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LFG Tool is NOT Needed


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Here is why....


I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one. After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.


So in regards to an LFG tool, I say hell no.


EDIT: I NEVER have a hard time find a group, and I'm not in a guild.

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What about a same realm LFG?


The issue I see with LFG is the fact that they're not on your realm, and thus face no consequences for their actions inside dungeons.


Maybe adding something like a reputation system would help?


As it stands right now, a LFD tool is needed.

Edited by Papazooki
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What about a same realm LFG?


The issue I see with LFG is the fact that they're not on your realm, and thus face no consequences for their actions inside dungeons.


Maybe adding something like a reputation system would help?


As it stands right now, a LFD tool is needed.


I think this is a fantastic idea.

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Well, I see two solutions to the LFG problem:


1. Bioware implements a LFG system similar to WoW's system, but not cross-server.

2. The community for each server join a global private channel named GLFG, similar to what the LotRO community uses. Granted, glff in LotRO requires people who want to use it to join the private channel and turns into a global general chat (on par of vanilla WoW Barrens chat) half of the time. But at least it'll connect people in the channel from all across the world instead of forcing people to stay in one zone and spam the general chat of that particular zone.


Yes, I know GLFG wouldn't eliminate the need to spam, but if enough people uses it, there should be less spam in fleet general chat.

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I think you got it wrong mate, what killed wow "community" was making an easy game that anyone could play. It had nothing to do with the LFD, the community was dead a month after the game was released.


Nobody did dungeons in old WoW because 1) not enough players at x level 2) trade spam is boring and adds nothing to the game 3) people like to do something else rather than to sit in a city chat.


If they want to keep the majority of players they will need to do something about the dungeons. The LFD is the only solution and it's proven to work. It's a no-brainer.


All of the sudden you can roll a healer/tank and actually enjoy playing it because you can do dungeons where these classes are needed. They're painful to level outside dungeons.

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An LFG tool is absolutely needed, but it does not need to be automatic. Dungeons & Dragons Online has had for five years the best LFG system I've seen, but not a single game has copied it. Not even LotRO which also is made by Turbine.


Here's how it works. A person starts a group, sets some optional parameters like the name of the dungeon/quest/whatever that is to be done, classes needed (or tank, dps, healer), level range and an additional comment like "tank wanted", "no rushing", "everyone welcome" or "zerg, be good". Then the first thing players see when they press O is a list of all groups looking for more players. They click on a group they want to join and the group leader sees something like "NN, level 38 Jedi Shadow wants to join. Accept or Decline?" Then the leader clicks Accept (or decline if the applicant for some reason is not what's he looking for) and so the group is eventually formed and everyone is happy.


Finding a group in DDO is very easy thanks to that awesome LFG system.

Edited by Dilbon
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I have come around to the idea of a LFG tool. As long as its same server of course. No need for cross server groups.


What got me to finally accept it is when me and my friend were looking to find 2 DPS for our Maelstrom Prison group. After a while of LFG spam in General chat, we got 1 guy. That guy after a while said we could try spamming in Quesh.


Thats when I realized a tool would be great. We are really overleveled as we are trying to finish all content on a planet before moving on. Hence as a lv38 sage and a lv39 vanguard, we have barely just arrived on Balmorra. There might be other people in our level spread out on a number of different planets.


It is really unrealistic to expect people to go from location to location spamming LFG in chat. Just like it is unrealistic or at least not user friendly to expect people to sit in the fleet hoping to find a group. Its just more difficult than it needs to be.


And guess what? Most of the socializing is done once the group has formed and we are playing. That's when we get to know each other. Spamming chat with "LF2M Maelstrom" for a while isn't really socializing.

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An LFG tool is absolutely needed, but it does not need to be automatic. Dungeons & Dragons Online has had for five years the best LFG system I've seen, but not a single game has copied it. Not even LotRO which also is made by Turbine.


Here's how it works. A person starts a group, sets some optional parameters like the name of the dungeon/quest/whatever that is to be done, classes needed (or tank, dps, healer), level range and an additional comment like "tank wanted", "no rushing", "everyone welcome" or "zerg, be good". Then the first thing players see when they press O is a list of all groups looking for more players. They click on a group they want to join and the group leader sees something like "NN, level 38 Jedi Shadow wants to join. Accept or Decline?" Then the leader clicks Accept (or decline if the applicant for some reason is not what's he looking for) and so the group is eventually formed and everyone is happy.


Finding a group in DDO is very easy thanks to that awesome LFG system.


This system is pretty much perfect I'd say, having had experience with it as well in the same game. You find people that want to do stuff, talk to them before joining or before accepting someone and you're off, plus it's still social.

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I agree! I want to spam chat for 30 mins every time I want to get a group going and I think its awesome. In fact if I dont get my daily dose of AT LEAST 1 hour spamming, I am not sure how I could get through the day. My favorite part is when someone has to go mid-flashpoint, then the real fun begins!!!



I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great.


And then you woke up?

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LFG is definitely needed


WoW brought this in for the very reason it knew their client base which was very loyal was also getting older, they had less time to play as they now had other commitments such as GFs, families, babies work responsibilities and good old fashion fresh air and sunlight


The elitist side of WoW didn't like this, you know the ones who had no life outside of WoW, would strut around in their latest gear, constantly yelling noob every 3rd word etc


Well LFG is great for the casual players who have a life and other commitments. If you've got a couple of hours spare you can maximise the time by getting into a group quickly if that's what you want to do. I don't want to spend hours spamming in chat only to find once I've got a group I've got around half hour before I need to do something else.


This used to happen in WoW before LFG, ppl would leave because they had no time left, if anything I had better experiences with LFG than pugs in chat.


Of course generally the best groups are guild groups who have vent and can communicate tactics properly, for raids almost essentially but for flashpoints most ppl are intelligent enough to be in a LFG pug and do a good job.


And LFG didn't dum down WoW, the plans were already there to make WoW easier because the subscribers where getting older and had other commitments, blizzard realised this and made the game easier / more accessible. If you look around Stormwind almost everyone is lvl 85 there aren't many new players comming through

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This issue has to do with fanboy psychology. Whatever the game is lacking they will justify to themselves that it is not only not needed but BETTER for not having it.


If this game shipped with a dungeon finder, all of these people would be defending it, if people argued to have it removed.


Can you imagine if Blizzard removed LFG or even made it single server, there would be mass outrage.

Edited by Siderialmoon
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Here is why....


I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one. After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.


So in regards to an LFG tool, I say hell no.


EDIT: I NEVER have a hard time find a group, and I'm not in a guild.


I've played WoW since closed beta, and I disagree with you. For starters, this isn't WoW. This game has just alittle over 1 million people, not 14 million, not 10 million, and not 3 million like that launched with WoW. Even blizzard had only set up enough server capacity and servers for 1 million. The first week was terrible, and people were lucky to log in, let alone find a group.


Here is why the LFG tool is a good thing:


1. This isn't WoW, swtor is far different. There is social ranking some care about and some don't. Some people have came to this group with friends and done ALOT of social ranking so far and not even 50 yet. It doesn't really hurt to make this tool for social ranking puposes.


2. I've played both jedi and sith side, sith have a FAR easier time finding people by simply typing in general. Jedi well... pvp statistics already show a landslide against the jedi side. We have far less people, that means harder to get things done.


3. The LFG can only be done near the place in question right now. The Tool allows the ability to LFG for things in and around whatever you are doing. So I can't get the people for a FP I'm doing and I've tried in general. Wouldn't it be logical to go quest or something while in a LFG tool?


I've used enough logic today... I'll move on to dinner and I'm sure the trolls will strike.

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What about a same realm LFG?


The issue I see with LFG is the fact that they're not on your realm, and thus face no consequences for their actions inside dungeons.


Maybe adding something like a reputation system would help?


As it stands right now, a LFD tool is needed.


This defeats the purpose of LFD, the people who want LFD, want no accountability for their actions. They want to be able to greif leech afk ninja be nasty mouthed ect. They don't care about getting groups fast, as much as being able to act any way they want with no consequences.


Anytime someone has an idea for an LFG tool, but with accountability, the LFD crowd rips it apart and demands a WoW copied LFD tool.

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This defeats the purpose of LFD, the people who want LFD, want no accountability for their actions. They want to be able to greif leech afk ninja be nasty mouthed ect. They don't care about getting groups fast, as much as being able to act any way they want with no consequences.


Anytime someone has an idea for an LFG tool, but with accountability, the LFD crowd rips it apart and demands a WoW copied LFD tool.


Go back to the old thread and find one instance of what you just described.


I think if you told ANYONE who wants a LFG tool that you could have it, but single-server, they'd be fine with it. Sure, some want cross-server, but I was part of the old thread for quite some time, and I can't remember one instance of what you said occuring.

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Go back to the old thread and find one instance of what you just described.


I think if you told ANYONE who wants a LFG tool that you could have it, but single-server, they'd be fine with it. Sure, some want cross-server, but I was part of the old thread for quite some time, and I can't remember one instance of what you said occuring.


Thats because he is a WoW baby, born unto this world in WoW and now has moved to SWTOR and unfortunately remembers and probably cries himself to sleep at night because of all the other WoW junkies who did this to him. Its a possibility and while yes it COULD happen in this game, and probably will if they do cross servers.. I don't see much of a problem, much like I hardly saw a problem in WoW over it.


Remember kids, this isn't WoW this is SWTOR. Keep your OMG IT COULD HAPPEN, to a minimum. Don't cry about something happening when it hasn't happened. Want to reference your past experiences with this type of system or a possible type this system could be, fine... but leave the "OMG IT HAPPENED" at home. Cause I've not had 1 piece of loot in this game ninja'd yet.

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Go back to the old thread and find one instance of what you just described.


I think if you told ANYONE who wants a LFG tool that you could have it, but single-server, they'd be fine with it. Sure, some want cross-server, but I was part of the old thread for quite some time, and I can't remember one instance of what you said occuring.


Oh of course they don't come out and say it.


But if the LFD crowd only wanted fast groups, then why do they attack everyone's ideas for an LFG tool that remains server only?


They attack LFG tool ideas because all an LFG tool does is provide fast groups, but it does not let these greifers behave anyway they want, so the greifers demand a wow copied LFD, with full griefer protections.

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That's not the purpose of a LFD tool at all. Stop acting like it is.


An LFG tool provides a way for players to create fast groups, an LFD tool provides fast groups, and protects greifers.


It's clear to anyone who is unbiased that the LFD crowd is more interested in having no accountability, otherwise they wouldnt rage against a server LFG tool.

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This defeats the purpose of LFD, the people who want LFD, want no accountability for their actions. They want to be able to greif leech afk ninja be nasty mouthed ect. They don't care about getting groups fast, as much as being able to act any way they want with no consequences.


Anytime someone has an idea for an LFG tool, but with accountability, the LFD crowd rips it apart and demands a WoW copied LFD tool.


All I hear is crying form this post. You offer no criticism to make the tool better so some SWTOR guy can go "hey great idea". Remember the people help guide the game along if people are willing to listen at SWTOR and so far they have listened for the most part from my past and present experiences with them.


I used the LFD tool for alot of my time in WoW. I could act like a total arsehat and ninja crap, afk, etc, But I also was in the top guild on the server, and top 25 U.S. my accountability was not doing things like that, because we had a no tolerance policy in the guild for things like that. Let alone thats just not who I am. I want the tool, why.. I listed my 3 why's and could keep going. I'm hoping someone who actually has a IQ above 80 will retort and debate with me. Till then all I see in whining and comparing other games to your SWTOR... are they this game? No.


Since we all like bringing up WoW.. lets bring up how FLAWED the WoW LFG/D tool was for months shall we? How about how everyone for years could roll on any and all loot even ninja from their own guilds. I don't see any "OMG HE NINJA'D MAH EPIX" posts so far on these forums. I've seen people need on things they personally didn't need for themselves, but used for their companions. As long as they don't "ninja" from others, I'm a happy camper. And so far I have yet to have that problem with this game.

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All I hear is crying form this post. You offer no criticism to make the tool better so some SWTOR guy can go "hey great idea". Remember the people help guide the game along if people are willing to listen at SWTOR and so far they have listened for the most part from my past and present experiences with them.


I used the LFD tool for alot of my time in WoW. I could act like a total arsehat and ninja crap, afk, etc, But I also was in the top guild on the server, and top 25 U.S. my accountability was not doing things like that, because we had a no tolerance policy in the guild for things like that. Let alone thats just not who I am. I want the tool, why.. I listed my 3 why's and could keep going. I'm hoping someone who actually has a IQ above 80 will retort and debate with me. Till then all I see in whining and comparing other games to your SWTOR... are they this game? No.


Since we all like bringing up WoW.. lets bring up how FLAWED the WoW LFG/D tool was for months shall we? How about how everyone for years could roll on any and all loot even ninja from their own guilds. I don't see any "OMG HE NINJA'D MAH EPIX" posts so far on these forums. I've seen people need on things they personally didn't need for themselves, but used for their companions. As long as they don't "ninja" from others, I'm a happy camper. And so far I have yet to have that problem with this game.


So you are saying since you claim to be a top 25 guild WoW player, that solves the lack of accountability problem in WoW's LFD tool?


That doesnt make any sense.

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Anyone who says they played WoW for seven years and getting groups was easy is lying. It's as simple as that.


Remember trying to get UBRS groups before the LFG tool? You had to get 10 (or was it 15?) people together, manually, make sure they were all ready to go, which in itself took about an hour since you couldn't ask people outside major cities to group.


Then, you had to get someone with an UBRS key. Nobody has a key and you've been trying to get a group for two hours? No problem, get a guildie to do it. Wait, no guildies can? Oh, well, let's pay someone to open the door. 50g? Sure, let's all pitch in.


Oh, the healer had to go....


Yeah, THAT was fun. :rolleyes:


LFG tool, please.

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Oh of course they don't come out and say it.


But if the LFD crowd only wanted fast groups, then why do they attack everyone's ideas for an LFG tool that remains server only?


They attack LFG tool ideas because all an LFG tool does is provide fast groups, but it does not let these greifers behave anyway they want, so the greifers demand a wow copied LFD, with full griefer protections.




I've been saying single server the entire time, and not once did anyone say anything about "That's not enough."

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