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Class's that need nerfing


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ok this is getting rediculous here are some class's that need nerfing



[troopers and bounty hunters]


these 2 class's need seriously looking at not only can they do stupid amounts of damage but they are stupidly hard to put down and to top it off they can heal themselves as well and have armor pen i mean what was bioware thinking giving a class the ability to be DPS heal tank.


bounty hunters rocket spam needs a nerf also.




[sith warriors and jedi knights]


ok again DPS sheild tanks ive seen these do stupidly high damage and you cant even scratch them. whats with the 8k aoe spam thats another ability that needs a nerf



[Operatives and scoundrels]


if your not getting knocked to the ground and back stab pwned in 2 seconds or less your getting perminantly stun locked until death.crazy damage that needs nerfing




and what i cant understand out of all those OP and unbalance class's is why assasins and shadows are getting nerfed the underpowerd class ? are you for real ? all those OP unbalanced class's and the one thats underpowerd get the shaft ?


full dps assasins are squishy as hell and die stupidly fast they have no defense's no heals no sheilds and are melee. you have to stealth for that 6 seconds of force regen buff when exiting stealth to get a good amount of dps off before you get face rolled. then we have to spam all our cd's to stay alive if we dont die before useing them that is. even fully pvp geared 50 assasins/shadows get face rolled.



all i ever see in warzones are trooper/bounty hunters scoundrels/operatives and now i know why im beggining to see alot more jedi knights and sith warrios now also it seems consulars and inquisitors are toning down because they are lacking.



people neeed to get facts straight i cant understand why underpowerd class's get nerfed and OP class's stay how they are or get buffed i could never understand why this happens lol but its silly

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Im In agreement on the trooper, bounty hunter, and operative classes. That backstab move has got to come down a bit. A level 27 beat me with it dealing 1200 damage per stab.


Trooper is probably the most overpowered class in the game. My friend is a 38 Trooper (Im a 50 Slinger) and he out damages me by 30% 7 out of 10 times. Id figure theyd have less damage than the smuggler because the trooper wears Heavy. But what do I know?

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Im In agreement on the trooper, bounty hunter, and operative classes. That backstab move has got to come down a bit. A level 27 beat me with it dealing 1200 damage per stab.


backstab has a 9 second CD on it, so clearly you weren't doing anything to him if he only used backstab. And at lvl 27 an operative doesnt even have his big hitting opener yet, just 3 knife skills, backstab(9 sec CD), shiv(6 sec CD, grants tactical advatage), and Lacerate(uses and consumes TA, requires concealment spec).


So either you were low on HP to die to a low level operative or you where afk for half the fight.

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I support this thread.


I come spent years playing pong because it had the best class balance of all time. Apart from those damn lefties having the advantage when playing on the left hand side of the screen.

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You just listed every class in game mate! Are you sure you grasp the notion of Advanced Classes? I people would spend 5 min. to THINK about what they post before making a fool of themselves on public forums.



some of the abilitys need looking at yes but i wasnt pleased to hear about assasins/shadows getting a nerf when they are underpowerd as it is.

Edited by Meluna
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[sith warriors and jedi knights]


ok again DPS sheild tanks ive seen these do stupidly high damage and you cant even scratch them. whats with the 8k aoe spam thats another ability that needs a nerf




Yea that ability is in the DPS tree, just because Jugg's have a tanking tree, doesn't mean we have to be a tank.


If you ignore the DPS tree's you can't do that 8K AOE and to get the full benefit you need to spend enough points outside the tank tree to lose a few other abils.


Not to mention shields don't work properly by all accounts.


The notion that Jugg/Guardian is a tank and shouldn't damage is false.

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Yea that ability is in the DPS tree, just because Jugg's have a tanking tree, doesn't mean we have to be a tank.


If you ignore the DPS tree's you can't do that 8K AOE and to get the full benefit you need to spend enough points outside the tank tree to lose a few other abils.


Not to mention shields don't work properly by all accounts.


The notion that Jugg/Guardian is a tank and shouldn't damage is false.


Actually there's something fishy about a heavy armored, invincible tank dealing 6k in AoE dmg when I, a sage, dressed in light armor, can deal only as much as 3.5k on an AoE skill... ;)




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Troopers/BHs can excel in two of following areas:







I can understand it's confusing for some that one trooper laughs at their feeble damage, another trooper obliterates them with devastating ranged attacks, and another trooper can heal and heal and heal...

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bounty hunters rocket spam needs a nerf also.



Lol, that's all the Arsenal BH have. AND THEY HAVE TO STAND STILL TO DO IT! And if you read the BH forums .. they are all sick and tired of mashing Tracer Missile, Heat Seaker Missile and Rail Shot.


I pvp as a Pyro Merc and I never spam missiles. And no I am not level 50. And yes I can come out with the most damage and kills quite easily. Its about deciding what fight to pick and how / where to pick said fight.


Learn to play.

Edited by LordTyrantXerxis
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Outside the BH/trooper tracer/grav spam, they're OK, can dish out plenty of damage but that one spammable attack is just an IWIN, same as voltaic/clairvoyant spam from assassin/shadow while sitting in that tanking stance getting heals back. The one particular "powerful" AOE is jugg/guardian's only best attack, yeah take it away and what's left for them? :rolleyes:


Operative/scounderals I think will be first on the list for some nerfs.

Edited by Sookster
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The operative/scoundrel burst needs a nerf for sure. My guy has around 210 expertise and a lvl 43 OP took me from 90% to dead in that 1 knockdown stun. (my cc break was on CD) or if you want to keep the damage, then make my guy stand up quicker, but being stuck face first on the ground for what 4-6 secs? while taking huge crits from a lowbie is ridiculous.


The lvl 50 geared ops isn't even funny, i don't know if ALL of them have stims on or they just all hit like trucks but i just accept they kill me if i dont have a pocket healer or guard on me.



As for the jugs/guardian AoE dmg ability. i will reserve judgement on them, because some don't seem to hit as hard as others, so that may just be a pure gear difference between me and the full battlemaster juggs out there. But sometimes they seem ridiculous too as i see them shrugging off 3 guys on them as they destroy 1 guys health in seconds.

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Actually there's something fishy about a heavy armored, invincible tank dealing 6k in AoE dmg when I, a sage, dressed in light armor, can deal only as much as 3.5k on an AoE skill... ;)





Yea and you'd be right if I was dealing 6k AoE and invincible. Since I don't have the full DPS abils or biochem I've never hit 6k, my top hit is around 5k on a guy with 0 expertise. I bring that on myself because I prefer a little more survivability for objectives in WZ's. My usual top hit on 50 chars who are well armoured with Smash is around 2200, maybe 3 - 3.5k against a light armoured target and that's including the use of my relic.


Trust me, if someone takes the full DPS, they are not invincible and if they seem that way, they probably just out gear you or are buff stacking.


Surely as a sage someone should be watching your back? If you get singled out and piled then that's not really a problem with the game. I'll always drop a shield on one of my teams sourc's during the match because they are squishy, but if you keep them alive your chances of winning are way higher.


If more people were on a level playing field with the biochem buffs, I think half of these problems would disappear, most are too quick to pin the blame on the class they're fighting rather than what that class is using.



*Edit* Just read this through, if I sound condescending I really don't mean to :p but on my server I do know of a few jugg's who are exceptionally good but that doesn't mean the class is dodgy. In most cases these guys would probably be as good with any other class.

Edited by JohraTon
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So far i understand the game has a little bit of scissor<>stone but needs some tuning


Take for example the powertech, hes is the tank killer with his elemental dmg.

The sc/op is the light armor killer and does also dmg to higher armor

Tha assassin/shadow is with his light sabers a threat but get problems with defence classes, but as a tank still dish out good dps

The sorc/sage can penetrate with its dmg every defence armor and is tank like with its bubble and absorbs every kind of dmg type, but can be taken out without due to light armor.

The Trooper/BH can penetrate every type of armor, can heal, is a tank and has high dps but struggles in close combat.

Edited by BobaFurz
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So far i understand the game has a little bit of scissor<>stone


Take for example the powertech, hes is the tank killer with his elemental dmg.

The sc/op is the light armor killer and does also dmg to higher armor

Tha assassin/shadow is with his light sabers a threat but get problems with defence classes

The sorc/sage can penetrate with its dmg every defence armor and is tank like with its bubble and absorbs every kind of dmg type, but can be taken out without due to light armor.

The Trooper/BH can penetrate every type of armor, can heal, is a tank and has high dps but struggles in close combat.


What are the gunslingers/snipers then? Spoon? :rolleyes:

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Another rage thread for a so clearly l2p issue. Might aswell buf everyone to do the same damage, have the same health and give everyone 1 healing spell and 1 absorbing ability. That would make it all fair but where would the fun and challange be?


Clearly a l2p issue and it will probably solve itself for you some day

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