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I fail to understand......


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How a game made in 2004 that runs on a dual core processor, 2gb of ram, and an ati 3850, looks better with all max settings than a game just released late 2011. Now don't get me wrong I love SWTOR, but how this game can require a quad core processor, 4gb of ram, and a 4850 is beyond me. If Blizzard can make a game run and look good on such low hardware, then with TOR"S requirements we should be getting better results and performance then we currently have.
Design rules have changed since 2004 - a lot in fact. For example, TOR's character animations are compiled "Jar-Jar Binks" recorded motion capture and biomechanical haptic code which gets transalated into a controller-based language that the game's front end then executes. Why? BW wants their game to allow players to control as much of the entire motion captured attack movement sequence as is possible, not just watch an attack animation played over the top of movement. That's takes a fair amount of front end horsepower, and I'm guessing their quest for optimal balance in this may also be contributing to the "proprietary" combat glitches we're seeing. Edited by GalacticKegger
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That was just a joke right?






right? :(


No, look for the big texture thread on this forum. A dev explanation is in the first post inside of it. It's really really long, but what i said is the gist of it.


Ultra grahpics in cutscene only, low end graphics the rest of the time

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Design rules have changed since 2004 - a lot in fact. For example, TOR's character animations are compiled "Jar-Jar Binks" recorded motion capture and biomechanical haptic code which gets transalated into a controller-based language that an end-user interaction platform can execute. Why? BW wants their game to allow players to control as much of the entire motion captured attack movement sequence as is possible, not just watch an attack animation played over the top of movement. That's takes a fair amount of front end horsepower, and I'm guessing their quest for optimal balance in this may also be contributing to the "proprietary" combat glitches we're seeing.


The **** are you on about, bud? WoW has fantastic animations. In fact, there are many instances in TOR where the animations aren't dynamic such as moving and using the AoE spin that Shadows get. (It plays a stationary animation - your feet glide along the ground like ghost dog

). Edited by morbidillusion
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The **** are you on about, bud? WoW has fantastic animations. In fact, there are many instances in TOR where the animations aren't dynamic such as moving and using the AoE spin that Shadows get. (It plays a stationary animation).
Those are and spell effects. I was referring to physical avatar control plus the spells effects when casting all being part of a single-layer seqeunce. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Those are spell effects. I was referring to physical avatar control.


Um, what? The only way I see being able to "control your avatar" in TOR and WoW is by pressing movement buttons and giving attack/ability commands. So maybe you can enlighten me as to what you're trying to talk suggest here, though I'm fairly certain you're just full of hot air.

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Frankly, though I would like to see awesome graphics in this game, the story content is more important to me. Even if the graphics never changed (and I am sure they will evolve in future patches), as long as we are getting great new story content and new quests, I will be happy.
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You're saying that this:




looks better than this:








Please leave.


K well you ARE picking a REALLY UGLY dwarf lmao - I believe the OP was commenting of the quality of the image itself and not the toons themselves rofl :D

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BW has a very poor infastruture set up. Anyone who has gamed for years and see that they made a lot of stardard mistakes in setting up their enviroment. The issues with this game are decades old and have been a non-issue for sometime.


Also, the OP is right given that this game it completely instanced in everyway, more so than even DDO, it should run on a smart phone.


No these graphics are no better than WOW, they are 2004 graphics in the MMO gen.


Yes, you're ABSOLUTELY correct in your statement. What most ppl don't know, unless you've researched Hero Engine, is that Hero Engine is specifically meant for making instanced games. If ppl did their research on this, then they wouldn't be so surprised I suppose...

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Looks accurate to me. WoW has some of the worst character models I've seen in any game. After all these years you would have thought they'd have gotten a proper update, but no...they still look terrible.


And that's WoW's "charm" lol. Come on guys, don't rip on WoW - it's a great game. Makes more sense to rip on Blizz or Activision due to their lack of foresight and laziness to improve certain things in the game. I love both games - just don't like the corporations behind them....

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How a game made in 2004 that runs on a dual core processor, 2gb of ram, and an ati 3850, looks better with all max settings than a game just released late 2011. Now don't get me wrong I love SWTOR, but how this game can require a quad core processor, 4gb of ram, and a 4850 is beyond me. If Blizzard can make a game run and look good on such low hardware, then with TOR"S requirements we should be getting better results and performance then we currently have.


a lot more going on in SWTOR that in WoW, code wise. It's not all copy and paste.


BTW SWTOR looks much, much better than WoW.

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These screenshots were taken moments ago, both on the same machine, both games on Ultra.


Swtor scenery shot:



Swtor up close character shot:



WoW scenery shot:



WoW up close character shot:



What do I think? I think both games look good. Both are cartoony, but ultimately I prefer the style and bright colors of WoW, I find the style more charming and interesting. Everyone will have their own opinion, but I am sure Swtor will improve once a lot of the texture problems get taken care of.


Edit: I tabbed back in WoW after making this post, and something magical was happening. One of the many things that I beleive gives WoW more immersion than Swtor. WEATHER!!! Turned rainy and foggy all of a sudden. It's little things like this Swtor is missing.



you do know that SWTOR has weather right?


Sand storms on Tatoine, Rain on Dromo Kass, Snow storms on Hoth.

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And that's WoW's "charm" lol. Come on guys, don't rip on WoW - it's a great game. Makes more sense to rip on Blizz or Activision due to their lack of foresight and laziness to improve certain things in the game. I love both games - just don't like the corporations behind them....


It WAS a great game IMO, but it's greatness ended with The Burning Crusade.


In terms of the graphics, the scenery in this game piss all over WoWs scenery. WoW was great for it's time, but it's dated now. However, in terms of textures on your character, WoW has the edge, it will continue to have the edge until BioWare fully implement the hi res textures that they removed.

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you do know that SWTOR has weather right?


Sand storms on Tatoine, Rain on Dromo Kass, Snow storms on Hoth.


Constant weather is not the same.

Having particles flying around 24/7, and having particles appear as if I dunno a rain cloud appeared are two different things.


just sayin

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Um, what? The only way I see being able to "control your avatar" in TOR and WoW is by pressing movement buttons and giving attack/ability commands. So maybe you can enlighten me as to what you're trying to talk suggest here, though I'm fairly certain you're just full of hot air.
Good question & I appreciate the listen. SOP is to sequence avatar casting gesture animations and their CDs in a serial timeline module, then sync it to avatar movement. Spell effects animations caboose off of the cast animations but are still part of the same timeline as they can also be part of the cooldown. How TOR plays is one of making the casting motions and their immediate effects more of a programmed avatar movement extension than a hot swap animation. Casting, CDs, end effects & movement sync'd and working in parallel where everything is dynamically intertwined like tracks in a piano roll. So a Gunslinger for example can launch a sabotage charge while moving, continue that movement while retargeting and lobbing a flashbang - then take cover, acquire a 3rd target and begin queueing up aimed shot while the flashbang goes off and the initial sabotage charge is still beeping. This level of front-end multitasking can be a real processing strain which might explain OPs concern over the minimum system requirements. I also think the combat glitch problem has a lot to do with parallel CDs overlapping. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Once again, the eternal battle between graphics and aesthetics forces people to argue endlessly about 2 different things. Please watch and learn (I hope)




I'm quite surprised the thread had gone this far before someone pointed the difference out. Truly a neverending battle between two different concepts.

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Wow world is a lot better than SWTORs, it is living and breathing world. SWTOR feels like half made steril static over instanced ****. Also prefer WoW graphics and style.


I somewhat agree. WoW definitley feels more like a world. It has day and night cycles, weather effects, gorgeous scenery, NPCs doing non-combat related things (talking, blacksmith, mining, etc etc [pretty sure SWTOR has this too though]).. I just think WoW captures the overall atmosphere better.. it really does feel like a living breathing world.


SWTOR isn't THAT bad, but too much phasing and lack of a day / night cycle really hurt it.

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I like SW:ToR graphics more.


WoW looks like Japanese cartoon these days. C'mon, who wants big blue glass two-handed sword in one hand and huge pink two-handed hammer in the other while wearing armor with flaming shoulders, flaming helmet, flaming boots and flaming pants...? (well, not me anyways...)


And when the panda comes out, it will only get worse. Then the eastern graphic will become intentional.

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Disclaimer: I enjoy playing ToR. That said...


Blizzard's engine is highly optimized to play on a wider range of rigs thus increasing their base market share. They realize that not everyone is hardcore about having/updating a gaming rig. If ToR had the depth of world environment that WoW has, there probably isn't a rig sold on the market today that could run the game smoothly.


The problem for ToR isn't that they didn't put out a solid game. The problem is the competition for the limited gaming market is so far ahead of the game they put out. They, and the gaming community, built a massive amount of anticipation for their release and for many consumers it fell far short of wow-killer expectations.


It'll get better over time but I think they blew the initial opportunity to really capture and lock in a larger base of subscriptions to drive development revenues.

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Disclaimer: I enjoy playing ToR. That said...


Blizzard's engine is highly optimized to play on a wider range of rigs thus increasing their base market share. They realize that not everyone is hardcore about having/updating a gaming rig. If ToR had the depth of world environment that WoW has, there probably isn't a rig sold on the market today that could run the game smoothly.

And were the galaxy as pervasive as WoW's continents there wouldn't be enough server horsepower at ILM, Pixar, Digital Domain, First Data and NASA combined to run it. Tho the ability to fly freely around in PvE space and instance just the systems and their planets (similar to STO) might only take First Data's storage and ILM's rendering farms to pull off. Edited by GalacticKegger
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