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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Mind putting on some higher level trooper or jedi armor and zooming in on your character? Take a SS and if you have sharp textures, I'll eat my keyboard.


i don't play republic side so i can't do that. but what point does it make on what type of armor or which side you post a SS from, if you have muddy textures it will be there for everyone and every class if it simply has to do with what mr. reid says.

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Mr Reid, I appreciate your concern with my FPS.

But I can handle three different texture settings.

I know my rig quite well and if it can't handle SWTOR amazing graphics I will notice it.


Unless you wish to tell us their is something wrong with SWTOR optimization and engine and that's why you can't provide us textures textures that are on par with those from 6 year old mmo's.


I think the current texture settings aren't good enough.

I can't see what the artist intended to make my robe look like untila cut scene.

patterns and colours are all washed out.



What I can say is your tone isn't appreciated.

I'm a customer not a share holder, I think it's disgusting you take people for fools with comments like ' oh this was just a bug'.

We both know it isn't.

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Well I can't say I am suprised with Bioware and EA after the last month or so.


The excuse seems, well, just pathetic. Again unsuprising, they seem to have enough folks that would eat a s**t sandwich and smile if BW sold them it.


I really enjoy the game, love my Sentinel and now that the -3 LOD, 8 x AA and 16 x AF is enabled for my Radeon floors and reflective surfaces are looking better.


But I really do want decent textures and mipmaps for characters. I can run EQ2 on Ultra with a 24 man raid at good fps and that is one of the most demanding MMO engines out there (as they designed it for CPU speed on a single core originally). it's just gone FTP, but they still found the money to make DX10 additions to the engine.


For Bioware, creator of fantastic games (gameplay and graphics) to produce graphics, then restrict them to messy and dirty textures is mind boggling to say the least.

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i don't play republic side so i can't do that. but what point does it make on what type of armor or which side you post a SS from, if you have muddy textures it will be there for everyone and every class if it simply has to do with what mr. reid says.


Nah, some armors have more fine details in the paint, etc., and look awful with the low res textures.


I've seen some awful looking BH and sith armors too. Be sure to zoom all the way in.



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Bioware, do you even listen to the community's voice. The game's a fine MMO, refreshing, outstanding ofcourse with issues that need to be looked into (especially, PvP and balancing).


Presenting a game in high-res, that's what you were offering to the player- and fanbase of SWTOR who've been waiting for months to get their hands on this game. It's inexcusable how you guys at Bioware have been adressing the player's opinions/bug reports. I was hoping for this company to make a change, actually listen to their crowd and act with responsibility to please that crowd which the game feeds on.


A false promise this high-res was, the lack of feedback on the players bringing it up to the surface is even worse. Like I said, inexcusable. You will be losing subscriptions rapidly. Learn from what a different company which I hate to mention but will do still, Blizzard, has done wrong but atleast seems to be doing better than Bioware for the past few months.


I'll give you my 2 cents, start with actually reading your forums so much can be learned from the players' posts and improvements can be made. Oh heck, what am I saying. You probably read already, but you don't reply nor does anyone see actual productive work/feedback on the issues being highlighted.


Allow this game, which attracted so many players purely due to graphics to play the game the way it was previewed to us and lure us into purchasing/subscription with high-res textures. It's been said before, there's a reason graphic settons are a given thing in almost any game.


Next to that, completely offtopic yet regarding graphics, you might just as well remove the Twilek race as they can barely wear any hooded gear. This is a game all about jedi/sith, most commonly features being a hooded robe with a saber and they can't even wear those. Let those "tentacles" through the hood, who cares? Or make them set apart from the model like a hairstyle so you can turn it on/off when players equip an included with hood piece of gear.


Lastly, besides performance issues such as CPU usage, lag and so on (alt-tabbing, tried it a few times? no? go try it and check how the performance drops.. it's tragic), settle yourself on the PvP aspect of this game as well. I know many players, and I'd roughly take a guess of 40% the playerbase is NOT pleased at ALL with the BALANCE and IMBALANCE between not ONLY class, but ALSO the two factions.


I'll give Bioware one more chance at bringing us a list of patch notes / ptr notes including many, of the oh so many issues being brought up by players. And some actual feedback on the forums, on the paying subscribers' topics full of relevant issues that are in need of attention as soon as possible. Trust me, those that are further into this game all experience the same as I and many others on this forum do and will cancel subscription. You've put a lot of money into this game, now make it worthwhile or suffer a huge loss because the game will drop like a crashing plane I can guarantee you that having experienced many MMOs in their beta/initial months after launch.


Good luck with it, liked the launch of the game but there are issues that really require attention and the playerbase that deserves feedback.


Looking forward to the patch notes and Bioware representatives actually giving feedback.


Kind regards,




PS. (Still can't believe a thread made it over 200 pages without a single response giving constructive feedback)

Edited by ProdigalSon
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I agree about the texture things as i said previously my point about it is that people seem to be misleading on how bad it actually is. My textures are no where near like some of these screenshots i see and i've done no ini modding so either i'm one of the few that don't have the muddy textures are there is a few people out there taking screenshot of low rez graphic settings claiming them to be high or it is a bug affecting some but not others.


No some people are posting the absolute low, but going between the character creator and in game is utterly depressing, and should be for the dev team as well as this is the make or break week for a lot of ppl. People shouldn't be posting comparasons in the lowest settings they can muster, but going from hi-res like in any gameplay footage you'll see and going in-game is just as bad.

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Nah, some armors have more fine details in the paint, etc., and look awful with the low res textures.


I've seen some awful looking BH and sith armors too. Be sure to zoom all the way in.




maybe, but all i can say i haven't experienced the issue like some here are. I am not saying the issue doesn't exist nor that even the texture i see are good enough for high quality. Texture definately could use higher rez for those that can handle it.

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Is this a joke? Let us select the ULTRA MAXIMUM EXTREME SUPER MEGA HIGH Resolution. It's my damn problem if I have a 200$ PC or a 15k$ PC. Or If I like to play with 120 fps or 10 fps.


Come on Bioware... Just learn something from the King. And let the player decide wich texture they want to use... (I'm assuming that you guys know that the "king" is blizzard.)


You will loose tons of players if you don't do that ASAP. And ASAP isn't 5 months... it's ASAP. Believe me.


This is a BASIC RULE with an MMO... The Player will decide their FPS. Settings, etc. Stop playing the parents game, your job is to offer me the lowest and the highest resolution of the game, I will decide the rest.



Edited by Lolindirfab
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No some people are posting the absolute low, but going between the character creator and in game is utterly depressing, and should be for the dev team as well as this is the make or break week for a lot of ppl. People shouldn't be posting comparasons in the lowest settings they can muster, but going from hi-res like in any gameplay footage you'll see and going in-game is just as bad.


see even then i don't notice much difference from chracter creator to in game, or cutscenes to in game, or the holoterminal tricks. There is a difference but no where as bad as the forums make it seem again i'm not saying it shouldn't be any better not denying there is a rez change in textures.

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Is this a *********** joke? Let us select the ULTRA MAXIMUM EXTREME SUPER MEGA HI Resolution. It's my damn problem if I have a 200$ PC or a 15k$ PC. Or If I like to play with 120 fps or 10 fps.


Come on Bioware... Just learn something from the King. And let the player decide wich texture they want to use... (I'm assuming that you guys know that the "king" is blizzard.)


You will loose tons of players if you don't do that ASAP. And ASAP isn't 5 months... it's ASAP. Believe me.


This is a BASIC RULE with an MMO... The Player will decide their FPS. Settings, etc. Stop playing the parents game, your job is to offer me the lowest and the highest resolution of the game, I will decide the rest.




what he said


this is 2012 ffs, and a PC game. not some crappy console port with low res textures by default. Let us decide our own fate AND our own performance issues (if any)


its not as if the game engine is something cutting edge as it is, let us at least max the hell out of it

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I've attached screenshots below for comparison between what the game is rendering at standard "high" settings, and what the game renders with LOD bias forced below the standard threshold.


Standard LOD:



Forced LOD:




For those who missed it on page 4. Holy cow look at the difference. I am sorry but this would really really add to making this game better.

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Jesus. I was sick for one day and the sh** really hit the fan on this issue! Two more full 100 page threads and an incredibly pathetic response from Bioware. I'm going to look into what it takes to file a complaint with the BBB today. If they hadn't intended there to be a "high" texture option all along, then their use of that option for all their promotional materials is clearly false advertising. That's definitely something that the BBB should be made aware of. As far as I'm concerned, they should be pulling the boxes (with high res screen shots) off the shelves and should be pulling all their screenshots and videos from this site, youtube, and all the gaming mag sites.


Edit: Okay, I've looked into the BBB option. It seems that Bioware is only listed under Edmonton, Alberta, so you will have to use the Canadian BBB, which you can access from the same site as the US.

Edited by Kraylessa
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see even then i don't notice much difference from chracter creator to in game, or cutscenes to in game, or the holoterminal tricks. There is a difference but no where as bad as the forums make it seem again i'm not saying it shouldn't be any better not denying there is a rez change in textures.


Well I'll definately dissagree with you there especially in character creation when you have the chance to really look, HUGE difference, night and day difference.

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Jesus. I was sick for one day and the sh** really hit the fan on this issue! Two more full 100 page threads and an incredibly pathetic response from Bioware. I'm going to look into what it takes to file a complaint with the BBB today. If they hadn't intended there to be a "high" texture option all along, then their use of that option for all their promotional materials is clearly false advertising. That's definitely something that the BBB should be made aware of, As far as I'm concerned, they should be pulling the boxes (with high res screen shots) off the shelves and should be pulling all their screenshots and videos from this site, youtube, and all the gaming mag sites.


Personally I'd rather they put all their resources right now towards fixing it and not fighting a legal battle, but that's just me being selfish.

Edited by daemian
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This whole thread makes me sick...With all the bugs out there for people to recycle this garbage is disgusting, no wonder they don't reply to every fanatical piece of crap thread out there.




There are bugs that:


Prevent people from launching, playing, loading, fps issues, lag issues, flashpoint/op/pvp issues, etc...MAJOR in-game playability issues...AND this is the topic YOU choose to rant on? One that has ZERO effect on anything in this game.


What a joke. If they spend more than 10 seconds on this topic before addressing everything else out there, I would be pissed off.


And ya, you have a right to make this garbage thread and protest a VERY VERY VERY minor cosmetic issue with EA and BW, but I also have a right to post in here every page to remind people how idiotic and how much of a non isssue this really is.


I just wish more people would post the same.

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Fix this, I'm clearly not pleased of the actual ETA of the game. Low res texture, ***? I'm a power user and I like to tweak everything of a game to make it look the best but how do you want me to do it if there's only low-res texture. Even Lineage2 have better texture !!


Also, there's so many glitch/bug that still here from the launch and they are so annoying that I don't know why you still haven't fixed them. Just yesterday, I wasted 3 WZ because your damn quest system can't give me the credit of a won game + wasted time because of ppl doing an exploit and with all the crash/disconnect I got.



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This whole thread makes me sick...With all the bugs out there for people to recycle this garbage is disgusting, no wonder they don't reply to every fanatical piece of crap thread out there.




And ya, you have a right to make this garbage thread and protest a VERY VERY VERY minor cosmetic issue with EA and BW, but I also have a right to post in here every page to remind people how idiotic and how much of a non isssue this really is.


I just wish more people would post the same.


I wish you would read threads before you posted in them.

The problem here is that Bioware have taken far too long to respond to this issue, and when they finally did, it was a completely flakey response that provided no help or resolve.

It's not a VERY VERY VERY minor cosmetic issue, it's a major aspect of the graphics, which, in itself, is a major aspect of a game.

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This whole thread makes me sick...With all the bugs out there for people to recycle this garbage is disgusting, no wonder they don't reply to every fanatical piece of crap thread out there.




There are bugs that:


Prevent people from launching, playing, loading, fps issues, lag issues, flashpoint/op/pvp issues, etc...MAJOR in-game playability issues...AND this is the topic YOU choose to rant on? One that has ZERO effect on anything in this game.


What a joke. If they spend more than 10 seconds on this topic before addressing everything else out there, I would be pissed off.


And ya, you have a right to make this garbage thread and protest a VERY VERY VERY minor cosmetic issue with EA and BW, but I also have a right to post in here every page to remind people how idiotic and how much of a non isssue this really is.


I just wish more people would post the same.



its not the graphics quality, its the fact that that misled us, read better

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So are BW going to change the graphic textures options to reflect the actual level of them?


They're working on improving it for the 1.2 patch. You can find the quote in the dev tracker.

Edited by daemian
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Well we KNOW that the graphics can look nice and for a stupid reason they have DECIDED in there smokey glasses to not let people enjoy the games graphics for what they can be. As someone had pointed out.


Graphics Options






IT REALLY is quite THAT simple BIOWARE


Peoples choice

Now START listening or loose subs



Honestly i think some people in bioware Brain FART too much !!!

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