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I fail to understand......


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My graphics & resolution for SWTOR looks great! Way better than WoW. I am running on the highest resolution that is available, & everything runs just fine.

If you're so disappointed by it, then stop wasting your breath here, & go back to WoW.


I fail to understand why you have to make a post that's been made by 100 other crybabies just to get attention.

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These screenshots were taken moments ago, both on the same machine, both games on Ultra.


Swtor scenery shot:



Swtor up close character shot:



WoW scenery shot:



WoW up close character shot:



What do I think? I think both games look good. Both are cartoony, but ultimately I prefer the style and bright colors of WoW, I find the style more charming and interesting. Everyone will have their own opinion, but I am sure Swtor will improve once a lot of the texture problems get taken care of.


Edit: I tabbed back in WoW after making this post, and something magical was happening. One of the many things that I beleive gives WoW more immersion than Swtor. WEATHER!!! Turned rainy and foggy all of a sudden. It's little things like this Swtor is missing.




Well, there goes the thread. Hope you're happy.


But in all seriousness.. WoW does look pretty amazing given it's age.

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These screenshots were taken moments ago, both on the same machine, both games on Ultra.


Swtor scenery shot:



Swtor up close character shot:



WoW scenery shot:



WoW up close character shot:



What do I think? I think both games look good. Both are cartoony, but ultimately I prefer the style and bright colors of WoW, I find the style more charming and interesting. Everyone will have their own opinion, but I am sure Swtor will improve once a lot of the texture problems get taken care of.


Edit: I tabbed back in WoW after making this post, and something magical was happening. One of the many things that I beleive gives WoW more immersion than Swtor. WEATHER!!! Turned rainy and foggy all of a sudden. It's little things like this Swtor is missing.




I think WoW is a way better MMORPG than SWTOR is. I actually almost hate SWTOR right now.

But it's pretty obvious to me that SWTOR has better graphics even from your screenshots.

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I think WoW is a way better MMORPG than SWTOR is. I actually almost hate SWTOR right now.

But it's pretty obvious to me that SWTOR has better graphics even from your screenshots.


Well, I will agree that Swtor graphics look more modern. But, as I stated, I prefer the style and vibrance of WoW's graphics. I just get tired of people talking about WoW as if it were still the same graphics it had at launch.

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Why must ncsoft torture my soul like dis?

Just unleash GW2 and set me free from my torment "SWTOR"

Obviously the OP doesn't understand that this game was optimized to use multiple core just for the voice acting.:rolleyes:


If I could go back in time I would set myself on fire before purchasing this game.

Edited by maximusedward
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You mean taking a lopsided screenshot of some of the worst aspects from WoW with a model and gear from 2004 will look far worse? WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED?!


How about you compare something like...








See, I can make one sided assertions out of context as well...


The point is, there are some outstanding issues with the engine that SWTOR is using, and it looks pixel-elated and out of date at times. If they can figure out whatever is wrong with High Resolution Textures and get them out to the players to use, I'm quite sure it'll be substantially better.


As it stands, the lack of detail on armor outside of conversations is definitely something that is annoying.


The SWTOR looks far better there too... IMO.

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people saying wow graphics beat TOR graphics don't know one thing about a very important texture: A Normals Map.


Look at the torso of a characer in wow, notice how the light shines off the raised areas of the body, see the cuts and bruises offer shadow and highlights? No neither do i. WoW characters do not use detailed normal maps, if at all.


Now do the same for TOR, a TOR character model is pretty much 120-130% of a wow model, mostly to round off the silohette (edges). the details and the raised areas that catch the light have nothing to do with the model, and is all down to the normals map texture. It's completely visable and very easy to see on Khem Val for instance.


http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/8536/khemval.jpg TOR


http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/9994/transmogtank.jpg WoW


All those wrinkles, grooves, age lines around the eyes the cuts and scars, those are all "faked" by the normals map to force the engine to render light reflection vectors off the model surface using the texture as a guide.


The lighting improvements to a character generated by a normals map allow the character to move around and the highlights and shadows to change dynamicly as the light source affects the position of the model.


In WoW, the highlights and shadows are made using baked lighting and ambient occlusion (although not so much AO) and as such never change position on the model reguardless of which direction the character faces.

Edited by Trigg
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First of all, its like this...


"You cannot compare 2 things which are from different periods of time, example:


General Napoleon was one of the greatest strategist of his time... (time)


If you pitted Napoleon against Rommel, Napoleon would lose hands down, because he has no understanding of mobile armor tactics neither the knowledge about the use of aerial reconnaissance and aerial superiority over an objective, Napoleon only knows how to use terrain to his advantage to an extent with the use of artillery bombardment, and line formation infantry tactics with the use of horse cavalry."





"Graphics based on WoW, and an engine that has been tweaked and worked on since the day of its development. "Cannot" be compared to a engine that has only been used for a short time, and has not been extensively tweaked or used by. For all you folks its called finding a perfect medium, or a prefect center of what your working on to bring out its full potential.


WoW +8 years of Tweaking and perfecting is better than SWTOR


SWTOR +8 years of Tweaking and perfecting is WAY better than WoW...


Moot point, end of story, go cry, flame all you like.. truth hurts, life sucks, and than you die."

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TORs graphics look much better than WoWs.


WoWs cartoon graphics give the illusion of them looking better than they really are.


Another thing, I'm pretty sure TOR isn't optimized very well... they have a pretty bad engine.


Here's a really good post on the 18th page:


I hate to say it, but I think WoW looked MUCH better, that scenery wherever the pic was taken was beautiful

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I hate to say it, but I think WoW looked MUCH better, that scenery wherever the pic was taken was beautiful


I think much of WoW is beautiful, but the way people talk about it, you would think it looked like Runescape or something. They hate on it not because the graphics are bad, but because it is WoW. No matter how it looked, certain people would still bag on it because, simply, it's WoW.

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anyone who thinks WoW looks better in a subjective way (rather than just in their opinion over style) needs to visit their optometrist ASAP.. I've seen PS1 games that were less blocky and have higher rez textures than WoW has on max Edited by Liquidacid
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My $0.02:


WoW has, for the most part, incredible art design. No matter what graphic setting you play on, it is visually appealing because of the colors that are chosen to set the mood in zones, and because the overall artistry of the architecture and environments.


ToR on the other hand, fails to draw me in with its design elements. The graphics are (clearly) better than WoW, but very few environments have impressed me. Only during a few space battles and outside the senate on Coruscant have I stepped back and thought "Wow...that looks REALLY good."


Considering what BioWare was given to work with, they didn't make many structures or environments very aesthetically appealing (and yes, desolate and/or ruined places can be aesthetically appealing"). I would much rather take great art design over better graphics any day.


My example:

THIS (WoW) has bad graphics, but looks visually striking and appealing, while THIS looks great, but lacks the artistic flair that is a signature of WoW's.


TL:DR, You really can't compare the two games, as they both look great on their own merits, but considering the horsepower that drives SWToR, they coulda done a lot more.

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If you think WoW looks better, then go back to it. Because swtor looks far superior, imo.


Also, you're aware they've made various upgrades and replacements to hardware, and the game itself, throughout the years with each expansion, right?


Herp derp. Go back to WoW.


Why dont you just leave SWTOR. You have a nasty atitude and we dont need you here.

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You're really, seriously missing the point. I have sent my specs to Bioware - for help for THEM to fix the problem on THEIR end.


it's not my gosh darn computer, or the hardware on it, or the software on it besides Bioware's


get it through your head, please. stop trying to blame these issues on the pc's of the people who have them. I'm sure there -are- some people out there whose computers just shouldnt be able to run the game, who are part of those complaining, but MANY people have issues with this game who SHOULD NOT.


Let me say it one more time, to help it sink in:


It is a coding problem on Bioware's end, coupled with a poor choice of engine and optimization. Period.


it more than likly is an issue on your pc . anything from outdated drivers to a badly setup router can cause issues in an online game. while you may run rift just fine. you may find that tor uses more bandwidth or more processor power due to the way its setup. doesnt mean its the games fault that you havnt set it up to run optimally. (doesnt mean it isnt..either) but you cant say its not your pc with 100% confirmation without letting us see your system. sometimes.. 1 minor thing can cause 1 major headache.

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Right now WoW's character textures are imho better than TOR's.

Modelwise, I think TOR wins out just because moar polygons = better looking models.


But how good your polygons are don't matter when your textures look like s***.

Once we get AA and hi-res textures again I think it won't be a contest (TOR will look better than WoW)


Here are screenshots of both WoW and TOR, taken from the same machine, both max settings. I zoomed in on the characters to show the difference in the quality of the textures (it'd be even better if my gear wasn't transmogged to a BC set, which actually is not as good as the cata textures) and it's fairly easy to see the difference in poly counts. I think Twi'leks get the rawest deal because it's really easy to see how bad the textures are on their lekku.


You'll also notice that I don't force AA, as I think if you're going to be comparing the two, you compare them as-is without outside forcing of AA.


SWTOR: http://i.imgur.com/KNOqH.jpg

SWTOR (closer look at lekku): http://i.imgur.com/hjyRP.jpg

WoW: http://i.imgur.com/ysSdy.jpg


Overall it just makes me sad for TOR because I LOVE the game, it's just that the background textures are better than the player ones!


Edited by Beslley
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I think that a lot of you are confusing technical superiority (which engine is capable of more advanced shaders, texturing techniques, etc) and aesthetic superiority.


To me, (and a lot of people), WoW is more appealing to the eye aesthetically and artistically. Lots of people disagree and that's fine.


Most people won't argue that SWTOR is technically inferior to WoW, but they will argue that WoW has a better aesthetic direction. It's a subjective issue.


My two cents.


Having said that, I believe WoW's engine is more optimized and computer-friendly than SWTOR's.

Edited by tastethecourage
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Never in my worst nightmares would I imagine WoW to look better than SWTOR, but sadly.. it seems true.


It's even funner when you consider the fact that the blood elf in that pic can stand next to a tauren warrior and you'd be able to tell the difference right off the bat that they are different races. Put a helmet on that human model and put him next to any of the other races (besides Twi'leks) and you'd think they are both humans. ToR is pretty and all in a lot of areas but Bioware was incredibly lazy when it came to models with every race sharing the same faces, hair, body type and animation skeleton. I mean half the aliens in ToR mind as well be humans in fursuits. Actually never mind, I think even those would be more detailed than the aliens we get which seem to be humans with masks (though the Star Wars franchise is partly to blame for that).

Edited by leviathonlx
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It's even funner when you consider the fact that the blood elf in that pic can stand next to a tauren warrior and you'd be able to tell the difference right off the bat that they are different races. Put a helmet on that human model and put him next to any of the other races (besides Twi'leks) and you'd think they are both humans. ToR is pretty and all in a lot of areas but Bioware was incredibly lazy when it came to models with every race sharing the same faces, hair, body type and animation skeleton. I mean half the aliens in ToR mind as well be humans in fursuits. Actually never mind, I think even those would be more detailed than the aliens we get which seem to be humans with masks.


This is actually the first thing me and most of my friends complained about during character creation. lol.. :(

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I see the OPs point. I logged back into wow yesterday to send a buddy some gold and i literally thought I missed a big graphics update that happened because it looked so friggin good after playig SWTOR for a couple weeks. The characters in WoW seem to pop off the screen and everything is so vibrant and beautiful.


Say what you will about WoW, but they designed a masterpiece of a graphics engine that uis still outperforming games 8 years later.

Edited by sithkllr
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