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Double wind up before damage, mostly slash and blade rush


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Yep, but sometimes a third or fourth windup is required before a sentinel can finally do some of it's damage.


OP you are dead on, I have no idea why my sentinel sometimes rolls his wrist around a few times adding major delay to slash when it ought to be a fast direct attack.


As to the guy who made the post I'm quoting, I'm thinking either younger than 13 or recently forcefully encountered a hard object because that is one of the silliest things I've read on these forums in a while, and that's saying a lot.

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Yep, but sometimes a third or fourth windup is required before a sentinel can finally do some of it's damage.


It seems to be a part of the lag/desyncing issue that goes on where your abilities try to go off at times but can't because one of the conditions that makes them fire off has changed.


Most of the time when it happens I think it's because someone ran around you...you saw the ability start to activate in your client, but by the time the server gets to actually executing the fellow is already behind you yelling "DERP!"


Doesn't seem to happen a lot but it's pretty annoying when it does.

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Happens with pretty much all the skills. Sad part is, this happens really often. Listing skill that you need to press multiple times for them to go off (stuttering):


- Blade Storm (this is the most buggy one for me, I usually have to MOVE when it starts stuttering for it to trigger)

- Rebuke

- Overload Saber

- Riposte

- Zealous Strike

- Cauterize

- Zen

- Slash


And probably a few I forgot.


Actually the only skill that's off globalcooldown and seems to work OK is Force Kick.

Edited by Vibeth
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I accidentally half press the force kick hot key and it goes off, where as those others you mentioned just won't go sometimes. Saber Throw was another one that I tried to use and it didn't go off after 4 or 5 presses. Edited by Raekor
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I accidentally half press the force kick hot key and it goes off, where as those others you mentioned just won't go sometimes. Saber Throw was another one that I tried to use and it didn't go off after 4 or 5 presses.


yup this happes alot to me, in PvP, i catch my self cursing the screen cause things dont fire. :( nxt thing i notice, is im dead and just sitting there, wondering how easy the other side must think i am. :(

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There is definitely a lack of fluidity in the relationship between animations and button presses that will NOT be acceptable long term. There is also far too much variation in how your character responds to a given command...half the time I will get a swift attack as the skill is supposed to be, another time I'll get either some weird wrist rotating stuff as the OP said or just an apparent disconnect between my input and the game.


BTW I rarely go above 40 latency, generally around 30, but this game seems to have some issues where there is a definite disconnect between user input and results in game. And yes I have turned my graphics down to the lowest settings, far below my systems capabilities and I get the same results.

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except this has been a problem for a while and iirc, the patch notes from 1.1 didn't say anything about fixing the issue. and while the delay might be maybe 0.5-1 second, which it happens to nearly all of your main rotation moves, it really starts to add up and hurts your dps.
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except this has been a problem for a while and iirc, the patch notes from 1.1 didn't say anything about fixing the issue. and while the delay might be maybe 0.5-1 second, which it happens to nearly all of your main rotation moves, it really starts to add up and hurts your dps.


Yep. I feel like I get stuck in a whirlpool of delayed animations and lagged out skill actuations. It is not a lag issue on my end unless Bioware's own latency meter is BS...I get no higher than 40 MS, usually around 29-mid 30s.


So something is wrong here, and it needs fixing.

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This is incredibly annoying in pvp.

Start to use zstrike, or bladestorm. Opponent steps through you. animation tries to fire. skill fails.

Melee and our skills are not instant. Serious problem.

Doubly so, as this is FACTION based. Imps have different animations. Their bladestorm is instant.

Edited by MBirkhofer
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Happens with pretty much all the skills. Sad part is, this happens really often. Listing skill that you need to press multiple times for them to go off (stuttering):


- Blade Storm (this is the most buggy one for me, I usually have to MOVE when it starts stuttering for it to trigger)

- Rebuke

- Overload Saber

- Riposte

- Zealous Strike

- Cauterize

- Zen

- Slash


And probably a few I forgot.


Actually the only skill that's off globalcooldown and seems to work OK is Force Kick.


Add Merciless Strike to the list.

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