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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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I have also canceled my subscription. I dont care if some aspects of the game are fun, nothing justifies blatantly decieving your customer base by showing a product that they had no intent or capability to deliver. I hope this thread hits every gaming and sales site out there. Like I posted on page 70, this is a legitimate FTC complaint. Simply go to their site, fill out a five minute form, and let your unwillingness to accept this speak for itself.

Time to go submit my Amazon review!


Do you seriously believe that BW planned to release the game with dumbed down graphics when they started advertising? I highly doubt it. Nowhere have I read that they do not plan to put the settings back when they're fixed and tested. Patience is such a rarity these days.

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^This screenshot says it all i think.The armor is soooooo crisp in this screenshot.I mean,where is THIS game?That's not what i bought at all. :(


That is the quality we were promised right there. Crisp, high res textures and perfect AA. I doesn't matter if I can't run it on my laptop, I sure as hell would be able to on my desktop back home!

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I don't see how anyone who 'disagrees' with my point that TOR has an underwhelming level of character detail would be offended by my post, unless they interpret satire at Bioware's expense as a personal attack on themselves.


One doesn't need to be "offended" by it to have a negative reaction to it. I wasn't offended by it in the slightest, but it's pretty obvious that in a heated debate, a post like that is likely to incite anger and harsh words from the people on the other side of the discussion.


All that aside though, what makes an "underwhelming level of detail" is determined by what you were expecting in the first place, and what, due to your past gaming experiences, you are comparing it to. I suppose it all boils down to age, personal preference, and gaming experience. I find the levels of detail on the character models just fine. Many of the screenshots people are posting as "evidence" of BioWare's failure I find myself looking at and wondering what the poster's issue is with them.

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I actually feel a bit sorry for them but im angry at the fact i upgraded my pc and spent money on the game. They are getting battered off the community tonight whether fairly or not depending in your views.


All i have to say is all this controversy with fps and all the other stuff has left me uninterested in this game, so i wont be subbing any longer.


However id hate to have spent 7 years on something only for it to be ripped to bits, so i hope they sort it out in the future


I wont post anymore so GL with all who play this game


They chose to cut corners in development and rush it out the door in time for christmas sales, they have only themselves to blame, same goes for DA2.

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My post showing screenshots of three older games with more detailed character textures was removed. I'm reposting the screenshots again, without any commentary, since my original commentary was apparently intended to elicit "a negative or emotional reaction from other community members"


Lord of the Rings Online (2007) - http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/365/screenshot00240ob6.jpg


Everquest 2 (2004) - http://webguyunlimited.com/pixelperfectgaming/wp-content/gallery/everquest_ii_now_f2p_screenshots/everquest_2_f2p_dov_screenshot_04.jpg


Final Fantasy XI (2002) - http://www.ffxionline.com/forums/attachments/ffxi-screenshots/14d1043361314-1000-high-res-ffxi-pc-shots-snap412-555.jpg

Lol, "was apparently intended", huh? You know it was bro, own it. As if any of what you originally posted was supposed to contribute to legitimate, constructive discussion.


So which of us you going to report next? You only make it obvious who reported his post.

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That is the quality we were promised right there. Crisp, high res textures and perfect AA. I doesn't matter if I can't run it on my laptop, I sure as hell would be able to on my desktop back home!


Seems I am missing out a lot, running this game on a high end right with a nice 580GTX and it looks nothing like that.

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Smells like bad fish here. Smells like they aren't telling us something. I just don't believe this. There must be another reason for the games horrible performance.


sure . something smells from the release bad . the final client is horrible consider beta one.


it is like someone stolen the code and they can not implement again the good beta client.


thank god i have keep a screenshot with the settings in graphics from open beta weekends where all the textures are on high and you can see the fps on the right corner that are 71 . a number that i have never with the final client EVEN IN LOW SETTINGS !!!


read and see the picture for justice in this link : http://www.swtor-gr.com/content/official-high-resolution-textures-post-can-we-get-clarification-3


also in beta was the clip distance settings that have removed on the release client .... WHY BIOWARE ?

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Somehow I doubt there's going to be any solution. I don't believe they made a mistake by rushing the product to the market. They made mistake years ago by choosing wrong development toolkit and cutting corners. It is too late.


Unfortunately I suspect this is right. The issue is the engine.

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I'm fairly convinced that somewhere between the 'technical explanation' and the post made by Stephen Read a whole chunk of actuality must have been misinterperated or simply lost.


Make no mistake, I enjoy the game Bioware made. Sure it can rough around the edges, but as always with MMO's a little time will see it all put right, I have full faith in this being a game I will* stick to having ditched that other game finaly about a year ago. I like MMO's and since 1999 have played only 3 for a consistant amount of time - EQ, SWG & WoW. For me, personaly speaking, SW:ToR is* going to be my 4th consistant game. I've saved for a killer PC rig in order to be able to maximise the performance aspect of this game.


To be told now that the graphics we have are THE Hi rez graphics just has to be a mistake. Someone in Bioware is going to chime in soon and admit a factual mistake has taken place and that Hi Rez WILL be implemented ater a few other issues have been sorted out.


I am saddened to admit that if these are the graphics I am suppossed to be enjoying for the next 5 years or so then someone, somewhere is very much mistaken. Story is truly great. Gameplay will become better. The adventure will continue to expand. The UI will become more and more friendly. The amount of bugs will dissapate. Hell even the community will probably mature and be something worth being a part of. The graphics will simply deteriorate more and more in comparison as time goes by and newer games come onto the market.


Now I find myself beginning to look to the horizon once again for a game with all the potential and atmosphere here, but graphics worth being applied to a new triple A title. I'll stay here until such a thing happens, but sadly can see myself happily moving on.


Graphics DO NOT make a game - but they sure as hell help re-inforce the immersion.


Now *will = would of & *is = was. On a side note I think my bank manager will love me for leaving my new PC money where it is for awhile.

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So which of us you going to report next? You only make it obvious who reported his post.


Your logic is flawed. And, if I DID report it, what am I supposed to do now, cower and deny it? Like I care about you thinking I reported someone on a forum, lol. I didn't, for the record, but again - if you think I did, keep thinking it.

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My idea keeps getting buried under all this craziness!


What does everyone think about having just your player character in high resolution? It is the character we look at the most anyway and it would keep load down or whatever Bioware is afraid of.


Yes? No?


Should be easy to do, right?


Yes, this is a good compromise, your character and companion in high resolution, everything else in medium like it is now, other games have done this, Aion has an option to downgrade other characters graphics and keep yours high quality,

and Aion has way better graphics (principally the armor quality and design) than this game and they don't have any problems with performance ( i've played it for 2 years and unless in big forts attacks, never had any performance issues)


but i'm not sure if Bioware devs can or even know how to do that.

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I'm fairly convinced that somewhere between the 'technical explanation' and the post made by Stephen Read a whole chunk of actuality must have been misinterperated or simply lost.


Make no mistake, I enjoy the game Bioware made. Sure it can rough around the edges, but as always with MMO's a little time will see it all put right, I have full faith in this being a game I will* stick to having ditched that other game finaly about a year ago. I like MMO's and since 1999 have played only 3 for a consistant amount of time - EQ, SWG & WoW. For me, personaly speaking, SW:ToR is* going to be my 4th consistant game. I've saved for a killer PC rig in order to be able to maximise the performance aspect of this game.


To be told now that the graphics we have are THE Hi rez graphics just has to be a mistake. Someone in Bioware is going to chime in soon and admit a factual mistake has taken place and that Hi Rez WILL be implemented ater a few other issues have been sorted out.


I am saddened to admit that if these are the graphics I am suppossed to be enjoying for the next 5 years or so then someone, somewhere is very much mistaken. Story is truly great. Gameplay will become better. The adventure will continue to expand. The UI will become more and more friendly. The amount of bugs will dissapate. Hell even the community will probably mature and be something worth being a part of. The graphics will simply deteriorate more and more in comparison as time goes by and newer games come onto the market.


Now I find myself beginning to look to the horizon once again for a game with all the potential and atmosphere here, but graphics worth being applied to a new triple A title. I'll stay here until such a thing happens, but sadly can see myself happily moving on.


Graphics DO NOT make a game - but they sure as hell help re-inforce the immersion.


Now *will = would of & *is = was. On a side note I think my bank manager will love me for leaving my new PC money where it is for awhile.



I agree 100%...graphics dont make the game but it sure is a nicew down payment for enjoyment!!!!!!!

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Why be patient when we dont get the product that was advertised?


That principle applies to EVERYTHING in the business world.


So no. People have every damn right to be upset. People dont like being told and/or shown their product is something specific and getting something completely different and then are told by those same people that the choice was made FOR you BEFORE the game was even released and we had a chance to say no.

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Your logic is flawed. And, if I DID report it, what am I supposed to do now, cower and deny it? Like I care about you thinking I reported someone on a forum, lol. I didn't, for the record, but again - if you think I did, keep thinking it.


and what about your posts is bringing Constructive ideas to it?


none at all, all you did here was bashing people, not on the topic


just bashing peoples ideas

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Do you really believe "medium settings" were themselves a "bug" and were never supposed to be there for the entire time the game was in beta and through release? Do you honestly believe any of the condescending bullcrap Reid relayed to us, the paying customer, in his post? Edited by Trineda
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