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Commando 22/17/2 "Yin and Yang" hybrid build


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I have been testing out several builds in PVP/PVE and this one is topping my personal interests the most.




-note that the stock strike on torhead is actually an alacrity bonus of 4% in game besides that this build is what I use in pvp and its survivability is awesome.


The nick name yin and yang comes from the play style I have had to use to learn to play it with.


First you must realize this build is based off alacrity and crit chance. Yes I said it ALACRITY. I know a lot of players complain that the ammo system sucks and that high alacrity hurts commandos, but in this build its like your bread and butter.


OK so skills to look at are Combat Support Cell, Medical Probe, Supercharged Cells, Charged Bolts


Combat support cell is the only ammo cell you will use.


In combat you will end up mainly just using hammer shot to lightly charge up your supercharged cells, either in healing or damage it makes little difference. Don't waste your ammo on skills when you don't have to.


Next focus on being a healer Medical prob will charge up Supercharged cells ridiculously fast and you will easily have the ammo to spam it full. Once Supercharged Cells is full switch that baby on and go on the offensive. Sometimes if the time is right ill expend my ammo on charged bolts then switch on supercharge cells and continue firing free charged bolts.


Your ammo will recharge during this time. If you feel your having ammo issues remember your recharge cells now gives you 8 cells instead of 6


Now notice that your charged bolts are free to fire if you follow this build. Now you really see where your Alacrity and Crit chance come into play when your blasting away with 1 second casting free bolts for 10 seconds almost always with critical hits.


-Remember that Supercharged cells also removes your adv. med probe CD so if you need to heal in a pinch use it.


-Also with all the defensive bonuses and extra healing applied with reactive shield and the fact that your heals wont be pushed back along with the ability to use adrenaline rush and trauma probe. Your survivability is astonishing IMO.


Of course how well this build works for you is how you play. This build is focused on healing damage so that you can in turn Deal it.

Edited by RedlionV
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after using a hybrid spec for my 50 scoundrel for pvp and pve, i would htikn something like




would be better


1) you can heal well


2) you can dps well



3) you can easily get all of the easily obtainable dps/healing medals without needing to have a crap ton of pvp gear


without grav rounds, you prob wont get that 2.5k dmg in one hit medal imo

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Actually i get that normally faster then i do the healing.


Grav round is less damage and you have to focus on one target to build up the vortex and it doesn't become a free cast like charged bolts does.


The HoT from preventive med is much less useful IMO and thats after play testing with it. Mainly because advance med probe doesn't build up super charged cells.


Being able to take off dots for cheaper is much more useful both in pvp and pve. gettin more cells from recharge cells just makes more sense to me seeing as it allows for more wiggle room with my ammo management.


Being able to KB with 2 abilities is much better then one as well as the distances pushed back is great for pvp and pve. Also being able to do it faster is much stronger in pvp.


You don't get many movement impairing breaks in the first place so having on a much fast CD is the best your gona get.

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Sorry to be the bringer of bad news but that build is really terrible


If your going to go that high in gunnery at least have the grav round for a bit of punch while youve got a break in your healing role because with that build you really have to be a healer.


But ultimately if you like it and it works for you then go hard - but do consider the look of the 2nd posters build, thats a lot better for a similar role

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I see what you're trying to achieve and it makes sense.


I'm just not sure how effective it will be.


You're practically getting rid of some healing utility for some pvp utility and free Charged Shots.




I may try this out.

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Generally i score top heals or top damage, it depends on the roll i take in the WZ. Also if your really into getting medals I haven't gotten less the 7 medals a match. the most I have gotten with it was 9, but I am going to try out the pvp crit relic. The theory being with that i should be able to grab the 5k heals and 5k dmg in one shot with um.


I do also have almost all pvp gear, a mix focused of both crit and alacrity.


Grav round is too costly, with this build you wont have to worry about running out of ammo, and yes it is less damage then Charged bolts. It does have the sunder armor effect, but compared to free 1.2 casting charged bolts its nowhere near as good.


This build is for more experienced teamwork players, if you like to lone wolf it and only get top damage, then don't play it. Though if you do, you will be surprised how well it works. It forces you to heal your teammates, and when your fully charged unload hell onto who ever you want. and its survivability is awesome. I may start posting screen shots or make a video or something if you need more proof.

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In the gunnery tree you take the muzzle fluting talent. which if you didn't know reduces charge bolts by 1, and when supercharge cells goes off it then becomes free to cast. Do you even play a commando? I feel like i have to explain the talents and skills. If you don't know what the skills and talents do, please review them before you post. I currently run this build and see it in action everyday. I know how it works and what abilities stack.


The damage is great, the heals are great. If your so skeptical try it out. If you don't like it don't use it. I promise you though if you catch on to how the build works you won't worry about ammo problems. This is not a pure healer class its a support class. Supporting both heals and damage. Yes I have been able to take over for heals, and have done just fine in pve.

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Generally with Elara if im expecting pvp action. I run forex a lot, but that's because hes my fave. I run Yuun when grouped with a buddy just to get the extra dps in there. So really just depends on the situation. I may start running you more for pvp after I gear him up more. Though i think i read they were gona take companions out for ilum pvp.
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I wasn't grinding your build up man lol I was just putting input on the charged bolts spam. Im fully aware that you can get free Charged Bolts and Commando is all I play still. :3 I think its hilarious when people waste their interrupt on my charged bolts too thinkin im a GR spammer. Now i gets to healz!
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but compared to free 1.2 casting charged bolts .


you arent casting charged bolts at 1.2. you are casting them at 1.5


the gcd in this game is 1.5. that's the fastest anything can cast. yes the first one is at 1.2 but every subsequent one is 1.5


hence any alacrity - geared or proc - that pushes you below 1.5 is a waste

Edited by Corran
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you arent casting charged bolts at 1.2. you are casting them at 1.5


the gcd in this game is 1.5. that's the fastest anything can cast. yes the first one is at 1.2 but every subsequent one is 1.5


hence any alacrity - geared or proc - that pushes you below 1.5 is a waste


sigh this is still out there. This is not true at all. The GCD is 1.5s OR it is the length of the attack you are doing if it is less.


Thus if your charged bolt in this case is 1.2s your GCD will be 1.2s.


Carrying on though I agree with the previous poster on field triage. I dunno how you can keep from ooming without it. I'd definatly trade trauma probe for it that thing is pretty useless pvp wise. Also in a heroic I find it hard to believe that your successful as a healer without kolto bomb.


I really like this spec though. It's really clever. Full of utility. I had tried a full out CM spec and it was dismal. I got absolutely owned without the knockback improvements from gunnery. But you've managed to get all them and the important healing talents as well. I'm looking forward to getting home and trying this.


This also gets around the problem with accuracy in PvP being a pretty meh stat. And really when I rolled my trooper this kind of hybrid spec is what I imagined myself doing not strictly one or the other.

Edited by zacger
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Its a trade off, you heal till your charge is full then you attack. While attacking your ammo will fill back up. if you need to focus hard on heals or hard on damage your recharge cells gives you plenty.


I am currently trying out kolto bomb, to see if it is worth it. So far it feels about the same, though I haven't tested it enough.


Again, this is not a pure heal build or pure dps build. You can though be effective in both if played right.


Im glad people are starting to get how this build works and I hope it helps my fellow commandos out with finding a way to make the most out of the class. :)

Edited by RedlionV
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I wasn't grinding your build up man lol I was just putting input on the charged bolts spam. Im fully aware that you can get free Charged Bolts and Commando is all I play still. :3 I think its hilarious when people waste their interrupt on my charged bolts too thinkin im a GR spammer. Now i gets to healz!


sry bro i read your post wrong i get :D thanks though

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Great build. I've ran a similar build in the past and also full CM.


Like others have said, this is great support - a hybrid build that actually works! If you're getting focused a lot, this will save you a little more often. If being ignored a lot, I'd prefer full CM.

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