that.



I would point out that there is a strong benefit once you get PVP armor's set bonus which grants 8% health restore with every Leap, letting you use push to reset and chain a 16% heal with back to back. The ability to reset leap when needed for an extra stretch of health is pretty stellar.

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