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This que is horrible


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What happened to playing for fun, and not to, you know, get ahead? That's all I see in the people complaining. "QQ I wont be the highest level on the server."


Just relax, we didn't even know the early access expanded to 7 days until a week or so ago. Find something else to do then sit on your computer and raging on forums. Go out and enjoy life. Star Wars will be here when you get back.

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What happened to playing for fun, and not to, you know, get ahead? That's all I see in the people complaining. "QQ I wont be the highest level on the server."


Just relax, we didn't even know the early access expanded to 7 days until a week or so ago. Find something else to do then sit on your computer and raging on forums. Go out and enjoy life. Star Wars will be here when you get back.


all fine and dandy on for a pure pve player.

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You need to cancel your preorder like I did. Put your money where your mouth is.... and not only that.... ask that they do the right thing here and allow EQUAL ACCESS for everyone... reset ALL SERVERS on the 19th at 2359.


if you canceled your pre-order why would you care about them not restarting everyone on the 19th ( which they won't you know kinda defeats the point of early access)





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No it isn't , pre-access was a selling point for " Pre - Ordering " , it isn't a gift , it is part of the " SALES PACKAGE " .


Also , everyone who pre-ordered paid a small fee up front , that also removes any form of a gift .


I don't pay people when they give me some chocolates as a gift ..........................


lol seriously? nobody ever said hey dude! get this game and get yer play on 5 days before everybody else! NO! they said exactly what they said and that was you MAY get UP TO 5 days of ega or in other words a chance to play for a maximum of 5 days and minimum of 1 day before the people who only get to play on launch day! nothing was promised to you and nothing else was lied about. suck it up and wait with the rest of us. :)

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Actaully they said up to 5 days early access and they have stated since pre order that the Early Access will be from when you redeemed you're code


And now it is 6 days left not even 5 days and some people are complaining.


And no Early Access is not for those that paid money for a game that would not receive at the time of transaction that is called Grace period not Early Access



Uhhh, no its not? Early Access was for those that pre-ordered. Please dont make up ridiculous things.


They have already stated there is no grace period what so-ever. Please dont speak if you have no idea what your speaking of.


Part of the pre-order was Early Access and some of the in-game items. It wasnt a you might get this. It was, "if you pre-order you will get this".


They never stated once that if you pre-ordered you'd be getting some kind of grace period.



K, Thnx.:rolleyes:

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Are you REALLY that slow? Early Access is NOT a BONUS. We PRE-ORDERED the game entirely for EARLY ACCESS. I really wish you idiots would stop saying that early access is a bonus or perk of some kind. Early Access is for those that paid money for a game that would not receive at the time of transaction. WE are doing the developers a favor by pre-ordering NOT the other way around.


So climb back in your hole and **** unless you have something somewhat intelligent to say.


Game Stop labels it as a Bonus.


If you ordered it from here, it says you get Early Access with it cool. Click on the ? to the right of Early Access so you know what it means. This is what it says "Early Game Access will begin on December 13th, 2011, seven days prior to the official launch. Starting December 13, 2011, invitations will be sent throughout the Early Game Access period offering rolling access to the game in the order in which you redeemed your Pre-Order Code, so be sure to check your email inbox tied to your Star Wars: The Old Republic™ account!"


What aren't you understanding?

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Just wanted to reply to some posters in my previous(now locked) thread:


"There will always be someone better than you." Well, tell that to Michael Jordan. This is a dumb quote and isn't true. You *can* be the best at something, its just rare, because there can only be one 'best' in any given thing. If you subscribe to that philosophy to make yourself feel better for not being capable of competing for the #1 position, then you're a pushover.


"I heard if you shout louder and rage the best that you will get 'special' treatment. Keep it up!"


My reply to that is, "The squeaky wheel gets the oil".

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Uhhh, no its not? Early Access was for those that pre-ordered. Please dont make up ridiculous things.


They have already stated there is no grace period what so-ever. Please dont speak if you have no idea what your speaking of.


Part of the pre-order was Early Access and some of the in-game items. It wasnt a you might get this. It was, "if you pre-order you will get this".


They never stated once that if you pre-ordered you'd be getting some kind of grace period.



K, Thnx.:rolleyes:


You stated that early Access was for people that couldnt get theire game in time.

Early Access have nothing to do with youre actual game code .


When you get youre game code they will merge it with youre Early access so youre statement that the Early Access was for people that couldnt get the game in time is false.


And when reading when ordering read UP TO not just the 5 days early access and take it as a sure thing and still i dont know when you redeemed youre code but if you see these forums you can easliy see how far away you are from getting in

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really? name one. I've either seen stagger releases, or full releases with servers bogged down, unplayable for weeks etc.


Rift, CoH, more and more had open entry and no bogged down servers. So While in your experience you may have not encountered successful release .. there have been more than a few.

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I have been in multiple launches and this is by far the smoothest.



Been smooth for me to Bro! Havent had any Lag, Of course I sit here wasting Vacation days on a game while my friends are all in with no communcation of when I would start. But as far as the servers go I see most of them have Light populations, I would hope it would be silky smoooooth!

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Worst game launch in the history of mmorpg. And dont even make me start with argumetns why again, got bored dealing with casual fajnbois that didnt achvive anything in their mmo life giving pointless arguments while servers are empty 3/4 of the day.
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This is my third launch of a MMO and I must say it is by far the worst that I have experienced. I do not like the mushroom treatment I feel we are being given. They should have given us some clue of when to expect to get invited rather then have us sit in limbo for seven days possibly. This is a terrible way to treat customers.



Thank you for the bump but unless you have some thing relevant to add to this discussion please refrain from posting in this thread.


QQ moar, see ya in game!

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I love all this Pre-launch/etc is a gift/bonus talk.

That same could be said of talents, items, movement, quests, 3d graphics, pretty much anything in a game. After none of it is contractual. Still without such thing people will think your game is bad.

Please apply this realistic logic to all aspects of consumption. IE if people do not like something they will be less likely to buy it, if they don't like who is selling them something the same goes, etc.

Free market exchange is about to parties agreeing on common and mutual terms.

If 10%, 5%, 1% or whatever % of people do not like the way EA/bioware has handled this exchange they are free to break off the deal or/and stop future patronage.


All this means is bioware should care, and for people who find this unacceptable well bioware will have to deal with the loss of your $.

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This is my third launch of a MMO and I must say it is by far the worst that I have experienced. I do not like the mushroom treatment I feel we are being given. They should have given us some clue of when to expect to get invited rather then have us sit in limbo for seven days possibly. This is a terrible way to treat customers.



Thank you for the bump but unless you have some thing relevant to add to this discussion please refrain from posting in this thread.


You will be invited between 13 dec and 19 dec..in order of preorder codes redeemed..there



cant be more clear

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The argument: The game "launched" yesterday. Not December 20th. Everyone should be in.


My question: When you pre-ordered they had ONE date defined: December 20th... and if you pre-order you could get up to 5 days of Early Access. So when you pre-ordered what did you think Early Access was? I mean the logic is as soon as someone gets in, *thats* the official launch. So when they called it Early Access back when you pre-ordered... what were you thinking it was? Clearly you thought it was something different than a launch yes? What were you thinking December 20th was? When they said Early Access was going to be based on when you pre-ordered and not everyone was going to get in at the same time... what were you thinking was going to change once Early Access starts?


Please, explain to me what you were thinking when you pre-ordered that made you think anything going on presently would be different?


I feel like I must have been reading a different web page than you folks when I pre-ordered.

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Worst game launch in the history of mmorpg. And dont even make me start with argumetns why again, got bored dealing with casual fajnbois that didnt achvive anything in their mmo life giving pointless arguments while servers are empty 3/4 of the day.


In the history of MMORPG? you make it sound like theres a lot.

Please, stop trying to type and eat your jelly donuts at the same time, it causes spelling errors and my pentium 4 can not much data.

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This game launched!? I had no idea! I thought that the launch was supposed to be on the 20th of December! What the hell is going on? Why can't I play? OMGWTFBBQ!


Yeah... Early Access is by date of pre-order, suck it up. The game hasn't even launched officially yet.

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