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Expand OPEN World PVP On PVP Servers


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I'm itching for meaningful open-world PvP so badly, it's not nice that there is so much potential yet so much crap in this game for PvP....


*tries to be happy with the single-player aspect while waiting for DOMINUS game to get underway and take care of the PvP itch I've had since stopping DAoC"

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+1 I'm still not sure the difference between pvp servers and pve servers... I haven't encountered any open world pvp yet...


Ive caught a few sith on Hoth, and 1 on tattoine.


The problem is they were questers and i felt bad for attacking them.


I had full level 40 blues and they were obviously in green, no companions.


There needs to be more centralization of the world pvp. Im 100 percent for the possibility of ganking questers, but as a pvper i see no reason to encourage it. Not in a game like this that is based on the questing.


Just make a big giant planet with tanks and walkers and let us sandbox it. And no not a planet with one zone.


A BIG planet. Planetside big.

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I've played less and less since 50. There's nothing to do besides warzones and the same old raids, except harder.


No real open world pvp. On Ilum, I was attacking a republic player flipping a base, and an imperial standing a few meters away, watching and trading bases, called me a griefer in general chat. Was hilarious and sad at the same time. My hopes for the game drop lower and lower each day. I know the next big patch is supposed to require killing of enemy players, but still.


Rewarding PVP killed PVP, imo (talking about MMO's in general). It's no longer about just PVPing and having fun. It's now just another gear grind, and hardly anyone participates after their quest is done.

Edited by -Fenix
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Agreed, World PvP is basically the whole reason I roll on PvP servers.


Only major problem I have seen lately is the imbalance of Empire to Republic on a bunch of PvP servers but ehh.. hopefully that works itself out in the future.


If I could re-live the Southshore vs Tarren Mill days.. good lord. :D

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if they change it like all these "on the boat" posters agreed then it would be too brutal a world and level 50 pvp players would follow you around your whole mission killing you everywhere you go and nobody would want to help you because you're just level 15 or whatever.

fix something that is unsatisfactory, not change something that is already satisfactory.

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Im getting bored of PVP servers because they just feel like PVE servers. Too many restrictions that are only suitable for PVE players playing on a PVP server??!!


A big chunk of PVP is missing and well that is going to be the make or break for this game for me.

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While I certainly agree with the desire for expanded world pvp, I totally disagree with one of the OP's bulleted points.


Incentives to participate, such as valor or commendations etc., are important, but the first goal is for OPEN World PVP to be expanded so it can take place in more areas on PVP servers.


There NEEDS to be valor given for all p-kills inside and outside of WZ. For the life of me I can not understand why the devs didn't decide this was important enough to institute from the beginning. There is nothing game-breaking about giving someone a valor point for getting a kill in the middle of Tattooine or Alderaan. If farming is an issue, obviously diminishing returns is the answer. It should also be scaled appropriate so a 30 level kill is worth more to a 28 level player versus a 50 level player one-shotting.


I don't really care about the comms in world pvp, but you absolutely should receive valor recognition of the fact. Otherwise you get situations like on my server where Ilum is a joke... we sit there and go back and forth on blowing up walkers so everyone can get their daily/weekly quests done. There is practically no fighting involved...


Fix the world pvp as it stands for right now, and then expand it along those rules and guidelines. Give people more incentive to participate other than just ganking someone who is caught unaware.

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if you can truthfully, honestly say that Iilum is not exploited on pvp servers, then fine. But unless that is truly the case, I dont see any reason to waste a single resource more on open world pvp so long as the open world pvp we have is abused and ignored.
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PvP is not all about instanced and restricted "nasty" pack of action.


Bring us the real open world PvP. While, questing, gathering, traveling... In questing zones. Combine the questing zones of Republic and Imperials.


Heavy instancing is a killing blow Bioware!


We already fed up with instanced PvP. SWToR is not the first for the majority of your player base including me.


If you don't expand the open world PvP you'll lose PvP gamer player base slowly but surely. You can't expect from the people to grind war zone relics and Ilum "Sitzkrieg" all day long.


Removing the PvP from questing zones was a fatal mistake. Please reconsider the situation.

Edited by Aetla
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I support!


But at the same time i feel like EVE had a good idea with security status but didnt do it worth a crap, and that doesnt mean you cant kill anyone in high sec.



Imo there should have never been PVE or PVP servers, just one type of server no reason to separate a player base like that. I see a lot of republic rolling PVE servers so in a way the faction balance is kinda biowares fault for copying the server type theme.


Its simple just keep your questing area's safe for the most part but the more risk equals more rewards till the deeper you go into a planet story line the more open world PVP is likely and reward those that go into that part of the planet with PVP centered items, Those who are absolutly adverse to PVP wont be affected as the rewards for taking part of the PVP side are PVP based.


The reason why i say this is that i feel it would lead to a healthier market when it comes to trade goods and might even convert people who are generally not into PVP, into world PVPrs over time.

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