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Macros - ETA?


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I would like to see macros added also.


It is a myth that macros currently exist in the "I win button" form. Those types of macros require feedback of the current state of the game that you won't get with a razer / logitech device.


It is possible to do it with autohotkey / autoit, however, getting that feedback would require a lot more effort than it would be worth.

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dont need Macros or addons in swtor the games is easy as it is - yes my guils is run OPS on hard mode and is a damm easy . dont need all thes Macros and addons at all if u cant play wed out - stop play games


i agere wit u man. we dun need ne macro game 2 ez allredy. no macro meen i can spent mor tiem make post 4 forums

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It is possible to do it with autohotkey / autoit, however, getting that feedback would require a lot more effort than it would be worth.


Not really that much effort...

Untested, but looks reasonable.

Checks a button every 100ms.

When it changes colour, does something else.





Loop, 50


ToolTip, Checking Event Condition, 3, 3

PixelGetColor, Event1Loc, XXX, YYY

Sleep 100

If Slot1 <> 0xFFFFFF ;set to usual unactivated colour


Gosub, ActivateEvent1 ;or put the code in here




Gosub, RunningLoop




dont need Macros or addons in swtor the games is easy as it is - yes my guils is run OPS on hard mode and is a damm easy . dont need all thes Macros and addons at all if u cant play wed out - stop play games


Good Lord.

Less gaming more books.

Edited by Jennataeliah
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I would kill for WoW's macros in SWTOR. Especially @mouseover and help/harm functionality.


That said, I worry that any macro system that's added will be utterly half-baked, and will only allow a very small subset of actions that WoW's macros have. For example, no help-vs-harm, or (more likely, given how awful the keybinding has been) no modifier context.

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This thread is funny. Macro's are 100% unnecessary, and mouse-over targeting has NOTHING to do with macros, so drop that altogether. Mouser-over target is a command, something you would bind to say "shift" and you hit shift + ability to cast it on the mouse-over target.


Macro's are for people that are obsessed with their output numbers and need to get rid of the human response delay. If you have 3 abilities that work well when cast in sequence, just cast them in sequence. If you want macros in a game, go play a game designed around macros.


Macro's are unfair, and you can't expect everyone to set them up, this isn't a computer science class it's a video game. Everyone should not have to learn scripting to be competitive in a video game.


If 1.5 seconds isn't enough time for you to move your finger from one button to the other or your mouse 3 inches, it's time to exercise


I have a feeling that the majority of people who want macros are looking for potential ways to break GCD and exploit the system, after all, the majority of output exploits in MMO's are achieved with macros.



And in most games, the agreements everyone reads and agrees to covers 3rd party automation software, which includes things like macro keyboards, and forbids them.

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I would like to have macros, too... no mouseover-macros since i am no healer but i would like to have text macros..


its a pain in the *** to type your teamspeak adress on each raid you take randoms with you... a macro could simply say:

"Teamspeak adress:

Password: randompassword"


Or in PVP i would like to have the option to tell things quicker:

"Need help on left turret"

or i believe it was said allready:

"Enemy xyz was stunned for 60 secs from now"


such things would be cool... especially it would sound a bit better than a simple "left", "middle" or "right".

So it would even enhance your gaming experience by adding sentences to the game.


Additional it would be awesome to have the possibility to modify-buttons. on pressing shift for example do skill 2 instead of skill 1... without eating another quickbar-slot where i might have some "luxur"-buttons like vehicle, quick-travel or meditation/reload


additional i want it to be more fair, especially in pvp... some are using macros with their hardware.. for some reason i am not able to use them and i am disadvantaged.

Basically i want macros to solve this disadvantage a little bit.


And all those guys, that dont want an automated play... well.. its easy to have automated play just now, without ANY macro or hardware support... the swtor-client can not really check for 3rd party programms that run macros / bots if u use a virtual machine^^

let the game run in a virtual machine and on the original os you can let the bot /macro-tool run :D

see what i did there?

indeed i, as a tech-savvy, am doing exactly what you dont want to happen..





i love the point where some people say "i don't need it .. so you don't either.."

my answer: "i don't need sound ingame, so you don't either"

Edited by Ergolus
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I would like to have macros, too... no mouseover-macros since i am no healer but i would like to have text macros..


its a pain in the *** to type your teamspeak adress on each raid you take randoms with you... a macro could simply say:

"Teamspeak adress:

Password: randompassword"


Or in PVP i would like to have the option to tell things quicker:

"Need help on left turret"

or i believe it was said allready:

"Enemy xyz was stunned for 60 secs from now"


You can get free 3rd party macro software that can do those kind of chat shout outs easy enough.

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This thread is funny. Macro's are 100% unnecessary, and mouse-over targeting has NOTHING to do with macros, so drop that altogether. Mouser-over target is a command, something you would bind to say "shift" and you hit shift + ability to cast it on the mouse-over target.

That would remove 1/4th of my hotkeys, no thank you, that implementation is even worse than having a checkbox toggling on/off.

Second, when has anything ever been a needed feature in a game? It is a quality of life 'want' (a pretty strong one) for a lot of people.


Macro's are for people that are obsessed with their output numbers and need to get rid of the human response delay. If you have 3 abilities that work well when cast in sequence, just cast them in sequence. If you want macros in a game, go play a game designed around macros.


Macro's are unfair, and you can't expect everyone to set them up, this isn't a computer science class it's a video game. Everyone should not have to learn scripting to be competitive in a video game.


If 1.5 seconds isn't enough time for you to move your finger from one button to the other or your mouse 3 inches, it's time to exercise


I have a feeling that the majority of people who want macros are looking for potential ways to break GCD and exploit the system, after all, the majority of output exploits in MMO's are achieved with macros.



And in most games, the agreements everyone reads and agrees to covers 3rd party automation software, which includes things like macro keyboards, and forbids them.

Oh man.. what on earth gave you that impression? Over the last 2 years of following addon and macro request threads I've seen less than 10 requests for automation functionality. Usually it is customization of how information is presented, how the game interpretetates your input and.. combatlog + parser...

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This thread is funny. Macro's are 100% unnecessary, and mouse-over targeting has NOTHING to do with macros, so drop that altogether. Mouser-over target is a command, something you would bind to say "shift" and you hit shift + ability to cast it on the mouse-over target.


SWTOR is 100% unnecessary, as is everything that is or ever will be in it. It's a game. To try to contest an idea by saying something is unnecessary is just stupid; of course it's unnecessary.


Mouseover targeting is generally achieved by macros. Yes, it can be achieved via other methods, but this thread isn't just about mouseover functionality, it's about macros in general. Mouseover functionality is merely my personal motivation for wanting macros in game... but my personal motivation doesn't mean squat; think in terms of how this would impact and be utilized by the community as a whole.


Macro's are for people that are obsessed with their output numbers and need to get rid of the human response delay.


That is blatantly false. Read the OP; it outlines some of the things macros are for.


Macro's are unfair, and you can't expect everyone to set them up, this isn't a computer science class it's a video game. Everyone should not have to learn scripting to be competitive in a video game.


'Your logic is flawed.'


That's like saying that you have to be an automotive engineer to be able to drive a car. Construction and operation are two completely different animals. Only a handful of people will need to know how to actually make the macros; everyone else only needs to know how to press "Ctrl+C" then "Ctrl+V" ...and if you can't figure that out, how on earth did you find your way to this page? :confused:


I have a feeling that the majority of people who want macros are looking for potential ways to break GCD and exploit the system, after all, the majority of output exploits in MMO's are achieved with macros.


I have a feeling you are yet another poster who has no idea what you're talking about. The ignorance in this thread is frustrating - read the OP and stop posting nonsense.


And in most games, the agreements everyone reads and agrees to covers 3rd party automation software, which includes things like macro keyboards, and forbids them.




Whoa! A SWTOR edition mouse capable of macros, that if you purchase, BW will give you an in-game green and black color crystal! :eek:


...and it exists in tandem with the agreement you mentioned! Who'da thunk?


The mentioned agreement is there so they can ban folks who are fully automating their gameplay - BW doesn't give a squat if you use a gaming mouse/keyboard, and neither do most other MMO's.


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its a pain in the *** to type your teamspeak adress on each raid you take randoms with you...


So talk to teamspeak devs and get them to solve your problem for you.


Or... I know! Make a real statement and stop using third party voicechat altogether!

Edited by Gleneagle
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oh gee, i dunno...perhaps its the fact that all you have to do is point your mouse pointer at somebody to pop a heal on them, just a thought
so... were you going to mention something that makes it easier? Because your response in no way shows that mouseover makes anything easier.


Less risk of RSI's sure. Easier... nope.

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So talk to teamspeak devs and get them to solve your problem for you.


Or... I know! Make a real statement and stop using third party voicechat altogether!

So.... couldn't think of a valid response to that, eh? Edited by ferroz
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