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overwhelming proof of intentional FACTION imbalaning on some DEVS part .. imho ...


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It's funny because the only people who think these inconsistencies are fine or just brush it off as a non-issue are Empire players.


Oh well, Yoda doesn't care. The fact is that you NEED power in numbers and dirty rotten advantages behind the scenes to give you a fighting chance.


It still won't save you from the wrath of the light side in the long run.


You wretched hive of scum & villainy. You will succumb to our righteous death blow once and for all eventually.





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too much emphasis on animation, story and making things star warsy and not enough on actual gameplay. so sick of the patience argument as well...this game had how many moths of beta testing? they worked on it for how long?


oh, i went to to gaming school let me comment on how hard it is to make software...who cares ***?

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I don't know if I said this on this thread yet but I'll go for it again.


From a veteran PvPers standpoint I didn't see any imbalance. I've been PvPing on games for 15 years. I know how to win, and TOR gave me the tools just fine.


PvP isn't as fun as it used to be. Even on games from 1995 I still play. With that said though at it's core it is still Player vs Player. The best players usually win. I usually win, but in all my days fighting I can't do it all alone. Teamwork and superior play will trump minor imbalances every time.

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As flagrant as this all is...

The only way to "balance" all of it is to compensate by adding extra dmg to these talents.

(Project > Shock ... from there you got your example)


I agree, it seems like the Empire is given an advantage over the Republic and the more I play the game, the more I realize this to be true.

(For some reasons the only Class/Mirror I played so far that seems balanced and equal from head to toe is/are the Jedi Knight & Sith Warrior. Now correct if I'm wrong but these 2 are about the same in any given ways at the exception of some talents name and a few animations which are pretty much the same anyway.)


hope it makes sense.


It is the only class that actually sucks compared to the other 3. In terms of damage, utility and survivability.

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It is the only class that actually sucks compared to the other 3. In terms of damage, utility and survivability.


I'm not sure what kind of JK/SWs you're playing with, but ones that know their class are great. They can easily get 300k damage plus as a Sent/Mara and Jugs/Guards are absolutely awesome when supported by a healer; especially with 9k+ AoEs.

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Wow, reactionary troll post is still going strong. Amazing, the level of intelligence in this thread.


Says the guy who earlier in the thread and still probably can't realise that the two different channeled abilities of the Inq and Cons are at a disadvantage,


While both have to channel their abilities, your instant shock ability will hit the target the instant its pressed while the cons's instant equivelent has a TRAVEL TIME before it actually hits the target meaning the damage is DELAYED compared to the Inq's shock. Same rules applied between the classes two channeled abilities, the Inq's always hits first.


You still probably can't comprehend these simple mechanics so I'll let you roast on your own.

Edited by Faxxon
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Too much to read from that..but one thing I've noticed that is pissing me off is that BH's Flame Thrower can be used while moving. And where troopers Pulse Cannon is 3 secs channel


skipped like 40 pages.. but I can confirm that project deals damage when that rock lands, not befor... and while at it seem that Sith warriors slow lasts longer then the one on Jedi knights

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I don't know if I said this on this thread yet but I'll go for it again.


From a veteran PvPers standpoint I didn't see any imbalance. I've been PvPing on games for 15 years. I know how to win, and TOR gave me the tools just fine.


PvP isn't as fun as it used to be. Even on games from 1995 I still play. With that said though at it's core it is still Player vs Player. The best players usually win. I usually win, but in all my days fighting I can't do it all alone. Teamwork and superior play will trump minor imbalances every time.


you are obviously a casual player. true competitors rely on a level playing field. otherwise if its evenly matched the one side has an advantage every time. when/if they have ranked matches this will be a tipping point.

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Honest declaration: I'm a MMORPG virgin, thus I am a PvP ignorant ... but I like to work and understand. I also like challenges, games without challenges are boring.

Anyway I chose to play in a (European) PvE Server with my guild members, the good and reliable "Hydian Way" ... and I didn't take part in PvP yet; by the way I like explorations, crafting, documentation and all that, thus I am yet at lvl29.



That said, the game is truly full of many great and greatest aspects; the game has a lot of greatness in itself! Or am I wrong?


That said, I believe that the game will be almost complete in more than two or three years; after that next changes/versions may ruin the peak experience...

A bold statement? See, they didn't include yet Pazaak, Swoop Races, Dejaryk and Sabbacc in order to check the balance of the game economy!! That's my guess of course.



All that said, I chose this very interesting thread in order to communicate with PvPers; the PvP aspect is/will be -of course- the greatest challenge in any healthy MMORPG.





There are two (in-game) benefits from PvP experience, the items/stats probably gained and the increase of the player's mind performance - under the strict assumption of course that he/she is smart and some kind of learner! Gifted also!...

Thus my first question is the following; isn't some contradiction between the first kind of profits (superior items/stats) and the quality of the PvP experience, the adventure and the challenge?!? Some contradiction; no more no less, just this!

Having in mind that the (of course very interesting OP) may be somehow self-contradictory, I have to agree that (speaking about max level PvPers) the too superior items and the (permanent) too superior stats compromise the quality of the PvP experience ... and this leads to a boring game for both groups, the giving and the receiving end that is...


Rewards, superior items and superior stats are necessary of course, rewards are always necessary and the lack of rewards (and stats' changes) leads to a "flat" experience...

That said, I believe that BioWare should pay a lot of attention in order to keep these rewards at bay, that is to minimize/check the impact of these rewards regarding PvP...


Because the creation of a state of extreme probabilities -regarding the outcome of a PvP/RvR fight- obviously compromises the PvP experience AND eventually the game itself...




Edit: all that said, I would urge the writer of the Opening Post to write down (if possible) his theory regarding PvP, based on his experiences with different MMORPG/MMO games.

I doubt he can afford the necessary time and effort but what a heck, I have to ask an experienced and opinionated fellow!...

For starters, what is this odd thing: kinetic damage, "elemental" damage?!?

Then what are the mathematics (probabilities) of the impact of the players' stats and the delivered damage, what are the mathematics of the interaction of two PvPers fighting in a duel duel or so?

I wonder about the mathematics of the abilities gained by my character, the inflicted damage and my character's stats etc.

Edited by cunctatorg
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Too much to read from that..but one thing I've noticed that is pissing me off is that BH's Flame Thrower can be used while moving. And where troopers Pulse Cannon is 3 secs channel


skipped like 40 pages.. but I can confirm that project deals damage when that rock lands, not befor... and while at it seem that Sith warriors slow lasts longer then the one on Jedi knights


I've been following this post since the beginning, and I can honestly say that over half of the issues brought up have been completely disproven.


Hands down, the biggest problem with this thread is people posting their random assumptions about a certain class or ability... as fact.


Case in point. I can say, with 110% certainty, that the BH's flamethrower is a channeled ability that requires him to stand in place. I know this because I've used this ability many times and have wasted it by slightly nudging my character a little closer to another target.

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1 Ok ability delay affects every class on both sides so EVERYONE is having to deal with that. Just but hurts like you with tin foil hats on are whining while 90% are dealing with it



2 Comments are not fact or proof, comments are peoples opinions ill take the facts thanx.



3 And you cant link it because its not there to link end off


yes it is, I just checked, it took me about 30secs to find the quote from BW about the differences in the Sorecer/sage project timings.


I'd link it, but I really dont see the need to pander to you to be honest, use a search engine.

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1.) trooper mortar volley travel time verses BH death drom above instant!!!


Wrong, Death from Above isn't instant.


2.) consular animation delays verses their counterpart instant !!!


Animation delays? Seriously? You're whining about how it looks? If you mean project, most good Consulars prefer that for the burst you can get off it... good consulars anyway, most consulars are of course bads like you.


3.) convert the trooper pool of energy to BH energy BH has 4% more -

same for another classes energy i forget which one


4.) IA can do dirty kick on the run without stopping while Smuggler has to stop perform action then move


5.) Ever wonder WHY it always seems empire starts with lead on alderaan warzone?

two turrets already pointing at republic ship and do not have to turn to begin firing not to mention the BIGGEST KICKER OF ALL .. the dumb DEVS ALLOW THE EMPIRE TO TICK QUICKER THAN THE REPUBLIC ... FILM IT FRAPS IT YOURSELF ... try and figure out how empire one caps and republic two caps and forst 5 secs empire ahead ... REALLY .. I MEAN REALLY!!!! W T F


Why don't you film it/fraps it, since it's completely incorrect. But, more lies from bads who can't win. Turrets do not favour one side or the other, they don't tick more damage for one side or go faster. If one side is ahead after 5 seconds, it's because they capped the node earlier- as intended, and it works for Republic too. Learn to play.


6.) force way has animation that makes republic jump up then come down before it goes off

empires is instant ... very rough across the bridge in voidstar and in huttball


When a republic jumps me, I'm snared instantly by it, again, you are wrong.


7.) empires knockbacks are farther


Sure thing bro, would love to know where you got this one.



8.) instant lightening no travel time ... rocks have longer animation til impact


You already complained about this one... wow you're bad.


9.) IA gets gets 30 secs less on its cc grenade cooldown than smuggler


At least you have one fact correct, IA do get 60 seconds on their flashbang


10.) electrocute ignores resolve bar and even dodge it gets through everything ... force stun DOES NOT!!!


Wrong, electrocute is effected by resolve as anything else is- once again, lies from a bad.


11.) smuggler sabo charge requires again you guessed it longer period of time .. IA instant!!!!


Not sure what you're talking about, but since you're wrong on almost everything else, I'll assume you're wrong.


12.) IA backstab instant - Smuggler has animation to pull out shotgun to deal with !!!!


IA have an animation too, check it out.


14.) im tired of listing them someone else take ove


Maybe you should have checked a fact or two before just posting all the other lies you've read on the forum, or, even better, playing the game itself, hmm? No, too much trouble. Enjoy WoW!



Does anyone even bother pvping before they make hate threads? Seriously?


You want some real disadvantages- Death from Above puts you in the air, making you a very easy target to interrupt- and good players do before any damage is dealt- note- BEFORE damage is dealt you Republic whiners- I know you can't comprehend what that means but I'll spell it out.


If an abilities gets interrupted before any damage is dealt, it means damage was not instant. I know, this is impossible for you bads to understand because this exact whine has been made a hundred times.


Another disadvantage. Consular attacks aren't very flashy, thus not drawing attention to them. Sorcerers- who you want to focus first- have the flashiest attacks in the game, making it very easy to pinpoint who you should focus.


I'd be willing to bet that there are several abilities that work better for Republic than Empire- but because Republic is full of bads who need some way to explain their losses other than themselves being bads, they've found the few differences (like flashbang), and made up dozens more based on their own incorrect ideas.


The DFA thing though, and how often that gets used- just shows how ignorant the Republic playerbase is. Damage is not applied until up in the air AND the first missile has struck, about a second after the ability's been used.

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Does anyone even bother pvping before they make hate threads? Seriously?


You want some real disadvantages- Death from Above puts you in the air, making you a very easy target to interrupt- and good players do before any damage is dealt- note- BEFORE damage is dealt you Republic whiners- I know you can't comprehend what that means but I'll spell it out.


If an abilities gets interrupted before any damage is dealt, it means damage was not instant. I know, this is impossible for you bads to understand because this exact whine has been made a hundred times.


Another disadvantage. Consular attacks aren't very flashy, thus not drawing attention to them. Sorcerers- who you want to focus first- have the flashiest attacks in the game, making it very easy to pinpoint who you should focus.


I'd be willing to bet that there are several abilities that work better for Republic than Empire- but because Republic is full of bads who need some way to explain their losses other than themselves being bads, they've found the few differences (like flashbang), and made up dozens more based on their own incorrect ideas.


The DFA thing though, and how often that gets used- just shows how ignorant the Republic playerbase is. Damage is not applied until up in the air AND the first missile has struck, about a second after the ability's been used.


my (infiltraitor shadow's) main attack is projekt. I would change it for the assasins shock anyday or change there's shock to have a 0.8 sec delay like ours have .

the only "Good" think with the projekt's delay are when you wanna suprice nuke some1 . problem is that any good pvpers can see the projekt in the air and use his/her defensible cd's not to mention u can combatstealth and it will miss or the best one , if target is healing from low hp he will be able to get a heal of before it hits thx to its long animation , same applies to defending points.


its not "that gamebreaking" but its still not a mirrior class unless we got the same tools to work with, just with diffident names/gfx but all the core data should be exact the same.

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your points are solid, but your title and chosen attitude of delivery undermines your valid point that class/faction balance is off.


His points are inaccurate- how does that make them solid exactly? Please, do tell, I'm dying to hear how delivering a list and having maybe 5% of what you say being true is 'solid points'.

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At least half of those points I can personally confirm as true, the others I dont know about because I either dont play those classes or dont have the numbers infront of me to confirm them.


But the game is still insanely heavily balanced in favor of empire over republics, theres no way to deny it.

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You want some real disadvantages- Death from Above puts you in the air, making you a very easy target to interrupt- and good players do before any damage is dealt- note- BEFORE damage is dealt you Republic whiners- I know you can't comprehend what that means but I'll spell it out.


If an abilities gets interrupted before any damage is dealt, it means damage was not instant. I know, this is impossible for you bads to understand because this exact whine has been made a hundred times.




The DFA thing though, and how often that gets used- just shows how ignorant the Republic playerbase is. Damage is not applied until up in the air AND the first missile has struck, about a second after the ability's been used.


Amazing... So you're justifying the DfA clear advantage with the fact that because of its animation, good players (not so many of them out there) will interrupt you? I understand that all the imps will fight vigorously to keep their advantages, it's normal, i'd do the same if in your place. And yes, clear advantage. Let's see that again, shall we?




Interesting, isn't it? Now, when you have an indisputable proof, how will you comment it, baddie? Because you're so bad, you don't even know how the skill you're defending blindly works.


First tick is applied 1,6 sec after the channel starts.

First tick of the MV is applied 2,7 sec (the movie is a bit off, it actually ticks 0,1 sec later).


So the difference in the time when the dmg arrives between the 2 skills is 1,1 sec in favor of the BH. So any "bad" player will be able to interrupt the trooper because he's standing there like an idiot doing nothing for 2,7 sec while the BH requires half that time to deliver the dmg. Any more stupid comments based on your absolute ignorance and complete lack of knowledge how the different skills work?


Another disadvantage. Consular attacks aren't very flashy, thus not drawing attention to them. Sorcerers- who you want to focus first- have the flashiest attacks in the game, making it very easy to pinpoint who you should focus.


And waving your hand in the air and pulling droids and rocks from the ground is sooo hard to notice, ROFL. So pure "cosmetics" and textures are advantage for the republic? And broken gameplay mechanics that deliver the dmg almost ~2 sec later are nothing to worry about, right? Shall we try that again?



Another indisputable proof. I'll be waiting for your insightful comment based on absolute lack of knowledge and the desperate cry to keep the unfair advantages. Amuse me.


I'd be willing to bet that there are several abilities that work better for Republic than Empire


Ok. I'll take that bet. Find them. Fraps them. Present the proof. I did. Where's yours?


but because Republic is full of bads who need some way to explain their losses other than themselves being bads, they've found the few differences (like flashbang), and made up dozens more based on their own incorrect ideas.


And the empire is full of bads who desperately need to keep their advantages because they're getting steamrolled anyway, so they're trying to deny any proofs with no solid argument. We can keep shooting pointless comments like this, it's amusing. Or you can try (and fail) to disprove my absolutely accurate and 100% solid and indisputable proofs and find republic advantages (and fail again) and fraps them and present them in this thread. So? What are you waiting for, dear, get to work?

Edited by Drakaris
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