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SWTOR: Dying or Prosperous?


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1: Oh but i do compare it since WOW back then at launch was a lot worse.


WOW had plenty of mmos they could've learned from as well. Archeron's Call, Ultima Online, EQ, and more. These were the old school mmos and they had features wow never implemented as well.


2: LFG tool might still be implemented but i don't really see the problem of not having it. Join a guild, do flashpoints with guildies. I'm running flashpoints all day, every day with guildies.


3: This is indeed a nextgen mmo and as such, i think it's a good thing they don't copy every single feature wow has.


4: The biggest issue in todays mmo market is that there are waaaaay too many kids whining about what wow has and what other mmos doesn't have. Just like you're doing, right now. :)


Either you play it, or you don't. It's really that simple. You're just part of vocal minority.


If a developer gave it's customers every single bit of thinkable feature on launch day, what would that leave the game with in terms of expansions and other feature patches for the future? Nothing. THAT is how mmos work. They give you the full game in content patches and expansions over time.


I do belive it is you who do not understand how this industry works :)



LMAO ARE YOU FOR REAL? I had to use caps because the points you made I really laughed out loud thank you.



1)The mmos wow had to look at was heavy based on grouping. Being able to fight 3-4 mobs at once alone cut it above the avg mmo. Wow had a lot of problems day 1, However, unlike wow this game is doing nothing to change the mmo. They are using wow as a back bone for this game, and they did it in a very piss poor way. If they are going to copy something, they took key things that made mmos fun and tossed it out. If I was building a mmo from day one. I would had many of the features people are fussing about


2)Having to make friends just for loot is low. If I want to make friends. I will if I like the person, not for virtual loot. Also, to join a guild you still have to make a group base off that guilds time to do it, not your own. That is why LFG tool is a must to have, and why todays mmo market must have have or fail.


3) So pretty much, all the features that wow made mmo great they refuse to put into a mmo, instead they copy and paste classes like mara, and just add a few extra skills. The classes themselves are a easier versions of wow classes.


I refuse to even comment on four since your points are so badly place that you went the trolling path.




If a developer gave it's customers every single bit of thinkable feature on launch day, what would that leave the game with in terms of expansions and other feature patches for the future? Nothing. THAT is how mmos work. They give you the full game in content patches and expansions over time.


I do belive it is you who do not understand how this industry works




Ok so Scaling UI, Macros, and LFG tool will come in a xpack? Things that should have been in day 1?



Ya thats nice.

Edited by Teladis
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No ****?

My point was that I was skeptical until my independent research yielded undeniable evidence of issues I consider to be rather large. Since hard data relating to future prospects of this game is likely to be slanted by Bioware, I rely on the experience and anecdotes of the community, which greatly outweighs my own.


You said 3/4s of the posts are about how the game is dying.


Then, you ask that sample, "is this game really dying?"




As to your quote, I'm interested to hear why your subjective experience is outweighed by the subjective experiences of others. It sounds to me like you're looking g for consensus (a fallacy) from a biased sample (another fallacy) to determine a fact.

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Everyone's trying to be diplomatic here and I can appreciate that but here's some brutal honesty:


This game is boring. Even the non-spacebars that are still enthralled with the story are going to get bored eventually. Unless they have some major, major, fundamental ground shaking patches in the next 6 months this game will die. Mark my words.


The only thing that's boring is you and your fellow whiners. All you do is talk smack on the forums about how boring the game is and how little the game has to offer.


I'm sure that you, as many of the other whiners here have not set foot in a single MMO from day 1 nor given it your full support. Only whining.


It's a typical behaviour for someone who's not used to the MMO industry and how MMOs evolve.

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Here you go with that LFG crap again.


Maybe it'll be implemented, maybe it won't. Point is, show some freaking patience. The game hasn't even been out a full month yet.


There are greater concerns like bug fixing that takes prio to adding new features or content, this early after release.


Shouldn't a game be released when it is ready? Why should we have patience for things that should be obvious to have at release? Why should we pay monthly subscriptions so they can beta test a so-called-finished-game?


Those that like the game should be patient, while those that don't like it have the right to say their minds. Will anything really change if we all have the mentality of "We'll see what happens?".

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The only thing that's boring is you and your fellow whiners. All you do is talk smack on the forums about how boring the game is and how little the game has to offer.


I'm sure that you, as many of the other whiners here have not set foot in a single MMO from day 1 nor given it your full support. Only whining.


It's a typical behaviour for someone who's not used to the MMO industry and how MMOs evolve.


I hate to say this. Evolve is not taking two steps back.

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Dying. Running on a small flame at most. Might be propsperous in about a year again, depending on what they fix/add, but who knows what gets released in the meantime. Edited by Ommm
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LMAO ARE YOU FOR REAL? I had to use caps because the points you made I really laughed out loud thank you.



1)The mmos wow had to look at was heavy based on grouping. Being able to fight 3-4 mobs at once alone cut it above the avg mmo. Wow had a lot of problems day 1, However, unlike wow this game is doing nothing to change the mmo. They are using wow as a back bone for this game, and they did it in a very piss poor way. If they are going to copy something, they took key things that made mmos fun and tossed it out. If I was building a mmo from day one. I would had many of the features people are fussing about


2)Having to make friends just for loot is low. If I want to make friends. I will if I like the person, not for virtual loot. Also, to join a guild you still have to make a group base off that guilds time to do it, not your own. That is why LFG tool is a must to have, and why todays mmo market must have have or fail.


3) So pretty much, all the features that wow made mmo great they refuse to put into a mmo, instead they copy and paste classes like mara, and just add a few extra skills. The classes themselves are a easier versions of wow classes.


I refuse to even comment on four since your points are so badly place that you went the trolling path.




If a developer gave it's customers every single bit of thinkable feature on launch day, what would that leave the game with in terms of expansions and other feature patches for the future? Nothing. THAT is how mmos work. They give you the full game in content patches and expansions over time.


I do belive it is you who do not understand how this industry works




Ok so Scaling UI, Macros, and LFG tool will come in a xpack? Things that should have been in day 1?



Ya thats nice.


First of, getting tired of your constant rambling about what today's mmo's should and should not have on day one.


Second: Those old school MMOS were NOT built around group questing and such. There were actually NO DUNGEONS in the early mmos for a full party to venture into. It was features, added later in the game's evolving process.


Archeron's Call, a group based game... Now I seriously lol'ed. Early EQ a group based game... Righty-o!


The only "group" based game would've been Ultima Online, and even the group system had more hickups than a well fed baby.


Macros is a must? For whatever reason you think you may have for saying such nonsense, macros is not a must, have never been a must until wow introduced their macro system. Same with the LFG tool.


As i've said before, the game is in it's infant state and you are too bloody impatient and think you know a bit more than you actually know about what an mmo of today should and should not have.


Get out, get some fresh air, get hit by a truck. I don't care. Just don't spew any more of your nonsens in here.

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I hate to say this. Evolve is not taking two steps back.


Hate to say this but, you're actually wrong. WAY wrong. Made me giggle a bit there!


Evolving sometimes requires taking a step or two back to perfect the process before taking the next steps forward.


I do wonder. Did you drop out of school?

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So, I'm a young guy. Through work and school (coupled with terrible home internet in my valley) I've only had the chance to experience 3 MMO's, WoW, City of Heroes, and SWTOR. I have enjoyed all three, though far be it from me to call them perfect gaming experiences. Though, to be fair, if I could get high-speed internet where I live, I would play A LOT more.


Now, 3/4 of the threads on the forums are complaints, issues, bugs, and low expectations that predict this game is "dead", "will die", "is broken", "is ruined", and so on. I have seen others praising the game, but nitpicking certain details. And, of course, the WoW comparisons and "back to WoW" comments pop up everywhere.


I want to know, and excuse my ignorance, but is it really that much of an issue? Is this game truly doomed? I'd like to remain skeptical of what I presumed was a vocal minority, but reading through certain threads reveals that there are some serious issues to be had. Are these kind of things normal?


I really like this game and I'm working on learning the mechanics, specifically PvP, so I can enjoy myself even more. But is it all pointless if the game is truly doomed to implode?


Chill, this is just the usual forum noise. All game forums are like it, its just a few noisy bored people who get more entertainment out of trolling than playing any game.

You mentioned wow and in the biggest forum **** fight over there (realID) there were only a couple of thousand unique posters out of hundreds of thousands of english speaking customers who posted so don't expect this forum to come close to mirroring the game population.

The first month will clear out the people who didn't know what the game was about anyway so thank them for not doing any research and paying BW $50 for something they never were going to like and wave them on their way.

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Hate to say this but, you're actually wrong. WAY wrong. Made me giggle a bit there!


Evolving sometimes requires taking a step or two back to perfect the process before taking the next steps forward.


I do wonder. Did you drop out of school?


What steps forward are you refering to? Please specify what improvements you seen compared to for example WoW.


If you only take steps backwards it isn't evolving... just devolving.

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Bioware has failed it's First Impression, thanks to the one factor that it needed to have to make a MMO live on todays market. That is a fun end game.




end game is not what they emphasized on and besides. not everyone places their entire steak on a game's endgame content. a good majority yes but not everyone.

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end game is not what they emphasized on and besides. not everyone places their entire steak on a game's endgame content. a good majority yes but not everyone.


Going to be honest with you.


I love the voice acting, the dialogue, etc.

The cut scenes became dry before I left the first planet.

After level 20 this game for the most part lost all attention.

By level 30 I became so bored I started googling for mmos.


I was so hyped about this game for ages now, its a complete and utter let down.


Its not quite on par with the let down via avatar the last air bender movie, but I wouldn't be surprised if Mknight had some part in the creation of this game.


Chill, this is just the usual forum noise. All game forums are like it, its just a few noisy bored people who get more entertainment out of trolling than playing any game.



Edited by mcfabulous
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What steps forward are you refering to? Please specify what improvements you seen compared to for example WoW.


If you only take steps backwards it isn't evolving... just devolving.


You kids are blinded by the belief that every new mmo should be just like wow, have the same exact features as wow, and the list goes on. Still you always manage to find something to QQ about. I don't get you kids and your silly way of thinking, if it can even be called "thinking"...


This game has only just been released, how can you claim that it has only taken steps backwards?


Grow up please. If you do not want this game to prosper, i suggest you just remove yourselves from these forums and find something else to do with your time, other than filling up the forum space which could've been used for more constructive threads.

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You kids are blinded by the belief that every new mmo should be just like wow, have the same exact features as wow, and the list goes on. Still you always manage to find something to QQ about. I don't get you kids and your silly way of thinking, if it can even be called "thinking"...


This game has only just been released, how can you claim that it has only taken steps backwards?


Grow up please. If you do not want this game to prosper, i suggest you just remove yourselves from these forums and find something else to do with your time, other than filling up the forum space which could've been used for more constructive threads.


Well first, I wouldn't really call myself a kid since I am 36.


Second, you didn't answer my question. What steps has the game taken forward?


I don't really care if this game prospers anymore. I did want it to be a success, I bought it after all to enjoy it. It hasn't impressed me very much. I think the questing was ok, the idea of companions was ok. The rest was either bad or just "meh".


Being a new MMO doesn't give it an excuse to be bad or boring. You don't make a new car or TV that is worse than its competition and say: "But, hopefully they will fix it!". If they wanted to retain people in the game they would have tried to perfect the game alot more than its current state.

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I would advice to look for information on how the game is doing somewhere else then the forums at the moment. Only hatred, frustration and anger will you find here.


We will see how many subscriptions this game will have after 3-6 months and then we can start making assumptions.


There are certain features the game is lacking that most people seem to expect.


The end game is pretty dull at the moment.


The leveling system is very fun and the pvp warzones are mostly fun though they could use more variety.


Personally I am enjoying the game a lot and I place a lot more value on the enjoyment then on some tools or features but that is just me. If you are having fun - play it. If not try something else and maybe check back in 4-6 months to see if they have fixed the things that made your game sessions bad.


And no Wow is not dying as such. Sure they peaked at about 12 million subs. Then fell to 11 then 10. Nobody seems interested in the next expansion The Adventures of Kungfu Panda or some such nonsense. Still 10 Million subs is pretty darn healthy and I'm sure they can turn things around if they make smart decisions. I personally dont like the game too much as it was never fun for me.

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You kids are blinded by the belief that every new mmo should be just like wow, have the same exact features as wow, and the list goes on. Still you always manage to find something to QQ about. I don't get you kids and your silly way of thinking, if it can even be called "thinking"...


This game has only just been released, how can you claim that it has only taken steps backwards?


Grow up please. If you do not want this game to prosper, i suggest you just remove yourselves from these forums and find something else to do with your time, other than filling up the forum space which could've been used for more constructive threads.



just perhaps

and bare with me here


people are mad at spending 60-150 dollars (plus MANY like me a nice stack of cash on a new computer) (plus many others who bought swtor mice/keyboard etc) on a lack luster beta version.


All they had to do was push the release date back, but they sacrificed product quality for timing so they could beat "pandas" or whatever the heck you guys always rant on about.


Or stop wasting so much damn time on voice acting for side quests that mean literally nothing to the rest of the game.

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Forums are always home to the vocal minority and a wretched hive of scum and villany. What remains to be seen is if it's the 5-10% type minority or the 30-40% minority that's complaining. In-game community is much better, though. Bottom line is that some people like the game as it is, some people have a low tolerance for bugs, and some people just don't like the direction BioWare went with the game.


So if someone does not like the game and they rightfully voice their concerns they are from a wretched hive of scum and villiany?

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