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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

op/smug make up half the wz population now


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You guys are rediculous. Just wait til people know how to play their classes right.


Operatives/Smuggler Destroy Marauders/Sentinel

Assassins/Shadow Destroy Operative/Smuggler

Sorc's/Sage's Destroy Tanks

Marauder/Sentinel Destroys Sages/Sorc's


These classes have been balanced since later Beta. The issue right now is gear and people that know how to gear correctly IE: Surge/Alacrity/Defense/Crit/Power.


Next month people will cry for Assassins/Shadows to be nerfed. Or Sages and Sorcs, OH WAIT, people are already crying about EVERY CLASS being nerfed. It's part of the balance, classes aren't OP'd they are balanced. You guys need to learn how to gear/spec properly and get to Level 50.


Certain classes will always have advantage over atleast 1 other, it's part of the balance.


The REAL problem right now is there is NO Immunities. Resolve is a total waste of programming and needs to be fixed. When the CC immunities are fixed to how they are intended you will see a HUGE difference in class balance. Just wait and see.

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Honestly, the scoundrel spec knockdown + burst damage is disgusting. I first believed it was because I had poor gear in comparison to some of the (relatively) long time PVPers on my server, but as I heal players who are uber/decked out in Champion gear it is becoming clear that some of the scoundrel spec smugglers can get you to 35% HP before you can retaliate. Perhaps they are truly so skilled or perhaps something has to change. :confused:



edit: Thanks Infanta, I have actually only seen scoundrels doing this but I was unaware if it was possible for the gunslinger spec to do as well.

Edited by linusdownes
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I'm not seeing it. Still mostly BH/sorc. However, there has been an increase in how many I see in WZs.... just not enough to overtake BH/sorc numbers. And the joke is on the re-rollers, they have to wait until level 40 to do the good damage, ha!
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I think it depends on the server you play on. When it comes to PvP on my server, The Shadowlands, Trooper ( All Specs ) is the most used on the Republic Side & the Sith Inquister is the most used on the Imperial side. Bioware will attempt to balance out the classes but as with most modern MMO's, they'll never get it to the point that it's near perfect. When the most unbalanced do get nerfed, new classes that are considered OP'ed will emerge. The cycle will start all over again. As it stands at the moment, the Sith Inquister is the most complained about class for Republic players via PvP. Not sure what imperial players complain about the most in PvP when it comes to the republic side.



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You guys are rediculous. Just wait til people know how to play their classes right.


Operatives/Smuggler Destroy Marauders/Sentinel

Assassins/Shadow Destroy Operative/Smuggler

Sorc's/Sage's Destroy Tanks

Marauder/Sentinel Destroys Sages/Sorc's


These classes have been balanced since later Beta. The issue right now is gear and people that know how to gear correctly IE: Surge/Alacrity/Defense/Crit/Power.


Next month people will cry for Assassins/Shadows to be nerfed. Or Sages and Sorcs, OH WAIT, people are already crying about EVERY CLASS being nerfed. It's part of the balance, classes aren't OP'd they are balanced. You guys need to learn how to gear/spec properly and get to Level 50.


Certain classes will always have advantage over atleast 1 other, it's part of the balance.


The REAL problem right now is there is NO Immunities. Resolve is a total waste of programming and needs to be fixed. When the CC immunities are fixed to how they are intended you will see a HUGE difference in class balance. Just wait and see.


The only "rediculous" (sic) thing here is this quoted post.

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I think it depends on the server you play on. When it comes to PvP on my server, The Shadowlands, Trooper ( All Specs ) is the most used on the Republic Side & the Sith Inquister is the most used on the Imperial side. Bioware will attempt to balance out the classes but as with most modern MMO's, they'll never get it to the point that it's near perfect. When the most unbalanced do get nerfed, new classes that are considered OP'ed will emerge. The cycle will start all over again. As it stands at the moment, the Sith Inquister is the most complained about class for Republic players via PvP. Not sure what imperial players complain about the most in PvP when it comes to the republic side.




Anyone that can hit them.

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People have already started realizing that any class can be overpowered. I'm surprised it happened this quickly, the whining about Scoundrels/Operatives was still going pretty strong. But Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight is a really strong class that can do in an AOE what an op/scoundrel can do to a single target. I've seen it in a video.


I'd like to hope Bioware doesn't kneejerk react to the whining and nerf a class that probably isn't overpowered in a game with level brackets for PvP (especially when a lot doubt the PvE viability of the tree for sustained damage already). They could cripple the population of what is easily the least popular two classes in the game. They need to use a light touch, if they do anything at all, or all players will be using lightsabers and assault cannons.

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Everyone knows a nerf is coming, Bioware never intended the TTK to be 1-2 GCD, if it was planned that way they would not have given WZ buffs. So use some common sense people.


Biochem and stacking of buffs will be getting a nerf it happened in WOW, WAR & Rift and it will happen in SWTOR.


So enjoy it while you can.

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With the current 50s and all the fotm rerolls the population is getting out of control.


The nerf is coming. It is inevitable. Its a guarantee.


i'm sorry your server is jumping on the fotm train. in reality by the time they hit 50 they will be fighting sorcs and vanguards and powertechs in battlemaster gear - and they wont even put a dent in those players.


pvp gear changes things. the second you hit 200 expertise you feel more powerful. it's night and day. but without it you are cat food. even with champion gear, yo uare cat food to players in battlemaster gear



of the 15 or so matches i've done today, 7 of them had an empire team with 8 sorcs. about 5 of them were 50's on average. whenever it was huttball i just left. between the speed boost, bubble, cc and the life-grip ability there was no way to stop them.


battlemaster gear is the great equalizer. in battlemaster gear that huge opener you see isnt as huge unless they are stacking the hell out of consumables AND have more or better gear than you. and even then they are one trick ponies unless rolling in a premade with support




really. make one. get to 50. pug - always. dont use consumables. then come back here.

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