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good lvl to start pvping


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Right now? 50.


I'm sorry, but you show up as level 10 in a WZ which is predominantly level 50, you are just beyond useless. You can't even scratch them, they 2-3 shot you back.


My level 15 Merc typically tops healing and is able to get 2 of the Damage medals while doing it, as well as the kill x, killing blow, and 1v1 medals.

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But, I'm speaking as a healing class.

The bolster system is very nice to healing classes, as long as you keep your gear up, For a sorcerer, stack willpower till you can put on your level 20 pvp stuff, then move into crit as it becomes available. I'm assuming the other healers do as well with their respective healing stats.


I'm 30 and most of my exp from 10-30 has been in pvp. I only do my storyline quests to advance the character, I hate PVE.


I'm alway at or near the top of the list for healing.

I'm ususally at or near the top of the list for objective points.


Don't try to killspam, support your team, pay attention to the map's objectives, and you will do fine.

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as soon as you train your advanced class and leave the newbie planet.. at lvl =10. from 10-20 you need 2800 warzone points to gear yourself and one companion with the lvl 20 blue gearz (it caps at 1000, so buy a few pieces and bank them).


from 20 to 40 you should also be saving at least a full set of the lvl 40 blues for yourself, and a full set for one companion; the xp and credits are more than worth your while as well; if you have more time you can save sets of 40 gear for your other companions as well...


40 to 50 you should do it a bit as well just because you've been pvp'ing for 40+ levels, so why stop now hahaha


at 50, keep pvp'ing.. mostly so in 3 years you can tell folks how awsome you are by saying .."i've been playing since they let lvl 50's in with everyone else in pvp" L33T

Edited by Feztonio
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just curious on when is a good lvl to start pvping without getting demolished. abd also should i save all my commendations for later when i hit in 40s or use them as i lvl up to get gear. thnks


i would say start right way win or loss, mainly for the valor and so you know how pvp works by lvl 50

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Don't let these people scare you away from PvP by telling you that if you're not level 50, you're screwed. First of all, they are about to introduce a separate bracket just for level 50s... so any problem they pose in PvP right now will soon be eliminated to those who are not 50.


Secondly, you are not going to consistently get 2-3 shot and remain unable to do any damage to anyone in a warzone if you're not level 50. That's ludicrous. I have characters of various levels, and on all of them I started to feel useful in PvP at about level 18. Sure, you aren't going to have all your abilities, your full spec, good gear, any expertise... but you'll pretty much have your core abilities in most cases.


Thirdly, by abstaining from PvP until higher levels, you are going to gimp yourself in several ways: (1) you will be under-leveled in valor, which you should be grinding out all the way to 50 rather than waiting until then... because then you're going to delay getting gear otherwise; (2) you are going to be unskilled at PvP if you start at higher levels. It is a learning experience, and you should learn how to use each ability you get throughout the levels in PvP as you get it. If you wait, you'll know your abilities for PvE... but you will not have a fundamental understanding of how each skill works in PvP and what its benefits are, and because of that you're going to have a lot to learn all at once. It should be that every time you get a skill, you go into PvP and you figure out how it can best be used. That way you will actually be able to skillfully use your class at level 50.


So essentially what I'm saying is you need to start PvPing at level 10, and never get discouraged even when you feel useless. Treat it like a learning experience and grow from it when you get rocked.

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If you know how to PvP start at 10.


If you don't know how to PvP start at 10 and learn.


Don't listen to people that sook about a low level. I have levelled mostly from PvP and found I could contribute at low levels with a bit of thought.

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This is class dependent, but most classes get a class defining ability at L20, L30 and L40 from the skill trees.


As an Operative, I felt gimped doing anything before L20 (Kolto Probe lets you be a healer). I was also sub-par DPS until L40 and Acid blade...although I possibly could have gone lethality at L30 and done medium DPS


But, no matter what, if you don't keep your gear as up-to-date blues/purples, it will be tough.


ie, if you are L26, but wearing L20 blue. Then the game will bolster as if you are a L50, wearing L44 blues *not verified*, but this is roughly how it works

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