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So my subscription expires in 6 days...


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...And I'm not actually sure whether or not to refresh it. I've cancelled my subscription just so that it won't auto-refresh, and I was wondering how many of you were planning on paying for yet another month?


I like this game on the whole. It's just a whole bunch of minor things that add up together.


I guess the short version would be: The game feels unfinished, and I feel silly for paying a company in order to send them feedback about how to improve the game. It's like you're... Paying a company money, in order to beta-test the game for them. If that makes sense.


I enjoy PvE and PvP in this game. The community is very friendly (so far, at the very least). The game has gotten me interested in a franchise which held no appeal to me before (I really should watch the movies... Is KOTOR worth playing as well? ).


So tell me, SWTOR community. One month into the game, and our first free month is about to end.


Will you be paying for another one?




Why not?

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Me, I'll be continuing my own subscription. Why? While there are a lot of issues I have with things in the game (like how certain armor sets aren't entirely obtainable yet), I know that it wasn't entirely BioWare's choice to release the game when they did. Apparently EA forced their hands for a Christmas release, when they weren't quite done yet. Same thing happened with KOTOR 2 with Obsidian and LucasArts.

From what I've heard they're working on over at BioWare, I still have hope. I hear they've got some awesome things in the works, like a more... free space system to name one example.

Edited by Nichos_Ketra
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Me, I'll be continuing my own subscription. Why? While there are a lot of issues I have with things in the game (like how certain armor sets aren't entirely obtainable yet), I know that it wasn't entirely BioWare's choice to release the game when they did. Apparently EA forced their hands for a Christmas release, when they weren't quite done yet. Same thing happened with KOTOR 2 with Obsidian and LucasArts.

From what I've heard they're working on over at BioWare, I still have hope. I hear they've got some awesome things in the works, like a more... free space system to name one example.


While I'm certainly in the "EA forced Bioware to do this"-boat, alongside you, we still can not deny the fact that Bioware was given a deadline, and didn't manage to keep it.


Tell me more about this "free space system" though. I don't think I've heard anything of the sort.

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Think I'm going to sub for 1 month, then take a break for a bit. I'm busy, have unopened games to play that don't cost any more money. But then I'll come back in a few months and things will be even better then they are now. Can't wait to see what this game will look like in 6 months, a year, 2 years, 5 years. They got a lot of cool stuff going on.


I also wanna check out the now F2P STO. Played it at launch, eventually got bored. Love that F2P model.

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Yes, because:


1) I like the story.


2) I enjoy traditional MMO mechanics.


3) I like the Star Wars IP.


4) The bugs I've encountered are annoying, but not game breaking.


5) I play with a social gaming guild of about 100 members, who almost all are thoroughly enjoying the game.

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I will continue my subscription because I enjoy the game. Why? That it like every online game to ever launch has had and will have issues and this is far from the worst of games in the past. Everyone needs to chill because wow, eq2, swg, gw, and the list goes on and on for this same thing being said at launch. There is a difference from beta and a limited amount of players verse a mass swarm on servers. Plus it doesn't help with people trying to constantly hack games hell look at rift on that one. So as all games in past history Im sure after a few months and many much needed patches this game will only improve. As for content they have to hold back and keep people curious so they have a future for new stuff.
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Enough with the unfinished nonsense. Still in beta post make me want to scream. MMO's are never "finished" and are in perpetual "beta" if that makes you feel better. To this day WoW still is correcting bugs. Bug fixes and improvements hopefully will continue until the game fades away years from now. If you enjoy the game as a whole why let the little things bother you? 90% good and 10% bad. Why focus on the bad. Seat back and enjoy yourself. yes, you are paying but it's not like you are getting nothing.
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Enough with the unfinished nonsense. Still in beta post make me want to scream. MMO's are never "finished" and are in perpetual "beta" if that makes you feel better. To this day WoW still is correcting bugs. Bug fixes and improvements hopefully will continue until the game fades away years from now. If you enjoy the game as a whole why let the little things bother you? 90% good and 10% bad. Why focus on the bad. Seat back and enjoy yourself. yes, you are paying but it's not like you are getting nothing.


To me, the game feels unfinished in a sense that it was shipped with "Here's what we got. Tell us what you think before we actually start selling it."


That is how it feels. To me, at the very least, and I'm not going to be as arrogant as to speak for everyone.


Like I said in the opening post, there are many, many small things which annoy me which - when added together - makes for a less than pleasant gaming experience. I don't see what I stand to lose by not paying for an extra month, and then returning in a few months when the game has stabilized a bit.


Do you?

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Yes I will because the game is pure fun, and its issues don't get in the way of my enjoyment.


But I understand what you mean about it feeling unfinished. It doesn't really put me off, but I do feel that the game world could use some spicing up as it and non critical NPCs are very static.

Edited by archifikoss
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I imagine you know the answer to this. If you aren't having fun; then stop playing. I don't really know a qualitative way to state "less than pleasant" than saying it is no fun. So I apologize in advance.


Only thing you are missing is an opportunity to support and play a great game in the future. The reality is, and it's something all the naysayers on the board are well aware of, if enough people cancel to "come back later" then the game will indeed fail. Big guys upstairs at EA said release the game, we can't pour anymore money into it without some sort of return.


Here is the question, and you already know the answer:


Are you a fair weather fan?

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Why do you need a random person's approval to play the game? It is as simple as you either enjoy the game or you don't. If you do keep paying, if not don't, or come back later.


I'm having a great time, love the PvP in this game, and with the upcoming changes in 1.1 it's going to get even better.

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I bought 2 months up front and added them right away, my mistake. So I will play off and on for then but it's very unlikely I will have any longgevity in this, love Bioware and Star Wars, the one thing I REALLY want fixed right now are the textures and that's not happenning so IDK, maybe if some overhauls are done MAYBE, otherwise for a subscription no way. Sorry, sure it's fun, but it ain't that fun.
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To me, the game feels unfinished in a sense that it was shipped with "Here's what we got. Tell us what you think before we actually start selling it."


That is how it feels. To me, at the very least, and I'm not going to be as arrogant as to speak for everyone.


Like I said in the opening post, there are many, many small things which annoy me which - when added together - makes for a less than pleasant gaming experience. I don't see what I stand to lose by not paying for an extra month, and then returning in a few months when the game has stabilized a bit.


Do you?


That is how MMO's are. They release what they have. Then they get input from community and start working on fixes while still adding new content. This is how they work. This is why I have np paying $15 a month, cause the game will always be changing. Every MMO ever released people say it isn't finished, lol. I though they should have released it when it was in beta.

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I'm having fun therefore I shall continue my subscription. In fact, I am going to go from month-to-month to a longer subscription plan this time. I am enjoying every chance I get to play. Usually by now in other MMO's I start to get bored of the grind and go alt-crazy, but I actually care about my character this time and seeing what happens next.


Can't wait to see what the other storylines offer.

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I played three beta weekends, and that was enough for me to subscribe for six months once the game went live. Considering that I've just barely decked out my first character (almost ready to start on Battlemaster gear and still missing 4 champion pieces), I can envision myself playing this game years down the road. I will, however, stop playing 10+ hours a day in the weeks ahead and settle into a more comfortable 4-8 hour schedule for the evening.
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I chose a 3-month plan when I set it up, and I'm sticking with it. I'm having a lot of fun in the game, enjoying the class quest and even the areas. There are small, interesting and amusing stories all along the way.


So far SW:TOR has been my fav. MMO, and the one managing to hold my attention for weeks in a row. But then I don't have any real problems with running the game, and I haven't been affected by any of the game breaking bugs.

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For the most part you'll see people fill this thread with "lolnowaithisgamefails", but that is a very tiny part of the game population. Which goes with most if not all games, the forums are a small representation of the player base. I'll subscribe as long as my friends play, as with any game it's only really worth the money if you've got people you enjoy to play with.
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I don't think I'll be renewing - but then I was given this game with 60 days pre-paid so it's a while yet. The biggest problem I have with it so far is that only a few weeks in and I'm already bored. The story is somewhat interesting but hampered by too much voice acting which reduces my overall interest in the story. If voice acting had just been reserved for story quests I think that would have been better as side quests always boil down to:


1. Accept the quest graciously.

2. Accept the quest but in the process allude to the quest givers mother being a Bantha.

3. Reject the quest. Although that's as much a quest option as alt+f4 in my opinion.


I'm at the point now where I'm not interested in the story any more (I'm currently going through chapter 2 of the trooper) because the side quests have completely saturated my interest by overloading me with pointless dialogue.


Personally I find that the most important aspect of an MMO is the gameplay, and in that respect Star Wars just doesn't deliver - all the quests are go here and fetch x, kill y or click on some panels. MMO's have come a long way since the early days of Everquest, yet Star Wars seems to ignore that and just stick to basics. The only type of quest in the game I actually enjoy are the area ones because they somewhat encourage exploration, but they're still always kill, fetch or panels.


Can't comment on end game as I'm not there yet; I just don't have an urge to play this game as I did with other MMO's - which is a shame because I've been MMO deprived ever since WoW went from tolerably bad (aka Wrath) to being insultingly bad ala Cataclysm.

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I am staying for the next 6 months. Why? Well my first reason is that within the 2 years i burned into world of warcraft, Mabinogi, a few private shards of ultima online, and uncharted waters online, I can honestly say that i have had alot of fun here and me and my guildies who i have been socializing with since guild predeployment since december 2nd, have stuck around like I have and we are more like a family now instead of just a couple of players in a guild. and thats what i hated with WoW: no real community that built a friendship imo. All i would see on the forums is doom and gloom (Seems like alot of that mentality followed alot of former wow players here) and in game people only wanted you in your guild if you were active every day because they were more concerned with you helping their guild level than you having fun. and thats what it boils down to...


I have had more fun here since Dec 17th than i have had over the years of playing mmo's I hope ya stick around and we maybe pvp or run a flashpoint or 2 together man

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Will be playing on as I am having a ball! Only going to get better as it matures and content gets added and so on. I logged into WoW during a downtime here the other day just to fill in the time. Safe to say I won't be resubbing there no matter what happens. :cool:
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