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overwhelming proof of intentional FACTION imbalaning on some DEVS part .. imho ...


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Amazing... So you're justifying the DfA clear advantage with the fact that because of its animation, good players (not so many of them out there) will interrupt you? I understand that all the imps will fight vigorously to keep their advantages, it's normal, i'd do the same if in your place. And yes, clear advantage. Let's see that again, shall we?




Interesting, isn't it? Now, when you have an indisputable proof, how will you comment it, baddie? Because you're so bad, you don't even know how the skill you're defending blindly works.


First tick is applied 1,6 sec after the channel starts.

First tick of the MV is applied 2,7 sec (the movie is a bit off, it actually ticks 0,1 sec later).


So the difference in the time when the dmg arrives between the 2 skills is 1,1 sec in favor of the BH. So any "bad" player will be able to interrupt the trooper because he's standing there like an idiot doing nothing for 2,7 sec while the BH requires half that time to deliver the dmg. Any more stupid comments based on your absolute ignorance and complete lack of knowledge how the different skills work?


I won't argue the point that the first tick of damage occurs one second earlier on DfA, (both end their damage after channeling).


But seriously, if both skills were perfectly identical, you're going to tell me that being launched up in the air is not a disadvantage in pvp??? I've been yanked out of the air at least a dozen times, and I've only played maybe 30 pvp matches. To this day, I'm not sure if I've ever interrupted MV, their animation doesn't make them stand out too much until it's too late. If they timed both skills the same, it'd be the BH online complaining.


Not only do BH announce to everyone that they're a major AOE dps player, there's several situations where the BH will get targeted where the trooper remains safe. ie. launching higher than a nearby platform where an enemy is located.


So, if they're going to make damage exactly the same, they better make the animations the same.

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This is one whine thread I will agree with, there is a major faction favortism towards the empire. To deny it, would be a lie. I have a 50 Sith Inquisitor and a 50 Scoundrel so I'm not biased. There is a huge faction imbalance that's skewed toward the empire and it needs to be fixed or the game will die.. Edited by Chaos_Distortion
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I won't argue the point that the first tick of damage occurs one second earlier on DfA, (both end their damage after channeling).


There's nothing to argue, it's too obvious. :)


But seriously, if both skills were perfectly identical, you're going to tell me that being launched up in the air is not a disadvantage in pvp??? I've been yanked out of the air at least a dozen times, and I've only played maybe 30 pvp matches. To this day, I'm not sure if I've ever interrupted MV, their animation doesn't make them stand out too much until it's too late. If they timed both skills the same, it'd be the BH online complaining.


That depends on the players. It's entirely "cosmetic" problem and "advantage". Getting the dmg delivered 1,1 sec before the supposedly mirrored skill - now that's a problem. Since most of the players are bad (inevitable, it's an mmo after all) you don't need to worry too much about being interrupted. The good players don't really need to animation to know when to interrupt you. I will do it because i look at your casting bar. Not because i'm a scrub who watches your silly animation.


Not only do BH announce to everyone that they're a major AOE dps player, there's several situations where the BH will get targeted where the trooper remains safe. ie. launching higher than a nearby platform where an enemy is located.


So, if they're going to make damage exactly the same, they better make the animations the same.


Honestly, this looks a bit.. childish, no offense. You just don't have an argument vs the solid proofs i provided in the previous post so you're just nagging about a stupid animation that has no effect on the gameplay whatsoever. Not like for example the animation of Project compared to Shock. Which delays the dmg with almost 2 sec. Now that's gamebreaking.

Edited by Drakaris
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OP is right about the faction imbalance, but likening it to some grand conspiracy de-legitimizes his position. It would be better if you rationally explained the issues without all the melodramatic idiocy.


I'm not sure about that. Blizzard did a lot of things to bolster the low-end faction (Horde) in Vanilla, including moving the starting gate in AV closer to mid, adding archers and a minefield on the path in front of FWK, making Shaman god-mode early on (they nerfed the crap out of them eventually) and making Horde travel times much shorter than Alli.


Eventually the ploy worked - too well. I would not discount BW thinking the Dark Side would be underpopulated and doing some things in the name of faction balance. The fact they didn't work out as planned is simply a result of the law of unintended consequences.


As von Clausewitz said: No plan ever survives first contact with the enemy. They came, they planned, it failed. Now they have to bring to bear whatever guns they have planned to rectify the imbalance. If you plan imbalance, you probably plan to fix it as well. And that plan will also fail. The question is, "To what degree?"

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(edited for one thing i got wrong that i misread ) so removing the one i got wrong

i stand by the rest






MY LAST STRAW ... i had overlooked or excused or hoped a fix was coming for the list below

but i guess this is my hair that breaks the camels back !!!!



The turret problems favoring empire are ridiculous


screw this game yall have fun ... im walking away until summer ill look back in and see if they cared enough to balance the faction and hopefully management holds some DEVS ACCOUNTABLE FOR THIS BLANTANT ABUSE of POWER IN DESIGNING THE FACTION THEY WANTED TO PLAY to have all sorts of SUBTLE ADVANTAGES!!!!! the EVIDENCE IN ITS ENTIREITY is OVERWHELMING when looked at from a distance other than one at a time







so add it to the list of things that severely imbalance the so called "mirror" classes


things like the following:


1.) trooper mortar volley travel time verses BH death drom above instant!!!


2.) consular animation delays verses their counterpart instant !!!


3.) convert the trooper pool of energy to BH energy BH has 4% more -

same for another classes energy i forget which one


4.) IA can do dirty kick on the run without stopping while Smuggler has to stop perform action then move


5.) Ever wonder WHY it always seems empire starts with lead on alderaan warzone?

two turrets already pointing at republic ship and do not have to turn to begin firing not to mention the BIGGEST KICKER OF ALL .. the dumb DEVS ALLOW THE EMPIRE TO TICK QUICKER THAN THE REPUBLIC ... FILM IT FRAPS IT YOURSELF ... try and figure out how empire one caps and republic two caps and forst 5 secs empire ahead ... REALLY .. I MEAN REALLY!!!! W T F


6.) force way has animation that makes republic jump up then come down before it goes off

empires is instant ... very rough across the bridge in voidstar and in huttball


7.) empires knockbacks are farther


8.) instant lightening no travel time ... rocks have longer animation til impact


9.) IA gets gets 30 secs less on its cc grenade cooldown than smuggler


10.) electrocute ignores resolve bar and even dodge it gets through everything ... force stun DOES NOT!!!


11.) smuggler sabo charge requires again you guessed it longer period of time .. IA instant!!!!


12.) IA backstab instant - Smuggler has animation to pull out shotgun to deal with !!!!


14.) im tired of listing them someone else take ove




any reasonable person that understands probability KNOWS beyond a shadow of a doubt there a far too many "oopies and overlooks " to be beniegn




have fun ill look in from time to time and see if they did anything about it

im going to take a break


if you are staying in this game and PvP you SHOULD DEMAND THE ABOVE BE FIXED and a REASON GIVEN as to way it was allowed in the first place and HOW SO MANY BETA TESTERS MISSED these GLARING ISSUES ... i guess they were just playing and not testing





ps im mad and didnt proof read and im not the faster i log out right now the better and put SWTOR BEHIND me for a long while and hope it gets fixed



Wonder how long it took him to come up with this list just to realize most players were already aware of this.

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There's nothing to argue, it's too obvious. :)




That depends on the players. It's entirely "cosmetic" problem and "advantage". Getting the dmg delivered 1,1 sec before the supposedly mirrored skill - now that's a problem. Since most of the players are bad (inevitable, it's an mmo after all) you don't need to worry too much about being interrupted. The good players don't really need to animation to know when to interrupt you. I will do it because i look at your casting bar. Not because i'm a scrub who watches your silly animation.




Honestly, this looks a bit.. childish, no offense. You just don't have an argument vs the solid proofs i provided in the previous post so you're just nagging about a stupid animation that has no effect on the gameplay whatsoever. Not like for example the animation of Project compared to Shock. Which delays the dmg with almost 2 sec. Now that's gamebreaking.


You're really going to argue that launching into the air, announcing to the world that you're about to do a major aoe dps attack, is purely cosmetic??? Honestly, this sounds a bit... willfully ignorant, no offense.

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was curious on this last night. As a republic player i would be pretty outraged if this was the case. Half of what he said i confirmed was just garbage. For example the Alderaan guns all start out in neutral position. Sounds like he joined a game that was already in progress, and the republic side was losing.


Cant confirm or deny some of what he said, but it sounds like he conclusions were just his opinon and not really based on fact.

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Wonder how long it took him to come up with this list just to realize most players were already aware of this.


Wouldnt it be nice if it were acknowledged by a dev though?


Paging Gabe Amatangelo: please fix my Troopers Mortar Volley or at least let us know your team is aware of it and it's on the to do list. /brofist


All the other things mentioned as well, it's no conspiracy but it is a ton of small imbalances that need to be addressed.

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I won't argue the point that the first tick of damage occurs one second earlier on DfA, (both end their damage after channeling).


But seriously, if both skills were perfectly identical, you're going to tell me that being launched up in the air is not a disadvantage in pvp??? I've been yanked out of the air at least a dozen times, and I've only played maybe 30 pvp matches. To this day, I'm not sure if I've ever interrupted MV, their animation doesn't make them stand out too much until it's too late. If they timed both skills the same, it'd be the BH online complaining.


Not only do BH announce to everyone that they're a major AOE dps player, there's several situations where the BH will get targeted where the trooper remains safe. ie. launching higher than a nearby platform where an enemy is located.


So, if they're going to make damage exactly the same, they better make the animations the same.


In all honesty just roll a trooper and get him to level 10. Try mortar volley in a pvp situation. PvE it's not a huge deal because it's an opener on immobile/slow moving mobs. In PvP though, it's just patently absurd to think it's simply a design to make the classes a bit unique. It's so obviously "off" that it makes it even more frustrating that it's not fixed or even acknowledged yet.

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Wouldnt it be nice if it were acknowledged by a dev though?


Paging Gabe Amatangelo: please fix my Troopers Mortar Volley or at least let us know your team is aware of it and it's on the to do list. /brofist


All the other things mentioned as well, it's no conspiracy but it is a ton of small imbalances that need to be addressed.


Gabe doesn't have the balls to admit these discrepancies.

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I don't know if I said this on this thread yet but I'll go for it again.


From a veteran PvPers standpoint I didn't see any imbalance. I've been PvPing on games for 15 years. I know how to win, and TOR gave me the tools just fine.


PvP isn't as fun as it used to be. Even on games from 1995 I still play. With that said though at it's core it is still Player vs Player. The best players usually win. I usually win, but in all my days fighting I can't do it all alone. Teamwork and superior play will trump minor imbalances every time.



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In all honesty just roll a trooper and get him to level 10. Try mortar volley in a pvp situation. PvE it's not a huge deal because it's an opener on immobile/slow moving mobs. In PvP though, it's just patently absurd to think it's simply a design to make the classes a bit unique. It's so obviously "off" that it makes it even more frustrating that it's not fixed or even acknowledged yet.


I'm not arguing that the one second delay is an issue, it is. However, if we're doing things in the name of balance, then stop launching BH into the air.


As I said, if the timing were exactly the same, it'd be the BH's on here making an issue about flying up into the air during pvp.


I wish we had access to the pvp battle statistics. I'd love to know how often BH's get interrupted compared to Troopers when using their best aoe attack. Even better, how often BH's and Troopers die within 10 seconds of using their ability. I'd bet money those numbers favor the trooper.

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8.) instant lightening no travel time ... rocks have longer animation til impact



despite the animation, the damage is calculated when the ability is used, not when the animation completes. if i was a gambling man, i would assume that the other similar issues with other mirrored abilities is the same. they way it looks is totally irrelevant to the way the damage is actually calculated.



as for cannons not having to turn, and ticking faster, etc - these are all excelent observations that are bugs. im sure the devs are glad these have been brought to their attention and will likely be addressed.



now, all that being said, lets get down to brass tacks here. If you HONESTLY think that the devs are intentionally giving the Empire side advantages over the Republic out of favoritism or spite, then you are a complete *********** buffoon. It's so petty and childish to even bring up i am having trouble typing this through the laughter. give it a *********** rest, would you? So many of you have a complete lack of understanding when it comes to software development, and creating a product you sell to a user base. you just don't 'get it', and that's fine. its really through no fault of your own, your just ignorant. and that's totally fine. Just bring down the rabble a couple notches okay? submit a clear, concise, well worded, and easily readable bug report. Someone who knows a lot more about BW's development cycle and bug procedures will review it, and make sure it goes to the right place.


i swear some of you people are just not happy unless everything is perfect. the amount of time, energy, and planning that goes into a software release of this magnitude would make your pathetic little heads explode. Has anyone even taken the time to compare this MMO launch with any other MMO launch in the history of MMos? The amount of unplanned outages and game breaking bugs has been infinitesimal. we are mere weeks into launch, you need to be a little patient.


Tell my why every fight vs IA or Assassin I get a rock hanging in the air for several minutes after they vanish?


There are HUGE issues in thsi game, and it is annoying to be on the receiving end of them. Devs and Beta testers should all be disappointed at the game they helped create imo

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"Evil will always triumph because good is dumb"


Ok lol I believe this post has some good points, that turret thing is way stupid.


Having said that I think the biggest problem with the side imbalances is George Lucas.


Seriously, Jedi in the first three movies were like these hardass crotchety Mr Miyagi senseis who you did not want to mess with.


In the next three movies they were annoying hippies in bathrobes.


Every time I murder some moaning Jedi with my Sith, it's like payback for Annakin Skywalker, Jar Jar Binks and Han shooting last.


BTW it's really not intentional. It seems like it but the hardest thing to believe is that it in no way benefits a game to have favoritism and imbalances, it's just an oversight.

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Tell my why every fight vs IA or Assassin I get a rock hanging in the air for several minutes after they vanish?


There are HUGE issues in thsi game, and it is annoying to be on the receiving end of them. Devs and Beta testers should all be disappointed at the game they helped create imo


The developers didn't listen to anything the beta testers had to say regarding class balance.

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"Evil will always triumph because good is dumb"


Ok lol I believe this post has some good points, that turret thing is way stupid.


Having said that I think the biggest problem with the side imbalances is George Lucas.


Seriously, Jedi in the first three movies were like these hardass crotchety Mr Miyagi senseis who you did not want to mess with.


In the next three movies they were annoying hippies in bathrobes.


Every time I murder some moaning Jedi with my Sith, it's like payback for Annakin Skywalker, Jar Jar Binks and Han shooting last.


BTW it's really not intentional. It seems like it but the hardest thing to believe is that it in no way benefits a game to have favoritism and imbalances, it's just an oversight.


Not saying that this is the case with BW. Honestly I just think they have some very clueless Developers when it comes to MMOs. BW makes great RPGs but they are kinda behind the curve when it comes to MMOs. That being said I'm sure some of you remember a little game made by NCSoft where the Developers clearly gave one side a clear and concise advantage: AION. Hopefully this is not what has happened here. I've also noticed that at least on my server the Turrets for Alderaan are all neutral now at the start of the match.

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