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overwhelming proof of intentional FACTION imbalaning on some DEVS part .. imho ...


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Because the same people who spent 6 years and Millions of dollars, secretly want a faction imbalance to spin out of control and end the game.


Reading to forums makes one lose faith in the intelligence of humanity.


Well regardless of your opinion these things have been tested and many of these bioware admits to. I play both sides and I SEE it, and yes this kind of thing happens in every MMO. WoW did it for years by bending class balance to the classes played by Tom Chilton and his Cronies.


I'm sorry it hurts your feelings to think your wins have been catered to the side you picked but that is what's happening. My republic players don't suffer with it because our pre-made is very solid and wins 9 out of 10, but that doesn't stop these mechanics from being in the game.


And regardless of your belief's there are numerious youtube video's to prove it.

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Half of my friends play Imperial whilst the other half play Republic. So it was an easy test for us.


1. Smuggler's Dirty Kick remains greyed out for use until you come to a complete stop, while Operative's Debilitate allows use while moving.


2. Inquistor's Shock has less of a delay than Consular's Project.


3. Trooper's Mortar volley has a greater delay than BH's Death from Above.


4. Virtually all white dmg abilities have a reuse animation delay longer for republic than Imperial.


5. The turrets do tick faster for Imperial than Republic.


6. If you believe this is a mistake and not intentional, when EVERY SINGLE BUG favor's the Imperial side, your an idiot.


nicely researched. Can a dev comment on this shameful activity?

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Jesus... Unbelievable... Here we go again...



Not contradicting the video, but I had a question.


During that 1second-ish delay, can the JC continue casting? Because if that's the case, the damage over time for an actual fight would be the same for both classes, and the burst would be higher for JC, allowing to "merge" 2 attack reg into one.


The only difference that would make would be during last hits, when someone could use that window to last hit you before dying from the reg delay.

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Not contradicting the video, but I had a question.


During that 1second-ish delay, can the JC continue casting? Because if that's the case, the damage over time for an actual fight would be the same for both classes, and the burst would be higher for JC, allowing to "merge" 2 attack reg into one.


The only difference that would make would be during last hits, when someone could use that window to last hit you before dying from the reg delay.


I can't cast another spell, or even do a melee attack while it's flying to its target. I suppose it could be just me, and ability delay.

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Some of that is just not understanding the mechanics. A leap can have an immobilising effect rooting you in place, not stunning. Roots are also not effected by resolve which good players will see an enemy with full resolve and root not stun, might explain the huttball thing. oh and leap root is as soon as its cast, which is why you stop dead before it lands.


I understand that leap has root in its tooltip, but that doesn't mean it's still a poor design.


Why Force Pull does not have a "root" additive? Because the animation does not need one. After all, you are pulling and you are stationary, so the other body just needs to fly over to you, as opposed to leap, when because of said animation, you are forced to apply root.


Devs just went the easy road, which is fine by me, as long as they did not choose to implement Huttball and Resolve mechanic.


Imagine 10 Marauders chain leaping, lol?!


This game is so full of such "patches" that one department overlooked because they thought we are green tomatoes that will not notice it...

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Not contradicting the video, but I had a question.


During that 1second-ish delay, can the JC continue casting? Because if that's the case, the damage over time for an actual fight would be the same for both classes, and the burst would be higher for JC, allowing to "merge" 2 attack reg into one.


The only difference that would make would be during last hits, when someone could use that window to last hit you before dying from the reg delay.


yes you can. Only time project delay is a problem is when your casting on someone on the edge of range or a stealther. Never use project to last hit someone if both on low hp.

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Could you take into your imbalances list sorcs have an animation in their primary attack that points to them from another galaxy while consulars pebble shower is very hard to spot where it is coming from ?

Could be argued both ways, much easier to focus-fire and watch who the sorc is spamming.


Could you also take into your imbalances' list that actually the delay in project makes the consulars have more burst than sorcs as the project hits at the same time that their next attack ?

Anyone who ever argues that delay is an advantage in PvP is just ignorant. How about we add delay to 1/2 of the Inquisitor spells for more "burst"?


Do you care to explain what are the effects of the project delay over healing timing ?

Yes, the delay gives additional time for the target to be healed, put up defensive buffs, force cloak, etc.


I would ask for better mirroring also, make a delay for both classes on same attacks and make lighting invisible as pebbles are. The lightning animation is the worst animation posible for PvP and makes everyone able to see from where is that attack coming.

That would be great, this is what the thread is asking for.

Edited by kckkryptonite
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Not contradicting the video, but I had a question.


During that 1second-ish delay, can the JC continue casting? Because if that's the case, the damage over time for an actual fight would be the same for both classes, and the burst would be higher for JC, allowing to "merge" 2 attack reg into one.


The only difference that would make would be during last hits, when someone could use that window to last hit you before dying from the reg delay.


That might be ok in pve, but in pvp if you wanna kill someone being healed, who do you think will actually get a kill, the consular with the box flying all over or the insta lightning damage?

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I understand that leap has root in its tooltip, but that doesn't mean it's still a poor design.


Why Force Pull does not have a "root" additive? Because the animation does not need one. After all, you are pulling and you are stationary, so the other body just needs to fly over to you, as opposed to leap, when because of said animation, you are forced to apply root.


Devs just went the easy road, which is fine by me, as long as they did not choose to implement Huttball and Resolve mechanic.


Imagine 10 Marauders chain leaping, lol?!


This game is so full of such "patches" that one department overlooked because they thought we are green tomatoes that will not notice it...


I agree its not the best mechanic i've ever seen, but I can understand it. leap without root before animation finishes could mean the target is out of melee range before you land. But yea i kinda agree with you.

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Then come back to tell me "Yes dude, you were absolutely right." Because I am.


Oke I might have to grant you the impact dmg delay. Although hardly a huge delay and I'll test it for myself ofc to see it is not in someway related to general delays or ability delays (the game is in NO way perfect yet, and in hectic pvp fights I can make my casts do things they reallt shouldn't be able to do... this 'example' might just have been one of those moments)


For the comments of "doesn't this make it better" : not really, consulars can have the dmg overlap with the thing they cast after impact, but sorcs get it the other way around: you hit shock AFTER you've opened with a cast time, to make both spells hit basically simultaneously. So the difference isn't huge, your dmg will always land anyway, even on peopel leaving range *this is an assumption* (Ive never been able to get away from already traveling missiles or other things .. And i've tried quite a bit... missiles will acttualy chase you and make turns etc when you force speed round the corner) that is why i always classified the rocks at not having travel time : they never follow me when i run. I'll roll a jedi and test a bit.



You don't think I will let you get away with shooting holes in my post and then ignoring the important bit !


Consulars > sorcs because of the 31 talent bug!!!!!!!!



Now STOP complaining about shock vs impact !! You actually have a bug/differences that effects dps/hps, and not just a silly timeing issue.

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That might be ok in pve, but in pvp if you wanna kill someone being healed, who do you think will actually get a kill, the consular with the box flying all over or the insta lightning damage?


Well that depends. The higher burst means that you could last hit someone from a bigger chunk of HP before the healer realizes it needs a heal (thanks to the delay, you could have damage from 2 attacks reg at the same time), just as it could mean that you'd miss that opportunity on a lower health target like you described.


It just seems to me like the delay falls into the situational advantage/disadvantage category, rather than being an imbalance issue. (Unless of course you can't cast during that delay.)

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Oke I might have to grant you the impact dmg delay. Although hardly a huge delay and I'll test it for myself ofc to see it is not in someway related to general delays or ability delays (the game is in NO way perfect yet, and in hectic pvp fights I can make my casts do things they reallt shouldn't be able to do... this 'example' might just have been one of those moments)


For the comments of "doesn't this make it better" : not really, consulars can have the dmg overlap with the thing they cast after impact, but sorcs get it the other way around: you hit shock AFTER you've opened with a cast time, to make both spells hit basically simultaneously. So the difference isn't huge, your dmg will always land anyway, even on peopel leaving range *this is an assumption* (Ive never been able to get away from already traveling missiles or other things .. And i've tried quite a bit... missiles will acttualy chase you and make turns etc when you force speed round the corner) that is why i always classified the rocks at not having travel time : they never follow me when i run. I'll roll a jedi and test a bit.



You don't think I will let you get away with shooting holes in my post and then ignoring the important bit !


Consulars > sorcs because of the 31 talent bug!!!!!!!!



Now STOP complaining about shock vs impact !! You actually have a bug/differences that effects dps/hps, and not just a silly timeing issue.


lol an inherent favourism towards empire is ok because there are bugs on other side? seriously what an idiotic argument.

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1.) trooper mortar volley travel time verses BH death drom above instant!!! -> BH DfA isn't instant, our missiles take about half a second to a second to travel to the target area. Our missiles do not just appear at the enemies feet and explode instantly.


You don't get it, do you? Might want to play a Trooper to level 10 and try out Mortar Volley before posting a comment which clearly shows your ignorance on the topic.


Guess what, mortar volley starts firing 2sec into the channel AND has a slower travel time than Death from above. That is the problem. The first damage tick of mortar volley is at about 2.5secs to 3sec into the channel, the last would be around the 5 to 6 second mark. The damage is synced to the animation.


Death from above has its first damage tick at around the 1 sec mark.


I encourage every BH player to try out the trooper and afterwards tell me you don't think the delay difference is that big of a deal. Pretty much every Trooper ability has a way longer delay when compared to the BH. Thats a Fact. You can't argue it away, sorry.

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lol an inherent favourism towards empire is ok because there are bugs on other side? seriously what an idiotic argument.


Really .... that is what you read in that!?


Let me try this again: all shown examples of favoritism for the empire are either just complete bull, or some small discrepancies in timing. No difference in real dmg (yes we get a single 5 dmg tick more then empire form ONE of the cannons in aldaraan, but on a 600 total dmg that is less then 1% and insignificant. And even this is a timing issue)


The ONLY real difference in healing or dps output between mirror classes is favoring republic!


Please not how the sorc community has a single thread about this, not even 10 pages long. Nobody is using caps etc etc. WE all know this is prolly a bug, so we'll just sit it out until they fix it, and work a little bit harder in the meantime.

Less QQ, less screaming. More balanced posts and/or proofs.

Edited by Humus_
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pretty sure the imp side has a faster track from their ship to the start point in the civil war map too. not bu much, but the 5 point tick isn't much either. symmetry is easy to achieve in situations like these so i think they did it on purpose. not a big cheat, but a dirty little trick, like a wrestler putting vaseline on his arms.
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Regarding Shock v. Project,


How about giving Project an additional effect: interrupting skillcasting? Because of its very delay, this effect would not be easy to exploit the same way as regular interrupts and mostly the resulting interruptions would be unintended in the sense that you had to fire Project before they even started casting.


This would make Project better in some situations while still being overall worse.


This way we could retain the flavour of Project that I, at least, quite like (it's the most jedi feeling skill in the sage's arsenal in my opinion).

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Surely these are bugs. Why would anyone sabotage their own career in order to make a faction based game imbalanced?


I've noticed a few of the animations dont tally with their mirrors but I am convinced this is temporary.

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You don't get it, do you? Might want to play a Trooper to level 10 and try out Mortar Volley before posting a comment which clearly shows your ignorance on the topic.


Guess what, mortar volley starts firing 2sec into the channel AND has a slower travel time than Death from above. That is the problem. The first damage tick of mortar volley is at about 2.5secs to 3sec into the channel, the last would be around the 5 to 6 second mark. The damage is synced to the animation.


Death from above has its first damage tick at around the 1 sec mark.


I encourage every BH player to try out the trooper and afterwards tell me you don't think the delay difference is that big of a deal. Pretty much every Trooper ability has a way longer delay when compared to the BH. Thats a Fact. You can't argue it away, sorry.


This is accurate.


To be honest, while I don't necessarily believe there's favoritism involved, there are some serious items that need addressing before dishing out a zombie content (ie, Rise).


In the example above, I think this issue is coupled with the greater issue of faulty/misleading progress bars in general. Like your globing-out progress bar, Master Strike's progress bar, or capping turrets and planting bombs (how you need to wait like .1 seconds after progress bar completes or you'll interrupt) for example...


It's all just stupid buggy. Worst part is, we consistently reported this stuff in beta. That's what irks me.

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You don't get it, do you? Might want to play a Trooper to level 10 and try out Mortar Volley before posting a comment which clearly shows your ignorance on the topic.


Guess what, mortar volley starts firing 2sec into the channel AND has a slower travel time than Death from above. That is the problem. The first damage tick of mortar volley is at about 2.5secs to 3sec into the channel, the last would be around the 5 to 6 second mark. The damage is synced to the animation.


Death from above has its first damage tick at around the 1 sec mark.


I encourage every BH player to try out the trooper and afterwards tell me you don't think the delay difference is that big of a deal. Pretty much every Trooper ability has a way longer delay when compared to the BH. Thats a Fact. You can't argue it away, sorry.


You do realize that you can start moving right after the 3rd mortar leaves right? Without losing any damage. BH's can't do that with Death from Above.

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You do realize that you can start moving right after the 3rd mortar leaves right? Without losing any damage. BH's can't do that with Death from Above.


That's because by the time the Trooper starts his 3rd mortar, BH's have finished their full Death from Above. How is that better?

Edited by Halvos
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That's because by the time the Trooper starts his 3rd mortar, BH's have finished their full Death from Above. How is that better?


No they haven't. The channeling is the exact same time, just bh's apply their damage sooner, but they are rooted for longer. You can actually CANCEL the channeling and not lose any damage.




But let's be honest here. You're not going to be using mortar volley / DfA in just any situation. You SHOULD be saving it for the big scrums, say in the middle of Alderaan, or by a door.


Does an "imbalance" exist? Yes. But functionally, with the TINIEST bit of forethough, is it really that different? No.

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