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Pro operative PvP 10k crits OMG


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this spec is gonna get nurfed so hard its scary.

you try to defend the spec all u want but people will whinge, and whingers cause nerfs, its innevitable really.


And in every single one of those "ZOMG BIG CRITS" clips you failed to notice his stacking of Stim + Expertise Buff + Surge Relic. Instead you choose to be ignorant.


Level a BH Merc to 50, spec Arsenal, get gear, and stack those buffs. Have fun killing people with 2 buttons while they sit there hitting your heavy armor. And then high ground will net you free kills left and right. Hell you could sit there spamming just Tracer and faceroll people on your way to the top of the damage charts.


Tracer 4k crit > Tracer 4k crit > Tracer 4k crit > Heatseeker 8k crit

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And in every single one of those "ZOMG BIG CRITS" clips you failed to notice his stacking of Stim + Expertise Buff + Surge Relic. Instead you choose to be ignorant.


Level a BH Merc to 50, spec Arsenal, get gear, and stack those buffs. Have fun killing people with 2 buttons while they sit there hitting your heavy armor. And then high ground will net you free kills left and right. Hell you could sit there spamming just Tracer and faceroll people on your way to the top of the damage charts.


Tracer 4k crit > Tracer 4k crit > Tracer 4k crit > Heatseeker 8k crit


i didnt fail to notice anything, i saw it all. I've played enough MMO's to know what will be nerfed and what wont :) this i believe will.


nothing anyone says or does is going to convince me otherwise. I'm not QQing i play an operative myself, dont really want to see them nerfed, but posts like this are just screaming out how OP'd it appears to be.


there is another post on here with the naked operative killing people, sure is isnt "PRO" doing 10k crits, but still killing people no problem.

I wonder if u lvl a BH merc to 50, spec arsenal and then stripped all his equipment off and just had 2 pistols you could do the same... i doubt it.


but feel free to prove me wrong :)

Edited by joffmonk
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i didnt fail to notice anything, i saw it all. I've played enough MMO's to know what will be nerfed and what wont :) this i believe will.


nothing anyone says or does is going to convince me otherwise. I'm not QQing i play an operative myself, dont really want to see them nerfed, but posts like this are just screaming out how OP'd it appears to be.


there is another post on here with the naked operative killing people, sure is isnt "PRO" doing 10k crits, but still killing people no problem.

I wonder if u lvl a BH merc to 50, spec arsenal and then stripped all his equipment off and just had 2 pistols you could do the same... i doubt it.


but feel free to prove me wrong :)



The QQ is strong in this one....

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cool story bro.


So a fully epiced out lvl 50 is critting lvl 10s for absurd amounts of dmg? NO WAI DOOD!




time to NURF this class to the ground yo!




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Did everyone not notice all the stims and buffs he had? You mention this SPEC needs a nerf, but a normal hidden strike hits for 4k. 4k, then 1k for acid blade, then they have 2 gcds with lesser strikes coming. Really, they are not that hard to counter.


And to all the nay sayers out there. How would you nerf this class and keep them competitive? I promise anything you do to keep this class competitive while nerfing hidden strike will make LETHALITY that much stronger and everyone will migrate over there.


And to the person saying that was not 10k on the marauder, you are right... That was close to 20k.


Every class is fairly balanced. Big deal, you were bursted down. Go about your business, stop complaining.

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this spec is gonna get nurfed so hard its scary.

you try to defend the spec all u want but people will whinge, and whingers cause nerfs, its innevitable really.


Now before people panic


Count the number of buffs he has.


Count the amount of damage modifiers he has.


Consider he has battlemaster's gear


Consider not everyone he fights against are that geared even though they are level 50.


Now consider, I've been hit for that much damage myself by BH's


Now consider, I've been hit for that much damage myself by Sorcs


Now consider, I've been hit that hard by other stealth classes.


Now consider the fact you are not Battle Master geared.


Now consider the fact you are not level 50.


If you think all of those people he was attacking were as geared as him. You are deluted.


I am level 50, not geared, and I never hit over 4k on hidden strike.


Now consider the fact that Scoundrels are our mirror class. Why are concealment operatives on the front line for nerf cries?


Now Consider the fact there are 4 stealth classes not just one. Which everyone seems to point to concealment.

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why is it when someone speaks thier opinion, everyone adds arms and legs to it to fit what they think the person said?


quote where i said it "NEEDED" a nerf? please? coz i'm dieing to see it.

even after stating i DONT want the class nerfed, because i PLAY AN OPERATIVE!


to add to this people think i seem to get killed by operatives all the time in pvp... i suppose i must, since my OP is lvl 33 and not lvl 50, i get killed by EVERYONE IN PVP! :D i'm not biased against my own class for some random reason, that would make no sense, but then niether does argueing a point that doesnt need argued!

oh wait a tick...


everyone seems to be screaming about OP's being too strong in pvp, i state that whingers will cause nerfs, and get accused of QQing?


erm no thats pretty much fact right there, whingers rule MMO's, always have and always will unfortunatly.


to be perfectly honest i dont think the nerf cries come from the damage we do, its the stuns that are pissing people off, couple that with the damage it leads to frustrated players, frustrated players whinge...

can you guess where this is going? or do i have to spell it out for you limb-adders out there?

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The difference is you can defend against a Merc, their attacks can be interupted and they cant kill in 1 stun lock like an OP.


You obviously haven't fought a geared BH... which will 3 shot people down in the same amount of time as a stun lock.



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why is it when someone speaks thier opinion, everyone adds arms and legs to it to fit what they think the person said?


quote where i said it "NEEDED" a nerf? please? coz i'm dieing to see it.

even after stating i DONT want the class nerfed, because i PLAY AN OPERATIVE!


to add to this people think i seem to get killed by operatives all the time in pvp... i suppose i must, since my OP is lvl 33 and not lvl 50, i get killed by EVERYONE IN PVP! :D i'm not biased against my own class for some random reason, that would make no sense, but then niether does argueing a point that doesnt need argued!

oh wait a tick...


everyone seems to be screaming about OP's being too strong in pvp, i state that whingers will cause nerfs, and get accused of QQing?


erm no thats pretty much fact right there, whingers rule MMO's, always have and always will unfortunatly.


to be perfectly honest i dont think the nerf cries come from the damage we do, its the stuns that are pissing people off, couple that with the damage it leads to frustrated players, frustrated players whinge...

can you guess where this is going? or do i have to spell it out for you limb-adders out there?


No perhaps you could spell it out why you and every... what was it? Whinger out there neglects to acknowledge the facts about Resolve.


I've have made this suggestion many times. I'm getting bored repeating myself.


Fix Resolve


Problem solved.


Quite simply IA's are sick of hearing about it since 99% of the complaints are L2P issues.


If people don't get on the band wagon about resolve.


I'm changing my plea to nerf Smugglers, IA's, Tankasins, and Shadows uniformly, and then I'm rolling a BH and never touching my IA again.


Just so I can stop hearing newbs cry about it.


And I hesitate to use that term, but that's what it is: A bunch of ef'ing newbs crying like school girls because they got roflstomp'd by more skilled MMO die hard pvp'ers.

Edited by Ahebish
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ooh did you get some cookies with your saucer of milk?

resorting to insults already... the manners of people today, i dont know...


ok, since you asked me to spell it out i will.


frustrated players whinge, whingers cause nerfs.


now there is a big difference between whinging, and having an opinion that differs from yours.

If i was whinging i would be calling OP's overpowered and crying for them to be nerfed.

since i stated, very clearly (in 2 posts i might add) i have no wish for them to get nerfed but i believe it will regardless, makes my statement an opinion, not a whinge. added to that i also mention movies like the one posted in this thread makes OP appear overpowered.

anyone randomly watching that movie who isnt paying attention just see's big numbers and people dieing extremely quickly, nothing else.


I really dont see how the understanding or the fixing (in your opinion, see what i did there? :D) of Resolve changes anything, it seems to be a very good system that works well if you know how to use it to your advantage.


i'll refer you to this post, because well... i do have to spell things out around here:



since the above post clearly explains resolve, how it can be used and abused by any player who paying attention to thier ui, i'll leave u to rage on and throw around more insults like a proper adult...

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You open on a powertech, you deal oh maybe if you're lucky 33% of his 18k health in damage, he turns around and removes half of your health and in the next 2 hits you're dead. Period. Want to run? You're on fire and he can grapple you back or rocket jump after you, tough luck, not to mention if you get rid of the debuffs and vanish, he has stealth detection droids. Fight back? Shields up, heavy armor, enjoy. Operatives have nothing on powertechs when it comes to 1vs1 power, because unlike them, operatives die.
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