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Erase all chars on Dec 19th


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They should go along with the early access like they promised. It has givin certain people a great advantage over others though. The fair solution would be to delete all charicters on the 19th and have everyone start new on the 20th. They promised early access, they didn't promise to keep the charicters that were created before the offical release. It would alleviate all the claims of favoritism, and start everyone on the same foot.


Yup, it is only fair!

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To be honest I don't really care about people getting a few days advantage. I'm just going to be playing my way. The only concern is open world PvP and getting ganked by higher levels constantly. But luckily we have some guys in our guild that are in already so we'll have some protection at least :p
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The entire point of the EGA is to PREVENT ZONE CONGESTION. Really. I understand people not liking some with some getting in early. But the entire idea is go avoid over zoning. It's not going to change.


Instead shut the forums down until the 25th

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Lets see what did they promise. oh yes... You MAY have access UP TO 5 days early, and get to keep your characters. We will base it on how soon you register your pre-order. Sooo uhh yes lets keep them to EXACTLY WHAT THEY SAID.





May - means you might not!

Up to - Means at most but possibly less.


So they make it longer out of the goodness of their hearts and you people wine... so sad.

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Advantage on exactly what ? This is an MMORPG... story driven.. afraid someone will experience the story before you? Sure, let's call for a character wipe on that. Afraid someone will get world first before you? buhu.


No character wipe will ever be done for any early access program, that is the point of EGA, you get to clean out the starting zones for one, so people don't need to wait behind 3000 other players trying to kill the same mob as you.

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They should go along with the early access like they promised. It has givin certain people a great advantage over others though. The fair solution would be to delete all charicters on the 19th and have everyone start new on the 20th. They promised early access, they didn't promise to keep the charicters that were created before the offical release. It would alleviate all the claims of favoritism, and start everyone on the same foot.


Actually they DID promise we could keep characters from early access.


Your argument is now null and void.

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if you dont want to get ganked... dont play on the PvP servers, how hard can that be ?


lol people are complaining about other people being a higher level than them? SERIOUSLY GUYS?





Relax and have fun; or don't, but quit bothering us.

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They should go along with the early access like they promised. It has givin certain people a great advantage over others though. The fair solution would be to delete all charicters on the 19th and have everyone start new on the 20th. They promised early access, they didn't promise to keep the charicters that were created before the offical release. It would alleviate all the claims of favoritism, and start everyone on the same foot.


The whole point with EGA is to not have a gazillion of people in the start zone.

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wow OP cant tell you didnt pre order at all :). lol. no we paid for early access. they should have stated in purchase info that the early access was wave roll out. but world of warcraft let us keep early access characters. so i doubt swtor will delete them. cause that would put them worse than wow.
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Its Early Access...a gift for people pre-ordering so they can get ahead of people.


A gift?


If it was a gift then everyone who pre order would get it in at the same time.


This is LAUNCH and the only people that benefit from it is Bioware.

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As others have pointed out, Bioware already said there wouldn't be a wipe between EGA and "release". However, if you really want more of an even playing field...I don't think Bioware said anything about guaranteeing that you'll be able to play the entire EGA even if you got in the first day. :D I would love to see those who are already in and who are defending Bioware now suddenly have a change of heart if they were told they won't have access from December 17th-19th...after all, they still would have had "up to five days".


The whole point with EGA is to not have a gazillion of people in the start zone.


The problem is Bioware took it to the other extreme. A friend who is already in said yesterday that he had trouble finding anyone with whom he could do the group quests in the starter zone because there were so few people that none were on those quests.

Edited by Eroiqua
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They should go along with the early access like they promised. It has givin certain people a great advantage over others though. The fair solution would be to delete all charicters on the 19th and have everyone start new on the 20th. They promised early access, they didn't promise to keep the charicters that were created before the offical release. It would alleviate all the claims of favoritism, and start everyone on the same foot.


lol and you think the nerd raging now is bad? :eek:

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No - this is about player experience... and server history.


I will never be there when the first 100 players hit level 50.... and not just because I cancelled my preorder and WILL NOT be purchasing this game either... no... but because I would have gotten access 4-5 days from now.



How is that even fair or "right"



You *********** rights they should set all servers to level 0 on the 19th at 2359.



This launch was *********** ********. Worst launch in the history of this genre.


See you at launch. If you cancelled preorder, you wouldnt have forum access.

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no it's not a race, but it's also not fun to start out a game launch day with some players being max level and camping lowbie spawn points griefing on pvp realms.


If this is a problem for you, then you shouldn't roll on a pvp realm - ever. Griefers camping in low level zones is and probably always will be an issue on pvp realms in all MMO's -- because griefers apparently have NOTHING BETTER TO DO. So either join a guild (maybe one with their own level 50's?) or roll PVE.

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Get a life :)


I love this anticipation, I pre-ordered in October, actually bought it month earlier but left the case at work and forgot there unitl that :).


Really ppl relax, they are doing as they promised originally and it was that earlier you pre-order earlier you get into early access.. and that 13-15th is total gift since nowhere they promised that you would get in before 15th.. as i have taken understanding the early access-period is 15-20th.


15th should be day for pre-order early access for late comers as they were still advertising that short time ago... which is very misleading if thats not the case.

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I have an idea. How about on the 19th Bioware erases the characters of all people who whined about the prelaunch early access being junk/terrible/PR nightmare/whine-sniff-cry-poop. Or just ban them from the game so its more enjoyable for me.


Because, at the end of the day, that appears to be the only person that matters: one's self.

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