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I fail to understand......


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I'd argue about the "most people do", as even while I played WoW and my friends played WoW, the graphics and art style were a very common complaint I heard.


We'd need actual metrics to determine what "most people like".


We have the metrics. Most successful ever. Like I said, you don't like it, and not everyone does. But arguing that most people do or don't is pretty obvious.


I cannot stand American Idol. But for me to argue that most of the TV audience doesn't like it is ridiculous. They obviously do.

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We have the metrics. Most successful ever. Like I said, you don't like it, and not everyone does. But arguing that most people do or don't is pretty obvious.


I cannot stand American Idol. But for me to argue that most of the TV audience doesn't like it is ridiculous. They obviously do.


A game's success doesn't determine if people liked the art style.


I played WoW for 4 years off and on and I hated the art style


Without the metrics of a survey of players that asked "Do you like WoW's art style", we can't determine one way or another.


I play a lot of games with terrible art, because most games have terrible art.

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because blizzard coded their own engine which is amazing and bioware uses a heavily modified version of the hero engine and it runs like s h i t. Bioware cannot handle an MMO. They are proving it on the daily.


Yes and the WoW engine was a mess at release, unstable, bad graphics (even for 2004), bad performance on many machines. They optimized the Engine since release and now it is very smooth.


And SWTOR looks just better then WoW, the only thing WoW has on SWTOR is bloom to hide the ugly textures and env. Bio has much work to do in optimizing this engine and some kinks have to be ironed out.

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A game's success doesn't determine if people liked the art style.


I played WoW for 4 years off and on and I hated the art style


Without the metrics of a survey of players that asked "Do you like WoW's art style", we can't determine one way or another.


I play a lot of games with terrible art, because most games have terrible art.


We will just have to agree to disagree then. I'm sorry I do not have metrics to satisfy you, but I am at the same time nonetheless positive that "most people" find WoW's art appealing.

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We will just have to agree to disagree then. I'm sorry I do not have metrics to satisfy you, but I am at the same time nonetheless positive that "most people" find WoW's art appealing.


A lot of people are positive the world is 6000 years old and that magic is real.


They're still wrong.

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not even sure how you can compare the two games. Wow is like Tron from teh 80's, all boxy and low poly count. Swtor looks way better, and other then wanting the textures during conversations while playing, I like the graphics engine as it is now.


ahh but the original Tron had the better story the new Tron makes me cry. :D

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And thus the thread descends into nonsense. Perception was the original point. Not the truth of the universe.


The purpose of my post was to say that being positive means nothing.


Without metrics, all discussion about "most" "majority" "minority" are just flapping of gums.


I don't make claims of being the majority or minority, as we have no metrics.


You are making absolute statements without backup data.


I am simply pointing out you are acting in bad form.

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How a game made in 2004 that runs on a dual core processor, 2gb of ram, and an ati 3850, looks better with all max settings than a game just released late 2011. Now don't get me wrong I love SWTOR, but how this game can require a quad core processor, 4gb of ram, and a 4850 is beyond me. If Blizzard can make a game run and look good on such low hardware, then with TOR"S requirements we should be getting better results and performance then we currently have.


blizzard makde a game wich looks good?


you mean wow? rofl...



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What I don't understand is how turning on AA makes the game run better.



Not sure on this but it seems it may take a load off the CPU and force the GPU to do it's job. I may be way off but it seemed that way in Beta when I forced AA. For now since live I have only used ingame gfx settings so we will see what happens when they add AA support.

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The purpose of my post was to say that being positive means nothing.


Without metrics, all discussion about "most" "majority" "minority" are just flapping of gums.


I don't make claims of being the majority or minority, as we have no metrics.


You are making absolute statements without backup data.


I am simply pointing out you are acting in bad form.


Way to not refute a single point.

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We will just have to agree to disagree then. I'm sorry I do not have metrics to satisfy you, but I am at the same time nonetheless positive that "most people" find WoW's art appealing.


Most of the ingame character art is WAY below subpar quality though. You can't honestly tell me that you think a character with a 4 polygon rectangle arm (exaggeration slightly, sue me) in WoW is somehow better than a character in SWTOR.


Does WoW look better with lower settings/work better on older rigs? Sure, there is NO denying that. But the game also came out 7 years ago (you can run it on PCs much MUCH older than that even).

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Most of the ingame character art is WAY below subpar quality though. You can't honestly tell me that you think a character with a 4 polygon rectangle arm (exaggeration slightly, sue me) in WoW is somehow better than a character in SWTOR.


Does WoW look better with lower settings/work better on older rigs? Sure, there is NO denying that. But the game also came out 7 years ago (you can run it on PCs much MUCH older than that even).


Personally, I think WoW on ultra looks better than SWTOR on ultra.


I hear that SWTOR on ultra is actually medium though, so that might be it.. hope they fix it.

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What's funny is WoW doesn't look bad at all anymore.



I don't know what the hell they did, but I remember it looking A LOT worse.


Yep, people just need to look at my screenshot comparisons that you linked in the second post on the first page, or on page 17.

Edited by escalantevincent
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You're saying that this:




looks better than this:








Please leave.


You do realize you only get to see those high quality pictures of your character in cutscenes right?


When you are actually playing the game the graphics are removed, and replaced with graphics that are about the same as WoW.

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Personally, I think WoW on ultra looks better than SWTOR on ultra.


I hear that SWTOR on ultra is actually medium though, so that might be it.. hope they fix it.


the dev's have already explained that ultra is for cutscenes only.


It was a trick to let them show off fancy graphics and claim they were "in game"

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Personally, I think WoW on ultra looks better than SWTOR on ultra.


I hear that SWTOR on ultra is actually medium though, so that might be it.. hope they fix it.


There is no "ultra" setting for TOR, or even "high" - confirmed by devs themselves.

The current "high" is something between medium and high until they can afford high-res textures for player models.

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