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2nd day of planned 4 waves, joking surely?


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Umadsir? Umadma'am?


Seriously, do you really think whining, griping, moaning, or complaining about it is going to make it better? Just a waste of time. Instead, why not sit back with a beer and some popcorn and laugh at all the people whining, griping, moaning, and complaining like I do while waiting? It's a lot more fun. :D


I have EVE going right now and I'm using the in-game browser on there while sitting in a wormhole and popping n00bs. Oh, here's one now. Gotta go. o7

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Doesnt matter what they say last night i saw the servers empty 4 WAVES IS UNACCEPTABLE!!


You are not entitled to a set period of early access past that of getting in literally one second before the official release. As such, this launch is not "unacceptable" it is, in fact, entirely acceptable whether you like it or not.


TL;DR: Accept it or complain endlessly on the forums. You change nothing either way.

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Does Bioware and EA realize that this early game access strategy is going to allow future MMO developers to use it as marketing leverage. I can only imagine just how pleased Guild Wars 2 developers and Blizzard are while they're sitting back watching the amount of discontent this launch has brought upon its subscribers.:cool:
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You are not entitled to a set period of early access past that of getting in literally one second before the official release. As such, this launch is not "unacceptable" it is, in fact, entirely acceptable whether you like it or not.


TL;DR: Accept it or complain endlessly on the forums. You change nothing either way.



oh so now i have no freedom of speech? what country do YOU live in?

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Yeah after reading about only another 4 waves today, I'm about to end my time here in SWTOR. BioWare obviously has no understanding of the player base. They understand single player games, but this is not a single player RPG.


See you at launch!



oh so now i have no freedom of speech? what country do YOU live in?


Wut? I never said anything about your freedom of speech. You can say what you like.


dsfadshbjsdjbhfdjhbl sdcdfjh sdc jhsdj hcdfjsh cvjln dsfcvjhb sd hcs fnjsfwefwef weyuwe fuywf


See? I did it there. Was there a point to that? No. Am I allowed to do it? Yes.


I was simply pointing out that complaining is futile, pointless and irritating with respect to this issue as BioWare is launching the game the way they want to launch it and you are not legally entitled to anything past what they are already providing you with.

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Umadsir? Umadma'am?


Seriously, do you really think whining, griping, moaning, or complaining about it is going to make it better? Just a waste of time. Instead, why not sit back with a beer and some popcorn and laugh at all the people whining, griping, moaning, and complaining like I do while waiting? It's a lot more fun. :D


I have EVE going right now and I'm using the in-game browser on there while sitting in a wormhole and popping n00bs. Oh, here's one now. Gotta go. o7


yep this is entertainment for me too.. My DR always runs very late... so I'm entertaining myself by watching the whiners complain they aren't in when EGA wasn't supposed to be till tomorrow LOL.


After the DR, I have a gym appt with my weight training coach.. then after that, I will come home and play SWTOR for a few hrs.


After that I have to study for my Anatomy and Physiology classes.


My only gripe with the game right now is that bastard of a launcher... It is cruddy. It can't exit properly. Always after the game launches, I get ripped out of the game with an abort NULL pointer error (or a crash dialog box). The launcher has been buggy since early beta... but I guess I'll take a buggy launch over a smooth launch :)

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A lot longer time and another 4 waves, seriously Stephen 18 hours since yesterdays waves, and empty servers for hours this morning EU time, and only 4 more waves planned today.


We helped you strees test the servers in November and had enough faith in the game to pre order and this is our loyalty repayment?


We were promised 5 days earlier we have no right to complain unless we don't get a Key Thursday. :rolleyes:

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We were promised 5 days earlier we have no right to complain unless we don't get a Key Thursday. :rolleyes:


We have every right to complain. EA/BW are sticking rigidly to a system that is far too cautious, as seen by the empty servers both in the US and EU this morning GMT time for hours.


If you are not flexible enough to adjust an operation like this then your business needs to start hiring better people. Not talking about the developers here, talking of the suits.

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You are not entitled to a set period of early access past that of getting in literally one second before the official release. As such, this launch is not "unacceptable" it is, in fact, entirely acceptable whether you like it or not.


TL;DR: Accept it or complain endlessly on the forums. You change nothing either way.




Whats the point of preorder then, i preorder because of early access!

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We have every right to complain. EA/BW are sticking rigidly to a system that is far too cautious, as seen by the empty servers both in the US and EU this morning GMT time for hours.


If you are not flexible enough to adjust an operation like this then your business needs to start hiring better people. Not talking about the developers here, talking of the suits.




They are keeping things staggered to make sure the server stay stable and lag free and have time to bring on additional servers if the load is warranted.


Are they being overly cautious? YES.


Is that a good thing? YES


Why? Because it's better than letting everyone in and have crashing servers, roll backs, and massive downtime.

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All US servers still sitting @ Light or Standard, most at Light.


1 EU server finally hit Very Heavy. The majority is still at Standard (DURING PRIMETIME).


Only 1 wave left..... looks like another night of empty servers. They obviously have an idea of how many servers they are going to need for launch... they've funneled a decent number of the initial playerbase into servers with the guild prelaunch program. What the heck difference does it make if they let people in today or tomorrow (or Friday)? We will all be in at some point or another.... as I said before, why let servers sit empty when people could actually be playing and keep kicking the can down the road?




and to top it all off, the website has a queue, but the game servers are empty.... I guess we got it all wrong, we're here to play forums, not TOR!

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Whats the point of preorder then, i preorder because of early access!


Just as in ye olde days of preordering, you did it so that on the break of day on the 20th of December you are able to visit a merchant of games and acquire the intended item without it being "Sold Out".

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Another clueless person.


They are keeping things staggered to make sure the server stay stable and lag free and have time to bring on additional servers if the load is warranted.


Are they being overly cautious? YES.


Is that a good thing? YES


Why? Because it's better than letting everyone in and have crashing servers, roll backs, and massive downtime.


Nothing of that will matter in anyway when 20th comes and masses roll in at once. Also if you don't live in EU you kinda can't understand how ****** this staggered wavethingy is for EU. We get invites to EGA during and AFTER prime time so EU servers will be on "Light" for almost 20h / day.


That's no MMO, that's SP with Online DRM.

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my partner just got his mail and he's in... code date entered: 9.28.2011



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