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Expand OPEN World PVP On PVP Servers


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I vote no, not when 90% of servers are blatantly imbalanced towards Empire. So they can just rely on numbers to zerg and not depend on individual skill or teamwork.


yeah and no one seems to understand that. all this thread is about is wanting to be griefers and camping lowbies.

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World PVP needs love.


1. Valor for killing players or even world pvp Valor separate from the bg's (The amount should diminish when you kill the same player again and no valor from a player 5 levels lower than you)


2. World PVP Commendations for gear when you kill a player (The amount should diminish when you kill the same player again and no commendations from a player 5 levels lower than you)


3. Kill/Death/Assist ratio


4. Player ranking system.


5. Capable bases.


6. Fix ilum before theres lots of 50's about. Its already broken so please fix it.

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Would've been also nice to you know, let us see the opposing faction before 31, oh wait I still haven't seen a single Empire/Sith character outside of Warzones, Nar Shadda/Tat/Alderaan and haven't seen.one.single.person.


Too much emphasis on tunneling us through quests and messed up world encounters :(


Quit leveling so fast, that's your problem right there. A guildie was getting overrun by Imps just this past Saturday night. Had to call in the cavalry to PvP so he could PvE. How you like dem apples?;)

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To start off with, Open World PVP is the best there is. Open World PVP should be the main focus for future PVP content, in my opinion, and not instanced PVP. While instanced PVP can be fun, it quickly becomes stale after the upteenth time playing in the same area, doing the same thing. In Open World PVP, truly OPEN, the battles are always different, and can become massive in scale.


Open World PVP is never balanced, but that aspect is what makes it remain exciting. Overcoming an enemy that has superior numbers is very satisfying. Crushing an enemy that has weaker numbers is almost as satisfying. There are no scripted locations that it can take place. Something as simple as a gank can provoke an hour long confrontation between multiple guilds.


Devs, please expand upon OPEN World PVP on PVP servers. Remove the invisible exhaustion walls protecting factional medical centers. Lower the NPC guard numbers and difficulty protecting factional areas. Let there be no safe havens beyond Coruscant and Dromund Kaas. To prevent game-killing camping of medical centers, allow a medical center recall to a safe planet, such as the starter worlds.


PVP servers should stand out from PVE servers by more than merely being constantly flagged. Why worry with being flagged if no one can attack you? There is no penalty for dying in this game, so please open up the PVP on PVP servers.





To all who may post, leave your ganking/camping/griefing complaints to yourself. On a PVP server, those things should be allowed and encouraged, else there be no difference between PVE and PVP servers.


I was thinking of the same thing.


When visiting Corusant for example, there are still imperials in the Jedi Temple. It makes sense that the Imperials wouldn't have completely left and that there would still be clandestine missions happening there as well. Why no pvp lake around or near the temple with perhaps common missions...NOT and Instance.


Same thing with so many of the planets. Take TARIS for example. It's located in Empire space..yet no imperials? There should definitely be pvp lakes on these early planets.

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I also agree that there should be more OPEN World PVP. I also would like to see PVP in space! I personally love the space ships and enjoy the daily quests. I think one great way to improve on this would to be adding PVP in space. You could do so many different things with it, dog fights/defend/assault/etc. I enjoy the BG system but I play on a PVP server mainly because I want to hunt down rebel scum, but hey that's just me. However, I've had little to no chance to actually do that. I also think another GREAT idea would be to make bounty hunters capable of hunting players, as like a contract from another player for instance. You could do something similar with smugglers. This would give players even more types of PVP options, as well as adding more to individual classes. Just my thoughts!
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