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commando HAS to heal?


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I was dps specced but every group expected me to be the healer (I am level 21 now) so I changed over to medic. I would actually rather dps and off heal. Wish we could dual spec so I could just switch over if needed.

Someone said anyone that can heal, must heal.

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Commando's can heal out of spec at low level but as you get higher the content becomes challenging enough to warrent having a specced healer or not bother at all.


So no, from Alderan and beyond (maybe earlier) when groups look for a healer it will be a healer not a DPS that has a few heal skills.

Edited by Ramaos
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Oh and the guy that says anyone who can heal must heal is right.... only if you were invited to the group as a healer.


If you were invited as a DPS you don't have to heal, but if you can save the day and help a struggling healer out by chucking in a few heals, I'm sure you will earn some respect.

Edited by Ramaos
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No you don't have to heal, but there are many situations where it's handy to be a competent off-healer. I'm a full Gunnery DPS spec, and with the Tryant Sith Boss loving to choke our healer, its was very handy for my to pop in and through in my own heals on the tank which are pretty powerful despite not being spec into healing.


A DPSer's main roll is DPS, so the "everyone the can heal, must heal" doesn't fly. Just understand that a little off healing can be handy for some bosses. Just one or three heals can be the key between pass or fail

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The person who said, "Someone said anyone that can heal, must heal." is crazy. No one can dictate your play style. If you want to run as gunnery rather than medic, do it. Don't let some moron take something from you. I can guarantee so long as you bring the pain as a gunnery no one will have a problem with you running dps. The other thing, when joining a group, let them know up front that your dps, to avoid any confusion.


Dual spec may help but I can guarantee that it won't fix the problem, so long as you play a class that could conceivably spec into all three. (tank, dps, heals and yes I understand to tank you have to be vanguard) From my experience running a druid and paladin in WoW, there will always be some nimrod that will want you to run the spec you don't have. You can't please everyone.


I can guarantee, when the **** hits the fan, and the group is about to wipe, and you throw out the group save off heals, no one will be complaining anymore. ;)

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You should play the way YOU want to play.


That being said, Bounty Hunter Mercenary and Trooper Commando have the same spec trees (just with different names for the skills). During Beta there was a Merc who posted his findings on the Bounty Hunter forums. He advocated a Hybrid build and said that he had great success with it in both PvE and PvP. I put this together from memory so it might be a smidge off but not far.




This build is meant to stack Crit and Surge as your secondary’s. If you are DPSing you use Armor Piercing Cell and if you are Healing you use Combat Support Cell. Cell swapping in a fight isn’t recommended.


The first 17 points goes into Gunnery, The rest go into Combat Medic.



He also said that it depended on which cell he had active as to which of his numbers were higher. He said that if he was running a warzone with Combat Medic Cell active he would have 200k healing and 100k Damage / If he was running Armor Piercing Cell then the numbers were reversed and he would have 200k Damage and 100k Healing.


I know that at your current level that this doesn’t really help lol, but there is always tomorrow. Good Luck


P.S. He didn't advocate Alacrity because in his opinion it was a sure way to burn Ammo too fast.

Edited by Exartess
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You are very welcome.


Forgot to mention. If you are doing PvP you want to use Concussive Force 2/2 instead of Deadly Cannon 2/2 in the Gunnery Tree. So if you do a day of serious PvP you might want to respec for that.

Edited by Exartess
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Group quests will always be looking for a Heal or a Tank more so than DPS sinply because you have 2 DPS slots and only 1 of each of the others. Rolling as a DPS you must recognize that, and sometimes, you will see groups looking for heals, the sacrafice you make as rolling DPS is, sometimes you will miss out on those group quests if that content is too hard to heal as DPS spec. Just how it goes.
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Group quests will always be looking for a Heal or a Tank more so than DPS sinply because you have 2 DPS slots and only 1 of each of the others. Rolling as a DPS you must recognize that, and sometimes, you will see groups looking for heals, the sacrafice you make as rolling DPS is, sometimes you will miss out on those group quests if that content is too hard to heal as DPS spec. Just how it goes.


THat doesn't make any sense without more context. It doesn't matter what the group slot ratio is, what matters is how that ratio compares to the class distribution in the population. If 50% of your group slots are dps with 25% each heal and tank, but only 20% of your player population is DPS with 40% each heal and tank, then groups are going to be crying for DPS and turning heal/tank away.


My observations are that in practice, in this game, it's harder to fill a dps slot than a heal or tank slot.

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I ran some Coruscant heroics with Jedi Sentinels and Knights and I HAD to heal, for the sake of group survival. I guess it depends on what kind of group you're in. There just wasn't any other option. Heroics and flashpoints are set at non-casual difficulties (especially as the game progresses,) where healers, even tanks, become essential to any group. If there's no other healer, you HAVE to heal, unless you want to die.


Having played as Sith Sorcerer (or whatever the Consular equivalent is,) they are specced to be the most robust healers, I think. I don't ever mind throwing off some heals in emergency, but we were cutting it close with the "ammo" bar (Sith Sorcerer has virtually unlimited force, so you can heal as fast as you can cast your healing abilities.)

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Someone said anyone that can heal, must heal.


Impressive. No decent player has believed this since the end of Vanilla WoW. To be fair, it used to be this way. Those that healed generally *couldn't* fill other spots, thought they still tried, to everyone's detriment. With time, it became the norm that even healers could legitimately fill a variety of roles.


People generally say this because *they* don't want to heal, but by God you should, because you can.

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Someone said anyone that can heal, must heal.

Select better groups. What you were told is foolish. Play how YOU like. Your money, your time, you do YOUR thing. Anyone who tells you differently, you're better off not grouping with.

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I was dps specced but every group expected me to be the healer (I am level 21 now) so I changed over to medic. I would actually rather dps and off heal. Wish we could dual spec so I could just switch over if needed.

Someone said anyone that can heal, must heal.


Forget them. Play it how you want to play it. I rolled Commando myself. I use the heals ONLY if needed, other wise my ammo is for my use to do what I do best. Pure damage!

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I feel your pain. I'm playing with three friends, and I ended up "volunteering" for the medic role because I picked the only spec that could even pick up heals. I don't mind too much, but I keep looking at gunnery and drooling.


The thing I've noticed is that, even in Combat Medic, you can still put out some respectable damage numbers in times where the tank isn't taking much abuse. If the tank's at full when Supercharge is ready, crank some Charged Bolts into the boss. So long as no one dies, no one minds if you DPS too.

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I've always run into this problem with all the classes I've played. I played a DPS Warrior and Elemental Shaman in WoW. Everyone wanted me to heal on the Shaman, and everyone wanted me to tank on the Warrior. I've left guilds because they tried to force the spec on me.


You don't have to do anything that you don't want. If you don't want to play that role why should you. You're the one paying for the subscription. If someone wants you to respec to a different role tell them to pay for your subscription, and you'll be glad to.


I prefer to play as Gunnery, and throw off heals. I have no problem with stoping the pew pew to throw a heal out and help the healer. Basically, do what you're most effective at.

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The thing I've noticed is that, even in Combat Medic, you can still put out some respectable damage numbers in times where the tank isn't taking much abuse. If the tank's at full when Supercharge is ready, crank some Charged Bolts into the boss. So long as no one dies, no one minds if you DPS too.


This. Do what this guy does. You're incredibly ammo efficient with charged cells up so throwing out damage to help kill a boss before enrage timer hits is always useful. I see so many healers standing around at full resources when nobody is taking damage instead of doing something to help the group out. People full HP but low on ammo? HAMMERSHOT TIME. It does respectable damage and is better than twiddling your thumbs.

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