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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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can you do me one more favor and make a video of you hitting the ability as fast as possible on a target so that each heal restores hitpoints? i want to see if the animation is accelerated when you use the ability in rapid succession.


Sure just gotta find a group of elites to throw Khem at.

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well, it's just that the part of the animation that coincides with the effect happens after the casting bar has filled, giving the impression that the effect is delayed. for some reason, it doesn't happen when you spam the ability. the same thing happens with charged burst and underworld medicine but it's not a hindrance as the animation doesn't prevent you from using other abilities. i find it really hard to believe that this is what's causing all the uproar on the forum.


Supertouch, I have been reading your posts for quite some time now and your absolute Ignorance to this subject is now at the point that it is offensive.

Firstly, it is absolutely and completely unacceptable that animations and/or are not in perfect sync with the ability effect as well as UI. When the effect hits or ability triggers is simply not the only point of contention nor contribution to the feeling of disconnect.


Secondly, this Is a real, now definable, concerning issue with SW:TOR as well as the MMO Genre as a whole. Your continued mockery of this subject is both confusing newer people who are not quite able to pinpoint the source of the disconnect as well as shroud the danger that this really is for SW:TORs success as an MMO.


Lastly, if you are unable to notice any delay and you have NO issue at all playing the game and love it. Please stop posting here OR accept the fact that it is not an easy topic and certainly not easy to define. Quite a lot of people who are not as "competitive" will likely not notice the issue or accept it without seeing the flaw In it.

Edited by Xcore
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Supertouch, I have been reading your posts for quite some time now and it your absolute Ignorance to this subject is now at the point that it is offensive.


Firstly, it is absolutely and completely unacceptable that animations and/or are not in perfect sync with the ability effect as well as UI. When the effect hits or ability triggers is simply not the only point of contention nor contribution to the feeling of disconnect.


Secondly, this Is a real, now definable, concerning issue with SW:TOR as well as the MMO Genre as a whole. Your continued mockery of this subject is both confusing newer people who are not quite able to pinpoint the source of the disconnect as well as shroud the danger that this really is for SW:TORs success as an MMO.


Lastly, if you are unable to notice any delay and you have NO issue at all playing the game and love it. Please stop posting here OR accept the fact that it is not an easy topic and certainly not easy to define. Quite a lot of people who are not as "competitive" will likely not notice the issue or accept it without seeing the flaw In it.


i've said several times that some animations are not in sync with casting bars but that the abilities' effects are, in fact, in sync with the animations. these animations have no bearing on other abilities. go play wow.

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Messing around on my JK a lot and it seems to me that skill stuttering only happens when you repeatedly hit the same skill button.


I changed my skill queue time to "1" (in the first option in the options menu) and it resulted in much smoother gameplay, as you can have your next skill queued up before the GCD. You just have to train yourself to not mash the key until you see the skill go off ;)


This is not acceptable in higher level (read: competitive) play, please... this statements from you newer people have been discussed treads ago... Go read...

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i've said several times that some animations are not in sync with casting bars but that the abilities' effects are, in fact, in sync with the animations. these animations have no bearing on other abilities. go play wow.



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Happened to me tonight again during My questing.


Was slicing some Vrblthers and then suddenly when im trying to start using "Ravage" on my maruader He draws his arms back but returns to normal, I spam the button to activate Ravage again and he repeats the movement 5 times.


NO DMG is done, Castbar didnt activate at all.

During this my companion was doing a crewmission so I had no help what so ever on the mobs and I got so fed up I had to log out and take a cold shower to cool down.


Its annoyingly enough when it affects PvP but even in PvE environments its a pain in the @#s

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yeah. it truly is unbelievable that you can't grasp the mechanics of swtor.


if the mechanic of swtor are to be delayed by a second you won't see many people interested in subscribing and being charged immediately after entering their credit card information ... but if they waited a week before charging me their product i would probably be alright with this.

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can you do me one more favor and make a video of you hitting the ability as fast as possible on a target so that each heal restores hitpoints? i want to see if the animation is accelerated when you use the ability in rapid succession.




Similar .3s delay between cast bar completion and heal completion, and a ~.2s delay before the second heal is cast. From the second cast onwards, there is .1s or less of delay for both. Very odd behavior indeed.


The rest of the video is demonstrating a much larger issues I've had, how heals perform under pushback. Several times, you can note significantly longer than .5s of time between the cast bar completing and the heal landing, more than 1s in at least one or two cases.

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underworld medicine acts in much the same way. it seems as though the full animation is rendered during initial use and then an accelerated animation comes during subsequent uses. this video shows that the animation doesn't hinder other abilities. i don't see the problem there unless you hate your character shooting and healing at the same time.



as you can see, this "hitch" (it's likely normal animation) occurs only during initial use or if you're using the ability in slow succession. you can spam heal with no problem. the same thing applies to charged burst.

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Also, any update on that vid you're making Xcore?


This is the lastest from Xcore it was at end of the last thread.





Hey all, just wanted to give you (who care) a little update on the video that I am working on regarding this subject. I have completed the draft of 8 points I want to address as well as subscenes (22). All footage required has also been taken and my WoW sub is cancelled once more.


Sadly my work week is very busy and I only have a small window of time that I can dedicate to this project during the week. Nonetheless, I do believe it to be worth it and hope it helps Bioware as well.


I hope to be able to dedicate my weekend to this and finalize...

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The only time I've ever experienced delays in the time it takes to perform activated actions is when the server latency goes above 100ms. But for any other time, I have never experienced any delay in the actions I select to be done (other than obviously in-game reasons such as my character being stunned).


The only issue I have with combat is that I sometimes have issues controlling my camera. If I click and drag the mouse, it will occasionally send my camera into a spinning frenzy and cause me to lose my bearings as well as make it difficult to target opponents. I don't know if this is a problem with the game or with my mouse/mouse pad but know I've been using this set up for years without problem.

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underworld medicine acts in much the same way. it seems as though the full animation is rendered during initial use and then an accelerated animation comes during subsequent uses. this video shows that the animation doesn't hinder other abilities. i don't see the problem there unless you hate your character shooting and healing at the same time.



as you can see, this "hitch" (it's likely normal animation) occurs only during initial use or if you're using the ability in slow succession. you can spam heal with no problem. the same thing applies to charged burst.


another great example of ability delay. thx for this

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Hoping for a fix soon :) and rating the thread. I really dont like the sluggish feel of the game. Im used to clicking on my hotkeys without looking at the action bars (except when I need to check for the CD on an ability), in SWTOR I never know if I have started/finished casting something or not. This is extremely annoying especially when healing. The other day I was doing some kolto action for a heroic quest on my operative and it felt terrible.

This is with 60fps (stable under load / on imperial fleet too) and 60-80ms latency.

Edited by dotNex
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I really like the game, and i didn't even follow it in development. I could see myself playing it for at least a few years.... However


The only thing that is really holding me back on really enjoying it is the ability lag. I get so frustrated by this that sometimes i just end up logging out and not playing again for a couple days.


Its not to bad in PVE but in PVP its just awful and completely destroys the experience for me.


If this isn't fixed i honestly don't see myself playing SWTOR beyond the next big game release.

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Also, any update on that vid you're making Xcore?


Yea, actually working on it as we speak, I hope to have all the "video" stuff done by Friday Evening (based on how much time I'll have tomorrow and thursday)... currently in Adobe After Effects. :)

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Yea, actually working on it as we speak, I hope to have all the "video" stuff done by Friday Evening (based on how much time I'll have tomorrow and thursday)... currently in Adobe After Effects. :)


Thanks for all the work and attention you've put in on this. I think it's one of the big reasons that Bioware has responded so positively, and indicated that this is a high priority for them to fix up.

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