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So... Marauders Die Fast


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So why are we so damn squishy? I swear I have better survivability on my assassin than my marauder. Anyone else notice this? I've tried all 3 specs, and none seem to work out when it comes to taking on a few mobs. That's why I've been leveling a jug and I haven't died once. Leveling as a marauder is a nightmare solo. Anyone else agree? Edited by SensusSW
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easypart would be to just say l2p, but than again who am i to judge.


i just don't get why ppl think this is a hard class to play? is it cuz you cant smash your head on the keyboard and win?


tell you one thing; keep your gear up to par on you and your companion, find a rotation that works on killing mobs fast, kite elites/bosses let your dps comp finish them if your having problems, choose a spec that you like to play with, read tooltips of abilitys and tips on the forums.


read kibaken's guide and see if that don't change your perspective:




try harder :)


EDIT: posted wrong link, sorry!

Edited by zoranporan
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Hi here are a couple of suggestions you can use while leveling to improve your survivabiltiy.


- Annihilation spec. it is the strongest tree while leveling it advantages are:

1) DPS spec. meaning the longer the fight the more damage over time you can dash out with your bleed effects

2) sustainability, the heals you get from bleed effects allows you to stand your ground vs stronger enemies and reduces downtime when leveling.

3) This are the disadvantages of other trees. Carnage tree is a big burst then you need wait for the cooldowns leaving you at a disadvantage on fights vs 2 strongs or elites. Rage takes a lot to set up so leveling with rage is inefficient.


- Skill rotation this is pretty straight forward. On a single target (IE strongs and up) Force Charge -> Deadly Saber mid air -> Battering Assault -> Rupture -> Ravage -> Force Choke while waiting for your Deadly Saber/Rupture/Ravage to cooldown. Force Choke really helps out when fighting vs elites and champions because you'll be at a disadvantage if you just bash your normal attack taking unnecessary damage. Remember to use Cloak of Pain, Saber Ward, and Obfuscate a lot and if possible practice using them at the right moments.


- Gear, while leveling consider using more defensive enchantments like Intuition Enchantments instead of more offensive enchantments that give less endurance. I found that having a few extra hundred HP can make the difference between winning or losing vs an elite that is the same level as you. If you do not have access to such enchantments I suggest you to join a guild that has the ability to craft you some.


- Companions, everybody says use Quinn. I say use Vette, I love my Vette and I'm doing fine with her. Changing companion is probably the easiest change you can make but it is my least favorite.



PS, yeah I was talking on vent with my buddies about how it seems that Sith Assassins have more survivability due to the dodge and parry rate and vanish capability. This changes at level 50 once everybody has 110% hit rate.

PSS sorry if my reply was sloppy I just woke up

Edited by ChaeTakbae
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i just don't get why ppl think this is a hard class to play?


I'm amazed also.


I agree, keep yourself and your companion geared up WITH THE RIGHT STATS and you'll faceroll through stuff.


If you have a group of mobs, ALWAYS take out the weak ones first..... the less incoming damage the better.

Edited by Thundergulch
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I'm amazed also.


I agree, keep yourself and your companion geared up WITH THE RIGHT STATS and you'll faceroll through stuff.


If you have a group of mobs, ALWAYS take out the weak ones first..... the less incoming damage the better.


This.... if you're having trouble staying alive then be sure you use Quinn and keep his gear on par with your level. I spend a good amount of money/commendations keeping his gear decent as I level. I have no trouble at all with groups of mobs and usually come out near 100% HP.... if there are a few silver mobs I may drop a bit, but his healing is more than enough to keep up. I am Carnage so I don't have the dot healing from Anni.


Also learn to utilize your defensive cooldowns properly... you have three of them. The class has a slight learning curve, but it's extremely easy to figure out if you pay attention to all your abilities and know what to do.

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Annihilation has more survivability then the rest of the specs.




@ Shadinaxx


He didn't say Annihilation was the best, he said it has the highest survivablility, two completely different things.


I think the main thing to understand is that we are deeeeeeeee peeeeee esssssss. DPS classes are supposed to be squishy. Marauder has an advantage compared to like a Sniper because we have basically 4 shield defenses.


It will ALWAYS be a L2P issue regardless if it's PvP or PvE. Learn to pop up your shields at the right time, not last minute. Learn to Force Camouflage in a bad situation. Don't rush into the fight because you think you are higher level than them or have better gear. Marauder IS a difficult class to play just like how other classes have their own style of gameplay.

Edited by BarcodeX
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@ Shadinaxx


He didn't say Annihilation was the best, he said it has the highest survivablility, two completely different things.


I think the main thing to understand is that we are deeeeeeeee peeeeee esssssss. DPS classes are supposed to be squishy. Marauder has an advantage compared to like a Sniper because we have basically 4 shield defenses.


It will ALWAYS be a L2P issue regardless if it's PvP or PvE. Learn to pop up your shields at the right time, not last minute. Learn to Force Camouflage in a bad situation. Don't rush into the fight because you think you are higher level than them or have better gear. Marauder IS a difficult class to play just like how other classes have their own style of gameplay.


Look at his other posts, every other post he is plugging annihilate specs, here, he's got a good point, anni does have more survivability, at the cost of slightly less bursty dmg (wether front end like rage, or late fight like carnage)

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Ah, I didnt even bother reading the other posts, only yours and the main post xD.


It's all good, an I think all three specs are wonderfully designed, albeit still needing some tweaks here an there. I just dont like the playstyle of anni or rage (I've played them both extensively):


Rage: too often some sorc or BH knocks away all my targets in my very short range for slam, after I've built up all my stacks for maximum destruction, an I hit MAYBE 1. Was sending my blood pressure through the roof, and wishing I could pin y own teammates in a fire.


Anni: not enough mobility, I spent so much time chasing targets, I probably just didnt get the hang of the spec fully, but all the abilities have to be done at point blank range, I felt like I was too dependant on another class.

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So why are we so damn squishy? I swear I have better survivability on my assassin than my marauder. Anyone else notice this? I've tried all 3 specs, and none seem to work out when it comes to taking on a few mobs. That's why I've been leveling a jug and I haven't died once. Leveling as a marauder is a nightmare solo. Anyone else agree?


Level 15 sounds rough.


Seriously though, when you get obfuscate and force camo the game changes. You'll have saber ward, cloak of pain, obfuscate, AND force camo to save your ***. It's your fault if you get killed

Edited by HBninjaX
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Level 15 sounds rough.


Seriously though, when you get obfuscate and force camo the game changes. You'll have saber ward, cloak of pain, obfuscate, AND force camo to save your ***. It's your fault if you get killed


Lest we forget Predation and the mass blind. Choke also holds while channeling, that's mit. Disable droid has pve mitigation as well. Seriously, at high levels it's hard to die.

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So why are we so damn squishy? I swear I have better survivability on my assassin than my marauder. Anyone else notice this? I've tried all 3 specs, and none seem to work out when it comes to taking on a few mobs. That's why I've been leveling a jug and I haven't died once. Leveling as a marauder is a nightmare solo. Anyone else agree?


Ummm there is this guy called Quinn and your Droid companion....


The game is build around using companions so the game gets a little unforgiving because they want you to use pets. Juggy survives longer because he is a tank and can use heavy armor thats how he works. Mara's are DPS and they have to get in and get dirty so they recieve the worst of the damage. The idea is to kill them before they kill you, basically go ape crazy.


Also when using Quinn or even the Droid ( i recommend Quinn ) upgrade his gear? If you have epic gear you should invest in giving him epic gear if possible, it takes awhile but your survivability is higher because his is higher. It will feel like having another player with you.


Your companions make up for your weaknesses so utilize them. They are not there just for show. Now if your talking about PvP Warzones, then thats a different story.

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