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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

overwhelming proof of intentional FACTION imbalaning on some DEVS part .. imho ...


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Horde having Shaman and Alliance having Paladins was at least interesting.


Minor but significant differences in "mirror" classes is just annoying and is in no way interesting. That's like having a Horde Rogue and Alliance Rogue have minor differences that give the Horde Rogue advantages. There's no way Blizzard would let that fly, and they're the king of mess ups.


You mean like arcane torrent? Or back in the day will of the forsaken?

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Honestly... how is this thread even still alive. There have been -multiple- Republic players who have stated they don't have issues winning; I'm not even going to bother replying to the majority of crap that's been posted.


To clarify, My main AND my second highest level are Republic characters. I win, regularly, on both of them in all PvP. IF there were some major disadvantages (which -all- of the disadvantages listed are pathetically minor) then logically speaking, I'd lose every match. If DFA was so ungodly powerful - why is it I die more to Grav Round from troopers than any other source of damage? despite only ever playing against troopers whilst on huttball?


This garbage about the turrets on Alderaan, it's a minute 5 damage difference. Even if you lose by 5 damage, that 5 damage isn't going to save you - draws are defeats as well incase people had forgotten. To claim that "because it exists it was planned" is stupid, to claim that it was a "subconscious nerf" is stupid, because frankly, IF they wanted to unbalance it, they would simply alter the RNG that works out damage/hit chance to favour one side; something that NONE of us would be able to detect.


Coincidentally, I still refuse to accept that my shadow doesn't have some form of major DPS advantage over Assassins, as I nearly always win 1 on 1 fights with them; despite them having a higher level thus more skills to throw at me (plus, in a few cases, PvP gear for expertise).


Honestly, two of my main damage abilities is bugged in a way that has a huge effect especially in pvp, while my "mirror class" on imp side does not suffer from this.


Do I still do good on my commando? Yes.

Would I do much better on a mercenary? Yes, hence why this is important.

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Grats you read half a line of my post and instantly I'm imperial. Read again, then seeing as you're obviously rather dullwitted, read it again to clarify. I am a republic player. I win, consistently. Excluding ONE of these "issues" the OP raised, all have been demonstrated as non-accurate or downright bullcrap. But no, obviously I DON'T FAVOUR YOUR OPINION THUS I AM WRONG amiright?!


is the ONE:

- the flash grenade cooldown difference

- the on the move debiliate of IA while the kick requires standing still

- the 5 dmg difference on turrets

- the delayed animations (and proven on frapped videos many times, some significant) damage delay



devs even acknowledged the issues with IA vs Smuggler and others


yeah i dont really have to read your whole posts as they are full of personal opinions that have no place in this kind of thread

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Pretty much every channeled AOE has a groundprint. While troopers AOE is easy as hell to dodge out without taking damage the BHs isn't. I see print, start running away, bum at least 1 tick, 2 if I was finishing a move or smthing.


P.S. Thank you for being one of the guys that stand in my XS flyby with blue lights, ground sign etc indicating the AOE 4-5 sec before it actually happens ;)


P.P.S. Classes are supposed to be mirrored, what you want is pretty much irrelevant. All that players want is to have damage in the same amount/time as their counterpart and same mechanics for their attacks (full auto with pushback vs no-pushbak full auto). Animations should be different yeah, it's not like it's hard to do...well it is for BW obviously, verrrrrry harddddd wor***k, have to put in moar dialog, bigger empty areazzz hurrdurr with 5 mobz in them, fix bug with credits herp...animations/balance, wut's that?


Wait a second, there's no way anyone can miss the smuggler aoe attack. If any ability needs tweaking it's that one. The giant pillars of light need to go. A guy kept trying to use it last night, I don't think he hit anyone.


After you mentioned that aoe print, I started paying more attention, low and behold, I started noticing it and promptly ran away. So, thanks for making an empire player better... lol.... errr, I mean, MUHAHAHA.


"Through a mirror darkly", perhaps? Obviously, they weren't intended to be identical (ie. BH uses heat, Trooper uses ammo)... unless I'm mistaken about trooper. Unfortunately, both sides will claim the other has some advantage until they are exact mirrors. I highly doubt they will ever do that though.

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It amazes me the player base cannot accept that most of these are facts, and have been confirmed. Why BW has not already addressed them is beyond me, it's clear that across all server there is already an imbalance in population, and allowing these blatant mistakes to linger does not help.
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Bump for justice...


I read this post last night and I know for a fact that all the animation timers you listed are true. My BF plays a trooper and mentioned such things several times, I have a sage and a inquisitor, a smuggler and I shortly spend some time on a IA where I instantly noticed the sabotage charge needing NO TIME to get there, I was annoyed then, but now...


The Alderaan Turrets! are you kidding me?! I saw the video on youtube because initially I just thought it was talk and couldn't be true, boy was I wrong...


It's just sad really, no reply is even more sad. I know Bioware did point out their "oops" with the grenade cooldowns with smuggler vs IA, but everything else that is listed here, nothing.

Really sad, as if it isn't enough that 60-70% of all players roll Empire (Inquisitor fotm lol! - Had a voidstar facing 7 inquisitors and a marauder, funfun), now you are enforcing everyone else to reroll to them too.


I know in general these things are small and would look like nothing to the general public, but in pvp a second can mean alot of difference.

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The problem's working itself out at least on my server. Imps were winning when they were all lvl 50 vs a team full of 20's (they outnumber us like 5 to 1) but now that its mostly 50's vs 50's I'm winning the majority of warzones even in solo Q. My winning percentage over the past week is like 70%. When we queue with a premade we usually only lose like 1/10 games. Had a bunch of 600-0 games last night. I think a lot of newbs got fed up and re-rolled imp too which helps. But just like I thought most of the imp winning came from Bioware being too lazy to add a bracket system at launch....now that they can't roll over a bunch of lvl 10's anymore we win the majority of matches.
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It's not so much wether your personal winning percentage is like this or that, or how it is in general. It's the fact that Bioware makes these "mirror classes" which are in fact not mirrored. Perhaps by a small margin, but strangely enough every single one favors empire.


I'm not saying OMG GAMEBREAKING THIS IS WHY EMPIRE ALWAYS WINS, no by any means a good playing team wins and overcomes these differences by far, ofcourse.


It's just that these things are not fair to favoritise one side and then pretend like it doesn't exist. The devs admitted to playing Empire, so I'm not all that surprised tbh, would be nice if they balance things out and make their original 8 classes, not 16 of which the other 8 are "almost the same" ... you just get tiny little bonusses for choosing empire, gg.

Edited by Johnjane
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It amazes me the player base cannot accept that most of these are facts, and have been confirmed. Why BW has not already addressed them is beyond me, it's clear that across all server there is already an imbalance in population, and allowing these blatant mistakes to linger does not help.


players - play imp or one of the classes in question. or play a mirror that is imbalanced


devs - don't care

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It's not so much wether your personal winning percentage is like this or that, or how it is in general. It's the fact that Bioware makes these "mirror classes" which are in fact not mirrored. Perhaps by a small margin, but strangely enough every single one favors empire.


I'm not saying OMG GAMEBREAKING THIS IS WHY EMPIRE ALWAYS WINS, no by any means a good playing team wins and overcomes these differences by far, ofcourse.


It's just that these things are not fair to favoritise one side and then pretend like it doesn't exist. The devs admitted to playing Empire, so I'm not all that surprised tbh, would be nice if they balance things out and make their original 8 classes, not 16 of which the other 8 are "almost the same" ... you just get tiny little bonusses for choosing empire, gg.


Don't get me wrong I think the differences between mirror classes are absolutely a serious issue that should be one of the top things they look at. But considering all the stupid mistakes Bioware's made with this game they don't really surprise me.

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Don't get me wrong I think the differences between mirror classes are absolutely a serious issue that should be one of the top things they look at. But considering all the stupid mistakes Bioware's made with this game they don't really surprise me.


Indeed, silly though. Just watched the turret video again, took a nice 18secs to get from 600 to 590 for republic after capping, empire 600 to 590 took a whopping 2 secs... rofl

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I acknowledge imbalance. Class Imbalances between factions is a sign that things need to be balanced in a future patch.


I do NOT acknowledge "dev spoilts." Not without proof. Not when your evidence proving these "dev hax" comes down to "WELL THEY MUST ALL BE EMPIRE PLAYERS." Any opinions involving developer involvement in purposely allowing class imbalances to happen are nothing short of a baseless conspiracy theory. The game has been out for just over 3 weeks and kids are throwing in the towel yelling about "dev hax." It is pretty funny.


Continue to complain all you want about class imbalances, but take your less than intelligent, tin foil hat conspiracy theories and leave them at the door.

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I acknowledge imbalance. Class Imbalances between factions is a sign that things need to be balanced in a future patch.


I do NOT acknowledge "dev spoilts." Not without proof. Not when your evidence proving these "dev hax" comes down to "WELL THEY MUST ALL BE EMPIRE PLAYERS." Any opinions involving developer involvement in purposely allowing class imbalances to happen are nothing short of a baseless conspiracy theory. The game has been out for just over 3 weeks and kids are throwing in the towel yelling about "dev hax." It is pretty funny.


Continue to complain all you want about class imbalances, but take your less than intelligent, tin foil hat conspiracy theories and leave them at the door.


straight from an imp. if you play repub you will feel sick at how imba things are. and there is no good explanation other than tin foil hat conspiracies.

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Like IcyFisty, I also can see the obvious imbalance, but to say that the devs must be playing imperials because imperials are OP is just conspiracy thinking.


The funniest thing about it will be that if in a future update, a Republic class or something is made OP, these people will be yelling "omg devs play republic".


Yes, stuff is imbalanced, but it COULD be due to other issues rather than "devs are evil cheaters".


Achieving perfect balance is pretty difficult and this is a new game, put down your pitchforks and give them a break.


Oh, by the way, I pay for this game and play Republic. I'm not going to quit over an issue that can and will be fixed.

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straight from an imp. if you play repub you will feel sick at how imba things are. and there is no good explanation other than tin foil hat conspiracies.


well there is shear incompetence on the part of BW.


I'd sign up for the conspiracy theory if I had any reason to believe anyone at BW has enough project management skills to actually put a decent conspiracry together.

The total incompetence theory is much more believable.

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It amazes me the player base cannot accept that most of these are facts, and have been confirmed. Why BW has not already addressed them is beyond me, it's clear that across all server there is already an imbalance in population, and allowing these blatant mistakes to linger does not help.


Confirmed by who the crying rep players only one is confirmed by devs is the flash grenade. And i went miles back in the dev tracker, so could you please find them for me coz i cant !!!!!


I admit that there may be a few animation differences but nothing to cry about, my maul is bugged and only hits 1 out of 3 times, am i but hurt and crying no my assissinate spins the sabre above twice most times when it should do it once, assassins whining, nope dnt see any !!

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straight from an imp. if you play repub you will feel sick at how imba things are. and there is no good explanation other than tin foil hat conspiracies.


Really? Are you sure the imbalances don't come down to human error, programming mistakes or oversights? Do you have proof of devs admitting they did this on purpose? Does the OP have proof that Devs all have personal empire characters? As I said VERY CLEARLY I acknowledge that there are imbalances. But until you bring me proof of devs purpose creating imbalances between factions any opinion that boils down to "DEV HAX" is worthless, unconstructive anger posting. It is in the best interest of Bioware and its developers to have a balanced game where everyone is happy. So your conspiracy theory doesn't even make sense.


"Hey guys, let's make a game with 8 classes, 4 for each faction, but then make the 4 classes in one faction weaker than the other. Also, let's throw in a series of serious disadvantages on planets and PvP content just to ensure that when we roll our empire characters we always win."


"Good idea, let's do it."


Yeah, I'd like to have been in on that meeting. The playstyles between devs are likely as diverse as the players. Meaning that the devs screwing over the republic would undoubtedly be screwing over some fellow devs and other bioware employees too. So quit with the "Bioware has it out for me and my playstyle" because it just isn't happening.

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(edited for one thing i got wrong that i misread ) so removing the one i got wrong

i stand by the rest






MY LAST STRAW ... i had overlooked or excused or hoped a fix was coming for the list below

but i guess this is my hair that breaks the camels back !!!!



The turret problems favoring empire are ridiculous


screw this game yall have fun ... im walking away until summer ill look back in and see if they cared enough to balance the faction and hopefully management holds some DEVS ACCOUNTABLE FOR THIS BLANTANT ABUSE of POWER IN DESIGNING THE FACTION THEY WANTED TO PLAY to have all sorts of SUBTLE ADVANTAGES!!!!! the EVIDENCE IN ITS ENTIREITY is OVERWHELMING when looked at from a distance other than one at a time







so add it to the list of things that severely imbalance the so called "mirror" classes


things like the following:


1.) trooper mortar volley travel time verses BH death drom above instant!!!


2.) consular animation delays verses their counterpart instant !!!


3.) convert the trooper pool of energy to BH energy BH has 4% more -

same for another classes energy i forget which one


4.) IA can do dirty kick on the run without stopping while Smuggler has to stop perform action then move


5.) Ever wonder WHY it always seems empire starts with lead on alderaan warzone?

two turrets already pointing at republic ship and do not have to turn to begin firing not to mention the BIGGEST KICKER OF ALL .. the dumb DEVS ALLOW THE EMPIRE TO TICK QUICKER THAN THE REPUBLIC ... FILM IT FRAPS IT YOURSELF ... try and figure out how empire one caps and republic two caps and forst 5 secs empire ahead ... REALLY .. I MEAN REALLY!!!! W T F


6.) force way has animation that makes republic jump up then come down before it goes off

empires is instant ... very rough across the bridge in voidstar and in huttball


7.) empires knockbacks are farther


8.) instant lightening no travel time ... rocks have longer animation til impact


9.) IA gets gets 30 secs less on its cc grenade cooldown than smuggler


10.) electrocute ignores resolve bar and even dodge it gets through everything ... force stun DOES NOT!!!


11.) smuggler sabo charge requires again you guessed it longer period of time .. IA instant!!!!


12.) IA backstab instant - Smuggler has animation to pull out shotgun to deal with !!!!


14.) im tired of listing them someone else take ove




any reasonable person that understands probability KNOWS beyond a shadow of a doubt there a far too many "oopies and overlooks " to be beniegn




have fun ill look in from time to time and see if they did anything about it

im going to take a break


if you are staying in this game and PvP you SHOULD DEMAND THE ABOVE BE FIXED and a REASON GIVEN as to way it was allowed in the first place and HOW SO MANY BETA TESTERS MISSED these GLARING ISSUES ... i guess they were just playing and not testing





ps im mad and didnt proof read and im not the faster i log out right now the better and put SWTOR BEHIND me for a long while and hope it gets fixed


I think your tin foil hat is to tight...its cutting off blood to your last remaining Crazy.

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Confirmed by who the crying rep players only one is confirmed by devs is the flash grenade. And i went miles back in the dev tracker, so could you please find them for me coz i cant !!!!!


Confirmed by BW.


They have admitted that ability delay is present, they have admitted even before launch that skills are not balanced between mirrors. (look for the project/force lighting comments for instance, try checking your facts mate)


No I wont link it, get off your lazy arse and use a search engine before you post such ******** again.

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Man I got a warning the other day for posting a long waaaah response. My question is how in my long wah response not, BY FAR, the most contructive thing put on these boards?


The things that are actually true will be addressed. More than half of these things are completely untrue QQ.

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Confirmed by BW.


They have admitted that ability delay is present, they have admitted even before launch that skills are not balanced between mirrors. (look for the project/force lighting comments for instance, try checking your facts mate)


No I wont link it, get off your lazy arse and use a search engine before you post such ******** again.


1 Ok ability delay affects every class on both sides so EVERYONE is having to deal with that. Just but hurts like you with tin foil hats on are whining while 90% are dealing with it



2 Comments are not fact or proof, comments are peoples opinions ill take the facts thanx.



3 And you cant link it because its not there to link end off

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