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3 medals for 524k healing ~~ nice medal system BW


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hmm i just went into a warzone and did realy badly and i got 3 medals lol i didnt even heal for more then 100k and i didnt dps anyone.....didnt even target the enemy....


so if i can go a suck for no other reason then to try and suck and get 3 medals and you can try realy hard and get 3 medals.....who is the problem??

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So... you couldnt take 1 or 2 minutes out of your healspam to throw out some damage and get a kill, or killing blow?


I wish these non-healers would stop posting.


You've clearly never healed in a competitive SWTOR warzone.


This isn't WoW where you can out-heal 2-3 DPS like it's nothing. Even on a tank it's hard to out-heal 2-3 focused dps.


In WoW to heal someone from 10% to full it would take 3 seconds.


To heal someone from 10% to full in SWTOR it takes me 8-10 seconds unless I get a bunch of crits.(And that's with full champion gear)


Now using that knowledge, where do you think I have time to dps if the other team is half-decent?


...maybe if the 30% healing debuff was removed

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hmm i just went into a warzone and did realy badly and i got 3 medals lol i didnt even heal for more then 100k and i didnt dps anyone.....didnt even target the enemy....


so if i can go a suck for no other reason then to try and suck and get 3 medals and you can try realy hard and get 3 medals.....who is the problem??


As a damage player, if I have less than 7 at the end of a warzone then I feel like I've done something wrong (because I probably have!)

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Aside from what Jooji just said above me, you're missing the point. You're telling me to work the system in order to get rewards instead of just doing my best. Of course a good healer knows how to balance things. But in this game, it's not about that. It's all about what can I do to maximize medals, regardless of the action's effectiveness at that point in time. If I'm dpsing it shouldn't be solely to game the system to get medals.


How is doing nothing but healing "your best" though? That's your opinion. In most competetive PVP, healers that know when to DPS/help CC/peel to help assist a kill are the best healers. This has been true in every MMO I have played PVP in.


This one is no different.


You aren't "Gaming" the system. You're just being useful and utilizing your class to it's fullest by doing more than being a healbot.

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How is doing nothing but healing "your best" though? That's your opinion. In most competetive PVP, healers that know when to DPS/help CC/peel to help assist a kill are the best healers. This has been true in every MMO I have played PVP in.


This one is no different.


You aren't "Gaming" the system. You're just being useful and utilizing your class to it's fullest by doing more than being a healbot.


If only they gave medals for peeling and CC!

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If the match is tight then yes. Healers don't have time to dps if they're playing 100% objectively in a close match where both sides are decent.


I'll still CC/stun/snare/interrupt/knockback regardless, but those don't exactly get you medals(except for overload tagging kills).


I do agree, but the tight fight usually means premade vs premade where both sides are equal which rarely happens. In 80% of mathes 1 side has a significant advantage over the other side.

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How is doing nothing but healing "your best" though? That's your opinion. In most competetive PVP, healers that know when to DPS/help CC/peel to help assist a kill are the best healers. This has been true in every MMO I have played PVP in.


This one is no different.


You aren't "Gaming" the system. You're just being useful and utilizing your class to it's fullest by doing more than being a healbot.




The only time healers helped dps in WoW was in small arenas of 2v2 or 3v3. In 5v5 or RBGs there was too much going on for a healer to be inefficient. CCing is being efficient. Using utility such as interrupts, snares, etc is being efficient. DPSing isn't.


Now correct me if I'm wrong, but warzones are 8v8. This isn't a warrior/resto druid vs a rogue/priest where the healer has to dps to get the kill. Silly rabbit.

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The only time healers helped dps in WoW was in small arenas of 2v2 or 3v3. In 5v5 or RBGs there was too much going on for a healer to be inefficient. CCing is being efficient. Using utility such as interrupts, snares, etc is being efficient. DPSing isn't.


Now correct me if I'm wrong, but warzones are 8v8. This isn't a warrior/resto druid vs a rogue/priest where the healer has to dps to get the kill. Silly rabbit.


this is not wow......

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The only time healers helped dps in WoW was in small arenas of 2v2 or 3v3. In 5v5 or RBGs there was too much going on for a healer to be inefficient. CCing is being efficient. Using utility such as interrupts, snares, etc is being efficient. DPSing isn't.


Now correct me if I'm wrong, but warzones are 8v8. This isn't a warrior/resto druid vs a rogue/priest where the healer has to dps to get the kill. Silly rabbit.


Because even in SWTOR, PVP usually breaks down into small skirmishes only involving a few people. You have plenty of opportunities to assist DPS, toss a couple dots, put up an aoe to de-stealth a stealthed enemy.


Sure if people are dieing all around you, don't take the time to help DPS. But even in those situations when a healer is about to drop it's often a good idea to toss a little burst in to help.


Maybe you think you should never look at enemy healthbars and remove all damage abilities from your bar, but by far I'd wager most serious PVPers would laugh at that notion.

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Wow when I clicked on this thread thought that there would be a lot of people who sympathise with us but the ignorance just amazed me.


The damage + heal medals are very situational. Once in awhile, e.g. Huttball when my heal isn't as crucial as my premade is usually able to finish the game quick by themselves, I could get assassin and/or combat medals but the other 2 maps, hardly. Unless we against sucky opponents.


If you claimed that your friend has managed to get 7++ medals in EVERY single WZ as a pure heal spec, please tell him to post and I'll bow down to him.


Problem is people like you who refused to vote for the healers too!


Because even in SWTOR, PVP usually breaks down into small skirmishes only involving a few people. You have plenty of opportunities to assist DPS, toss a couple dots, put up an aoe to de-stealth a stealthed enemy.


This won't net us the 75k damage needed for 1 extra medal. Our dps makes grown up men cry. We won't reach that 2.5k single hit crap. The only medal I always get by assisting in 95% of my matches is just quick draw.

Edited by aishiki
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Because even in SWTOR, PVP usually breaks down into small skirmishes only involving a few people. You have plenty of opportunities to assist DPS, toss a couple dots, put up an aoe to de-stealth a stealthed enemy.


Sure if people are dieing all around you, don't take the time to help DPS. But even in those situations when a healer is about to drop it's often a good idea to toss a little burst in to help.


Maybe you think you should never look at enemy healthbars and remove all damage abilities from your bar, but by far I'd wager most serious PVPers would laugh at that notion.


Why are you so against healers getting rewarded for healing? As damage I can ignore objectives all day and rack up a whole lot of medals even though I've largely contributed very little to my team actually winning.


That said, assisting damage occasionally, tossing a couple DoTs and throwing out AoEs doesn't exactly rain down medals. If a healer is trying to gear up quick he's better off going damage and farming the game for all it's worth.

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I pvp a lot with friends, usually 3-4 of us. Despite sometimes being the only healer on the whole of our freaking team I NEVER beat my mates for medals. They are all DPS and normally come out with 6-10 medals each. I at most get 4 (assuming its Alderan and I can snag some defender points) this irritates me so much I'm going to respect Concealment until BW do something about it. Its just so much easier to farm valour as DPS

They only people in this thread saying healing medals are not broken are people who don’t play healers. Go figure.

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Honestly with stuff like a 30% heal debuff in PvP I think BioWare just hates healers. Not even joking here. And the UI needs work as well but that's not specific to PvP.

I play a pure healbot, and the 30% debuff is fine IMO. Healing in PvP can easily become too strong.


As for the medals, I kinda stopped caring about them, I enjoy a victory more than some personal glory. :p

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Because even in SWTOR, PVP usually breaks down into small skirmishes only involving a few people. You have plenty of opportunities to assist DPS, toss a couple dots, put up an aoe to de-stealth a stealthed enemy.


Sure if people are dieing all around you, don't take the time to help DPS. But even in those situations when a healer is about to drop it's often a good idea to toss a little burst in to help.


Maybe you think you should never look at enemy healthbars and remove all damage abilities from your bar, but by far I'd wager most serious PVPers would laugh at that notion.


I have 35 binds, you're right though, I have no damaging abilities on my bars.


I seriously doubt you've seen any good warzones between two double pre-mades facing each other, because when that's the case you don't have a bunch of random skirmishes. You have people who tend to play more objectively, thus there isn't the fighting off the ball/node, etc, and you end up with larger scale battles.


I was in an Alderaan the other day where both sides got capped, there was a huge battle in the middle for about 20(maybe more, not sure) minutes and the game was decided by the team that capped a split second earlier. During that fight there's no way I'm DPSing. Just healing and keeping their people from capping.

Edited by Jooji
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I play a pure healbot, and the 30% debuff is fine IMO. Healing in PvP can easily become too strong.


As for the medals, I kinda stopped caring about them, I enjoy a victory more than some personal glory. :p


if medals had less impact on the speed you are able to obtain gear, I would agree, but since they are factored into the number of commendations you get I feel like they are punishing players that choose to heal...just me though

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That's the reward for playing objectively in huttball as a healer^^^


So while I keep the tanks up who get 100+ commendations per game I'm lucky to get 60-70...


When is this going to be fixed? The fact the medals hasn't been fixed yet is pathetic BW.



Most MMOs have off center rewards for healers in PvP, the rewards are winning, and keeping a team alive. As nice as it would be for healers to get tons of medals for healing x amount it would be too easy for people for farm in acid bath's .


as far as green bar hunting, if you are used to playing a pure healer red bars aren't top on your priority list. Keep on doing your thing, the rewards will be in the wins not the medals. Mix in some damage when you can and round out your play style to fit your goals, or just cope with the fact that for whatever reason it is hard to balance rewards for healers in PvP

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Somebody call this guy a whambulance, and get him some fries for his whamburger.


Why do we get idiots like this all the time?

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