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Class's that need nerfing


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can i ask you guys to think in advance classes instead of the basic ones since theres loads off difrence between a commando and a vanguard. i would also like to point out the commando can only do anything standing still XD Edited by linksxdx
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Just going to laugh at the assassins being underpowered comment, Obviously someone here doesn't no how to specc so he can tank and dps in pvp. I'm always top 3 in pvp as my tanksin. with second or third highest DPS and the highest Protections points in the game.
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Just going to laugh at the assassins being underpowered comment, Obviously someone here doesn't no how to specc so he can tank and dps in pvp. I'm always top 3 in pvp as my tanksin. with second or third highest DPS and the highest Protections points in the game.


First, you don't know what your dps is. If you spam force in balance and breach in combat technique, then you're throwing out AE damage, but it means next to nothing if it doesn't kill someone or stop them from capturing an objective. Your overall damage doesn't mean you have high dps. You can get a high damage by spamming low damage AEs and spreading dots around and by surviving to pad your damage. You're probably not killing anyone though, so who cares?

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can i ask you guys to think in advance classes instead of the basic ones since theres loads off difrence between a commando and a vanguard. i would also like to point out the commando can only do anything standing still XD


A commando can do more dmg than a sorc can whilst on the run. Grav round and full auto are the only two skills that would require standing still in their OP spec. They have quite a lot of instant casts

Edited by Avindra
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lets see

explosive round 3 ammo and onyl 1k dmage with at level 50 <---- expensive but dose allow you to move ill give you that


plama adn sticky grenade weak aoe attack for 2 ammo allows you to move but almost no damage so not mucth help


hammer shot basic attack


stock strike something a commando would only use if there were in ammzingly bad trouble


now attacks we gotta stay still to use (from a gunnery point of view )


full auto 1.8k if were lucky grav round 1.25-1.75 k morter strike charged bolts hail of bolts

pulse cannon

but yea i guess you are right there cos it all depend on what spec u are im gunnery so moveing ruins my dps amount adn i think assault can be used while moveing but im not sure myour goann have tio ask another commando that

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lets see

explosive round 3 ammo and onyl 1k dmage with at level 50 <---- expensive but dose allow you to move ill give you that


plama adn sticky grenade weak aoe attack for 2 ammo allows you to move but almost no damage so not mucth help


hammer shot basic attack


stock strike something a commando would only use if there were in ammzingly bad trouble


now attacks we gotta stay still to use (from a gunnery point of view )


full auto 1.8k if were lucky grav round 1.25-1.75 k morter strike charged bolts hail of bolts

pulse cannon

but yea i guess you are right there cos it all depend on what spec u are im gunnery so moveing ruins my dps amount adn i think assault can be used while moveing but im not sure myour goann have tio ask another commando that


Odd that your demolition round hits for so little, my 50 BH heatseeker missiles hit for almost 3 times that. Grav round has hit me for about 3k and im in champ gear. I assume you have about 70% surge rating in a WZ, Im a little over 70% on my BH.


Sorcs only have a crappy instant cast dot, a small instant cast shock and if they spec into it a second instant cast dot.

Edited by Avindra
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Honestly, interrupting a commando isn't even that big of a deal unless they are bad.


When I get interrupted what do I do? Do slightly less damage for a moment and hit charged bolts (unless I'm focusing a tank, then it actually accomplished something by making me switch to attacks that hit their shield) OR I just hit full auto if it's up. Both potentially hit just as hard or harder than Grav round, depending on the debuffs on the target.


The spec is completely stupid. If someone half competent is using it, it's ridiculous. I hope it gets nerfed or they buff assault so I don't feel compelled to play this braindead spec.


Gunnery gets:


Huge turret damage/burst

10 seconds shaved off knockback CD (15 sec cd with set bonus)

Knockback added to Stockstrike (6 sec cd)

Small heal on ammo recharge (if you take it, it's really small).

A proc to make my full auto hit 30% harder, when I get this proc I sticky+full auto a sorc and a lot of times I can drop them in the duration of full auto. It can crit for upwards of 2.5k (a tick) without juicing the damage with buff stacking.


Assault gets:


Big damage on assault plastique (upgrade to sticky grenade) but it loses it's aoe component and it still has a 15 second cd

Shorter CD on all defensive cd's when getting hit. This one is actually really useful, makes your CD's available almost every skirmish.

25 second CD on knockback (25 with set bonus)

No knockback on stockstrike

No pushback resistance on any castable damaging ability.


There's just no reason to spec Assault at the moment except for flavor. You don't need to play that smart to get kills with Gunnery, I regularly facetank marauders/assassins and win. Just kinda silly I can do that.


50 Commando - Atreus - Hyperspace Cannon (PVE West Coast)

Because there's more to PVP than open world PVP.


End Quote


The above came from an honest commando that isnt trying to deny the fact that this class is easy mode.

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A commando can do more dmg than a sorc can whilst on the run. Grav round and full auto are the only two skills that would require standing still in their OP spec. They have quite a lot of instant casts


I completely agree. You realize just how either stupid or lazy some commandos are when you cast interrupt and they run around for a few seconds and then restart grav rounds. Grav round should probably get a nerf before they nerf sorc/sage. Of course that means tracer missile will have to at least get a cool down or something as well. Scoundrels/Operatives maybe last on the list for priority nerfs.


One point I would mention other than nerfs are buffs for Juggs/Guardians. A heavy armor tank class that cannot self heal and spam ranged 3-4k crits like BH or Commando. Bring Juggs up to par.

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So far i understand the game has a little bit of scissor<>stone but needs some tuning


Take for example the powertech, hes is the tank killer with his elemental dmg.

The sc/op is the light armor killer and does also dmg to higher armor

Tha assassin/shadow is with his light sabers a threat but get problems with defence classes, but as a tank still dish out good dps

The sorc/sage can penetrate with its dmg every defence armor and is tank like with its bubble and absorbs every kind of dmg type, but can be taken out without due to light armor.

The Trooper/BH can penetrate every type of armor, can heal, is a tank and has high dps but struggles in close combat.


Whats funny about this is you don't mention a single jedi knight sith warrior advanced class. I also note nobody ever says NERF MARAUDERS AND SENTINELS ASAP! Why? Because our single target DPS is pathetic compared to op/scoundrel/BH/Commando/Gunslinger/Sniper we're probably out DPS by Shadow/Assassin too. Nerf all you want but Marauders and Sents need a BOOST.

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So you want all classes nerfed, I assume all these classes have killed you in BG?..


JK NOT OP, its a tank its meant to be hard to kill, But we do no dps in Tank spec. I can kill BH no worries at all because they will invariably stick close to me which is their biggest mistake, because I learned how to use interrupts (I suggest you try them too)...


If every class was exactly point for point equal, thne there would be no point playing one class over another, cos no matter what, your playing the same class.

Learn the meaning of diversity mate, if you have trouble with one class, its designed that way. Learn how to counter them an you'll have more fun.


Case in point, Sage/healers as a Tank I cant kill them, so do I either

A. complain about them an demand they be nerfed??

B. Do I learn how to fight them by asking others how they do it, an try things out myself?


I choose B naturally, an by using interrupts, I killed my first Healer. When normally fights between a tank an a healer can go on for 5-10 mins sometimes. Because we cancel each other out.

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To sum it up : please nerf all classes except the one I play.


Others have OP classes, but mine is fair, I'm just that good.


Actually I play BH Merc Arsenal build and it needs to be looked at. Its just too easy to kill someone its funny, dont get me wrong I love the fact people go down so fast but no one should be able to drop players this fast.


Do any other classes get to spam a skill that makes themselves harder to kill and the person theyre spamming easier to kill whilst already having great defense ?


Interupt me, not even an issue, I'll just swap to my other instant cast skills that do 20-30% more dmg on you since I've already spammed you with the same skill that boosts those skills.


Most people say LoS them ! hahahaha so funny that most say to counter a classes dps you have to get out of the way. Isnt that the same with everyones class ? Just when your IN my way I will burst you down faster than the others .

Edited by Avindra
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This whole thread is ridiculous. All classes, if they have equivalent gear, are equally viable in PvP. The weakest classes are the full tank classes, but they are already annoyingly hard to kill and are getting some minor buffs. I play a dps sorc as my main, and I usually do pretty well in PvP, but if I get focused (like I should since I am squishy dps) then I die very quickly.


I find that the majority of people who complain about PvP balance have no idea how to play their class. With my character (Varak on Begeren Colony server) I have met both Imperial players and Republic players of all classes and specialties that do well in PvP. I am currently at valor level 53 with a full set of champion gear. Even with cloth armor the highest damage I have ever been hit for was by an Operative for 5600 dmg (I almost pooped myself). People saying that they have been single hit for 8k damage are full of crap.


The key to successful PvP in SWTOR is your DPS focusing damage and keeping people off your healers; I imagine that most of those complaining are level 30s trying to 1 v 1 instead of sticking with the team and focusing on objectives. Healers-if the other team isn't focusing DPS-can easily keep all people within range alive (Eve, I'm looking at you).


How about before complaining you: 1) Learn your class mechanics and skill rotation, 2) Realize that level 50s are about to go into a separate bracket, 3) Use the rock/paper/scissors class mechanics to your advantage.

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ops yes,nerf hammer needed tenfold, JKS not really, your only getting hit for 8k because theyre in battle master and your not. bounty hunters are easy if you take the time to interupt the missle spam., sorcs are squishy, sounds like you play an assassin/shadow, their burst is extremely high, but your right it makes no sense to nerf them if theyre not nerfing ops, the highest burst in game.
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L2P I play a 40 shadow and we're just fine. The only class that seems to be a real tough fight is juggernauts but rogues always have trouble with tanks. I dont think any class in this game is OP.


However I hope that the nerf is not true a nerf would make shadows/sins underpowered. Yea if an IA/Op gets the jump on you you're in trouble but if you get the jump on them theyre dead so I really don't see the problem.


As far as BH healers go just interrupt their heals with your interrupt and your ccs and you have a dead bounty hunter.


You can't come in and say nerf every class but mine and expect ppl to listen to you. Your losing because YOU are underpowered not your class sorry.

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i mean what was bioware thinking giving a class the ability to be DPS heal tank.


Without reading the rest of your post or the next 30 pages in this thread.




PS. Inquisitor/Sage can also fill all 3 roles.

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snipers are fine they are pretty squishy they may hit hard but they are ranged.


snipers sucks ballz...they are useless and free kills for sins/shadow and breakfast for the rest

broken class,broken mechanism a class that u need to stick in cover is fail for pvp.

This class need a boost and a majr fix asap

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no classes need nurfing, but with the fact these days the young lads are so used to having everything given to them, they dont know any other way than to demand nerfs. None wants to learn hows to play their class. There are only 4 classes an everyone wants everyone els's nerfed but not theirs.. It's comical.
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