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Cross-realm PvP announced, BW just killed SW:tOR.


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I thought PVP'er want to be competitive.


I guess they just want to be big bullies on their own server and strut around.


I never understand why anyone in their right mind would be against cross server PVP.


It will bring more people into PVP and separate the men from the boys.


Too many care bear pvpers worried about the 'community' and they won't feel special on their server farm when they have to compete with other servers and people.


What community? There isn't any forums to pigeon hole you into a community. It's freedom.


Those guilds that rock on PVP will show it in cross server PVP.


Up for the challenge?

Edited by Grapenut
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The summary of this thread: "Oh noes I won't be able to make a name for myself to help increase my epeen size, I would rather have long queues instead so I can feel great from people I play with"


Seriously? Who gives a ****? Why do you need to have your epeen stroked? Getting to play more often instead of having long queues is a godsend for pvpers. The true pvpers dont care about their name they just care about killing people. Also if you do really well people will remember you anyway across multiple servers, so you can still get your epeen stroked.


Pvpers thrive on competition, if you are the best on your server then it gets boring. Cross-server WZs should stop this as you would have to be matched against players on your level more than you would be on your own server.


Like another poster said you guys will whine, complain, ***** and moan at just about anything.

Edited by Trivialed
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I don't understand how people are against this if you are playing empire. With the 50s only bracket that is coming very soon queues are almost ALWAYS going to be huttball. As it is right now out of 15 WZs I get 2 TOTAL in either alderaan or voidstar.



I am all for cross-realm queues, it does not ruin the community whatsoever.


i find it funny when ppl complain about getting Huttball all the time. Like it was not written on the wall Sith side would be way overpopulated. Right now you guys chose this with the side you picked, this was not some surprise. You guys are lucky that have some non faction specific warzones so you dont have queues that are super ridiculous.

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Seriously... Everyone ************ about X-Server killing the community we don't even have is ridiculous. I do not support X-Server, but I hate the lack of server forums even more. I'd rather have a community to kill rather than killing the notion of one... Edited by Laikacosmo
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guys no it doesnt ruin community .......there is no community right now.....no server forums etc. They might as well cross sever everything. Anyone that give me insta queues now i am for it. Hell, with no server forums its hard to keep track of the enemy side anyway.


All the 50 pvpers on my server know each other already. There is a community right now.

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I thought PVP'er want to be competitive.


I guess they just want to be big bullies on their own server and strut around.


I never understand why anyone in their right mind would be against cross server PVP.


It will bring more people into PVP and separate the men from the boys.


Too many care bear pvpers worried about the 'community' and they won't feel special on their server farm when they have to compete with other servers and people.


What community? There isn't any forums to pigeon hole you into a community. It's freedom.


Those guilds that rock on PVP will show it in cross server PVP.


Up for the challenge?


Ok compromise .....the guys who do not want cross server Warzones can pick option for queue for their specific server warzone or que for cross server.....then open it of for random flashpoint tool with same options....everyone wins and can play how they want to.

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Here's an idea.


Implement cross server PvP for all those lame PvE servers with long que times.


But leave the PvP servers alone.


Simply enough, you can choose whether you want community or speed. I choose my community. :)


A choice to join cross-server warzone or not, just like the up coming system allow player to choose warzone they want to join.


Once again loud minority highjack silent majority.


But they seriously need to get a server forum and WOW-like-Armory up.

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what if it was cross server, but the team you are on was all from your server. you could still recognize people on youre team. and depending on how large the battlegroups were you would eventually start to recognize people from the other teams who would also all be on the same server.
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Ok compromise .....the guys who do not want cross server Warzones can pick option for queue for their specific server warzone or que for cross server.....then open it of for random flashpoint tool with same options....everyone wins and can play how they want to.


How about this for a compromise:


X-Servers for PvE servers and NO Server Forums, because they obviously don't care enough about PvP, and who needs a server forum to tinker around with guilds of the same faction patting one another's backs?


Server Forums and NO X-Server for PvP servers, because community is important and populations are much healthier due to higher server constraints.

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This isn't an issue of competitiveness. It is an issue of holding people responsible for their conduct in PvP.


Cross server destroys that and creates an environment where PvP goes to hell in a bucket.


When the social pressure of having to see the same people in the space station you see in the WZ goes away, so does any level of civility in the WZ's.

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I'm fine with this, I'm on a pvp server, and world pvp hardly ever exists and warzones is 95% imp vs imp and it gets stupidly old. I've pvp'd in many MMO's in the past 15 some odd years and I've actually enjoyed cross realm pvp in WoW for a short time before I quit playing it, seeing new faces was the challenge, not facing the same dopehead over and over like we did in SWG every single night knowing exactly what he/she does usually resulting in the exact same outcome.


If BW does it right, it'll be pvp server vs pvp server (maybe even west coast vs west, east coast vs east), pve server vs pve server, that's how it worked in WoW.


I'm all for it as long as it increases the number of republics we get to fight.

Edited by Sookster
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I'm all for it as long as it increases the number of republics we get to fight.


Hate to say it, but if this is such a common problem on all servers, it will just create a larger pool of the same numbers and distribute thusly. I wouldn't reckon that big of a change, TBH...

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Ques are not lightning fast for everyone. I'm on one of med population servers, and I wait upwards of an hour sometimes. I que up and go do whole quest lines while I wait.



server merges would actually be cool. It's also hard to get into flashpoints, and meet people.


Most planets I go to have just me, and maybe 10 other people on it at a time.

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If BW does it right, it'll be pvp server vs pvp server (maybe even west coast vs west, east coast vs east), pve server vs pve server, that's how it worked in WoW.





thats not how it worked in wow. it was 10 toons from 10 different servers, against 10 toons from 10 different servers. a horrible idea that i hope they dont implement in swtor.

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At first, when reading this thread I thought:


This is a lot of drama over an offhand comment made by an employee, in a thread that was actually about underpopulation. It was made about a change that devs had discussed, that was nowhere near being ready for deployment, and had probably not actually been put through the stages of proofing and concept testing needed before development even started on it.


Then I pictured a haggard community director reading through this thread and calling in the person who made the comment, the conversation went something like this in my head...


*** Steve? Why would you mention something like that?


We have clear boundries for what gets discussed in open forums, we do not bring up features and changes until they are ready for deployment testing!


Who are the "devs" that "want this" Steve? Jim mentioned it as a possibility at the watercooler and you went and made it into a huge freaking public debate?


Do you know what kind of coding time it will take to deal with the matchmaking and instance sharing? Don't even get me started on the retarded DB copies of every character that have to be made in temp space because our third party engine is not using exclusive ID keys across servers...


Now we have people whining and quitting over a "feature" we don't even know if we can put in or would want to if we had the coder time to do it!


This game has been live a MONTH and you are discussing the end of lifecycle MMO maintenance strategies with the userbase?






Then I noticed who Steve was....

Senior Online Community Manager


Doh! HE's the guy behind the desk in my mind.

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Roflmao 'it destroys the community' the biggest/most common complaint in this forums is that you guys will find it tougher to get a reputation... so basically your all just crying because you will have to work a little bit harder for the size of your e-peen to be recognised.



Grow the hell up already, they add in rated BG's and you can just as easily get a reputation for good teamwork as a guild, without having to gank a hundred noobs over and over so they think that your operative is Mr. Cool

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Roflmao 'it destroys the community' the biggest/most common complaint in this forums is that you guys will find it tougher to get a reputation... so basically your all just crying because you will have to work a little bit harder for the size of your e-peen to be recognised.



Grow the hell up already, they add in rated BG's and you can just as easily get a reputation for good teamwork as a guild, without having to gank a hundred noobs over and over so they think that your operative is Mr. Cool


No it is we don't want ***** like you in our WZ's. Stay on your own dick server.

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You guys are a joke, go read through this thread, count how many posts actually manage to mention the community without also mentioning their own reputation.


Talking out of your arses cause you want people to fear you so you can get a little high from the ego boost, roflmao, bring on the x-server pvp.

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You guys are a joke, go read through this thread, count how many posts actually manage to mention the community without also mentioning their own reputation.


Talking out of your arses cause you want people to fear you so you can get a little high from the ego boost, roflmao, bring on the x-server pvp.



People like you are EXACTLY why we don't want cross-server WZ's.

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You mean people who are not egotistical maniacs and who play for the team and for the win? The healer at the back who isnt in the game to get his name noticed but to have fun and help the team score a victory?


Yea im the sort you wanna keep out alright, you got me nailed there.

Edited by Coord
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Lol. This x1000.

I'm taking my time and haven't hit 50 yet, but I do look forward to open world objectives and don't need a reason to do them. I'll be there trying to take points and kill people, not win trading for better phat lewt.


Some of my favorite pvp moments from that game that shall not be mentioned were before they brought about instanced pvp - flying to the enemy cities to instigate just for the fun of it.


It baffles me to hear all the people who like to condescend and look down on people who aren't "real pvpers" and then turn around and whine because they need better rewards as an incentive to pvp.


I agree too. Back in the Vanilla WoW days (for comparison) there were no Honor points or loot for killing toons out in the open. Whether you were out-leveled and no matter how hard the fight was when you prevailed, there were no rewards other than the victory of the win. Without the reward system, we still pvp'ed as often as we can and we do it so we can get better at it, not just for some tangible rewards. Now that was true pvp.

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