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I quit WoW to play SWTOR, this is why I am staying!


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There's enough of WoW in SWTOR to make it comfortable, but also some very pleasant departures.


> More story, and it's your story. No Mary Sues from Chris Metzen. There are a few major players, sure, but they truly take a back seat to what you do. It isn't a situation where "you helped Thrall while he landed the deathblow" -- YOU land the deathblow.


> Sci-fi setting. Star Wars aside, it's nice to enjoy sci-fi instead of medieval-fantasy. A needed switch, for me.


> High production value. The graphics are not Crysis, no, but they are loads better than WoW. The music is top-notch, the voice acting is professional, the writing is very well done.


> Enjoyable gameplay. I like my Commando Trooper. I also like my Telekinesis Sage, Sentinel Jedi, and my Gunslinger. I have a Sith Inquisitor too... basically I haven't met a class yet that I do not like playing in some way.

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I has digital edition speeder ... No grindy for me!!!!


Speeder = 8k creds

speeder training = 40k creds


you only got the speeder free, you still gota grind to get the training =D


although it's not really grinding, should have enough by the time you can buy it.

Edited by Trigg
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Speeder = 8k creds

speeder training = 40k creds


you only got the speeder free, you still gota grind to get the training =D


although it's not really grinding, should have enough by the time you can buy it.


Covered that already ... 40k is nothing really.

Edited by toomsta
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Companions were in SW:KOTOR and that game came out 2 years before Guild Wars but ofc it may not count since it was a single player game :D Guild Wars had a companion system that was one of the first of it's kind however initially they were not customizable.


Still, the way that you obtain and use companions in TOR is so similar to KOTOR that it feels like they successfully carried over that system. It doesn't feel like it is a system they copied at all.


The companion system in an MMO is brilliant in my opinion. It gives you much more options in gameplay. The companion itself can in many instances replace a person given that you keep their gear up to date, and you use it to fill the appropriate role that is missing. A friend and I have duo'ed every instance up until Cademimu without many problems. It's also allowed me to solo Champions (albeit with great difficulty, lots of management and careful attention/execution) and Heroic 2's.


Crew Skills is a welcome change of pace. I like that I don't have to go anywhere but I don't like that the prices can get steep with no way to make it back. It's no secret that right now the only viable professions are Cybertech and Biochem. The professions are useless right now, but that doesn't mean they can't improve it in the future.


Meditation and Recall are quickly becoming one of my favorite features. Little downtime for no cost saves a lot of time and money so you can get back into the action. Recall is a teleport system similar to Guild Wars' fast travel although it comes with a cooldown. It prevents us from having to take a taxi and/or walk across the entire map. Gigantic time saver and the cooldown on it is perfect. I'm glad they didn't do it like WoW and make it 1hr.


One gripe I do have about one of the quick travel options is the fleet pass. You purchase the pass for 1000 but it's on a 1hr cooldown. I don't believe that an item with such a cost should have that high of a CD. AFAIK, similar items on WoW (like the Deepholm potion) does not have such a CD.

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IMHO, WoW is better.


However I canceled my WoW and Rift accounts and am playing SWTOR until at least March because I am having fun.


WoW may be better and more polished, but at this moment in time I ENJOY SWTOR MORE.

Oh boy...you just wait until THIS game has that many years of polish ....holy....


There won't be an mmo that will be able to TOUCH TOR in a couple years...

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Oh boy...you just wait until THIS game has that many years of polish ....holy....


There won't be an mmo that will be able to TOUCH TOR in a couple years...


No one can touch TOR in a couple of years because it will be a ghost and dead and everyone knows you cannot touch dead ghost.

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I'm only a level 21 Marauder, but here's what I am impressed with! This is why I'm not going back to WoW!


- Companions


Whose brilliant idea was this? Absolutely love it! I'm never really soloing, and I feel like content isn't locked to me just because I can't grab someone to help. Sure I need to get a group still for things, but there is some freedom here that I really love.


- Crew Skills


Leave's WoW's grindfest for dead! Love it! Feels like it should in an MMO without being automated and divorced from my character. I have Biochem, Bioanalisys and Diplomacy and I am really enjoying it.


- Meditation


For something so simple and small this has a huge impact on the game. Instead of forcing me to level something like cooking you just let me heal in my downtime between fights. What a time saver. This is what MMO's should focus on, lower down time so you can get into the fight.


- Recall


Thank the good Lord you let us recall to anywhere in the current world we have unlocked. I appreciate this to no end. Just like meditation, it's all about lowering the boring down time and I want to see more of this! The once a day fleet recall is also brilliant. I think more can be done, but we'll see how I feel when I hit level 25 and get a speeder.


Thanks Bioware for such a classy MMO at launch! I won't be going back to WoW and I hope more features can be streamlined like the one's above.


EDIT: Adding a 5th and 6th, why did I forget this.


- Story


I think this plays a part in removing the feeling of a grind. It helps, it helps a lot. I am enjoying the characters and feel involved in it.


- Quest structure.


I love going into an area and getting a quest automatically. Like the Bonus quests, but also things like Hadra's defeat, I got that simply by finding the area. Really appreciate this model, instead of finding the quest giver.


A praise thread, yay! I agree I like SWTOR. And I love the companion system. I love my ship and I especially LOVE space combat. It brings me back to the old games of Xwing VS Tie Fighter and things like that... back when some of the kids who play mmo's now days weren't even born :-)


I love the game so far. I love the deep storyline. And any complainers who just want to complain and never give criticism... well... they are just mere trolls.

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If you quit SWTOR, what are you doing here?


He spent three months pocket money on it and hes gutted about it.

Wow has not been fun for years, the only people that stick around are the lol esports crowd.

Edited by Rayvonuk
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The game is all fine and dandy til you hit 50 and you realize the crew skills, markets, and end-game is completely botched.


Hmmm if i find that to be true ,i will level all 8 classes and then leave ToR to go back to WoW


but i am leveling slowly and not rushing it so i still have lots of content to explore :)

Edited by xXdarthknightXx
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