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overwhelming proof of intentional FACTION imbalaning on some DEVS part .. imho ...


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Alot of the animation differances you mentioned are an illusion. Sabo charge for instance..it looks like it takes longer because of travel time,but it lands before the global cooldown is up,so really it takes no longer than the other. Sorc also jumps in the air and lands when they do knock back. Thy actually jump up and do a flip before landing. The only one that seems iffy to me is Project. i like the spell animation tho,I think it's awesome. Someone tried to tell me the damage is applied instantly when you cast Project,but I disagree,I never see the enemy health bar move until the projectile actually hits them. Maybe give Sorc animation a slight delay to even it out? /shrug


I know i'm rambling,I'm tired a nd not proof reading. =P


You know I heard this animation arguement before so I decided to check it out with a vanguard. I have a level 32 BH.


I cant recall all the skills for trooper but D.F.A for BH Powertech is it's equivalent.


The trooper skill DOES take longer to initiate damage.


I watched the animation then saw the lag of time before damage starts to calculate.


In PvP were milliseconds count that's a disadvantage

Edited by GothicSaint
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You troopers are *****ign and moaning over 1 ability yet commandos can hit just as hard as a dps on your damn heal spec. While BH can't and the vanguard spec of yours hits way harder then the BH defensive spec. Troopers have it easy but no one acknowledges it, I don't see nerf commando healing dps spec for pvp's sake. YOU STILL HIT LIKE A DAMN TRUCK.




Are you seriously trying to whine about Trooper damage when the damage on the Bounty Hunter mirror abilities is the exact same amount? Really? You realize the only difference on the two classes is the ability names and animations?


This thread contains valid complaints about ability delays due to animations which are a crucial disadvantage in a PvP enviroment. One second is a long time in a PvP situation.

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As far as Project versus Lightning, I have both a Shadow and an Assassin. I can confirm that Assansins are instant and Shadows have a delay. One poster said the damage is actually recorded the same but there is a delay just in the animation. OK, this MAY be true. I don't know. But that doesn't matter. Because of the delay in the animation of Project, I have to wait several seconds to activate another ability. My abilities lock up until the animation is finished. For my Assasin, I can use Lightning and instantly use another ability. This is a huge difference in PvP.


Whether its a glitch, bug, mistake, or accident doesnt matter. It does exist. It makes my Assasin more powerful than my Shadow.

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10.) electrocute ignores resolve bar and even dodge it gets through everything ... force stun DOES NOT!!!


Im not sure about the resolve thing. But It does yellow damage. All forms of yellow damage completely ignore defense, shield, etc.

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5.) Ever wonder WHY it always seems empire starts with lead on alderaan warzone?

two turrets already pointing at republic ship and do not have to turn to begin firing not to mention the BIGGEST KICKER OF ALL .. the dumb DEVS ALLOW THE EMPIRE TO TICK QUICKER THAN THE REPUBLIC ... FILM IT FRAPS IT YOURSELF ... try and figure out how empire one caps and republic two caps and forst 5 secs empire ahead ... REALLY .. I MEAN REALLY!!!! W T F


6.) force way has animation that makes republic jump up then come down before it goes off

empires is instant ... very rough across the bridge in voidstar and in huttball


7.) empires knockbacks are farther


8.) instant lightening no travel time ... rocks have longer animation til impact


10.) electrocute ignores resolve bar and even dodge it gets through everything ... force stun DOES NOT!!!


5) The reason it seems like empire still gets ahead with a 1 cap is probably because they cap their 1 before the reps get ahold of their 2, letting their cannon beat on the ship a few seconds before the others. That's just reps sucking at pvp.


6) Overload (SI aoe knockback) is the same way. It doesn't go off until you jump up and hit the ground.


7) No they aren't.


8) The damage/slow from the force lightning/shock mirrors are instant, the animations are not.


10) No it doesn't. It follows resolve just like every other stun.


After typing all this, I realized you might be trolling. Don't really care at this point. You're an idiot either way.

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Bioware deliberately crippled a side for playing characters, so that people would be frustrated and unsubscribe.




You people will literally believe ANYTHING.


Problems: yes.

Fixes needed: yes

Probable source: incompetent communication between the Republic testing team and the Imperial Testing team

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5) The reason it seems like empire still gets ahead with a 1 cap is probably because they cap their 1 before the reps get ahold of their 2, letting their cannon beat on the ship a few seconds before the others. That's just reps sucking at pvp.


Simply not true. I *always* get to and cap the left turret (west for repubs) before the empire does theirs. Even if we actually get an impy who knows what they are doing and caps the same time as me, the republic ship will still have 5-10 more damage on it after a few seconds than the imperial.

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This isn't true. I know you want to think that Empire have some advantage because the developers all only ever play one faction but they don't. While there may or may not be balance issues, it is not because of some company wide conspiracy to ruin their own game by making one faction more powerful, just so they can play it.


TLDR: Occam's Razor.

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