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The days of the legendary`s are gone


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Every generation complains about how easy the next generation has it. Jeez, if I wanted to go back to my gaming roots I could complain about how easy early MMO players had it compared to pinball machines or uprights, or even King's Quest and Leisure Suit Larry... blah blah blah...


Basically, it comes down to... I am better than you because I played [fill in old game title here] and it was sooooo much harder than you will ever know! Aren't I wonderful?


Ahhhh Leisure Suit Larry... Gabriel Knight... Phantasmagoria... Tex Murphy adventures... Monkey Island... Discworld...





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I may be mistaken as its been a very long time, but I seem to remember it taking a month to hit level 20 in the early days of EQ..


That sounds about right.


And that's why I quit after a week and a half. There's no sense of progression when you're using the same crappy rusty iron sword on day 15 that you picked up on day 2.

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You're all wrong. Hardcore is getting the crap kicked out of you in Despise after you farmed for hours getting a Vanquish weapon you've been wanting for months, then you get PKed and lose it, then they mutilate your corpse (literally), steal your house key, gate to your home, steal everything inside, and then dismantle your house by claiming the Deed as their own, and relocating to somewhere near their guild town, and they probably smelted down all your armor for guild ingots.


Oh, and then they "I wish to lock this down" on your decapitated head on their doorstep as a constant reminder of how bad you got your poo pushed in.


THAT is hardcore, and I'd give anything to have that in a modern MMO!




Then again, UO was skill based, not level based; which is quite frankly IMO the best type of playstyle.


Haha, good times.

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Back in my college days when i started playing EQ i was young and the free time to be "Hardcore". Now most of us vets are married, parents, full time workers and dont have 22 hours a day to play like we used to. We vets are the new casuals...you WoW kids will know the feeling soon enough.
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Casuals pay for hardcore players development. I don't understand your disdain for them. No casuals? No game. Goodbye.


Also wall of text.


This +1 ... and +10 on the wall of text part , the problem was not the english man , the problem was the wall of text.

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I... Need a standard to live by... ? H-huh? For... Video games? You're kidding me, right?


I'd rather accomplish my goals in real life and just have FUN in video games.


I walk the line between hardcore and casual and I'm fine with that. I don't give two craps what anyone else in video games are doing aside from my friends. I don't need ROLE MODELS. GOOD GOD.


What's wrong with people today!?


A majority of the current generation doesn't understand that "What I like might be wrong."

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Real old school MMO players don't care about gear...


because it got stripped off your corpse the minute you walked out of a town while not paying attention.


You didn't play for gear. What was gear? Stuff you crafted, maybe a small handful of nice gear that passed from hand to hand on a daily basis or sat in someone's house hiding behind a wall of furniture and empty chests.


Real old school MMO players played for the kill!


The nerd rage.


Knowing you pissed off that other player on the other end of the PC.


You gear hounds represent nothing of old school MMOers.

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Is there any old school mmo player left in the community?? Or do you guys not care anymore?? All i can see now is players who want thing handed to them on a silver platter. When was a challenging a bad thing?? What happened to the brain power needed to complete content?? Where is the satisfaction of actualy doing something??


The big question is that, is mmo veterans tired of these so called casuals that dont have time to do nothing in this game that wants the same as the guys that actualy do something for the reward they are getting?? The nr1 reason ppl want stuff in mmo`s more easy is that they dont have time to do stuff. But why do you play a game that take hundreds of hours to just get to the endgame content if u dont have time for anthing??


BW like many other companies that makes mmo`s dont have any choice when it comes down to pleasing the casuals, cause the casuals are the majority in these games, but as a casual do you realy have the knowledge to decide whats good for the game or not based on your personal time and xp in the game?? If u where to hire someone for a job, wouldnt u rather go with the semi-pro gamer that clocks in hard time and lots of general xp in the genre from HC content and high up world bracket pvp?? I can imagine as a dev to see stuff like this going into the game against the devs will is just hearth breaking and sad. They know they are going against the morals they have sat but they have no choice if the game they love so much will survive. Mmo players today needs to know when to NOT talk based on personal gain. Macros,addon,dual spec and LFG is all nice to have in some situations, but in general they wont make u a better player. The more help u get to do something the less xp u will get out of it. So by getting new tools all the time and nerfs cause u dont have time to wrap your head around a problem is more damaging to you than it is actualy helping u in the long run. If u are aware of this then u are just lazy. Do something to earn it, dont sit back and get everything served on a silver platter. If u cant get that high end raiding gear cause u dont have time, well then either do something else or get the time u need to make that gear yours. Dont ask for a game that will do everything for you cause u cant go around in life doing nothing to get somewhere. The perfect MMO recipe is World of warcraft: The Burning crusade, no matter how little u guys like that. That was the peak of the genre, that was helping to grow good player more than anything we have seen before or later. But now, u dont need to do anything to get something. The days of the legendary`s are gone,and the dawn of the white gear casual is upon us. The day that EPIC actualy was a satisfying word is LONG gone, and we all know MMO`S will never be the same again....



Ps: Sorry for bad english ppl. Did not proof read it either,so sorry for that also.


I dont see a problem?

Dont like it then play another game?

There are hardcore mmo's why dont you play them instead?


And you mention WoW and hardcore in the same post


You dont know nothing about hardcore mmos

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You always need a standard to live by, whats the problem to try and live up to someone?? U always try to be the best u can possibly be dont u?? or do you rather want to watch the first place the rest of your life from the sofa? rather than going out there and be nr1 yourself?? Its always good to have rolemodels in your life, without good players u wont have anything to strive for.


When I play a game I strive for fun, if you need a role model for that then there's something wrong you.


I dont go taking acting classes because the guy in the movie is so cool either, its entertainment.

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Actually this isnt about casual or hardcores or anything.


But it all boils down to that alot of new MMO players do have a severe form of entitlement issues.


Basicly no class/specc /player should be able to stick out instead every player should get the same rewards in the same timeframe without any effort at all involved.

Which basicly removes the epics .


Just basicly check how spoiled alot of players are these days when demanding new gear for minimum effort in MMO's

That is a big reason why no legendary is implemented in games these days .


because basicly alot of players would complain and cry that it wasnt fair

Edited by Varghjerta
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Casual checking in. I don't want things handed to me either. :D


An interesting parallel I've noticed there are other forms of entertainment which are suffering a "nu hardcore" phenomenon. Not long ago on mtbr this exact conversation was going on about mountain biking. Seems being unemployed and having lots of free time was a big factor of how 'gnar' one's riding was.

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I dont see a problem?

Dont like it then play another game?

There are hardcore mmo's why dont you play them instead?


And you mention WoW and hardcore in the same post


You dont know nothing about hardcore mmos


If it isn't geared towards the Asian market it ain't hardcore! Nothing quite like an 18 hour boss fight!

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*shrug* I actually haven't seen any topics about people wanting everything (give or take a few demanding violet sabers... )


I agree that obviously some stuff should be hard to work for... I remember 'some' game I played eventually decided to go f2p (ok ok lawsuit. bla bla bla whatever) and added mounts and all that to their shop. ok, nothing game breaking, obviously... but of course those mounts were the most bad-*** looking onces and had a better speed boost aswell. way to go, t*****e :( I felt cheated, because I was quite the 'mount collector' and litereally was trying to get them all (I think before the f2p switch I was missing all but 2 mounts from festivals, but had all mounts from the different factions... )


anyway.. long story short there should always be stuff around only to show off, while I agree that it's not so much a 'look everyone, I got this', at least to me it's something I personally want to show I was able to get ;)




edit: speaking of 'hardcore'... the most 'hardcore' game I ever played at least in my opinion was FFXI actually.. not because it was 'super hard' or anything, or only the elite played it..


but whoa random weird scenarios! and I'm sure you've all heard about that insane boss back then ;) or the absolutely hilariously epic crafting system (uh sorry I can't go out clubbing with you tonight, I need to log into game because the moon is right for me to craft some new crystals ....)


Final fantasy XI was the first MMO i played and loved it! Aion was another MMO i played which i loved while it lasted and you better believe you had to work for what you got, the elation of finally getting your miragins set w/ weapon so good. Or downing zapeil and jesuchi and getting that extendable mace....mmmm good times.


This game while im enjoying myself on a much different lvl than those game, i do feel i am just handed gear, over and over. Try grinding theobomos, which took us 7 hours to complete the first time through, over and over for that damn extendable Greatsword to drop.


For me the grind, while tedious at some points and frustrating, forged friendships out of pugs and guilds and with everyone on my server. Now that is what I consider fun, some dont, and thats cool. Thats just me.

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Um. Not really. I would hazard to say most Casuals don't even know what the competitive players are doing let lone care about them or what to be like them. If they want to be as good as the hardcore players they would stop being casuals.


Yeah I am casual, people who think they have achieved something in life by playing video games need to have a long look in the mirror.


I couldn't care less what "hardcore" people are doing nor do I follow anyones example, I play games to have fun, I know it's a strange concept to some, having fun, but there it is.

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Look at it this way: SWTOR is modeled after a very successful single-player game. In that game, everyone could progress to the end; they could acquire the best gear.


For me, a character isn't finished until his story is done and he has BIS gear in every slot.


I've never understood the logic of designed a game so that only a small percentage could reach that point. Virtually every MMO I've ever quit was for this design flaw.

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I just can't buy into your "Good old days are long gone" post. This game, as any other, can be as easy or hard as you make it. What is enjoyable has nothing to do with what is hard or easy. It has to do with what is practical.


What do you find enjoyable? Everquest? Sitting forever while you waited for mana regen and spending hours at a time camping one spot for that rare no drop ring for an extra 2% clicky haste? Would you prefer having to set aside an 8 hour time block for a Plane of Hate raid then praying some other guild honored your time because it wasn't instanced?

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Casuals pay for hardcore players development. I don't understand your disdain for them. No casuals? No game. Goodbye.


Also wall of text.


LOL im a casual and its actually the reverse. the hardcore base keeps the game afloat while we routinely unsub and resub in a 30 to 45 day cycle while the hardcore (if they have challenging raid content and in dpeth content such as single group content, Epic class weapon quests , guild content such as halls. features to earn to put in them) Will stay subbed for 12 to 18 months. Casuals do not pay the bills in the long haul lets just make that perfectly clear. i subbed for 9 motnth to 12 in EQ2 when i had a hardcore playstyle . since then i have ghad 2 more kids more hours on job. and my sub cycles bounce form MMO to MMO in a 30 to 60 day cycle. I am not saying all casuals sub like this but id say the majority do. Its not because game mechanics are to hard its because i burn through all the lvls and single group content in about 45 days. all on a casual playstyle.We dont pay bills we vaction.

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