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Complaining about endgame IS NOT justifiable.


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So he doesn't notice the stabbing, burning and screaming on his back?


Not to knock the mechanic itself, it's just a bit of an immersion breaker that the most powerful dragon in all of Azeroth doesn't notice a bunch of scrubs jumping on his back and stabbing him to death.


I guess if you knew the mechanic you couldn't make that assumption.


"The first stage occurs as players are flying on an airship, chasing down Deathwing while his Twilight's Hammer drake riders are swooping in to harry the pursuit. In the second stage, players paratroop commando-style onto Deathwing’s back and start ripping up his armor, trying to pry a hole big enough to give Thrall a clean shot with the Dragon Soul. During this phase, players are actually riding on Deathwing as he’s swooping around and trying to knock the players off with barrel rolls and such. Players will have to hang on at key points in the fight to avoid falling while also tangling with all kinds of monstrosities that are rising out of Deathwing’s corrupted magma blood. Once the players get enough of Deathwing’s armor off Thrall blasts Deathwing with the Dragon Soul and sends him crash-landing into the Maelstrom"

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I wouldn't want to tell you what to do... but maybe you were expecting too much out of this game.


yeah, how dare we want a fully featured MMO on release (features not content)> its not like any other game has done this,....apart from Rift....with a much lower budget.....who included innovation in their game mechanics......and decent graphics.....and made you know and MMO not a single player rpg with sub......and who have the best endgame in any current mmo.......


actually, nm, you arguement is rubbish.

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Point is this game is far too easy to reach endgame and gear up in epics. I'm already nearly in full Tier 2 PvP/PvE epics (yes, I did get a bit lucky but that is not the point). I have 3 crew skills maxed (which was way too easy to do, and are useless now that I have the re-usable consumables) and have gathered most of the datacrons already (which was very boring).


My guild has cleared EV on normal/hard(4/5) in the FIRST week of raiding (***??), the majority of the bosses are a complete joke, you'll see. Nightmare is just a gearcheck, there is nothing more difficult about the fights besides things hit harder and you need more dps.


So basically, I can log on and do my Ilum/Bel dailies for a minimal upgrade to my Ear/Implant. Once that is taken care of I have no reason to even do the dailies anymore that I can see. Besides doing dailies I can run some hardmode flashpoints, which I need nothing from anymore, or farm warzones to get valor rank 60 battle-master gear, which doesn't interest me too much.


Ya, I did play a lot, but I've also been playing since the start of early access. I work a full-time job and hang out with friends on the weekends so I'm not a total no-lifer but it's still sad how fast I finished this game.


So yes, complaining about endgame is justifiable in my opinion anyways.

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You also didnt hit endgame in Vanilla wow in only a week. They made leveling to fast and no content at the end of the road. How do you people not understand this?


You didn't hit endgame in vanilla so fast because they put in a ton of artificial barriers and insane amounts of unnecessary travel to timesink the hell out of everyone. Current MMO players aren't going to put up with that. Even Blizzard recognizes this. They don't do that anymore... or not nearly as much.


This game has more endgame content in it than most do at launch, and more is coming in the next patch, with 3 more raid bosses and a new flashpoint.


MMOs are in a constant state of development. WoW was being developed for years before it launched, and it has been in development ever since then. Roughly 10 years has been spent creating the content for that game. You can't expect ANY new game to come out of the gate with that much in it.


That's insane.

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there you go and still no PVP at all.



So SWTOR has launched with more End Game content then WoW. With a patch in the first month that will add EVEN MORE END GAME CONTENT



You could pvp in wow, but just like this game you get nothing in return.


It should also be noted that blizzard held off content patches such as diremaul, the battleground patch, zul'garrub even mauradon to fix bugs, upgrade their servers and address many of the issues the game had at launch.


What has bioware done to address the massive amount of bugs and issues?


oh that's right, push out an undoubtedly untested content patch.

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yeah, how dare we want a fully featured MMO on release (features not content)> its not like any other game has done this,....apart from Rift....with a much lower budget.....who included innovation in their game mechanics......and decent graphics.....and made you know and MMO not a single player rpg with sub......and who have the best endgame in any current mmo.......


actually, nm, you arguement is rubbish.


I see posts like this and I agree features shouldn't be lacking. But they never go into specifics. Of course it depends on the feature if they would actually be good for the game or not. Certain features are intentionally left out because they hurt MMOs.

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If you make a casual MMO with such an easy leveling curve you need to have end game content ready when 80% of the population gets to that point.


According to reports this was a 300Million project, I don't believe that at all. Given that kind of money the game should have been bigger than WOW at launch in everyway and not this WOW clone set up like DDO we got to play with.


There should be working end game content since you can make lvl 50 in a week with no problems. They failed to meet their promises like anything released since 2004.

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You could pvp in wow, but just like this game you get nothing in return.


What are you on about..? Some of the best gear in the game can be had in PvP.




I think some people just like to whine about stuff when they don't even know what they're talking about.

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You could pvp in wow, but just like this game you get nothing in return.


It should also be noted that blizzard held off content patches such as diremaul, the battleground patch, zul'garrub even mauradon to fix bugs, upgrade their servers and address many of the issues the game had at launch.


What has bioware done to address the massive amount of bugs and issues?


oh that's right, push out an undoubtedly untested content patch.


??? Ummm how do you figure you get nothing in return?


There is an entire PVP system in game with Gear, Ranks, Money and Xp for those under 50.


Not sure how that is nothing in return.


WoW you couldn't get any of those things until about 4 months in and even then Battlegrounds didn't come out until 6 or 7 months out.


Are you asking me what Bioware has done to fix bugs in the first 3 weeks of launch?


Do you mean aside from releasing a patch every week and a MAJOR patch coming in the next week or so?


I hope you are joking about that.


Lets look at WoWs post launch patching


1.1 came out on release day so really not a patch.


1.1.1 came out 10 days after launch fixed some bugs and some tweaking http://www.wowwiki.com/Patch_1.1.1 you could say thats on par with SWTOR first patch


1.1.2 came out Dec 6th almost 1 full month after launch and 3 weeks after the first patch




-Removed time zone tabs from realm list for U.S., all servers now appear in one list.


they really busted their humps on that one.


So right now SWTOR is in the lead with bug fixing patches


1.2.0 http://www.wowwiki.com/Patch_1.2.0 1 month and a week since launch


Added a new lower level 5 man. One that was supposed to be at launch but that's ok.



Yeah SWTOR has WoW beat on Content and patches so far.




Edited by jarjarloves
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If you make a casual MMO with such an easy leveling curve you need to have end game content ready when 80% of the population gets to that point.


According to reports this was a 300Million project, I don't believe that at all. Given that kind of money the game should have been bigger than WOW at launch in everyway and not this WOW clone set up like DDO we got to play with.


There should be working end game content since you can make lvl 50 in a week with no problems. They failed to meet their promises like anything released since 2004.


you do know that there is working end game content in the game right? Also there is probably more content in this game at launch there was in WoW at launch.

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2004 WoW is irrelevant in comparison to TOR. MMO players don't have the choice between purchasing 2004 WoW and 2012 TOR, they have the choice of 2012 WoW and 2012 TOR.


Really not that complicated.



Actually they have the choice of purchasing Tor or WoW. TBC, WOTLK, and Cata. Which before the almighty battle chest was 59.99, 39.99, 39.99 and 39.99


Which is 59.99 vs 179.96 (plus seven years of waiting for the content of said expansions)


I think I got my moneys worth with tor.

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Actually they have the choice of purchasing Tor or WoW. TBC, WOTLK, and Cata. Which before the almighty battle chest was 59.99, 39.99, 39.99 and 39.99


Which is 59.99 vs 179.96 (plus seven years of waiting for the content of said expansions)


I think I got my moneys worth with tor.


this post is WIN

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Maybe someone should point out there were 5 end game raids in WOW at release: Molten Core, Onyxia, Strat, Scholo, and UBRS. The difficulty on Molten Core was such that it took most groups 3+ months to clear.


Blizzard at least knew end game was important.


But I'm done complaining and after the 21st, won't be posting on these boards anymore.


Edit: Meant UBRS--not LBRS


LoL Strat Scholo and UBRS were not raids, they were just longer 5 man dungeons.



Blizzard BARELY got Molten Core and Onyxia in before launch, which are actual raids.

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Maybe someone should point out there were 5 end game raids in WOW at release: Molten Core, Onyxia, Strat, Scholo, and UBRS. The difficulty on Molten Core was such that it took most groups 3+ months to clear.


Blizzard at least knew end game was important.


But I'm done complaining and after the 21st, won't be posting on these boards anymore.


Edit: Meant UBRS--not LBRS


You are counting STRAT and Scholo and UBRS as end game raids, seriously?


WoW fanbois are a breed unto themselves, an inbreed that is.

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you do know that there is working end game content in the game right? Also there is probably more content in this game at launch there was in WoW at launch.


He probably read somewhere there isn't so now he's ranting on the forums. There is plenty of end game content in this game to keep you busy at 50.

Edited by Paralassa
rude, already hit for it today
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He probably read somewhere there isn't so now he's ranting on the forums. There is plenty of end game content in this game to keep you busy at 50.


exactly just the fact that you can redo all the flaspoints adds a lot to the content already. Granted it's not great but it is content and somethng to keep you busy for a bit. Then add in a PVP planet and 1 end game raid... wait is there 1 or 2 end game raids in the game already?

Edited by Paralassa
insult quote
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